nn T r y the H o m e P r in t Shop F i r t t HE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T W K N T Y -H IX T II YEAH "The People'» Paper" A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N S PItlN G K IELD . LANE COUNTY. OREGON THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1929 RIH IS ELECTED PULLMAN PRINCIPAL SOOTH-KELLY MILL SUSPENDS OPERATIONS FOR TEN DAY PERIOD S.H.S. Ends Ball A ir Stow aw ay S e a so n on l o p REV. PIKE TO PREACH 02043482 BACCALAUREATE SERMON SUNDAY AT M. E. CHURCH Recause of the over production In The baccalaureate sermon for the Cottage Grove Trimmed 13-6; the lumber market at the present aenlor class of the Springfield high Championship Game at Political Science Teacher in time, the Hprlngrield Booth Kelly achool will be delivered at the Metho- Eugene is Probable High School,, Who Was Urged mill abut down work today In ac­ eplscopal church Sunday evening at Body Asks State Highway Com* 8 o'clock by Rev. C. J. Pike, paator For Principal Here, Given cordance with orders from the head­ mission to Build Approach at Standing in Lane County High School of the Mcthgrflat church. Position in Charge of Wash­ quarter* of the company. Once Instead of Appealing League The mill will remain Idle for ten Aa la cuatomary all of the Spring- W L Perc'tage ington School To Supreme Court; Eugene days und will atari again Mondav field churches will Join In the bacca­ Springfield 1 833 Chamber Joins in Petition. Oscar Gladlsh. who bus taught June 3, according 1« O. II I laureate service. Special music for Eugene 1 .800 the service will be given by the history «nil polkhal science In the Jarr"11- «upertnlend»nt of the plant.' Cottage Grove 4 .333 Asking that the approach to the new Springfield high school for the p a st( h ** ''««npany's policy to shut Methodist choir, which la being Springfield bridge be constructed at University 5 .000 directed by Arab Hoyt Rae, of Eu- once in accordance with the ruling of two years, Itua resigned hla position down Ila mllla occasionally for abort Sprlngfleld high achool finished the gene. The program for the evening Judge G. F. Skip worth tn the Lane to accept the poal of prlndpul of the perioda when the market la poor. aeaaon In the lead, temporarily at *8 88 follow s« high school ul Pullman, Wushluglon, The Wendllng mill and logging campa county circuit court instead of appeal. ««teen year ild Oak Audience, Ing the case to the state supreme for n-xt year. Pullman la a oonaider- are done thia week. least, of the lorne county high school ««penlng hymn , T ’ Cat, g irl who returned fro m Salt Invocation ..._ Rev. C. H Blom court, the Springfield chamber of atdy larger town than Springfield, eg y a fte r ito w m g away net tbs league f,y defeating Cottage Grove at A ) passenger pleas “ P atran an.", . . - .. Anthem. “Hail to the Lord’s An- commerce, through Its officers and there being over 400 students In the CIVIC CLUB PLANS Sprlngfteld last Friday by a score of „ |nted.” Choir hlah school then- Tin- Wuahlngton board of directors, petitioned the ANNUAL ROSE FESTIVAL ------------------------- 13-«. Eugene high achool, now in 8crlpture Reading. Rev S. E. state highway commission Monday for Stale college la located at Pullman i second place, will end her seasion Childers. FOR EARLY IN JUNE W ARRENS NEW MILL ON Mr. Gladlsh was strongly urged by Immediate action instead of further this afternoon with a game - Audience. delay. many townspeople for principal for game w th Hvmn G STREET NEARLY DONE; Plans for the annual rose festiva Baccalaureate sermon. "He Slew a the Springfield high achool thia year. -rz-\ o v a » * University. If Eugene wins, aa is The letter, which wag signed by F. which will be h”tdi In Springfield Rev. C. J. Pike B Hamlin, president of the chamber TO S TA R T WORK»JUNE 10 likely. University high school Lion." .............. A long petition waa preaented to the early In Jane were discussed at a Closing hymn ........... .. Audience. of commerce, pointed out the fact board by citizen» und al the heurlng J has not yet showed much baseball s|»ei lal meeting of the local Civic Construction w orVon the new sa w ’ , . / J . mUCb b88‘ Benediction Rev C. H. Blom. that the residents of the Springfield a warm aesolon developed In which duh held at the home of Mrs. L. L mill, which being erected on U ‘ t 6han,plon8h‘p <* “ >• ® oun- two members of the board voted not vicinity are deprived of the use of an ty will be determined by a third game May - " Monday Id a y The festiv al w .ll in s t r .- c . I , p ro g ressin g rapidly ac • »h,rd 9 LOCAL TEAM TO ENTER to consider hla name ns an applicant elude a expensive structure which is com­ Children s parade. the de- cording to II O Warren, of Eugene. EugX " w ' 7 "’i r 8pr,B• county For the pnat four yenra he haa lived The Eugene chamber of commerce meCt' whlch wlM ** held at In Springfield, attending the achool general chairman of the affair al He Is Installing some new machlner- 188 hl* flr#t Kam” ,h *8 a6a8on for of law of the University of Oregon for meeting Monday Mrs. Ora Reed and a numb,.r of new electrl(. motorg Springfield, allowed the visitors only ^ ne ° n Hay* ard f*’ ,d Frlday af' and the Lane county court are Joining two years For the past two summers Hemenway la to have charge of the to run th , t Tb b „ , , “Ur b ta' 8»rta«««M made a total ' oon pr n«fleW high school is with the Springfield body in petition­ Mr Gladlsh has .„en d ed .he H„,v. r < hl.drens' parade......... „led by Mrs near enough compleL so ihJ. the “ h" 8' err° r8 o ltte ‘7 7 J „ ~ ’ ing the state highway commission to the plans and complete •'«r. *->rh in political science, J J ^ ^ h e T ^ M ^ " W .l ">“‘fb'" -F may he Installed, but the j ba h' X X V ’ rr” ^ iOUr ^ 1 . 7 , the "first time“ V a t ' . » 7 7 revise ™ d« '»"tead of causing further the do- " v V ’i s ™ : ; X Rp,d ,o tbe mll> »» A reception »«’«“ -ring the Spring- f|o-t of train and by truck. All of the lum- field teachers who will not return | her produced will be planed at the next year will be given at the chant- Mrs. Oavla was chosen to head thte Hyland planing mill on the adjoining should be a real thriller, in the opin- Ion of Mayfield, as the title of the conference will be at stake Spring g,iKht|y lhe favorlt# tQ win , h„ contegt having defeated Eng. ne P tFaCk team8, _. an.d «Pr eId '« en‘crlng the meet The contention of the residents of princlpa,ly ,or the Purpose of Intro- U est Springfield that the fill approach «hieing track to the boys. The Spring- wh'ch was started would constitute • neld ,eam ha" "Ot been pract,c,nK nood menac«’ tin»«" of high water 8-4 at Eugene May 14 Euzene won the first game of the conference geagon from SprlnKflp,d , hp )ota,g ¿o” vp" ^ pn m“Ch' ” Mayfield has been em- pba8,zin* b8’,eba'l Preparation for the coming championship game wirt, Eugene. Mayfield has not yet definitely se- If completed, was sustained by Judge Skipworth Saturday following the hearing of the case tn the circuit I court last week. The judge ortered that the work on thé fill be stopped Squires, Don bridge. This would cost approximate- I Palmer, Thayer McMurray. Don Bet- ly »22.000, in the opinion of the stato t|g and Hugh Cowart highway engineers Following the high achool: Mrs. Ora Read Henten- Mrs. Carl Olson. Mrs. Ira Peterson, OILING OF STREETS way, principal of the Brattnln achool; Mrs. Maud Bryan, Mrs W. W. Wal- STUDENT BODY HEAD 220 yard dash—Freeman Squires, decision of the judge, the attorneys BEING CONSIDERED Francea Hodge. Maurlne Iximbard, l<’“r. #nd Mrs. L. K. Page. Mrs. Ora Don Palmer, Thayer McMurray, Don fnr the highway commission stated Oscar Glad'ah, and Glenn Coule, all R o d Hemenway will he In charge of Freeman Squires defeated Frank Bettis, and Hugh Cowart. that they Intended to appeal the cas«. The oiling of some of the unpaved of the high school faculty; Miss Nel- ,b ** art exhibit, a» which art work by Pole vault—Everett Squires and It Is probable that the action of streets of Springfield to lessen the Mersdorf for president of the Spring son of the junior high achool; and various Springfield people will be on 4UH, | npg!( ,|lp i* Koi-,- Field high school student body In the Freeman Squires the highway commission in regard n n n iin l o ln e tln n / Hazel Murphy and Penrl McMillan «H»pl»y. The ante of Ice cream dur- Broad Jump— Don Palmer and Ev to the new bridge will he decided at considered by the city council In co­ annual election of officers which was of the Brattaln school. , *nit th" festival will be handled bv | the meeting of the body In Portland operation with the Lions club. W. C held at the high school Thursday. erett Squires. Everyone Is Invited to nttend the Mrs. I. A. Valentine. Mrs Have Salts- McLagan. chairman of the street comí W°" ,hp ° f T,ce Shot putt—Francis T>eds. Ralph today. The commission met tn reccptlon, whether a memltor of the man. and Mr«. Meda Catching. Salem yesterday but took no action mlttee of the city council, and a mem- president, defeating Ruth Bettis and Cole, and Bill Gerlach. P. T. A. or not. not.' Th« The program Javelin—Roy Starmer and Freeman on the matter Judge C P Barnard j her of the Lions club. Is tn charge of Bessie Stewart. Fave Parsons won which will he presented under the LOCAL HORSESHOE MEN and Commissioner C lint4i Hurd of the plans, which have not yet been the office of treasurer of the student Squires. body from Ruth Carlton, and Bernice Discus—Gaylord Morris and Free- the Lane countv court went to Port- direction of Mrs. W K «arnell. Is as N 0 S E Q U T EUGENE CLUB , worked out. _____ follow s: Cline was elected secretary over Au- [ man Squires. land for the m eeting today. Musical rending. Mrs Florence I The Springfield horseshoe club - . ’f*”1 year 8econd atreet and Eas< dr«’' Smith and Jule Pollard. Mile run — Bill Gerlach and Joe ____________ -______ Anderson; vocal solo. Mrs Cliff barely nosed out Eugene by a score w'“re r,' olIp«* f«>r the sum The new officers start serving their Crandall. Springfield to H ear Salem Speaker Adams; piano solo, Miss Bernice « of 387 to 38R In the third game of the | ' " 7 ’ " fUn< " f° r the * ° rk be,nK ’«’m is at the op w ing of the school High Jump—Don Palmer and Frank Dr. G. O. Oliver, of 3alem will N. hr; reading. Mrs Ora Read Hem season played on the local courts ™,,,ed IarK‘,lv by private subscriptions term next fall. The officers for this Mersdorf. speak In the Springfield Methodist enway; vocal solo. Mrs. Jenny Mur- Sunday evening. Springfield scored : fr',ni ,l"‘ * l,iz«'ns of *b® town This ! year who have Just completed their' Springfield is not entering con- phy; reading. Mrs Ida Adams. Re , 183 ringers and Eugene 188. l’itch'ng : ' ‘ ” baS propO8ed to raise the , terms are Jack Danner, president, lestants in the 440 yard dash or In church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Dr. Oliver is vice-president of Wiliam, freshmenls will he served ! for the local team were Gerlach. Beals. ' n,l”"‘y np<’essary for the oiling by sub-! Everett Squires vice president. Esther the half mile run. ette University and prominent In The officers of the parent-teachers Cox. Ernstlng. and Smith. A return ’"'rlp,l,’ns from Property owners whose McPherson secretary, and V e r n t c e ------------------------------ , young people's work throughout the association for next year were elected mutch was played at Eupene la*. jJnd ah,llH nn thp "treet" olled Hawkes treasurer, METHODISTS TO HOLD state. His subject will be “Life— al a ........................■ meeting of —•" the body last week night. ---- ----------------------- ------------- ANNUAL PICNIC JUNE 18 Making Most of It.” The address will They Include Mrs. R P. Mortensen The victory over the Eugene team be dirested principally to the young president, Mrs Lum Anderson vlee- , , wnH tb«" First fo. the locals this sea-! T L I D H r r> n r a » The mt,Dlber8 of the Methodist people of the community. president. Mrs. I K Page secretary. „„„ Thp fpn„, (lpfpR(pd , w|ce ; S A IIID C C 1C o u n c c i i □ U U I K t S lb C r lO b E N a and Mrs. John Putman treasurer. ,.logp g(.,,rpH , ,.VillIis par„ pr LONG JOURNEY VIA AIR IS I H k ILLER FOR LOCAL MENc brotherhood hoir win be at gue the 8t8 annual of 0,6 M ethodi8t Thp ( picnic of Class Exercises Held members of the local horseshoe club ' The senior class of the Springfield McLagan and Flannery Make a range of qui,e blgh mo“n‘a‘ns. a the brotherhood which will be held V. E. HOVEN TO PREACH are practicing in preparation for en- | ___ ___ at Swim m ers Delight Tuesday, June high school held the annual class day Trip From Salt Lake With h “" °f ‘he R°cky 8y8,e^’• between AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH try Into the Oregon horaeshoe tourna northern Utah and southern Idaho. was dec*ded at the Aiusiness exercises before the student assembly Major G. H. Eckerson . ment which will be hekj in Portland The mountains were very rugged and m eelln8 of the group Monday night. , Thursday morning. The clans will Rev V. E. Hoven of the facility of under the auspices of the Portland . covered with snow. It was necessaray Tbe picn*c wiI* be beld during the was read by Elsie Cooppr. and th# the Eugene Bible university will do horseshoe club this summer. The in it * i\r, ,i SR' ,n t ' years I for the plane to rise to a height of aRprnoon and evening. The brother- class prophecy by Margaret Swarts. liver the morning sermon nt the r|„b experts to he represented at Port- nns i) man\ nun toono feej j0 f|y over , be (Op„ Of hood voted to invite the Methodist In the afternoon the class tree, a yet living, that a wagon train crossed Springfield Christian church Sunday tand by Its best pitchers. them. Sunday school to Join in with It in scarlet hawthorne. was planted In the morning at 11 o’clock. The mixed the . plains _______________ anil deserts and rivers and "As soon as we had crossed the 'be plcn,c’ but tbe directors of the school yard on the opposite of th# onartel of the church, composed of I 1 h" t*prlngfleld horseshoe players j mountains from Salt I-ake to Oregon mountains," Flanery said, "we drop- "" i Sunday bave not yet acted on entrance walk from the hawthorne Mr and Mrs. Dallas Murphy, Mrs W h”'1 a J ” 11" caster time with Eugene < The trip required three months, with ’""•" 8cb001 the auestlon i ho nno.iinn planted last year by the class of 1928, r. Tyson, and John Robertaon. will ,P*m la8' niKht ln a match on ,bp the train making the fastest possible i ped in,° ,he 9118,16 R,ver v«Hcy. over sing a apeclal number. Sunday achool 1 EuKene courts, winning thte contest time. Last Wednesday night two I *be b'K irri8atlon project near Twin Scouts Build Bridges Ssltsmsn Observe« Birthday will he held al 9:41! Wlnlfrld Tvaon by a 8Cor# of 384 *° 3r>8' Spdngfleld , Springfield men. W. C. McLagan am i, FaI,a Floyd Flanery. .eft by train for SaiD "We could see the whole of the ir-1 „oa”^ h l k e d T ^ ' m A * T dinner m party honoring Dave Salts- will he Ihe leader of the Christian En. scored 201 points and Eugene 187. Lake They reached Sal, Lake Friday, r a t io n project at one time. The X Sunday X r ^ t h . ^ deavor service In the evening at 7 . ... . .. water i* »oVen r-__ _ o c,ly parK »unday where the boys given at the Saltsman home last n igh t Kensington Club Meets o’clock There will he no evening ser­ after spending two nights and the »"«Pr ,akpn fr™ ,b6 Snake River Bpfnt th„ afternoon In doing the bridge The evening was spent in plavlng vice at thp church because of the Baccalaureate service at the Methodist chnrch that night. DorlR Helen Rayburn. R. daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Otis Rayburn, was The Springfield Kensington club was entertained Inst Friday afternoon ......... of ....... ..................... ......... Mrs. — - af the home Mra. 8. C. Wright. Wright's granddaughter. Teddy Wright refreshments. ! assisted her her In In serving serving refreshtr Present at the meeting were Mes- dames C. E. Kenyon, W. S. Wright, J. T. Moore, H. K. Barnell, Edna Swarts, L. I,. May, Levi Noet, Lum Anderson, A. J. Morgan, Clarence Chase. Anna Kessey, Larson Wright, nnd four small children, Teddy nnd To Oakridge—Ed Perkins, George Peggy Wright, nnd Molly and Nancy Perklnn, nnd son Roscoe spent Satur­ Ann Chase. day nn n huslness trip to Oakridge. Goes to Portland—Mr. nnd Mrs. Attend Missionary Meeting W Goodmnn motored to Portland A delegation from the Springfield yeaterdny nn a business trip. They Methodist church went to Coltnge returned home the same day. Grove Saturday to attend tthe dis­ ( H a a Tonsils Removed—Mrs. Elner trict meeting of the Foreign Mlsslon- Kner of Wendllng underwent nn op­ nray society. Those who attended eration for the removal of her tonsils were Mrs. W. H. Pollard, Mrs. F. W. at the office of a local physician Walker, Mrs. McElhaney, Mrs. N. W. Monday. Emery, and Mrs. W. O. Hughes. will he held In the church Sunday June 2. She will he rrnwned ns ruler of the event nt the beginning of the pro­ gram. Her attendants will he chosen Sunday. better parts of two days on one of the «»“yon, which at that place is nearly building renufred as n a r t nf the w ' i t ,. . 7 ____, . , „ . . th r e e n n o rfo ro v a . '’uualn« required as part of the work cards. Those who were present at fastest modern trains. Saturday; «nrce-quarters of a mile broad and tnr merit -m. 1 .. , j « « .oe . , t .. . n,anv ihe„ror.a #__ a i Ior men t badges in pioneering. The the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Preder- . . . " P "C . a ter a not , , .. boys constructed bridges across a , icks, Mr. and Mrs. John Ketels. Mr. <^ Par,y brpak(faa,r F'at’P’ y and MC "rPJ 7 nleasant t ♦ , 2 S‘rP8m 8b° Ut 12 fPPt w,dp at the park’ and Mrs. W W. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. I'"Kan and MnJor 0 ” Eckerson en- fered a pleasant contrast after the each brldgp bpi blp { support. Car, O, , otl Mr and Mrq w „ Ad. tered the major’s new 225 horse rugged desert country over which we ina a WP, ! b, 2rm ¿ „ n d . L a x . « a « r- a o a txr. a t j ««. hn/i firxwrt i i xv , . ing a weW&t or ¿00 pounds, and being rtan, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Swarts. Mrs. X L In L r . 3 H a,te'ta m n a ” 7 ,n"" Wlth° “t ‘bP UM ° f nai'8’ - p e 1 Carr, and the host and hostess. Mr. \ ,i ' r ti " v. OF°n e win Falls project was being usPd to hold the structure to- and Mrs. Saltsman. afternoon In time for dinner, making another stretch of rough worthless ; get her. The bovs who successfully the Journey of nearly a thousand , appearing area before we reached I completed bridges that would stand Gas W a r Ended miles In a trifle more than seven Boise. We landed at Boise at 10 o-1 the lest were Ralph Hughes. Winston The war is over as far as the ser­ b0Ur8' ! rlf,ck and ceflHed the tank with 100 Bacus, and Carroll Adams. vice stations of the Eugene and "After leaving Salt Lake City we j gallons of gas. The mechanics at Springfield vicinity are concerned. flew by compass directly across the j Ihe Held said that we would never he Honored at Party The Eugene Dealers Protective as­ lake at an altitude of about 8000 feet." j »hie to take off with that much gas A birthday party honoring Wayne sociation, to which most of the gaso­ Flanery said. In telling of the trip. It j nnd the three passengers, but the big Clover was held at the Clover home line dealers of this part of the county took 45 minutes to cross the water Waco did so without difficulty. We ' Monday night. The evening was spent belong, decided at a meeting of the Below we could see a number of large ¡«Pent 45 minutes In Boise, leaving ' in playing 500. after which refresh- board of directors Monday night that Islands, almost mountains, rising up there about 10:45 o’clock. ments were served. Those present hereafter gasoline should sell for 23V4 out of the lake. On one of these is a More rougft and desert country were Mr. and Mrs. M B. Huntly, Mr. cents a gallon, thus ending the com­ herd nf buffalo, the same herd that covered with sage brush was all that and Mrs. Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. Harry petition which has existed for some was used In filming the movie "The the airmen saw after leaving Boise BrowfleM of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. time. The new price took effect Tuea. Covered Wagon.” until they reached the Owyee Irriga­ Fred Bechlll of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. day morning, and applies to all ser­ Boon after they had crossed the tion project on the Snake river ln I. N. Endicott, and the host and vice stations tn Eugene, 8pringfteld. lake, Flanery, said, they crossed over (Continued on Page «) hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Clover. and West Springfield. ,hi