PA O e TWO THB SPRING FIRED NHWR T inntSD A Y . MAY Hl, 1029 ■fl Guest of Flannorya — Mlaa Ces'lle 17 South. Range J. Weat of the W ll- chaina; thence Fast 38 28 chains; (or the r<*lli*f demanded In mild com Jack of Hillsboro la «ponding a few lamette Meridian, said beginning point thence North J Í 07 chains to the pliilnt, to-wlt: for ■ decrew of Ibis ♦ THURSTON days In Springfield aa the guest of being the ik-uthwest corner of said ! place of beginning; Court giving the plaintiff u Judgment Block Seven (7) and being the In te r-I Also, Beginning at the most north- ngnlnst the ilefendunt t ’lnrem e W The high school baseball players M r and Mrs. Floyd Flannery. section of the North line of Fourth I erly Northwest Corner of the W illiam Fandrem for the umount of Indobteil motored to Crow last Friday after­ Iral Nelson III— Ira l Nelson la re­ Etreet with the East line of tlendersou 1 Bowman Donation latnd Claim No. 78, nesH owing from file h u m defendant noon where they played the team ported to be quite ill at his home in Avenue in the amended plat of Glen I in Township Eighteen South of ttange to the p la in tiff heridn upon the note wood Park, and running th e n c e ‘ Two ,21 West of the W illam ette «nd morlgHge in this complaint set there and met th eir defeat. Springfield. N ortht 6 20 chains to the Northwest M eridian, them e South 7.HO chains, out mill the costs mid disbursements M r. and Mrs. Jack Hatchel. who corner of said Block Seven ,7 , and thence Fast 2161 chains thence I of this suit mid a reiisonuble attor h are spent some tim e touring C all-, „ Has Tonsils Removed — M argaret the South line of T hird Street In said North 7 SO chains; thence West Rill nev’s fee, and that said decree pro fornla. spent last Thursday night I O arre“ ’ dau* hh*r of Mr. and Mrs. R. plat, thence East 6 20 chains to the chains: thence Smith 3 5 % chains to vide for the foreclosure of the mort w ith M r and Mrs A. W W e a v e r.! C’ a more or less; l Iregon; ment. a saw while at work near his home I South. Range Three (Si W est; A ll In and further decreeing that the de- by the S h eriff of Lane Countv. In fendants have not. nor have either of the manner provided by law and ac­ Miss Goldla Starr, principal of the Tuesday. He was brought to Spring Lane County. Oregon And further decreeing that the de- ’ them, any right, title or Interest in cording to the practice of this Court grade school, visited her mother at field for medical treatm ent. fendants had no, nor have either of and to the said premises or any par, ami that the proceeds of said sale, Oakland over the week-end. them any right, title «r Interval In thereof That the P la in tiff be de- Rebhan at Roseburg — Dr. W. C. the said premises and forever quiet creed to be the owner In fee simple after deducting the expenses thereof, M any cars motored out from En bo apt-licit In payment of the smoon, gene and other places every Sunday Rebhan spent Tuesday on a business Ing title of plaintiffs against the de- of Ihe said premises, and that the due p lain tiff hiweln upon said Judg­ fendants and each of them ami all defendants and each of them be for- trip to Roseburg. ment and that the plu lnllff have Judg­ to the "Blossom Farm " owned by ____________________ I persons claim ing by through or un ever barred from claim ing any right, ment against the defendant Clarence the Conker Brothers, to see theft- euuucue der ,hem or el,her of them. and such Htle or Interest therein, and for such W Fandrem for any deficiency re­ flowers at present. They have a IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T OP T O P J?“ * ! '‘ nd fUr,her r*,” e f tO ,he * " d fUr,h* r maining unpaid on the salil Judgment Q-r ¿ -e r1 I H S Particularly describee, Complaint herein, and described as IN THE NAME OE TH E STATE the 13th day of June 1929 said date a8 follows, to-wlt: follows, to-wlt: O F OREGON. You and each of you S i l nfmT e f l X nnhlTeVHSn rm tM e Beginning at a point 19 40 chain. Beginning at a point 6 21 chains are hereby required to appear and m m m nnsh ha” I ‘ ’’"^ ic a tlo n of this W est aiKl 13 g4 chains North of the South of the Northeast corner of the answer the i-omplalnt filed ugainst h.!r,e,.n. ?.nI ered . ° i record Southeast corner of the Donation illiam Bowman Donation Land you In the above entitled Court and ■ nd i f vnn fail t n annaa. „»d „ vvi nei o. uie uunanon W » iiiiu .il oowm an iro nai for want thereof ' thT p la in tiff1 Z m Z 1?lm ' v ° i i £ har.leS 2 ’ and N ?,lfl,a tlo n N °- 703&- ,n Town cause, on or before four w.s-ks from applv to the Cmirt for the relief’ „ lficatlon ? ° 328‘ and Xh. ln 18 Son,h’ n a n * p 2 West " f ,h “ ,h '‘ (laf® ” >e f'rs, publication of Iter complaint against vou demanded B,a m 28 ln T ° wnship 18 South. W illam ette Meridian, in Lane Caunty. this Summons, and If you fall so to Court tnay seem equitable Tills Summons Is publlhliid once each week for four sureeaalee weeks In the Springfield News, a weekly newspaper of general clrculalluB, published lii Lane County, ()ri, Or»*gon. No. 444 Pure Silk Full Fash ioned HOSE in M any Smart Shades chains; m s fim o n v now and heretofore ex- Istlng between you and the P lain tiff ' on the grounds of desertion and that p lain tiff be awarded the care and custodv of the two minor children and for such other relief as to the Court •h all seem meet. That this summons Is served unon yon hv publication thereof In The Bpripgfleld News, a newspaper of general circulation pursuant to an order of the Judge of the above men­ tio n « ! Court and entered of record on the 16th day of M ay 1929 ordering this summons to be' published once each week for four successive and consecutive weeks ln said Newspaper and that the date of the first publi­ cation is with the issue of May 16th 1929 and date of last publication w ill be with the issue of June 13th, 1929. F R A N K A. DePUE, Attorney for P lain tiff, Residence, Springfield. Oregon. M 16-23-30 J 6-13 Keeps You Internally Fit! Rexall Laxative Salt 50c S tir a teaspoonful of Rex­ all Laxative Salt in a glass of water In the morning. Pleasant, refreshing, ef­ fervescing. Fine for sick headache and indigestion. Keeps bowels regular and system fit. Sold only a t Flanery’s Drug Store TRe Sfor* SO U TH ERN thence South P A C IF IC No. 4SS Sheer Silk HOSE Clear chiffon to th„ toP ~ picot edge 22.07 the plaintiffs w ill apply to the Court C IR C L E T R IP S Greatest summer travel bargains . . . back east excursion fares m ake these trips surprisingly lo w in cost SU N SET C IR C L E California, the Southwest, San A ntonio, N e w Orleans, by boat to N e w Y ork, if you wish. Thiscriphasagreater appeal and value than any trip you can plan. You skirt the border of the entire United Stares; you may visit Old Mexico on the south and Canada on the north. The Sunset Circle takes you down the entire Pacific Coast to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Holly­ wood, San Diego. Then east on the S unset R oute via El Paso. San Antonio, with her historic Alamo, and thru the Old South to romantic New Orleans. From New Orleans you can continue by rail, or, at no added cost, enjoy a delightful Atlantic cruise to New York. Meals and accommodations on the steamer are included in your fare. Return trip may be made on northern United States or Canadian lines. N o m atter w hat your destina­ tion, it can be included on one o f Southern Pacific’sCircleTrips. Your trip is extended into a tour o f as much of the United States as you like. And you get vastly m o r e f o r y o u r travel funds. You can visit more cities, more places o f in te r e s t tiian in any other w a y . Y ou c a n stopover wherever you please. T hree itineraries are suggested here. Y our trip can be arranged in a sim ilar way. Reverse these itineraries if you wish. Summer excursion fares to the e a st a re on sale M ay 22 a n d daily thereafter until September 30. You have until October 31 to complete your journey. OVERLAND CIRCLE San Francisco, I ^ k e Tahoe, Salt latke City, Denver, Yellowstone D ow n the pIcturesqut-SllASTA R o ute to cosmopolitan San Francisco. Then east on the historic O v e r , a n d R oute (Lake Tahoe L in e ) which takes you over the Sierra Nevada M ountains, across Great Salt Lake by rail. Circle home from Salr Lake C ity via Yellowstone,oradd joyous days royour vacation by going on to the great Rocky M ountain playground. I f you wish you may continue east via Chicago. Phone, write or call any Southern Paiifu agent, l et him help you ¡>tan a Circle Trip, G O L D E N STATECIRCLE Are you as proud as they? San Francisco, Southern Cali­ fornia, Chicago and other mid-west points. See the e n tire Pacific C o a st, visiting San Francisco enroute if you wish. Southern C a lifo rn ia with its Hollywood, Los Angeles b each es and r e s o r ts , an d San Diego. Continuing east you travel thru the picturesque S o u th w e st and the Imperial and Sait River Val­ leys where the desert has sprung in to v e rd a n t g a rd e n s a n d o r ­ chards. Tucson, Phoenix and El Paso. T hen your ro u te fo llo w s th e "Long Horn Trail" to Topeka, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chit ago. Coming home you have a choice of routes—northern United States lines, or you can return thru the Canadian Rockies. On th e s e C irc le T rip s you h a ve c h o ic e of 12 fine Southern Pacific transcontinental trains, inc lulling the famous standard hearers: "Cascade", "San Francisco Overland Limited", "Golden Stale Limited", "Sunset Limited". A rc you among the 314 house wives who have proud husbands sharing your pride in a new elec­ tric range — just installed during our special low offer— which by the way closes M a y 15th? / / not, and you simply must pen­ sion oil that nasty old stove, you’d better hurry for two very good rea­ sons— first, our low price and terms w ill soon be withdrawn and, second, so great has been the de­ mand for these new models tliat we have had considerable difficulty in getting ihcut for delivery. ■f Westerns© 77t« Electric llanqe with the autom atic "Flavor Zone” Oven, only ^ 7 — down -* $ 7 — monthly (until May 15th only) As M ountain Carl Olson, Agent states power C ompany