♦ PA O « FOUR T H U R S D A Y . M A Y IG. I »29 'im jL ji. 'i ' . w THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PvMIMwd Bvary Thorwiay at S p rin g fie ld . L a m C o u n ty , D ra g o n . by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H. K. M A X E Y . Editor. Entered aa »evond class m atter. February 34. 1903 at the poatofllce. Springfield. Oregon M A IL S U B SC R IPTIO N RA TE Ona year In Advance . > l.i5 Three Months FARM FIRH LOSSES A lthough practically all o f the fire losses th at annually rob A m erican farm ers of $160,000,000 a re preventable, th e per cap ita losses seem to be increasing constantly. T his is a very grave problem for farm ers to face, especially as the per capita losses in the co u n try as a whole a re on a decline. 75c U nceasing c a re and vigilenee are necessary, as well as know ledge of th e causes of fir»' and its ever-present danger. S outh D akota is am ong THURSDAY. MAY lfl MM a num ber of s ta te s in which organizations a re If all the year w ere p la yin g holidays. now giving serious th o u g h t to the problem of T o sp o rt w o u ld be as tedious as to w o rk . — Shakespeare. ed u catin g the farm er in the m a tte r of fire p re­ vention. Let. us hop«» th is work is extended th ro u g h o u t th te country. A F W CHEERS EOR FLYING SCHOOL ■ i Months $1 ,10 Single Copy he M ajor G. II. Eckerson is expected to re tu rn in a few days with his new airplane from Troy, Ohio. His re tu rn will m ark th e actu al beginning of a flying school at the newly developed airport here. The airport com m ittee Is planning an in­ form al celebration at the tim e of arrival of Major E ckerson. M a r r ia g « L leant* laauad cen ses have been isaued bv the county clerk to the follow iing: W illiam Ar­ nold and Jean Tomkina, both of Pasadena; Clifton Adains ami Lor­ etta Miller, both of ( ’u llage (¡rove; Kdward Sllkwooil, C resw ell, ami S» I via M Holmrtson, Saginaw ; Claude Abeene ami I’Iota M lll-r, both of Cottage d ro v e; Charles Irish and I Edith tb-hroll, Marcola; Marion Fog arty, Veneta, ami Hilda VanCui ler, i Elmira; Lloyd K eenev. (Ireenlrof, and Adna Brooks, Hwlsahome; Aubrey Brown. Notl. and Juanita Lombard, ! Springfield Editorial Comment, • • • "Give the kickers a job” is one woy to raise th e m orale of a com m unity according to a W ash­ ington new spaper. T h a t plan m ight work well in Oregon also. • • • Down in Polk county six o u t of th e w orld’s sixteen .Jersey cattle records a re held. W onder why we c a n ’t have a few in Lane county? No 14 ® Ave. West Eugere, On»’nn N early $8.500,000 was voted in that behalf at the election on Novem ber 6. E leven cities or counties passed bond issu e proposals ranging from $5000.000 voted by Detroit to the $25.000 issue approved by the citizen s of Albany, Oregon. It is significant that in most of the com m unities where sim ilar proposals were defeated, failure was trace­ able to circum stances which had nothing to do with the public attitude toward aviation In Chicago, for exam ple, where every adm inistration bond Issue was defeated, the Item of $450.000 for the developm ent of the airport re­ ceived the highest vote among the defeated projects. During the last year airport appropriations or bond Issues amounting to more than »21,000,000 have been pas­ sed.— N ation ’s B usiness. m ------ Morgan of For Dinner Tonight - and Every Night E G G IM A N N S ICE CREAM Every m em ber o f l lie fa m ­ ily w ill w elcom e E g g ln ia n n 's lee C reiun fo r d in n e r to n ig h t . . and it's so easy lo serve. O u r lee Cream is ric h and w holesom e w ith garden fresh fru its , pure m ilk and cream . "Well, my man.” said (he Irish doe tor to his patient, "'What's the m atter with von ’" "Pains In my back, sir,” replied the 1 patient. Insure Your Eyes a few of the features which now have becom e common- , place appointm ents. N one of them was standard ten years ago. But they con stitu te only thte physical attri­ butes of progress. More Intangible, hut directly contri­ butory to the advancem ent of aviation, is the enlightened public spirit for airport construction. H John Cane In John Cone o f la > w « ir Camp Crank waa a business visitor In waa a visitor In Springfield Mouday During the pnat week m arriage li­ Springfield Monday. morning. S ta tistics com piled by th e N ational Board of U nderw riters Indicate th at lightning causes IS per cent of the total destru ctio n . Defective ‘■I’ll pul you right,” said the doctor, i chim neys account for 12 per c e n t: sparks on handing him a few pills "Take one ' roof. 7 per c e n t: m atc h es am i sm oking i? per c e n t; of th ese a quarter of an hour b efore' sp o n tan eo u s com bustion, 4.69 per cen t; petro­ you feel the pain com ing o n '-' — leum and its products, 4 per c e n t: stoves and Oakland Men Here Like every business the flying school m ust be furnaces. 4 per cent. O ther leading causes are open lights, electric wires, etc., which account Nelson Page, brother, and Charles advertised and have public support if it is to be for 32 per cent, and which, also, are largely E. W oolley, brother-in-law, of C E. successful. A public dem onstration will do much preventable. Page of this city, were vlsllors here to s ta rt things off right at the new flying field. this week front Oakland, California • • • Let every citizen do his part tow ard th e cele­ Both are retinal railroaders from the Southern Pacific company. Mr. Page i bration even if it is only to tell som eone th at Eugene w ent to T h u rsto n for "Miss Eugene" does not know it th at Springfield has an airport in th e sta te beauty c o n test We alw ays thought had 42tk years service and Mr. Nelson ! 47 years when thev w ere put on the I and flying school. this was the best side of th e river and now th at pension list by the railroad They • • • it h a s been proven th at th e p rettiest girls live on report conditions gedestrian. • • • T he general m an a g e r of the largest chain gro ­ cery store in th e w est recently m et a delegation W h ile you are young, w ith th e | of farm ers in Oregon City. Out of four sacks of proper glasses potatoes subm itted to him he sorted out enough A V IA T IO N ON T H E G RO UND Your eyes a re your m ost price- j for one sack. T his he said w as a No. 1 sack and less possession. Along with all the aerial wonders revealed by aviation the kind th a t he would buy and pay a prem ium at the celebration of its tw enty-fifth birthday Is the equal- T h a t is why we re c o m m e n d > for. B ut he did not expect to buy four sack s of ly notable developm ent of Its sustaining groundwork It p o tato es to get one. T he farm er, he said, m ust Is evident that the design and equipment of the modern for them th e finest lenses con­ do his own sorting. Now th e O regon City c h a m ­ , airport does provide opportunity fot; constructive Ingen- ceived by science— O rthogons— T hese w onderful lenses, th a t ber 6f com m erce is gettin g the farm ers to plant , uity and business acumen. In the present stage of air­ give vou the sam e perfect vision tested seed and are a rra n g in g to m ark et their port design are Included many Im provements which would a t the edge as a t th e center. p o tato e s in specially labeled sacks. It’s a good ' have seem ed visionary to aviators In pre-war days. w ay to m ark et a farm crop. Find o u t w hat the A dm inistration buildings are now proposed in m agni­ m ark et dem ands and then set out to raise th a t tude to equal railroad term inals. Lighting and equipment, “air w eather” bureaus, permanent fire-resistant hangars. . kind of product. storage and repair buildings, and paved runways are only ■ • • • T he b u reau of sta n d a rd s is carry in g on ex­ perim ents to fireproofing m atch stem s and c ig a r­ e tte b u tts, because last y ear fire losses o f ninety million dollars were caused from this source. We su g g est they extend th eir research to some bran d s of cigars which are now prac­ tically fireproof. T hey m ight get an idea. Visitor M onday- L- FGGIMANN’S "Where (hu Service 1« D ifferent” The C o n v e r tib le L a n d a u le t S ed a n O p e n to s u n s h i n e c l o s e d to t h e r a in sm art in any weather O n e it h e r t h e N ew O a k la n d A ll- A m erican Six or th e P o n tia c Big Six c h a ssis you can o b ta in th e C on vertib le L a n d a u let body ty p e . . . a F isher body c re a tio n d esig n ed to c o m b in e th e fair w ea th er b en efits o f an o p en ear w ith th e pro­ t e c t io n o f ti s m a r t , c o m p le t e ly a p p o in te d sc*dan. A sp ecial d e m o n str a tio n o f C onver­ tib le L a n d a u lets bus b een arrunged w h ich w e w ill be glud to m uke for you at any tim e . T K a V— <74J las /.•. b TT m 411- M a. I I I U I . l i m . TKa ' * a t a a l t a a K , Wa, Mu-M$ns, jMus dalirw» fkarfw. t'gair l g m f a y n a a l fin s Ml s t b U a u o a r g l g , S (Io n s Id e r (h e d e liv e re d p r ic e sa w e ll a« t h e H a t p r ic e w h e n r o » - p a r iu g a u t o m o b ile r a l l i e s . . • . O a k la n d - P o n t ia c d e liv e re d p ric e s In c lu d e o n ly r e a s o n a b le c h a rg e s fo r d e liv e r y a n d fln a o t i a f . W. R.. DAWSON Springfield, Oregon OAKLAND-PONTIAC -..... s n& C t M « a A L M oves» After all’s said and do ne, the pleasure you get in smoking is what counts Q a m e l ______ t C IG A R E T T E S WHY CAMELS ARE THE BETTER CIGARETTE Camels are m ade o f the choicest tobaccos grown. The Camel blend o f Domestic a n d Turkish tobaccos has never been equaled. Camels are m ild a n d mellow. They do not tire the taste. They leave no cigaretty after-taste. Camels have a delightful fragrance th at is pleasing to everyone. 1929. R .J . R e u M i T a b « , ■ p ia r , Wuuloa-Salm, N. t