I Try th« H om i Print Shop Fìrat THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWKNTY-HIXTH YKAH "Th« People's Paper" A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N HPRINOFTOLD. LANE COUNTY. OREGON THURSDAY. MAY 16, 192» DOROTHY FRESE. 12. TO GIVE PIANO RECITAL AT BAPTIST CHURCH NOW UP TO JUDGE Dorothy Kruse. duughtur of Mr. ami Mia. End Fresu. of Hprlngfleld, will lie presented In a piano recital at the Testimony at Hearing For In­ llaptlat church. Springfield, on Tues junction to Stop Fill In and day evening, May 21 at N o'clock. Mlaa Kreae la a pupil of Mlaa Winifred Judge Skipworth is Expected Tyson. The public la Invited to the To Make Ruling Next Week; recital, which la free. Many Witnesses Called. Thia la Mlaa Kruse's flrat piano re- [d ia l Shu la 12 years of age ami a The much dlacuased ijue lion of | student In the Seventh grade of the whether or not a rill approach w ill Junior high school. be lo n striicte d between the went end I I The program follows: NUMBER 19 Lead H.S. 0SHEA SAys UN,ON T0 SIATE WOULD LIKE Locals B aseball L eagu e MAIN SI. STRAIGHT PUT FARM MARKETING on business basis ¡Eugene High School Trimmed o a -r .7 Z- n« ♦ m U- u c Tuesday; Cottage Grove Offer to Move Highway From To Play Here Friday Tenth to Sixteenth if City Will i Buy Right-of-Way from Brat- ” antlinB 6f Lane Cou"‘y H'0h Sch° o1 ; League tain Estate; Council Studies W L Perc'tage Proposal. .Springfield .800 p" x1u floods It would hack up the water ° ld W""‘ Springfield boy, who was side the city limits. .... . X o clock. Eugene the lowegt market and tbe be hack In Springfield by noon. Major Eckerson will give an ad­ over the property of the vicinity, , d"’"""d '» ‘»e Willamette River The counrlI rppplypd Pomplalntg X e and "one X h U n ta er eS Tf ‘”1 7 " dress of welcome to his friends la causing damage to an untold extent. ' " "ear ■•"’»»«««Id from resldenta of Sunnyside In regard Springfield defeats Cottage Grovel The Nat,o“a Farm ’ n,on Springfield over radio KSL, Salt The attorneys for the highw ay com ' dK*‘ M ar,b found Friday the opening of an alley and better Pr1day and Eugene wins both her *? £ I"7 ° c<>oPpratlTe liTP‘ Lake, Friday night at 8 o’clock. m l.slon, on the other hand, contended * " Prlggs Is survived bv his fa- Springfield last night with an alien Sj*,r<‘8' whlle thelr fleIdera made "»*. 71,6 Parade Wl” bei:in at Slxth at the 8ame ,lm e as Ma» r Eckerson A possibility of „ rompromlae b e-: «her. H L. Briggs, who Is employed «»«nee of more than 60 from eight '’^ror,' ! Mreet on Main and will proceed as far , returned from Troy with hts new tween the two p arti., was seen In by the Coos Bay lumber company at different posts A banquet was held Springfield defeated University a8 Second street, and thence to t h e , plane, but that was later deemed im- the tc.tlm orv of ciuhh. who proposed Coquille, and by his grandmother. In »he Woodman hall after which a hlgh h<‘re ,n a ra,h<>r Ioose|y P1“^ L'“ “"* Hnl ears. Zack practical. The dedication will be held a culvert through the fill of from 20 Mrs Rosanna Briggs, and his aunt business meeting was had by the ' ron,e8t la8‘ Frida’r «f^rnoon by a , the only surviving member at some later date, to 25 feet In width, to carry through nnd uncle. Mr and Mrs W E Briggs. Ip(tlon delegates at the hall and a 8rore of 11 ,0 4 Squires pitched for ° " ™nd Army of the Republic ; the surplus water In times of over- "f West ifprlngfield His funeral was meeting of the Ladles Auxiliary at ,he loralg- and i-ake w“8 ln ‘he box , ln Springfield, will he grand marshal DOCTOR GETS THRILLS for the day. His aides will be Captain for the University team. flow McCulloch said that the state held at the loiurel Hill cemetery *bp Chamber of Commerce, ON N IGHT BOAT TR IP M. B. Huntly. Major F. B. Hamlin, and highway department had no objection Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock with! Representatives from Eugene, Cor-j Wallace Phipps. to such culvert, except that the water , Rpv- Walker of the West Springfield v®Bls. Albany, Toledo. Lebanon, Cot- UNIVERSITY MAN TO Dr. W. H. Pollard experienced soma Among the organizations to partic- tage Grove. Monroe and Springfield would rush through tt with such a ; Free Methodist church In charge of the trials of the old-fashioned ADDRESS SENIOR CLASS were present at the meeting The! ______ | ’ pate " In the parade will be the Amt I- . <‘ou,’t»'y ttoctor Monday night when ha force ns to possibly cause damage to ‘ ----------------------------- - public welfare work of the American i Dr. Howard R. Taylor, professor of Can 2 n' ~ ° e4er" made a trip to Cushman, on the lower propiTty below the fill The culvert. TRYOUTS BEGIN FOR . . . . n« fh o M o v Q m iit a rw »rv- 1 1 ovszl 1 0 I » » 1 • Lep principal topics un. , 33 members of the Springfield high children, the and Neighbors B o O f P° Uard m° tOred t0 MaPlpto” a culvert would he between »2500 and |nR for (hp jun|or |paR,1P baseball i d#t d,8rU!,s,on- school senior class at the com m ence-' . . ' K i and then made ’he remainder of tha J p«m which is being sponsored hy the , . Th" ""J* me’*/ln* wl11 bp h“1«1 mPn‘ ™prcises May 31. It was anno-, e Journey down the river In a motor The proposed fill Is to be 550 fee, j local , , , , , of AmPrl( nn , pg,on bpaph a, Newport with Toledo unced yesterday by A. J. Morgan. ' e Town «1 £ dr*Ven “ CU’ hman " man. The , post as the host. June 22. , principal of the local high school. ' boatman became confused in the in length snd 13 feet high at the point ThP boy. are practicing at the high A Mrs. Ora Reed Hemenway j arV„o„c j where It Joins the bridge The rosd arhool diamond under the direction of „ * Program ^ranged by the Spring-: The commencement exercises win cemetery, wlll v bp . _.8- Mrs John K e-' thodigt church at 8 o.flock on x e ,g h lT „ ’ W ^ d cra J » ^ u n d and the two men were worth wlll he concerned solely with j within a few davs ns t h e l l u p u n m „ . t i , *’I8• and Mr8- Ora Reed Remenway „Ight of the 31st. The baccalaureate 1 „ ..L ‘ —a Z .' 1torced ,o the 0“ ‘ ° f tha within a few days, as the line-up must I cure the flowers and make wreaths. _ . . j „ , » fc the question of whether or not the fill bp gllhni| lled to the state headquar- gave readings and Mrs. W. K. Barnell sermon will be delivered at the Me-1 and the Scoutg w, n furnisb the mud' " ilb P°lp«- and Miss Uldine sang. v lll he r flood menace and whether , prg by May 2n thodlst church Sunday. May 26. by and w„ , algo care for thp „ j ^arthey do’ " the 8,ream ‘bpF the construction should be stopped ' . ReT- C’ J the R“bpkah I- dg(' la “p pape of ’ t ”et’ Wh“* hy the Injunction sought hy the plain Any boy "ndrr ’ 7 pl|K'blp »° »T SAFETY PRIZES TO BE .k _ >.» .. .k » , . . delayed them considerably, so that the publicity., the Legion Auxiliary ,k ,„ K . k .k The 01,1 ^ or lbp *p,,n' The schedule for ! lifts, or the Injunction denied 'ln-- 1 o,,t for ,bp ,p',n' , .u j .. . 11 required three hours to make tha AWARDED ON MAY 28 MRS. TOBIAS HONORED of the decoration of the graves, and , ! « — >_ . the teams in this '»»strict will he an court will not order changes In the n vzr . - a .k - « .k l m,le triP fron> Mapleaon down nounced within a short time, accord- T h e w in n e r . 7 7 ^ 7 AT SURPRISE PARTY i the w - °- w - and lhe 4L of the de construction. the river to Cushman. Dr. Pollard rw / The winners of the prizes offered _____ j coration of the graves and the ar- turned to Eugene with hla pätien! ’*» Ing to J. M. lairsnn. commander of In the 41. safety essay and slogan the leg io n . The winner In this dis- i ............ """“ r » “ » slogan i A number of friends of Mrs. L. A. | ranging of seats for the program. RED CROSS TO HOLD lees difficulty ! _ ii. k - . . . ----- e ---------- . contest will he awarded at a public Tobias surprised her with a birthday ! Further details of the plans for the with considerable EUGENE SWIMMING SCHOOL Í X ’uaM' ^th"’ «"!.?^ i X o l party at her home last night. Many , observance of Memorial Day wlll be Tuesday morning. the FROM MAY 20 TO 24 ! Other districts of the state. The na- 1 "" TU’'"d#r n”' h‘' M"y of the guests brought beautiful gifts, worked out later, according to M. B. P. T. A. To Cheo«« Officers 28. It was announced yesterday by a silk bed spread and a stand lamp Huntly, who la chairman of the com­ --------- I tlonal ladder tournament will end I The election of officers for tha The annual swimming school con- nPXt faII |n p„ r wbprp fhg | W. P. Tyson, president of the locat among them. Chase Gardens sent a mittee in charge. coming year wlU be held at the meet­ ducted for residents of this district ,n< ramp of thp Wor|d „„ 4L. E. E. Martin, safety engineer of bouquet of roses, one for each year ing of the Springfield Parent-Te» the Booth-Kelly company at Eugene, will he held In Eugene at the Y. M. C. hpld There teams from all over the of Mrs. Tobias' life. EVANGELIST TO PREACH chers association at the Brattala A tank from May 20 to 2«. The I country w |„ rompe(e for , he nafk,na, will act as master of ceremonies and Those who attended the party were j AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH school tomorrow afternoon at S award the prizes. school Is conducted by the I-ane coun- championship. Mesdameg Blom, Pitkin, Frese, Lane, o’clock . A short program will ha Several hundred essays and posters Chase. Rice. Gladlsh, Carlton. Hawk, i ty chapter of the American Red ) ____________________ x Rpgg PTanRe„ ati presented by the children of tha bearing slogans were entered In the Stacy. Walker. Avltt, Robertson. Vln- Cross In co-opemtlon with the school d#„ TPT thp roprnlnK sermon at MISS JUANITA LOMBARD Brattatn school. Two potted plants various contests by the students In of physical education ai the Unlver- cent. Barnard. Zachary. Jones. Schl- the Springfield Christian church Sun- elty of Oregon. Over 600 people re­ WEDS AUBREY BROWN the Springfield schools. Mrs. L. K. eve. Montgomery. McPherson. Pen- • day at n o-cIock L .urence Sunk, „ w lll be given as prises to the room In the Brattaln and ln the Llncota ceived Instruction In swimming at Page, chairman of the Judging com- H1g Stepg .. At school represented by the largest Miss Juanita Lombard and A ubrey' mlttee, has completed her readings gra. Schuck. Horton, and Ray; and the 1 w,„ gln< a goIo the school last year. Misses Dorothea Frese, Gladys Chase. the B|ble gchoo, wh)ch w,„ bp fte,d at number of parents and friends at tha The purpose of the school la to Brown were married at a quiet home i of the manuscripts and has turned Nora Cutaford, Ina Hubbard, Eva teach as many perrons ss possible wrtddlng at the home of the bride's | them over to the other two Judges, Tobias, Viola Lane. Miriam Rice, 9:46. the "Queen of Children’s Day" meeting tomorrow. wlll be chose« from the primary and The art work of the year which the fundamentals of swimming and mother, Mrs. Ella Ixtmhard, Sunday O. H. Jarrett and Roy Carlton. It Naomi and Ruth Carlton. Junior departments. The little girl has been done by the pupils of the afternoon at 1 o’clock. She ceremony to tnrrease the skill of those who will he nearly two weeks before Jar­ selected will reign over the Childrens’ Brattaln school will be on display at already have some knowledge of the was performed by Rev. S E. Childers rett and Carlton have read the papers Conducting Evangelistic Meeting« day program which will be held at the the meeting. of Eugene, former pastor of the ' and the scoring of the three Judges art, so that they would he able to Miss Senethea Meyer, an evangelist, church June 2. qualify as life-savers If the need Springfield Christian church, and wns can be averaged to give the winners. assisted hy Miss Augusta Kelsey, Is Rew. V. E. Hoven of the Eugene W endllng Baby Dlee arose. There Is no charge for enroll­ attended only by the Immediate fam­ holding an “old-fashioned" revival Bible university faculty will deliver Irvin Robert Helms, the three ing Each Individual should furnish ily of Miss Iximbard and by Mr. and LOCAL HORSESHOE MEN meeting at the Bible Standard hall | the evening sermon at the church at weeks’ old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis hla own suit nnd towel, although Mrs. Walter Gossler. Miss Maurlne TO PLAY EUGENE TODAY on Main street. The meetings began I 8 o'clock. The church choir will sing Helms of Wendllng died at the family there will be n few to rent nt five Lombard, sister of the bride, acted ns on May 14 and wlll continue on every as a special number “My Salvation home May 13. The funeral was held bridesmaid, nnd Frank Iximhard, her cents each. The Springfield horseshoe club wlll night except Saturday for some time and My Glory". Christian Endeavor at the home at Wendllng Tuesday Approximately six per cent of the brother, wns best man. match with the tossers of the Eugene prayer service will be held at 8:40 o’, under the direction of the Walker- accidental deaths In the United The house wns decorated with dog­ horseshoe club at the local courts Spend W eek-End Traveling clock and the regular Endeavor meet­ Poole funeral home. The child States every year aro caused by wood blossoms and pink tulips. Fol­ this evening at 7:30 o'clock. This A number of Springfield took ad­ ing at 7 o’clock. buried at the Marcola cemetery. drowning, according to figures com­ lowing the ceremony a wedding dinner will be the third game for the local vantage of the low rates offered by piled by the Red Croaa. Thia, how­ was served. Mr. snd Mrs. Brown left club, the team having been defeated the Southern Pacific company last Prochnow Goes to W estfir To Attend Conventoon ever, la not as bad as It waa soma on the 4 o'clock train for Portland, twice by close score* by the Corvallis week-end to make trips. Mr. and George L, Prochnow, Southern Pa­ John Hender nnd Clayton year« ago. In 1128 there ware over whore they spent two days visiting cTub. Mrs. A. P. Woolley spent the week­ cific telegrapher at the local etatlon. her. president and secretary of the U.OOfl persona drowned In the United with Mr. Brown’s relatives. Thay Those who will represent Spring- end visiting with friends at Chiloquin. waa called to W estfir the first of Springfield Lions elnb, will leave to ­ Rates, while In 1928 the number waa returned Wednesday and are making field In the game tonight will be Gil­ Mrs. Metcalf and Mrs. Crusan went thia week to relieve the operator morrow for Tillamook where they ' redneed to something over 6009. their home at Notl, where Mr. Brown bert Brnstlng. RIH Gerlach, Bill May, to Klamath Falls, and Mrs. Ellen there for a few days. Charlea H. attend the annual district coat There ara new 908.000 reglatered Is employed hy the Southern Pacific Richard Prochnow. Dean Beale, and Frost and Mrs. Maggi« T . Smith wvw w b Tne'rTTf’T - Rod Uro«« lift aarent In th« oouatry. iwoy. Oom Dow Journeyed 90 Lot AnaaMg. e( ForUanC 1« taktng Mr. of their crier. The he held M day had I