9 THURSDAY, MAY 16, 192» P io im rif T R A IN S C H E D U L E Springfield Stops NORTH FUR BALK—Carbon paper In largt ■ heat», 36x39 Inch«», aultabla for making tracing» The New« Office To Close Estate About rive iicren good bottom land In G illiam P ark Addition, adjoin in g llendoraon «t., w a lk ­ ing dlHtance to U niversity. No reasonable o ffe r refused. Some term s If necesaary. W rite A. I). O TT. 862 Went 66th St., Seattle, W ashington. H ig hest T e m p e ra tu re Sun Francisco, Cal . M ay 16.— Roar* Ixmibartll, nine -year-old girl, aurvlve.l the highest l«tnt»*ratur«< ever recorded - a fever of 11’ d ........... - - liim aa of -• u r in g an acarlet fever. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Notice la hereby given that the un derslgned haa been appointed Ad mlnlatrator of the eMlale of Harry It Oldham. deceased All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified Io preaent the snme, properly verified. Io the undersigned, at the office of Wells and Wells, At­ torneys In the Bank of Commerce Bldg., In Eugene. Iatne County, Ore­ gon. within six months of the first publication of this notice Dale of first publication May 2nd. 1929 Ouy I,. Oldham, Administrator Wella A Wella. Attorneys. M 29 16 23 30 N O T IC E OF H E A R IN G ACCOUNT ON F IN A L NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned admlnlHtrator» of the Relate of Clemons E Carlllc. deceased hare filed their account for the final settlement of said estate In the County Court for L ine County. Ore­ gon, and that Saturday the 25th day of May, 1929., nt the Court Room of aald Court. In the County Court House, In Eugene. Lane County. Ore gnn at ten o’clock In the forenoon has been by aald Court fixed as the time and place for henring objections thereto, and for final settlement m said estate. HENRY L CARLILE C. P 8NBLI-8BAUK L. L RAY. Attorney far Enlate A 25: M 2-9 16 2.3 N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF ORBOON FOR LANE COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Adal­ bert 8. Wnlkley, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un­ dersigned were, by the order of said court duly appointed as administra­ tors with the will annexed of the es­ tate of Adelbert 8 Walkley. deceased, on the 22nd day of April, 1929. and all persons haring claims against said eatate are hereby natlfled to preaent the same with proper verification thereof to the undersigned adminis­ trators at the office of their attorney Fred E. Smith, 445-6 Miner Building, Eugene. Oregon, within six months from the date of thia notice. Dated April 25th 1929 Ixittle M Howard. Kline Walkley. Administrators with Will annexed. Fred E Smith, Attorney for Administrators A 25: Mnv 2 9 16 23 E - . 1 1 ■ Fewer Dope Richmond. Va.. May 16—Richmond POSTAL CLERKS GIVEN ACCURACY EXAMINATION ten yearn ago had 5,000 dog»; now No. 16 at 3:64 A. M. Stop to detrain there are only 2.000 In the city. The The three Springfield poat office pasNengera from Klamath Fall and goat population at the name time haa clerk» rated high In the regular ¡.a- beyond. gone down from several hundreds to nual case examination which was No 8 at 3:46 P. M. none. held in the local chamber of com­ Hus connectlona at Eugene for merce room» Monday forenoon by W. train» leaving 11:50 A M and 7 P. M SUM M O NS ’ SOUTH IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE C. Ott, chief clerk at large from the STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOR i division headquarters at Seattle. No. 7 at 12:47 P. M. LANE COUNTY | ThP examination consisted of dis­ No. 16 at 10:09 P. M Flag atop for paaaengera to Klamath Falla and S M Wick» and Hasel Wicks, Plain- tributing 828 post cards Into 53 dif­ tiffs Vs Celesta M. Dodd, Edward beyond. Arthur Dodd. Harrlette DeWitt ferent banche» In the minimum Bus connection» at Eugene for PAINTING und Kalsosnining In all It» Dodd, hla wife. Corinth E. Dodd, amount of time. Mrs F B Hamlin, N O T IC E T O C R E O IT O R 9 a widow. Walter H. Dodd, single, wife of the postmaster, received the tralna leaving 11:45 A. M yla Siskiyou branches. Reduced Price». Roy NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Tnaf line. Norman H. Dodd, single, Walter highest In the examination. Of the Koch Call 125-J L. I. Ray ha» been appointed adminis­ Ramberg single, Corinth E. Dodd, trator of the ealate of Han» Peterson single, Edward Hamberg, single, 828 cards she distributed 827 of N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S C A L L FO R W A R R A N T S llulegaard, usually known a» Hana Lucy Ramberg, single, Dexter E them correctly for a percentage of Peterson, deceased, by the County Eugley, sometime» known as Dex 99 87. taking 22 minutes for the work. NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN that Notice 1» hereby given that School Corut of Lane County, Oregon, All ter R Engley, Mrs. Dexter R. Eug­ W. N. Gossler distributed five of Jatnes II Ityan ha» been appointed District No. 19. In Springfield. Lane peraon» having claim» agaln»t aabl ley, his wife, Jam es' Vickers, Nar­ the cards Incorrectly for a percent­ edtnlnlHtrator of the estate of Tborna» eatate are required to preaent them, County, Oregon, will pay at the office rissa B Vlekers, his wife, Lewis W G Ityan, di-roaa.'d, by the County with the proper vouchers. within »lx of the Clerk of »aid district, all war­ Coleman, sometimes knrfwn as age of »9 39, taking 23 minutes. L. Court of Lane County, Oregon. All month» from the 2nd day of May, 1929. rant» IgHued prior to December 8, I-ouls W. Coleman, Sarah Coleman, A. Nice spent 28 minutes at work and pi-rsons having claim s again»! »aid Io the »aid administrator at hl» office 1928, to and Including No. 220. In­ his wife, Mahlan Carter, sometimes made nine errors for a percentage of .•stale are required to presenf them In the Miner Building, Eugene, Oregon terest ceasea after May 18, 1929. known as Mahlen Carter, Mrs. 98 91. with the proper voucher» within »lx WM G. HUGHES. L. L. RAY, Mahlan Carter, his wife, also all m onths from the date of the flr»l Clerk Dlatrlct No. 19 Admlnlalrator of the Eatate of Hana other persons and parties unknown publication of this notice, which 1» Peterson llulegaard. UHUatly known claiming any right. Interest or ease- M O THERS' DAY DINNER May 16th, 1929, to »aid admlnl»trator an II uiik Peteraon, deceased. N O T IC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN G ment in the real estate described In at the law office of Donald Young. 860 M 2-9-16-23-30 HONORS MRS. L. A. S M ITH NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the complaint herein, Defendants. W lllam etlo .Street. Eugene, Oregon. Edith A. Spires has filed her final ac­ JAMES II RYAN, TO Edward Arthur Dodd, Harrlette 1 A dinner honoring Mrs. L. A. count a» administratrix of the estate SUMMONS Admlnlalrator. and that DeWitt Dodd, his wife, Corinth E. Smith was given by her children DONALD YOUNG, Attorney IIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 1 of Hattie E Plner. i deceased, a , Dodd, a widow, Walter H. Dodd, sin­ STATE OF OREGON, FOR LANE ‘ w ,-2 Oi M 16 23 30 J 6 1 3 Mothers’ Day at the home of her COUNTY 10 o «-lock In the forenoon of Bald gle. Norman H. Dodd, single, Walter 'lay, and the County Court Room in Ramberg, single, Corinth E. Dodd, daughter, Mrs. R. L. Burnett. NOTICE T O C R E D IT O R S Anna Bruns, Plaintiff, Vs. Erwin J. the Court House at Eugene, Oregon, single,Ed ward Ramberg, single. Lucy All of her children were present Bruns, Defendant. NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN that has been fixed as the time and place Ramberg, single, Dexter R. Eugley, except one daughter who lives a sometimes known as Dexter R. Eng­ To Erwin J. Bruns, Defendant. for hearing objectlona to said final Mollie Oroasen tin» been appointed Michigan. Those present were: Mrs. "'••’•Inlatralrlx °f th<* estate of John IN THE NAME OF THE STATE account, and for settlement of said ley. Mrs. Dexter R. Eughey, his wife, James Vickers, Narcissa B. Smith, Miss Anita Smith. Mr. a-i Groasen. deceased, by the County OF OREGON:; You are hereby re- estate. All those having objections Mrs. A. H. Smith and children, Lottlsw Courl of Lane County, Oregon. All qulred to appear and answer the corn- to said final account are required t o , Vickers, his wife Lewis W Coleman, , persons having claim» ugalnsl said p|a|nt ft|,.q »KMln«l you In the above appear at said time and place, or t o , »«met lines known as Louis W^ Cole- and Jimmy, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J C. thi- unm,. „ Betty gnd Ruth F May 16ih. 1929. to said administratrix | fr„ni , he ,iatP 1)f thp f|rgt publication Admlnlstratrlx easement In the real estate described , , . / 1 at the law office of Donald Young. R60 thereof, and if you fall to appear and in the complaint herein, defendants: ” a n*ere °f the late Mr L. A. Smith), DONALD YOUNG, Attorney W illam ette Street. Eugene, Oregon 1 answer, for want thereof, plaintiff M. 16-23 30 J 6-1.3 IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Smith and d a u rh - MOLLIE G II OS SEN, ; will take a decree against you for the ' OF OREGON: Yon and each of you ter Connie, of Cottage Grove, and ”1» Administrator ! relief prayed for In the complaint I are hereby required to appear and hostess. Mrs. DONALD YOUNG. Attorney SUMM0N8 1 which Is for a decree of the court , R. L. Burnett and son answer the complaint filed against M 16 23 30 J 6 13 , dissolving the marriage contract now [ Billy- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE you In the above entitled Court and existing between plaintiff and defend STATE OF OREGON FOR THE cause on or before the expiration of ant for the care, custody and control N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S COUNTY OF LANE. the time prescribed In the order of Sm all Boy Dies of the minor child and for an order Notice 1a hereby given that the un­ requiring defendant to pay to the Haxel Cowart. Plaintiff, Vs. Ivan L. ! publication, to-wlt: On or before the Melvin Gossler, aged two and one Cowart, Defendant. expiration of four weeks from the dersigned C. M LaPorte has been plaintiff for the support of said minor To Ivan L. Cowart, the above date of first publication of this sum half years, the son of Mr. and Mrs. appointed executor of the will and | child the sum of 920 00 a month and estate of the above named Frances for such other and further relief as named Defendant. mens, and If you fall to answer, for Loy Gossler of Albany, formerly ’ f want thereof, plaintiffs will apply to West Springfield, died at Alh’ ov L Weaver by the County Court of to the court may seem Just and | IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF the Court for the relief prayed for I,an<- County. Oregon, and all persons proper. OREGON, You are hereby required in the complaint, to-wlt: Thursday morning He is survi’ «-l having claims against said estate will This summons Is published pursu­ to appear and answer the complaint That each and all of said defendants by his parents and one sister, BeCv. present name duly certified at the of­ fice of Whitten Swafford, 201 Tiffany ant to an order of the Hon G. F f l l'/ against von In the above entitled be required to set forth the nature aged one year The child’s ‘ funeral w a s’ held at Building. Eugene, Oregon on or before Sklpworth, Circuit Judge of I^ine Court and Cause on or before the 31st of their claim» of right title, interest. Countv, Oregon, made and entered day of May 1929 said date being more . or easement of. In and to the property six months after this date. May 7. 1929 and the date of the first than four weeks from the day of the hprplnaftpr described, and that any ,he Veach funeral home at E u r" 'i Dated and first published April 18th. publication hereof Is May 9. 1929 and first publication of this summons and and all adverse claims of said de- Friday afternoon at two o’rlock. w'rh 1929 : the -late of the last publication hereof herein entered of record and If you C M LA PORTE. Executor. ..... so .0 a p p e a r and anu answer an s w e r for .o r want w an. d Z te m in Z d " " ” " " ’ H'’ * ” '' P” tOr " f fail »0 to appear Is June 6. 1929 A. 18 25. M. 2 9-16 .......... ,h %pla,nA,f: 7 " ' app,y to. ,.h; by a decree of this Court, and that by Springfield Christ.an church n HOWARD M BROWNELL. Residence. r ° u.rt for ,hp .rel!pf ’n ,her ««mplalnt sajd decree it be declared and ad charge of the services. Interm-nt Attorney for Plaintiff IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Eugene, Oregon. f Kal"” demanded and prayed judgert that the defendants and each followed at the Laurel Hill cemetery. STATE OF OREGON FOR ° " and all thereof have no estate or in- M 9 16-23-30 J LANE COUNTY For a Judgment and decree of Di- terest, title or easem ent whatsoever | NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Scouts Observe Mothers’ Day vorce dissolving the bonds of matrl- )n nr (0 said land and property, or ' In the Mutter of the Ksate of David C. FOREST EXCHANGES __ _______ Every mother of a boy scout In many now and hereto fore existing ; __ any part thereof: _____ and ________ that the _______ title of Mathews, deceased. 018452 Notice Is hereby given that the un Dep, rtment of th, interior. United between you and the plaintiff on the • plaintiffs, to said property and the Troop 11 of the Springfield boy derslgned has been appointed by the : " ’¿¿'¿'»'L in d O N U e."R osibirB7 o ™ - ^her" relief a ^ V h e " ^ " ^ ^ mar seem Tlalm’ " V w l d "d?- rece,red a « ’■"•Hon. indirectly. above entitled court as the admtnls gon, 11. 1929. ...... April ......................... fendants or either thereof of. in and her ° ’ rn 8on Sun^av morning. tratrlx In said matter. All persons -This summons Is served upon vou to said propertv as against plaintiffs boys gathered at 8 o’clock in the having claims against said estate are i Notice Is hereby given that on . 1 April, 1929 u u n v M A T H F W 8 Administratrix Tp’ 20 S ” RanKP 1 w M w'thln on ,,ay Apr'' 1929 order »«'d property or any part thereof, i R - ’ a w i N T F l t W F I F n A tto rn e y -’he Cascade National Forest, for the Ing that thia summons be published to-w lf C On Fishing T rip — T ru h e rt Hender- C. A. vs iNTf.llM M ,R. ey. timber on approximately eight acres once each week for four successive Beginning at a point 20 chains East A. is in. m i-e | within the SEL, N E 'i. Sec. 19. Tp. 20 and consecutive weeks In said naoer o( the Southwest cerner of the Wll- derson and Cliff Brvan spent Sunday S Range 4 East W M. within the snd that the date of the first publica- Ham Drinkwater Donation Land Cla.m on a flgh,n< trlp up the McKenzie. 1 i a»eadp National Forest. tlon of Mav «188 in South Section Six . N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S 1929 will and be the with date the of Issue the last p u h 2nd l.c NntifteAtlon T o ^ s h ip No nineteen ^ange report » c«tch’ • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That The purpose of this notice Is to al­ Alfred Westrope has been appointed low all persons claiming the lands tlon will be with th . Issue of May 30th One Eagt of , he W illamette M e r i d i a n ------------------------------ administrator of the estate of John selected, or having bona fide objec­ 1929. in Lane County. Oregon, and running TOOK SODA 20 YEARS Dated April 30. 1929. H. Briggs, deceased, by the County tions to such application, an oppor­ ! thence East along South line of said j CAD iusma / FRANK A DsPT’B. cilam 10.25 chains, thence North F U K U A b — b lU K b N O W Court of I-ane County. Oregon. All tunity to file their protests with the Attorney for Plaintiff, Residence. | 16.55 chains, more or less, to the I persons having claims, ngnlnst said Register and Receiver of the United estate are required to present them, States land Office at Roseburg, Ore-1 Springfield, Oregon, Southeast corner of the tract of land “For 20 years 1 took soda for Indl- with proper vouchers, within six gon. Any such protests or objections i M 2-9-16-23-30 conveyed by A. J. Renfro and wife to j gestión and stomach gas. One bottle must be filed In this office within months from the 25th day of April, George Klntxley August 14th. 1914, by oj Adlerlka brought me complete re­ 1929. to the said administrator at the thirty days from the date of first deed recorded on page 235 of Vol. 112, jlej „ _j B Hardy SUMMON8 , law office of L. L. Ray, In the Miner publication of this notice, which first IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ° f thp Df1Td snT’w lL i Adlerika relieves stomach gas and publication Is April 25. 1929. Building. Eugene, Oregon. STATF O F O R F O O N FO R T H F O regon, thpncp North and ALFRED WESTROPE. administra­ HAMILL A. CANADAY. Register COUNTY OF LANE terly alon* 1,ne of !'a,d K in,»le’r tra c t' sourness in TEN minutes. Acting on tor of the Estate of John H. Briggs, non-coal Jar.le L. Cnizan "plaintiff. Vs. Petra t0 ,a poipt /¿”P «e ' BOTH Upper 8n<1 *°Wer b° We1, “ A 25: May 2 9-16-23 Jones and C. N. Jones her husband. 00.nt and thence South to the place of m0Teg ol(1 wag(e matter you never L. I,. R \Y , Attorney for Estate E. C. Summers and Vernla Summers o*'8lnnin& ! thought was in your system. Let Adl- A. 25: M 2-9-16 N O T IC E FO R S A L E hls wife. Chris Tellefson James and that plaintiffs have such and ! er,ka give your stomach and bowels a Notice Is hereby given that the un- ^ m JonpR and---------Jones his wife, other further relief as to the Court ' 4 . Defendants. mar gPPW Jug, and equitable. i REAb clea” »'nK «"<» »<* how much , derslgned. Gorilla J. Somers, as the To E. C. Summers and Vernla This summorns Is published by or-1 better you feel. It will surprise you- ’ administratrix In the Matter of the Estate of C. F Somers, also known Summers, his wife. Defendants ^er of the Hon. G F. Sklpworth. Flanery’s Drug Store. as Clarence F Somers, deceased, by IN THE NAME OF THE STATE judge of said Court, made May 3rd, 1 1 virtue of an order of sale entered In OF OREGON. You and each of you j<>29 « iiu u n w » Office Phone 176-J Res Phone 176 M the above entitled matter In the Coun- are hereby required to appear and Dated and first published May 9th. p ir p t - it r n r n T n r t h is 1 ty Court of the State of Oregon, for answer the complaint filed against 1929. 1 THE llK L in I.U IK I U r t u b Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE l-ano County, on the 30th day of April you In the above entitled Court and * BROOKE A- BRYSON, General Practice, Special Attention 1929 will from and after the 31st day Cause on or before the 23rd day o t| Attorneys for plaintiffs. 866 W illam-1 » ¿ ^ r ^ L ^ p V a b n i f f Vs James E to Obstetrics and Diseases of May 1929 offer for sale at the office May 1929 said date being more than p,(p Street, Eugene Oregon. of Children. jot Howard M Brownell. In Eugene, six weeks from the date of the first M 9-16-23-30—J. 6 ! Carter, Defendant. To James E. Carter, the above- j Lane County', Oregon, for cash or part publication of this summons and be- First National Bank Building ! named defendant: ! cash nnd part credit all the right. Ing the time prescribed for such ap- Springfield, Oregon N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S I IN THE NAME OF THE STATE ! title nnd interest o f, said deceased pearance by you in the order for the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That 1 OF OREGON, you are hereby required I and of said estate In and to the fol- publication of this summons and herein entered of record and If you ; Carrie L. Purdy has been appointed ' to appear and answer the complaint lowing described real property: fall so to appear and answer for want administratrix of the estate of Wal- filed against you In the above en- I Lot 7, Block 13. First Addition DR. W. N. DOW _______ ____________ . thereof the plaintiff will apply to the ter W. Purdy, deceased, by the County j titled court and cause on or before City Outlook, Eugene, Oregon. D e n tis t Lots 28 and 29~ln Block "7 and Ixtts Court for the relief In her complaint Court of Lane County. Oregon. A ll, the 13th day of June 1929 said date First National Bank Building 7 nnd 8 In Block 6 In Westmorland . against you demanded and prayed for persons having claims against said ; being more than four weeks from the Addition to Eugene, Lane County. estate are required to present them, j day of the first publication of this Phone 48 Springfield, Oregon Oregon. Judgement against the defendants with the proper vouchers, within six summons herein entered of record Office hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. I>ot 13, Block 1, Midway Park ns I Petra Jones and C. N. Jones her hus- months from the 9th day of May, 1929. 1 and If you fall so to aPP«ar a,nd a2; Evenings by Appointment ^ an.V be.^p’al n,V^S platted and recorded In Lane County. band for the sum of eight hundred to the said administratrix at the law j s 'y®r 1800.00) Dollars together with Interest office of L. L. Ray. In the M iner’ will *” apply to the court for the relief Oregon. In her complaint against you demand­ Lot 15, Block 12 In the Town of thereon from the 22nd of May 1928 at Building. Eugene. Oregon. ed. to wit: CARRIE L. PURDY, Lowell, I-ane County, Oregon, as plat­ 70?- per annum and for the costs, dis- For a Judgment and decree of Administratrix of the Estate of ted and of record in said county and hnrsements and charges together divorce dissolving the bonds of mat- with an attorneys fee of $150 00. Walter W Purdy, deceased State. rlmonv now and heretofore existing For a Decree foreclosing P laintiffs l I. RAY. Attorney for Estate. Commence 8 rods west of the NW between you and the Plaintiff on the M 9-16-23-30—J corner of NE>4 of Claim 58 In Sec mortgage and that the real property | grounds of desertion and for such 28, Tp. 15 8. R 4 West of W. M. run mentioned and described therein be —----------------------—-— west 60 rods, south 5 1-3 rods, east "old by the Sheriff of Lane County. N q t | c e q F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T other relief as to the Court may seem equitable. 60 rods, north 5 1-3 rods to beginning Oregon In the manner provided by That this summons Is served upon containing 2 acres In Lane County, law nnd the proceeds be applied In Notice Is hereby given that Jesse Oregon. payment of the aforesaid judgement, o . Wells, Administrator with the you by publication In the Sprfnrfteld 228 Main St. Residence 125 C St All of the Interest of deceased, both This summons is serve,1 upon you hv w ill annexed of the estate of William News, a newspaper of general circu­ 62 J 62 M personal and as trustee In Lots 1 7 1 publication thereof In the SPRING-; q». Kerley, has filed his final report lation, pursuant to an order of the and 18 In Block 24 In Chamber’s Ad- FIELD ’ NEWS pursuant to an order of 1 and account as such Administrator, Judge of the Circuit Court of the dltlon to Eugene, Lane County, Ore­ the Judge of the above mentioned j and the Court has set and fixed T ups State of Oregon for the County of Full Auto Equipment Court made and entered of record on day the 28th day of May 1929. at the Tatne made and entered of record on gon. Lady Assistant Undivided 2-3 Interest of deceased the 23rd day of April 1929 ordering honr of ten o’clock In the forenoon of the 14th day of May 1929 ordering In lot 4 and south half of NW*4 and snld summons pnhllshed once each said day at the connty court room In this summons to be pnhllshed once SWVi of NE%. all In Soc. 10. Tp. 20. S week for four successive and conse­ Eugene, l^ n e Connty. Oregon, as the each week for four consecutive and R. 1 W est of W. M. In Lane County, cutive weeks and the date of the first time and place to hear final objec­ successive weeks In the Springfield publication shall be the Issue of the tions to the same, If any and for the News and that the date of the first Oregon. FRANK A. DE PUE publication Is of the Issne of May 16th Ixits 3, 4 and 5, Block 8 Teshner’s 25th day of April 1929 and the date final settlement of Raid estate. 1929 and the last publication will he J 9J8SE G. w «ILLS, Addition to Eugene, Lane County, of the last publication shall be with A T T O R N E Y A T LA W Oregon. the Issue of Mav 23rd 1929. Administrator with the Will annex­ with the Issne of Jnne 13th 1929, N O T A R Y P U B LIC FRANK A DePUE, Attorney for ed of the eetate of William T. Kerley, FRANK A. DePUE. Dated May 2 1929. Plaintiff, Residence, Springfield, Ore­ deceased. GORILLA J. SOMERS. Attorney for Plaintiff, R esident*. Sutton Bprlagfleld, Administratrix. gon. W elle A W ells, Attorneys. Springfield, Oregon. J b u s in e s s d ir e c t or y ■ns, Phons 110 Plano Moving SPR IN G FIELD TRANSFER WILLI» BERT8CH, Prop, o r n e « AT SERVICE GARAGE 533 Main Street ■accessor to Sutton Transfer WM. G. HUGHES KIRK ANO A U TO IN S U R A N C E N O T A R V P U B L IC Office et FIRST NATIONAL BANK Bprlngfleld, Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY D E N T IB T Button Bids, Phons K M Rseldsncs Phono 18S-M Springfield, Oregon General Law Practice I. M. PETERSON Attorney-at-Law City Hall Building Springfield, Ore. D. W . Roof JE W E L E R Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon r Wakar-Poole Ghapal Funeral Directors BwIMhtE Oregon M. 2 9-16 23 30 -• A. Î5 : M . >-»-16-23 M. >-»-i«-n-M M 16-2M 0 J. 6-1«