The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 16, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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•outh from Klamath Falla to Lookout
to meet th« Western Pacific has been
slatted by th« Great Northern Kail
road company.
In reapon«« to rrqueata for Improv
ed aervlce from th« Hlatlra and Meto-
Visit at Salam—Will Wright and
Visits at Emery Home—Miss Abbie
Principal Events of the Week llua aietlon the telephone company haa
family spent Sunday vsltlng with Massey of Portland spent the week­
eatahllahed an ««change at Hl«t«ra and friends In Salem.
Assembled lor Information
end In Springfield visiting at the
constructed a metallic trunk circuit
home of her sister, Mrs. N. W. Emory
ot Cur Readers.
Hsre From Thurston Fred Gray of
with Iteilmond
Return to Wendllng— Mr. and Mrs.
Hoy Daniels, 1». of Myrtle Creak Thurston was among the out-of-town
Wesley Shackleford of Wendllng re­
was Irjured fatally and Ituaa llarne« visitors In Springfield Monday.
N«ici>llatli>n« It#»« bn«n tt#rt»<1 It
turned to their home Sunday afternoon
Kust-iiv for th* rstnhllahiiivt.t of an wga severely hurt when a anag fell on
Waltervllle Man In—Del Benson of
them aa they were working at Camp
after spending several days In Spring-
|tir|4niia fartroy l liars
Waltervllle was u business visitor In
3 of the Cone llay Lumber company
field visiting with Mr. Shackelford’s
Hulltlliia penults taken out In Ku
Springfield Monday.
near Coquille.
mother, Mrs. C. M. Pettyjohn.
■ « •it« during lh< month of April puss
Mr. Sylvsstsr Visits— Charles Syl­
•<1 the (»4.500 mark It. aallmatad cost
Visit at Junction— M r and Mr«. J.
•xchangn with the U 8. foreat eerv vester of Waltervllle visited In Spring-
of constructInn
M Larson and children apent Sun­
Ice whereby th« atnta will acquire a field for a few hours Monday.
day at Junction City visiting with
I. A Christiansen was arraated and foreat of come 70,000 a< rea in Cooa
fliK-d KO in the Juatlc« court at Tlaaro and Oouglaa counllea known aa the
In From Thurston- Mr and Mr«. Mrs. Larson's mother, Mrs. Charles
for driving a truck overloaded to lh« Mllllcoma tract.
A. W Weaver were Springfield visi­ ToftdahL
«»taut of It tons
from Thurston Monday.
Fire of undetermined origin deatroy
j Washington Man Here — George
Naomi llohman and Jack llemp- ed the new barn on the John Waizak
Yarnell, of Bickleton, Washington, Is
gtaad. both of Portland, headed the fur in near leigan. together with lta
here to visit with his brother. Link
arbolaatlr average« at th« Unlvsralty efn'entg. Including 14 head of rattle
' Varnell, who Is confined to the Eu-
here Monday
of Oregon for th« fall term.
three horwa, fanning mill, bealdea a
I gene hospital.
Tbs Phlllppln« Islands were th« large number of farm Implement# and
Mr«. Taylor at Portland—Mrs W
At Springfield Hotel— Paul Ed-
leading market for Aatorla district
A Taylor left Sunday for Portland
product« during the p u t month, with
Authorltlea at Klamath Falla are where ahe will vlalt for a few days. i ; warda of Jar,per. A J. Chlshalu of
It.»37 ton# worth »600,000 chipped to aeekltig aome trace of a rustler who
Leaburg. E. A. Miller of Signal, and
Back From Portland—Carl Wyman It. T. Burns, of Seattle. Washington,
that region.
stole three horaca on the Klamath In
A railroad will aoon be completed ; ,l,Hn r»««rvatlon. drove them Into a returned to Springfield Sunday night were registered at the Springfield
to Quartz valley, less than 30 inllea deserted barn and locked them in after spending the week-end with his t hotel last week-end.
The horaca eventually starved to mother at Portland.
from Ijtkevlew, and timber In the ter
Kennett at Ashland—G W. Kennett
rltory natural to latkevlew will move (loath.
Go on Fishing Tri,»—Dr W. N. Dow is spending this week at Ashland
to Klatuath Falla.
Though a new federal building for and W K Bamell spent Sunday on a where he Is conducting a sale for the
When officer« raided the «oft drink
Astoria baa been authorized aud an fishing trip on the South Fork of the McGee department store there. He
establishment of J. T. McCulloch of appropriation for the same approved McKenzie river.
will return to Springfield Sunday.
Antelope, they dlacovercd the rein
the money la nut yet available, accord
Jess Y nu er Here- .Te®- Veneer of
carnation of an old time saloon, It waa mg to infornta,ton received from Con
At El’ta Hotel—Clarence Partners-
declared recently.
Albany, a former resident of Spring- ter. of Wendllng, and P. W. Force, G
, greaaman W. C. Hawley.
The drill at the Southern Oregon
Monmouth v o te s In a special cltv field. was a business visitor In town W. Force, William Chandler, A. John­
Oil company'« well near Bonanza la election ballollcd 89 yes and 34 no on Monday.
son. and R. B. Henry of Portland
aow working at tho 1300-foot level In a »15.000 bond Issue. The money will
Wendllng People Vlalt—Mr. and were registered at the Elite hotel
a blue abate, a favorable Indication . build a new fire ball, also housing a
laat week end.
J. J. 'White and Mr. and Mrs.
that oil will be found.
1 city Jail anil recorder's office, and will Fred Culver were business visitors In
Van Valzah Brothers Here—Dr Ro.
A second dividend of 26 per cent
buy equipment for fire fighting.
Springfield Saturday.
Van Valzah of Medford and Dr.
waa paid recently to the dcpoaltora ot
In addition to being divided Into cen­
the failed Farmer# and Stockholder« sus districts of wh'di the makeup has
Wendllng People Here-—Mr and Gerald Van Valzah of Portland spent
pank at Vale, prlnglng the dividend« I already been announced. Oregon coun Mrs Robert Hays and son Robert Jr. Mothers’ Day In Springfield visiting
at the home of their mother, Mrs. B.
BO far paid to 40 per cent.
j ties will be subdivided Into 1706 enu­ of Wendllng were business visitors In A. Van Valzah.
A fourth dividend of 10 per cent, re- meration districts for the 1930 cen­ Springfield Monday.
leaalng 110,000 to depoaltora of the sus. of which 296 will be In Multno-
Mrs. Baxter Canducts Sale — Mrs.
Moving to Oklahoma—Mr and Mrs.
failed Tillamook County bank was ■ malt county.
Baxter spent laat week at
Jim Blakely and son Jim Jr. and dau­
authorized recently by Judge George
Mariou county probably will lose 76 ghter Eliza of Wendllng. are leaving Myrtle Point conducting a sale for
Bagley, circuit court Judge,
the Vogue millinery store there. Mrs.
' per cent of stock taxes levied against for Oklahoma where they will live.
Plana for a uaw and modern atate 1 six national banks for 1926, 1927 and
Carl Wyman took her place at Ken­
highway bridge arm«# Klamath river i 1928, the court announced recently
Turners at Harrisburg — Mr and nett’s store during her absence.
near Klamath Falls, to replace the ex j An effort to settle with the banka ou Mrs G H. Turner motored to Harris­
Albany People Here— Mrs. J. R.
latlng span, are being drawn by the , the basis of a 36 per cent payment burg Sunday to spend the day visit­
Costler and daughter Frances of Al­
atate engineering department.
I proved I utile.
ing with the Will Turner and family.
bany were In Springfield for a short
To speed the filling of rush orders
Hop vine« huve started splendid
Rayburn Back Home— A. C. Ray­ time Sunday morning. Mrs. Costler's
for lumber, the Prouty Lumber com
growth and the sunshiny days have
pany of Warrenton now Is operating given them renev od energy, reports burn. who has been employed at Dnn brother. R L. Burnett Jr., returned to
under a ldhour schedule and will put i Will Magness, ot Dayton, who bus Pedro, California, returned to his Albnny with them to spend the day
visiting with his mother. Mrs. Burnett
on a night shift In a abort time.
’ about 45 acres on the Willamette river home In Springfield Saturday
A special election will bo held In i bottom. All grain la thriving In this
Condon May 21 on a (24,000 bond Is­ , vicinity farmers report.
Cut« Off Finger«— Word haa been
Romans of Jasper has left for Ixis
sue for afreet and water department
The Oregon state board of hortlcul- Angeles where he will make his received here that Joe Lemon, of
Improvement, the city council decid­ I ture will be asked to place a quaran­
home Mr Romans recently sold his Portland, formerly a resident of
ed at lta meeting a few days ago.
Springfield, cut three fingers from his
tine against all fruits from Florida aa farm at Jasper.
A band of about 450 head of ante! i 1 a precaution against spread of the
left hand jvhlle at work last week. He f
ope »as seen on the desert west of \ Mediterranean fruit fly. according to
Is the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. John
Here for Mothers' Day—Miss Ver-
Plush recently. It 1» said they -
I announcement made recently In Salem,
Wlnzenreld of Springfield. They left
encroaching on range In lutke county i The fly wae discovered a short time nlta Morrison of Portland spent Sunday for Portland to be with him.
Mothers' Day In Springfield vlRltlng
that Is needed by heep and cattle.
ago In Florida.
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
The Oregon Dairy Improvement
Mrs. Phetteplace Back — Mrs. Carl
The big problem of the chambers of
council will hold Its flrat quarterly commerce of Oregon and Idaho is to Morrison.
I’hetteplace returned to Springfield
meeting In Salem June 7. The coun
«p ee s-enllr-» »he past month
advertise the entire northwest, accord­
Bond Salesman Here—Herman L. visiting with friends and relatives In
d i waa organized at the diary conven
ing to sentiment expressed at a meet­
tlon liejd at Corvallis March 21 and 22
ing of secretaries and executlvea of Lind of the bond firm of Freeman, Pendleton, Portland, and Salem. Dr.
Joaophlne county's annual fair will chambers of commerce from cities Smith and company of Portland, was Phetteplace. accompanied by W. H.
be hc)d at Grants Paas thia year on along the old Oregon trail held in In Springfield on company business Adrian, motored to Salem Sunday to
September 4, 6, 6 and 7. A large nutn
bring her home.
Baker recently.
her of entertainment teaturea have
The Apple Growers' association of
been signed up on the amusement pro
Hood River btgun offering Its mem­
bers first opportunity to subscribe
The 1» factories affiliated with the to a »76.000 bond Issue recently voted
Tillamook County Creamery aasocla
for financing a new cannery depart­
tlon received 61,176,726 pounds of milk ment. The bonds, which draw 6 per
during 1928, which was manufactured cent Interest, nre in denominations ot
Into cheese and butter and sold for »100 and »600.
Total appropriations made by the
Ranchers of the upper Hood River
35th legislative assembly, not Includ­
4»lley are making preparations for a
ing fixed millage (ax Items, annual
large acreage of potatoes thia year.
and continuing appropriations, aggre­
The district last year shipped about
gated »7,878,628.78, according to a
2« cars. Indications thia year point to
statement prepared by the secretary
r bout 76 cars.
of state In reply to requests received
Survey of a possible alternate route from the state grange.
for its proposed railroad extension
distinctive m it i
fid i ¿«Men t©ae
99 » a n t i H *A R
1 1 ,4
IM n M O M H H
-tim e ./t,M I b i *
/ " r ï T Î Ù k '»-fa
,, _
R ífa m e
,h .-
in " T X ?
r r w r '
Tone, clarity, selectivity, pc ne-
tration, operating simplicity,
Bosch Radio has every quality
feature th a t you c o n s id e r
essential to your ideal radio.
Through co-operation with the
makers of Bosch Radio we are
enabled to offer you this quality
radio in the new models at new
low prices. W ide spread public
appreciation of Bosch Radio re­
sulting in volume of sales has
made these money-saving prices
possible. A demonstration of
Bosch all-electric Receivers, will
convince you of the importance
of purchasing right now to
secure values which may
never be repeated.
Dynamic Speaker $189.50
Complete With "rubeR
Cabinet of Modernistic Design
a i t i O. f ì HEGG!E
a Pnnr.vw/i h t P/etiter
Wright & Sons
Myrtle Point Man Here — J. C. ery, of Corvallis, and her laughter
Thayer, who Is employed by the and son-tn-law, Mr and Mrs. Fred
Southern Pacific company at llyrtle Smeed of Eugene and their families.
J Point, spent Sunday visiting In
Work Wanted
Vlalt Me,. Montgomery— Mrs. Rosa
School Girl wants houan work by
Montgomery had aa guests for Mo- the day or will care for children,
thers’ Day her son and daughter-ln«¡ Call or write New« Office 122.
law. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Montgom ■ t i » | *
M 16-2»
Memorial Day Flowers
Memorial Day plants and cut flowers for
cemetery use await your choice here in
ample variety. That you may be assured of
the varieties you wish, we ask that you place
your orders as early as convenient.. We
deliver promptly.
W. Springfield, Phone 86W
942 Olive Street,
it costs very little
to recondition a
model t ford
THE F ord M otor C om pany is m ak in g a n ew ear,
but it is still p rou d o f th e M odel T. It w ants eve- v
ow n er o f o n e o f th e se ears to ru n it as lo n g us
p o ssib le at a m in im u m o f tro u b le and e x p e n s e .
B eea n se o f th is p o lic y and b eca u se o f th e
in v estm en t that m illio n s o f m o to rists h ave in
M odel T ears, th e Ford M otor C om pany w ill c o n ­
tin u e to su p p ly parts as lo n g as they are n e e d e d
by F ord o w n ers.
S o that yo u m ay get th e greatest u se fro m y o u r
M odel T , w e suggest that you hike it to i l k n ear­
e st F ord d e a ler and have h im estim a te o n th e c o st
o f any r e p la c e m e n t parts that m ay h e n ecessa ry .
Y ou w ill find th is th e e c o n o m ic a l th in g to d o
b eca u se a sm all e x p e n d itu r e now w ill ¡»«dp to
p re v e n t c o s tlie r rep airs later o n . in c re a se th e
v a lu e o f d ie car, and g iv e y o u th o u sa n d s o f m iles
o f a d d itio n a l service.
F o r a la b o r ch arge o f o n ly $ 2 .6 0 you can h a v e
y o u r g en e r a to r p u t in first-class c o n d itio n . A new
u n iv ersa l jo in t w ill b e in sta lle d fo r a la lw r c o st
o f $ 3 . O v erh a u lin g th e c a rb u reto r co sts 91.50»,
ste e r in g gear, $ 3 .5 0 ; rad iator, $ 7 .5 0 . A c o m p le te
o v e r h a u lin g o f th e rear a x le assem b ly runs b e­
tw een $<■». 15 and $ i fo r luhor. A u average p rice
o f $ 2 2 .5 0 co v e rs th e o v e r h a u lin g o f the m o to r
and tra n sm issio n .
T h ese p r ice s are fo r la b o r o n ly b ecau se th e
n e e d and n u m b e r o f n ew parts d ep en d o n th e
c o n d itio n o f ea ch car. T h e cost o f th ese parts is
lo w , h o w ev er, b ecau se o f the Ford p olicy o f m a n u ­
fa c tu r in g and s e llin g at a sm all m argin o f p r o fit.
F ord M otor C ompany