♦ THE PAGE TWO ♦ THURSTO N ♦ ♦ » • • * • * ♦ * ♦ ♦ « * ♦ * * « U P P E R W IL L A M E T T E T H U R S D A Y . M A Y 23. V»29. S P R IN G PUOLI» N W S F O U R L ’» R E C O M M E N D ♦ A L L L U M B É R IN D U S T R Y ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Justln* supply to demand la the moat serious one now confronting the hint her Industry, It» It, "Resolved, that the 4L. through Ita Hoard of Directors recommend to nil the regional Lumber Manufacturer«' Associations In me the Untied State« the Associsuoas in i mte.i m ates me establishment of a national 8-hour day i„„,t„.r Industry. Industry, and ,he the Board Hoard .......- ........ the ......... .................................... commend attitude of these ein ployes in the Northwest who have patiently and loyally aucepted the conditions Imposed on them by the ttecessaray curtailment which th’ S hour industry bus practiced by run tiing a five-day w eek , anil otlnrw ise shortening the operating time, while already on a shorter day than that In effect In other competing territories " W ('. Reugnita, 4L presided!, w is In the chair. He reported steady progress and Increased activity of the organisation. T h ro Hurt In Collision Three persons were slightly Injured GOPHER CO NTRO L TO BE D E M O N S T R A T E D Sulurtluy night when earn driven by Mrs Margaret Devis anti O. V Hogo- , vlch. collided a short distance this aid» of Leahurg Mrs Davis was cut with gluau, and Mr and Mrs lltigovlrh were also cut and bruised The throe were brought to Springfield for medi cal treatment. Two gopher control demonstrations W O R K F IV E -D A Y W E E K Frank Campbell and Fred Gray Jr A number of people gathered at the of In tenst Io farinera of thia part of returned home last Wednesday from Pleasant Hill cemetery last Friday, lAirtland. Ore., May 23.—R*com Lane county will he conducted on a trip to Klamath Falls. May 17. and helped clean up the inendations that the entire lumber In- Tuesday. May 28. by Ira N. Gabriel Thurston high school baseball team cemetery. ‘ ........'" " — ........ son. state rodent control leader of motored to Elmira last Thursday The women of Pleasant J llll com of ,h<> ’ n ,,*J *«»•»*»»*•.• afternoon where they were defeated ntunity met at the home of Mrs. E , w,,h ^nsum ptlon of Its the U. B. Hui can of Ulologlcul Survey In a game with Elmira team B. Tinker Wednesday afternoon. May pro4“c‘ b> ” »• «*»*"»> adoption of a A demonstration will he given at * . ,. ... . i, » u five-day working week was the leading the farm of W II Shelley, three Professor Hermegan and Miss Ruth 15. They quilted two quilts for Mrs. ' . . . , , . . . , ,, .. . . _ ___ subject discussed by the 4L board of quarter* of a mile south of Jasper on E A T S B IG S T E A K A N D M-hltlock. teachers of Thurston high Ross Mathews, whose home was F R IE D O N IO N S — N O G A S the road between Ju«|sf nat|ona, ,niportani.e aa O n B u y in g T r ip 41. W K e liu e tt th o u g h t w its th e re N o m u tte r w h a t •Several people from here motored Mrs. G A Brown. Mrs Andy O lso n . * n o r(h w p g , „ w |re (| , hp sp o u t T in .d a y on a t r ip to P o r t ia n i iv o u huvo tr ie d fo r v o u r a to m .ic h m l to Donna last Sunday to witness the Mrs L k M l lams_ M,-=c R oss Ma resolutton to ,,u. Nl„ (oIV„ w h e re he h n u g h t a new stock of b o w e ls, A d le r lk a w ill surprise you ball game between Thurston and hews. Miss Lela Wheeler Mr«^ Mil- Mi,„ llf«cturers association. W O M A N W IN S D A M A G E S s p rin g goods fo r his s to re P la in t v's D ru g s Store. FR O M LOCAL D O C TO R Donna teams. Thurston won. bird ^ rn u m Mrr O J L * • « « £ * » . Waf>htng, o„ „ (. . :im> ttll Miss Brlghtman held a meeting Mrs^ Emma Meyer tmd Mnc E B ,umber M iss H olly More, of Los A n g eles, under the auspices of the Farmers' Tinker. There were 2 children pre- * CaMfornla un„ o,her lumb,.r formerly of Eugene, was awarded m io n ladles at Mrs A. B Mathews sent. Mrs. E I . Mitchell and Mrs c <)f thp C()un, ry: *7.933 personal damages from Dr. home Wednesday. Bhe taught them Andy Olson served fruit salad and >f Eugene Kester. Springfield physician, to make baskets . cak'> fcr refreshments. hv u federal court Jury at Portland ___ _ ______„ __ The Pleasant hill Christian Endea- Hugh Doolittle, who Is working In Pleasant C L ..-.— -------- NOTICE a o O r F vpg, . p?day Mt„ More sued N O T IC E OF OF S S M H E Z R R IF .r F r 'S , BAL. SALE .. . ......... .., Dr u. Kester ........... *M2 W llla in etfp St.. Eugene, Oregon. the forest reserve at McKenzie bridge vor elected Ijiwrence Wheeler for, EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE for *50.000 damages whlc lishe claimed spent Snnday at Taylor Needham's, president, to take the place of Mary Notice Is hereby given that l>v U) huve gUMlu|n,M| Miyeh 25. 1928. Miss Maude Russell, who has taught Harden, who resigned. The Pleasant Hill annual picnic will 'aie'^n for "closure'iMued out of the wh*n hei^ car collided with the one Tne Pleasant nut annual picnic win sab, ,n foreclosure Issued out ot me w In Raatern Oregon |h p Past school l »«or h o . retu rn ed home given under the auspices of the Circuit Court of Lane County. Ore driven by Dr Kester on the McK. n M is, V ela Grav who has taught ' Christian church Sunday school 9nt- 5 EXECUTOR S NOTICE and played baseball Monday after- sold last Friday. May 17. P Shepard in the sum of Two Thou IN THE CDCN’TY COl'RT OF THE easy to carry it home yourself. The J. C. Penney Co. Edenvale team auction to H C. Wheeler and Bert sand Eight Hundred Slxtv-one STATE ST.'.TE OF OP OREGON. IN IN' AND AN'D EOR P o ll Slxtysme and feels that most shotqiers prefer to do this, herause they are IVUU. The a ------ won. noon. THE COUNTY OP LANE. _____ 66-100 (»2861.66) Dollars, together Loren Edmiston left last Friday for Beaver sure of having their package when they want i t IN PROBATE Trent, Zion. Lowell, Lowell. Dexter, ten pe, per u cent extended stay stav In California. The Trent. uexter. with interest at ten r ..i per . ..................- an . t extended extenaeo sta. In California. . . . , ... -m annum from and after the 15th day in re Estate of Margaret Ellen John Mrs. George left last Monday for Pleasant Hill public schools will hold ' bpr 19„ untll pald; an,| , on. deceased. Carrying It Hom e Pendleton, where she will visit her a joint picnic at Pleasant HUI Friday, for thp ftirthpr sllm of j n 25 hereto- Notice Is hereby given that the un­ Means a Saving daughter She expects to be gone a May 24. Each school will offer a fore bv tbe plaintiff as taxes derslgned. J. Lewis Johnson, w as «Inly , « .J tK ' few numbers on the program. upon said propertv: and for the fur appointed Exe< utor of the »•" ® onm , . . i . i , « , i »her sum of *11.00 heretofore paid by titled estate on May 18. 1929; thut By eliminating an expensive de­ Mrs. Kreamer Is spending some Several public school pup plaintiff for having the abstract all persons owing said estate shall livery system we are able to effect time with Mrs. William Rennie. high school Tuesday. May I I . covering said premises extended: pay me. and all persons having claims a considerable saving and this is Arthur Calvert from Junction City Pleasant Hill public school will not ftn(1 for thp further sum of Three against the said estate shall present was 1» Thurston last Sunday. close until Friday. May 31. owing to Hundred and no-100 (»300 00) Dollars the same to me with voucher, at passed on to you in the - - ’ — fact they missed some time dur- a.^a .a s o n a b ,^ attorney herein: ^ X ^ t 7 ,7 ” ^ Lam Mays from Landax form of Lower Price* I Just lng the winter on account of sickness. ^prpfn and gft,d pxecut|On to me dt ette S treet Eugene. Oregon, within friends here last Sunday. one of the many wavs in Enterprise public school closed last rpcted' commanding me In the name six months from the date of the first Leland Hastings from Klamath which see help our cus­ k . , h State of Oregon. In order to publication of this notice which Is Falls ¡ b visiting relatives here. tomers save money I Th; boy scout troop at Pleasant « t l .f y said Judgment. Interest. May 23. 1929 J. LEWIS JOHNSON. Hil, w ent'on a hike last Sunday up fees, cost am, accru- Executor NOTICES OF EIGHTH GRADE HENRY E SLATTERY. Bear Creek with Mr. Phelps and Mr. crlbpd rpaj property, to-wlt: EXAM INATIONS Attorney for Executor. • — All of Ixit numbered 14 In Block M 23-30 J 6 13-20 o, Last Memorial Day? S" S J 7 5 . 3 » IK ». ’ » • •• • » - - are pupils to take them This exam- ^ n d e Questions and supplies win b^ sent to the District S ' w lt X " m a k in g application for them. If school is in session the tX iw ,s e mUm e^Boarhde mus” secure Hill church J . . . . . . jun|or c,a8g of the p easan t 4 Ow Therefore. In the name of Hill high school took the seniors to thp Sta, e pf Oregon. In compliance Yachats Saturday and Sunday of with the said execution and "rd,,r "J la8t week. They camped out on the e a l . and V « d . " g ‘"nte“ e t ^ a. o r and from a„ rpport8 had a Judwtnent «ncluling I n t e n t an r - n d e r fu . time. They were chaper- ^ w lll S^urday. the 22nd day of Some competent person to do so. E J. MOORE. co. Schoo, s . , t oned by Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kilpatrick. June 1929. at Ihe hour of one o'clock Those who went were Shirley W1- In the afternoon of said dav nt . M„ „„„ C1, p „ , ..L X . Brabham. Earl Drury, Albert Mat- ponn,y. Oregon, offer for sale and _ hews, Laura Hult, Mike Dilley, Emma , e ll for cash, at public auction, su b-’ , NOTICE OF s a l e . , oi«on. Frances Parks. Francis Phibbs Ject to redemption as provldml hv .n ^ n o r d ^ o ^ h r ^ Au8t1“ Malhe7 ’ of\a".d "tief^daM ' Rae*' M°' S h - Z d ' of I^ne County Oregon, made May Nina Dilley. Luclle Larimer. D e l l and of pPrflons claiming b v ., 20 1929. Dora Hamble as adminlstra- Stutz. Ben Forney. Helen farter, through and under her. In and to I tri’x tn x of or the tne estate esiaie of oi j J. . W. Hamble. namuic. Harriet Brabham, Kraonam, Darwin umrwiu Baxter, said premises. , _____ j _■«. at the .SM«« .„ j _ J H. L. BOWN - "I" deceased.»will, office of Omelet. Brooke »jjUj3 Doty Josie Putman, » Mildred M 23-30 J 6-13 2« lugenTO regon^ on^and'after J u n ™ ’ Wallace. Robert Lindley. Hugh Wal- 1929. receive offers for and sell at lace. Berry Mauney, Crystal Baugn- SHERIFF’S SALE ON EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE. private sale subject to the approval man Nellie Lorenz. William Kelsey, Notice Is herebv given the t h- of the Court for cash or part cash p .if,ord Baxter, Eugene Burkett, virtue of an execution and ord<- ’ and part on time the following des- crlbed real property, to-wit: Alvin Olsen. ------- sale In foreclo«use l«sned out of »'■ o o is o One n e (1) 11» 10 e i (5) » j inclusive .»v.»»..-, , The Baccalaureate sermon will be c ir p n ((Court of Lane Count” n reeo - Lots to F m ive In Block One (1). and Lots Pour ( 4 ) j g |Ten at the. Pleasant Hill Christian „„ the 18th day of May. 1929 In a suit wherein. O” the 17th dav of Ms, to Ten (10) inclusive in Block Two thp Rpv w A Ejujn». 1929. In said Court. I J. Estes and ¡ (2) of Hamble Addition to the City Marr K Estes, his wife ss plaintiffs. | of Eugene. Lane County. Oregon . ~ ~ ~ Said sale to be as a whole or In' Dr. Pollard at Wendlinq—Dr W. H recovered Judgment against the de. j separate parcels. Pollard made a business trip to Wend. fendants T. E Hodge.,. Ida Grayum ’ Hodges. Harold R Beniamin. G. R . May 22, 19p9. ling Sunday. DORA HAMBLE. ilng a ? _ Rickman. Vivian Mav Rickman and Administratrix. “ _ Gertrude E Bl’ck for the sum 0» Nine BROOKE & BRYSON. Attorneys. IN THE COUNTY £OURT OF THE Hundred Dollars (»900 00). and In­ M 23-30 J 6-13-20 STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE terest thereon at the rate of 8% oer COUNTY. annum from Arrll 17th. 1929. snd for In the Matter of the Estate of W ’am thp fl|rfhPr H„m of E'-ht Dollars O. Ek, sometime known as William , tRno, and r„r »b„ f „ rt h e r sum o f Ek, deceased. n ne Hundred Dollars («100 001 as a! Notice 1 b hereby prlven that tn^ rpasonablA Attorney’«» fee, and for underflgned administrator of th<* thp rrwfH dfaburspnvntR of th’^ above named estate has filed his final wrHon an<1 on thP 17tb d*»v nf Anril, account In said estate, and that ^ r*'ji929. In said Court tbn defendant Har- day, Junp 28th, 1929, at ten oH ock A old f .j R. p Beniamin recovered a a Jude- Benjamin recovered Jude M at the Chambers of said Court In ment against the defendants L. E. Lane County Court House In the Hodges and Ida Gmvnm Hodges for I Engene, Oregon, has been appointed the ........... .......................... .. sum of Four Hundred-slxtv-three New C om fort— by said Court as the time and place p" d (»463 47) Dollars with In­ fer hearing objections. If any. to th<- tPrr. , t »h*reon nt the rate of RT, ner New Protection said final account and the settlement abn»»ni from D ecem b er th e 10th. 1926. ! thereof. and fOr the sum nf Flftv (»50 00) Dol- OLE E. LEE, Administrator. |firH fla a reasonable Attorney's fee. FRED E. SMITH, , and fOr his costs and disbursements Attorney for Administrator. this suit, and said execution to m'- M 23-30 J 6-13-20 ,nre<.tozi commanding ms In the namB of the State of Oregon, In order to NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION satisfy said Judgments. Interest, at­ FOREST EXCHANGES torney's fe»s, cost of suit and accm- No. 018524. I lng costs, to sell the following de- Oepactment of the Interior, United scribed real property, to-wlt: States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore- The South Fifty-three (53) feet of gon. May 17, 1929. I I,nt F've (S) In Block Twenty-three Notice Is hereby given that on May of Fairmount, according to the 15. 1929, Isaac Elder, of Albanv, Ore. original nlat thereof, In Eugene, Ijtne GAUZETS gon, filed application No. 018524 un- Countv. Oregon der the Act of March 20. 1922. (42 NOW. THEREFORE. In the name Box of One Dozen Stat., 465) to exchange the NW>4 of the State of Oregon. In compliance SW'4, Sec. 1, N E’4 SE'4. Sec 2, Tp. s with the said execution and order of ! 15 8. R., 11 West, W. M. within the sale, and In order to satisfy said Sluslaw National Forest, for the judgment. Including Interest, attor- Two exclusive Gauzet fea. timber from approximately 5 acres ney's fees, costs and accruing costs, tures guarantee yon more j located In the NW>4, SE*4. N J/fc SW>4 j I will on Saturday, the 22nd dav of comfort and protection Sec. 19; W'4 Sec. 18, Tp. 20 S., Range June, 1029. at the hour nf one o'clock than you ever received 4 East, W. M., within the Cascade j In the afternoon of said day. at the from a sanitary napkin National Forest. Southwest front door of the said before. The purpose of this notice Is to County Court House In Eugene, Lane Buffed edges prevent irri­ allow all persons claiming the lands County, Oregon, offer for sale and tation. Underlayer pro­ selected, or having bona fide objec- > sell for cash, at public auction, sub- tects clothing. tlons to such application, an oppor . Ject to redemption as provided bv They cost no more. tunity to file their protests with the ]aw, all of the right, title and interest Register and Receiver of thte United of the said defendants L. E. Hodges, Sold only at States Land Office at Roseburg, Ore- Ida Oraytim Hodges, G. R. Rickman, gon. Any such protests or objections I Vivian May Rickman, and Gertrude E. ' must be filed In this office within Bllck, and all persons claiming hy, thirty days from the date of first j through or under them or any or publication of this notice, which first either of them. In and to the said publication Is May 23, 1929. premises. HAMILL A. CANADAY, Register ! H. L. BOWN S tore non-coal. Sheriff of Lane County. Oregon, M 23-30 J 6-13-20 M 23-30 J 6-13 20 45c Flanery’s Drug Store A, IMIVERSALLY f X X I A I M E D The NEW d e tte m i Eleebie ALL-STEEL kEERJOER/lTOR m eets instant acceptance* A l LSTT.EE— ■ refrig era­ to r w hich can’t war j>— a new c o n s tru c tio n w h ic h has revolutionised the art o f refrig eration ! You can now own ■ leea-coslly-to-o,»- erate electric re frig era to r w ith a warp- proof, all-steel cabinet — b u ilt lik e a safe, b u ilt w ith doors which w ill always fit perfectly. T h e m echanism, m ounted on top is perm anently o iled, supreme­ ly quiet, u tterly reliab le. A touch o f the easily aeeeaslble tem ­ p e ra tu re c o n tr o l assure* yon ice cubes In a h u rry . Prices are surprisingly low, w ith the small fam ily model selling fo r only 9 2 1 5 , at the factory. See the six size* at o ur display ro o m * and let u * explain o ur plan o f convenient tim e paym ent*. Listen in on the G eneral Electric H o u r broadcast every Saturday evening, 8 to 9 Eastern Standard T im e , over the N. II. C. netw ork o f 4 2 stations. GENERAL ® ELECTRIC A l.L .-S B 'i'K K l-. R E F R I G E R A T O R | TWO YEARS TO PAY* GET YOURS TOG^Y )0> ’ mountain S tates P ower C ompany flL'ow Low ~ JW o v f ¡-ji—........* ■ ■■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ® 'ja ®-.t ow « b BB i—