palud o si serve, tor you have lightened the heart « C h a se Gardens I «lance toward h l. mother. She had well In thus silen tly deceiving you of a weary old man. whose blessing la j More than 600 people were In alien taken up a paper knife, and waa eut- F\>r, Margharlta. there la no such tim e yours, now and for ever." dance at the festival uni meet h (,„. a ‘n« the pages o f her book. It was of peaceful happiness In store for me. laionardo dl Marioni? d a l stunts and numbers were present the savoir-faire of a «real lady. I am dying! Nay, do not start! Ho e Springfield school district has recount ho 1 ,hH > I ‘h ire to tlx a lim it recount I I arrived here .............’V Inst night, held In connection with tin* annitul received 311,663 from the county to an exlstan ce which God alone con May ............ , and early th is morning I visited the treasurer as first payment of the dls-^ I cannot tell you. Margharlta. ,aat FrWay nf, f| ra, address which I obtained at Florence trols Irlct's share of the general county llldlMir „ with so much difficulty. The house why I know, or how. yet It la surely P|ai.„ school funds o f this 34,0.13 ts front w l„,„,r T ,„ , w as shut up, From Inquiries tnad«' SO. The day which sees me free of hall ,,rfpr„(, the county school fund and St,630 waH ........ „,,, with caution among the neighbors I niv vow will also be the day of my from the elem entary school fund W with 79 points, and llavden Bridge <1. Hughes, district clerk, hue Issued learned that Andrea Pascliali had left 1 ***** •• "Trouble not, mv child, nt thia third with Bi points, Mount Vernon a call for as many outstanding war a few months before for Home thought, nor wonder why I can write made 17 points, Hendricks Brldgt 10, ra n t« a s t h e m o n e y w ill pay. T hither I go In search of him. - — —■■ ■ — “The delay is Irksome, but It Is of the end of my days so calm ly. Ask necessary. Although my desire for yourself rather what further life could KAFOURY S STORES EUGENE,SALEM. PORTLAND the day of m y vengeance to come Is mean for me. There Is no Joy which as strong as ever, 1 would not have I d esire; mv worn-out frame could the shadow of suspicion rest upon find no pleasure In dragging out you. Truly, yours w ill be no crime, ta steless and profitless existen ce. I but the world and the courts of Jus- look for death as one looks for his tlce wluld have It otherw ise You , couch who has tolled and labored I shall will, in verity, be but the Instrument, through the heat of the day Vpon my head be the guilt, as mine find there rest and peace. 1 have no , w ill be the exceed ing Joy. when the other desire. "Y es." m easure. •That what I say m yself. Luinlev,” she said; but there are tim es when the old dread ts too strong for me wholly to crush It. I am not an Englishwom an, you know; I come of a more superstitious race!" "For yourself. Margharlta, have no "I am sorry that Miss Briscoe thing for which I crave Is accom- Lord Lumley could say nothing. should be the m eans o f bringing these plished B less you, my child, that you fear. I have made your fortune my W ith all the sw ift selfish n ess of a unpleasant thoughts to you," he re- have elected to aid me In carrying out care, and God grnnt that It may be man bis thoughts were centered round marked thoughtfully. "Mother!" this most Just requital! B less you. u happy one Honest men have made one point. Would this new develop ­ my child, that you have chosen to profit out of my lands during my “Yes, Lum ley.” ment hind-i-r his purpose, or w as it bring peace Into the heart of one w vho im prisonm ent. 1 have wealth to leave, “Would it be a great trouble to favorable to him? and It Is yours. The C astle of the ? y you o u if—som 11—som e day— nay— I i asked asg e you to re- has known great suffering! "Leonardo s sister. Lumley, was my ceivp hpr as „ daughterw. "Your last letter was short; yet T Marlonls will be yours, and well I know you will raise once more and dear — friend. She * married stpod quite #tll, an<1 an<, ahlvered ah|vprp<1 n do wonder It. . What Is m there ----- * * a man » . sh . p . stood o not mu w o n u e r a at i n n nai is ere . . . . . „ tra named Briscoe, and died very soon Her face w as suddenly of a marhle y ®° ran f,nd »° ‘® » •* " h"* our g uphold i j ? “ the m ighty, though fallen *"J ™ afterward Margharita is is their their daugh daugh- „ailor great purpose rem ains thus In abey- d t,,®Ba of our r a ,e 1 ell F r ­ afterward. Margharita pallor. ter, and. Lutnley. there is no English ance? My health continues good. I lessly in your hands, at your entire “You— you mean this, Lumley?" disposal. Only one thing I beg of blood in her veins. She is a Marioni am thankful to say. yet. were It other "I mean that I care tor her, mother. w ise. I know that m v strength would yOU’ """ ,hat w" hou‘ f e ,r ®f refu“ '- I can see his ey es and his forehead “ You have not— spoken to her?" lin g e r with with me m e until u n til my m v oath o a th is Marry every tim e 1 look at hers. They seem linger Is a ac c M arry nOt "No. I should not have said any- one of the nobility of our own Islunil to tell me that that w ild’ oath still thing to you yet. only it pained me to Cf,mP""hpd T1" d” r ’ hal1 <'ome If you can find one worthy of you; If lives: that som e day he will stretch think t h a t t h e r e w n . « n v , h l „ „ POW**r o¥er think that there was anything be­ d _ e a , h , t s e , f h a ) * . not. there are nobles of Italy with out his hand and redeem that mur­ Even thought Its shadow lav across . 7 tw een you—any aversion. I mean. I .. , , whom your alliance would be an derous threat. Lumley. there have mv path I could still defy it. Think . thought that If you knew, you would honor, and also a profit You will be been tim es when it his terrified me not that I am blasphem ing. Margha- , . try and overcom e It.” .... i b elieve In __ r> a i I rlch and to look at that girl. ? ? , nita. or that I no Goa. . . . you . are beautiful; and the f “I cannot!" ' . ... first lady In Italy, our dlstand kins* b elieve In a God of Justice, and he will ' . . . His face was clearing A sm ile even "Mother!" . _ _ ... „. .. . woman. Angela II Carlottl, will be began to dawn on his lips. award me my right. Oh, that the " ’ "Why mother don’t you see that so • “Lumley, I cannot! She Ioo’ts 8f tim e may he short, for I am growing ' our *uar an an« vour friend May _ L ‘ y° ,‘ th* 7 ’ ° ®«< W ex es; sh e speaks ,o me w eary. Llfp „ VPry burdensom e. save you b« ™ y’ very ha^ ’ ^ r o a t ; eed far aa Mias Briscoe is concerned that With his voice; som ething tells me only for Pnd is ail fancy, he sa,d. You feel In ; that bear„ her f rt «S V she O «« k. -- • ' — * . — “ k . _ — hpart A • h|g • • that way toward her sim ly because toward mp yo u d(J nQt Rnow thpgp I "Som etim es, my beloved Margharlta sh e happens to resem ble the Count Marlonls! Thev are one In hate and y°" haTe "OUKh‘ th<> <’Pe‘> di Marioni. Isn’t that a little unfair one ,n lo v e . unrhaneln* and har(, a _ , O 0®*" ,hrou*h whlch ’ "»'’uggle. by to her? What can she know of an 1 thp on whlch fh(?lr cagt|e frowng , picturing the happy days we mav yet "Lumley, tw enty-five years have passed away, and he Is free.” But, Mies Briscoe?" he asked, be­ wildered. "How does all this con­ cern her?" "She is his n iece.” "His niece! his niece!" oath which was sworn flve-and-twenty years ago. long before she was bom Why. I don’t suppose that she ever h eard n t" • heard of t i IL" ; Evpn Margharita h erself in the old SPen<’ to*e ,h ’‘r ln aom,‘ far d l", «nt * ' daya. npvpr for(favp mp country, where the shadow s of this Leonardo to prison, although I s a v e d * r ’‘a ' "e l f ' Rh b a re'y t I. . ... s ■ aa™ ; | , g m ighty roar and tumult sound but. i her lover’s life as well as mine. Lum. as a low. J faint murmur I have She sm iled sadly. i ley. you have said nothing to her?” listened, but I have answered not; for “Lumley, I do not attem pt to defend "Not y e t ” in my heart I know that It will never my feeling Of course it is absund She will not marry you! I tell bp T hose days will never come. I to connect her with it. really.” you that In her heart she hates us all! 1 hayp shrunk from throw ing a chill "I was sure that you would say so. Som etim es I fancy that she Is here— m other.” only------ ’ "But. Idonley. although I cannot "Mother!" defend it the feelin g rem ains. Listen. H e laid his hand firm ly upon her No woman has known greater hap- w hite trem bling arm. She looked piness than I have My life has been ¡around, follow ing his eyes. Margha- som etim es alm ost too perfect, and yet r, fa. pa1p and proud was standlna up. I never altogether forgot those pas on the threshold, with a great bunch sionate wards of leo p a rd o s Th *y lav o f whItP hyac)nth¡, thp bogom of I will begin a class in like a fttiadow across my life, darken ' her black dress piano for beginners and Ing and grow ing broader as the years ¡ **Am , ,nfrudin(t... abp askpd advanced pupils in Spring- of his connp re-ef r a,sed away. The ly. - f w i„ comp down somp 0, ber time o f his release came a» last—only evening ” field for this sum m er on or a few- aRO and on, y a fpw I umIey gpran(f forward about June 15. to month« a^o. Lumley, I saw him." stop her: but his m other was the first "You saw him ! W here?” to recover herself. Phone 35-P-12 Spring- "In London. Lumley! Why did he “ Pray don’t go away, Margharlta,” field for a rra n g e m e n ts of come alm ost on the day of his release she said, with perfect self-possession. private lessons. b e-e to England? It was a country "Only a few m inutes ago we were which he hated jp his younger days, com plaining that you cam e down so BERNICE N E IIE R and vet, instead of visitin g his old seldom. Lumley. open the piano, and borne, his love for which was alm ost get Miss B riscoe’s son gs.” a passion, instead of lingering in those sunny southern towns where many friends still remained who would have received him with open arms, he came straight to London alone. I found him at a hotel there, broken down, and alm ost, as It were, on the threshold of death! Yet. when he saw me, when be heard my voice, the old passion blazed out Lumley, I prayed to him for forgiveness, and he scorned me He had never forgotten! He would never forgive? He pointed to bis per son. his white hairs, to all the terrible evidences of h is long im prisonm ent and once more, with the sam e passion which had trembled in his tone twenty- fiv e years ago. he cursed me! It was horrible! I fled from that place like a bauated woman, and since then, Luhley, I have been haunted. Every feature in the glrl’R m agnificent face, and every m ovem ent o f her figure, reminda me that she Is a Marioni! She bad risen and was standing by h is side, a beautiful, but a suffering woman. He took her In his arms and kissed her forehead. GOOD RANGE OF COLORS AND SIZES "Mother, you have too much Imag ination,” he said gently. “Look at th e matter seriously. Granted that th is old man Rtill harbors a sen seless COSTUME SLIPS OF BARONET AND RADIANT SATIN resentm ent against yon. Yet what conld he do? H e forgets the days in which he lives, and the country to w hich you belong! V endettas and See Us About that Swimming Suit— Columbia Knit rom antic vengeances, snch as h e may have dreamt o f flve-and-twenty years ago, are egtlnct even In his own land; here, th er cannot be taken seriously at a ll'" , , , , She sklw rnd a little, and looked into Eugene, Oregon hie face aa fhough comforted In som e Announcement To Our Friends and Customers We cordially invite you to attend the opening of our new store, located at sixty-one east Broadway, Matlock Building Eugene, Saturday at nine A. M., May the eighteenth. The «tore will be open for business until eight-thirty P. M. Kafoury’s DRY GOODS READY TO WEAR EUGENE. OREGON N o w p r e s e n t in g s ix A L L -S T E E L M O D E L S IN T R O D U C IN G S T IL L H IG H E R S T A N D A R D S O F E F F IC IE N C Y MUSIC LESSONS Special Showing Of Silk Dresses $6.75» S9.85» $11.85» $16.75 and $19.75 Special Showing of Coats S10 S19.75 New Wool and Rayon Slipon Sweaters $2.95 $ 1 > I9 10$ 1.89 B EA R D S • w M a x U a g •r b iw e m c n t . . . H r . l a l l - . t r r I r e f r ig e r a t o r « . N o w lo w p r ir e a . T h e g re a te s t -■ Iw o o e v e r o ff e r e d b y C e a e r a l d e v e io p - a cabinet b a llt lik e door« that w ill alwey« O na which w i l l , of « A N T W ARP « T R O Y b K H , « T I IID H iU CO «T LKAK TO OPKRATK le n i|> e ra lu ra c o n tro l w h ic h o p th e fre e a ia g o f loo • b e a a e r desires. B ecause o f ■ aro ate' r e a l. O o e w h ic h a b u t , o u t the • 2 1 5 a t ib a fa c to r? . T b e v o boot—keewe In the cold. «isas, ftea th e m at o n r d ls y la ^ vooaaa—e x a m in e tbem th e ra n ^ h D — le» na e x p ía la o n r p lan a f d a t e ' T h e berwM-tlralJy sealed alee, reanalna ju a l aa It always boa boon—aeolod away fro m dnet and d lf f ie n lt le a p e r m a n e n t ly o ila d , g olet, aneeeo, u nto a n h e d —ana o f •bo m iracles o f m odern aeloaeo. T h e C enoral Eleetrle, loo, was the fc«« Io p ro vid e an anally aeeeaaibfa v e a l e n lly « p a c e d dm o Ltaten la on the G a n a n H o n r, broadcast every w a n in g , 8 to 9 K a saan T im o , o va r ib o N. B. C GENERAL ©ELECTRIC A L L -S T E E L K K PR M SK K A TO R TWO YEARS TO PAY CET YOURS TODAY E X P IR E S J U L Y h # M ountain S tates P ower C o m pany A ie w K te w P r i c e « IW o w I n C fff