TilVIlHDAY. MAY 9, 1 <»20 THH flPRINOFIELD NBW8 TRAIN SCHEDULE SU M M O N S | of the South weat corner of the WH­ IN TH E CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ,iarn Drinkwater Donation Land Claim STATE OF ORBOON. IN AND FOR N otification No «188 In Section S it NORTH LANE COUNTY. In Tow nship nineteen. South Range No. 16 at 3:54 A. M. Stop to detrain S M Wlcka and Hazel Wlcka, Plain One East of the W illam ette Meridian passengers from Klamath Fall and tiffa Vs Ueleata M. Dodd, Edward tn , -an« County, Oregon, and running beyond. Arthur Dodd. Harriett« DeW itt thence Beat along South line of aaid No. 8 at 3:46 P. M. Dodd, hfa wife, Corinth E. I wk W, , Cllam 10 26 chalna, thence North a widow. W alter H. Dodd, aingle 1R.66 chalna. more or lega. to the Bua connections at Eugene for Norman H. Dodd, aingle. W alter Southeaat corner of the tract of land p ra ln e leaving 11:60 A M. and 7 P .M . Ramberg aingle, Corinth E. Dodd, conveyed by A. J Renfro and wife to BOUTH aingle, Edward Ramberg, single, George K lntzley August 141 h. 1914. by No. 7 at 12:47 P. M. Lucy Ramberg. aingle, Dexter E deed recorded on page 235 of Vol. 112 Bugley. som etim es known as Dex ° f the Deed Records of Ijin t County, No. 16 at 10:09 P. M Flag atop for ter R Engley, Mrs. D exter R. Eug Oregon, thence Weat, North and W es­ passengers to Klamath Falla and ley, hla wife, Jam es Vickers, Nar- terly along llne of said K tnizlev tract, * beyond. claaa B, Vickers, hla wife, Lewis W to a point due North of »he begtnnin- K oli HA I,K—Car Itou paper In larga PAINTING and Kalsointning in all Ita He: "If you refuse me, 1 ahull ne- Bu" connection» at Eugene for Coleman, som etim es known as point and thence SoiRh to the place f abrala, 2SX39 lu c h e s. lu lla b le to i branebea. Reduced Prlcea. Roy vei love another." tralna leaving 11:45 A. M. via »tsklyou Louis W Coleman. Sarah Coleman, beginning making tracings. T b« N e w s UHU» hla wife, Mahtan Carter, som etim es Koch. Cali IS M . Hhe: "Will that lie true If I accept lln e- and that plaintiffs have such end known as Mahlen Carter. Mrs • j other further relief as to th e Court you 7" --------------------- ---------- IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F S T A T E r i r u T u - D A n r. . Mahlan Carter, his wife, also all m ar seem Just and ennilahle F o il ItFNT Furnished Apurlnieni» EIGHTH GRADE EXAMINATIONS OF OREGON FOR LANE COUNTY other persona and parties unknown ) Thia anmmorna la published bv nr- for Ituni iti Hotel Hillin. M 29 M illionaire: "Every dollar I have claim ing any right, Interest or ease- r]er of the Hon G F S k ip - ' -th, t n . ^ V ^ H 'h',“'’'given' d l . X " ’, In the M uller of the E state of J. W was mad,, honestly." ment In the real estate described in I Judge of said Court, made Ma- 3rd. lliickuday, di-ceuaod. the com plaint herein, D efendants. , iP2» < undid friend: "By whom?" where there are pupils who have com F o il RENT A Five Room house with ___ required . ___ _ _ by TO Edward Arthur Dodd. H arriette | Dated and first published May 9th, Mra. Itrldey: "I'm afraid the cake ¡',,‘‘d *H h the conditions N otice Is hereby given that the un­ both, (louhia gurnge mill nice gunien law, and for whom application for DeW itt Dodd, his wife, Corinth E I 1929. dersigned bus been appointed admin- ‘ Is heavy, darling already planted for $16.00 Enquire Istratrlx In the above entitled matter. question« has been made bv the tea n °dd. a widow, W alter H Dodd, sin-1 P R 'V 'K '' A p p v f l c y Husband I , hat s all right, angi-I cher, on _ Thursday and Friday, — May ’alter , j A ttorneys for nlslntfffs, 860 W iliam- at E lite Hotel, m 2-9 All persona having claim s against said . , . ---- -----------> r , Hi". Norman H Dodd, single, ----- W -------- estute are notified to present said 1 have to lift one piece at a time." 1" and 17. 1929. T est hers should send Ramberg, sin gle, Corinth E Dodd. , elte Street, Eugene Oregon for a blank for reporting their pupils «Ingfe.Edward Ramberg, single. Lucy M 9-16-23-30—J 6 claim s duly ycrlfled to the administra- i ~ single. Dexter R. Engley trlx at the office of c . A. W lntermeler. i E state of Brunetta D. L ovette, Dec'd at ¡ once, If they have not already Ramberg, som etim es known as Dexter R Eng- I In Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, with- NOTICE T o CREDITORS none so. NOTICE TO CREDITORS E J. MOORE. ley, Mrs. D exter R. Eughey, his I In six m ouths from this 18th dHy of N otice Is hereby given that Rosa 8 County School Superintendent wife. Jam es V ickers. N arcissa B 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: T b it April. 192» Earnest has been by the County Court About five « it c h good bottom Vickers, his wife Lewis W Coleman, C arrie L. Purdy has been appointed M. 2-9 METTIE D HOCKADAY, Adm inis­ of the S tate of Oregon, In and for som etim es known as Louis W. Cole­ adm 'nistratrix of the estate of Wlal- land in G illiam Park Addition, tratrix lutue County, appointed Executrix of _______ _ his wife. Mahlan ‘er Purdy, deceased, by the County man. _____ Sarah ~ Coleman, C. A WINTERMEIER, Attorney. NOTICE TO CREDITORS the last will and testam ent of Brum udjoiniug llcm lcrHon h i ., w ulk- Carter, som etim es known as Mahlen : (o ,,r t f t Lape County, Oregon AU etta M O T .ct -rrv ah I) L ovette, u deceased. . NOTICE IS HERERY GIVEN- T nat ¡ Mrs. Mahlen CarterT’h ís “w ife. I p*.r’’®n s M t t o í A t a s against said lng dlHtancc to University. No NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claim s against L. L. Ray has been appointed admlnls- a " »‘her persons and parties un- «"»ate are required to present them. reasonable o ffe r refused. Some N otice la hereby given that the un the estate of said deceased are hereby trator of the estate of Hans Peterson ’ kr'own claim ing anv right. Interest, or w'‘h the P™PW vouchers, within six derslgned ( M Importe has ......n ! notified to present the sam e, duly Hulegaard. usually known as H ans easem ent In the r-al estate described mon‘h’' from ,f”‘ 9,h d ar of M**- 1929. terms if necensiiry. appointed executor of the will and stated and verifted. at th. residence Peterson, deceased, by the C o u n ty ' in »he complaint herein, defendants: ‘« ‘he «aid adm inistratrix at the lew W rite A. I). O TT, HHttti« of the above namod Krum « m <>r A. E. U heeler, 710 I^awrence 8t. In Corut of Lane County Oregon All IN TH E NAME OF THE STATE o fflre of L. L. Rav. in the Miner L W eaver by the County Court of i Eugene, Oregon, within six m onths persons having claim s against said OF OREGON: You and each of you B u |M lng. Eugene. Oregon 852 West 65th St., Lane County. Oregon, and all persons i from this 11th day of April, 1929. estate are required to present them, are hereby required to appear and , CARRIE L. PURDY. Seattle, WaHhington. having claim s against said estate will I . . . , - , ,. , Hose 8 Earnest. w,th ,h » proper vouchers, within six answ er the com plaint filed against n„ ”,rat r T th *“ B sta,e of present s uite duly certified at the or Executrix of th.- Las: Will an T esta mt nths from the 2nd day o f Mav 1929 you in the above entitled Court and W a” **r Purdv. deceased fice of W hitten Swafford, 201 Tiffany ----- - ----------- . .................... . **--------- ment of Brunetta D. L ovette, De to the said adm inistrator at his office cause on or before the expiration of i B ^Y, Attorney for Estate, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Miner Building. Eugene, Oregon the tim e prescribed In the order o f) M ®-l«-23-3O—J « Notice la hereby given that the tiu Building. Eugene, Oregon on or before ceased A. E. " fe e le r Attorney. L L. RAY. publication, to-w lt: On or before the -------------------------------- derslgned has been appointed Ail I ’d * n’,,n ,h ’' ,h l* ‘¡“V" Dated and first published April 18th, ______________________________________ A 11-18-28 M 29 "W hat’a your buslnesa?” A dm inistrator of the Eatate of Hana expiration of four weeka from the mtnlstrntor of the esta te of Harry It NOTICE o f fiiua i q e t t i r u c w T Peterson Hulegaard, usually known , date of first publication of thia aum Oldham. deceased. All persons 1929 “Moving pictures.” NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEM ENT a. H an« Peterson, deceased mona. and If you fall to anawer. for C. M LA PORTE. Executor. having claim s against said e sta te are "Actor, eh?" A. 18 25. M 2-9-16 hereby uotlfled to present the snme, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That 2-9-16-23-30 want thereof, plalntiffa will apply to "No, artist's m essenger.’ properly verified, to the undersigned, the County Court of the S tate of Ore- --------------- ,h e Court for the relief prayed for at the office of W elts and Walla, At- j IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE gon for the Countv of Ijin e haa by SU M M 0N 8 ln com plaint, to-wlt: torneya In the Bank of Commerce i STATE OF OREGON FOR order duly made and entered fixed and i — ____ ____ • That each and all of aald defendants He: “I can tell you how much wa- Bldg., In Eugene. Lane County, Orc appointed Saturday the 11th day o’ THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE be required to set forth the nature LANE COUNTY gon. within six months of the first In the Matter of the Ksate of David C I “ *• “ ft. ..... - • • - - ' STATE OP OREGON FOR THE of their claim s of right, title, interest. ,e r ,0 the duart Foes over Niagara 1929 at the ho“ r ° / ten °'clock publication of thia notice Date of COUNTY OF LANE. or easem ent of. In and to the property ' F alls.” Mathews, deceased. L" at the County Court first publication May 2nd. 1929 H azel Cowart. Plaintiff, Vs. Ivan L. hereinafter described, and that any . .. f ° r ,h ® ( ount.v of Lane as the day She: “If you know, tell ua.” Guy L Oldham. Administrator N otice la hereby given that the un | ,lm e and place for the hearing of Cowart. Defendant. and all adverse claim s o f said d o i r s l f f t i m l l i u « » m a i n u u r u i l »x I n v "Two pinta.” W ells A W ells, Attorneys derslgned has been appointed by the . , . .. To Ivan L. Cowart, the above i fendantg or eith er thereof, of, in and , ,heu fl"al account of named Defendant. M 2 916-23-30 above entitled court as the adm lnls X J,,,;,lon " • | to said property may be determ ined tratrlx In said m atter. All p erson s ' tharl*‘" > P oole, the Administrator of by a decree of th is Court, and that by NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEM ENT NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT N otice is hereby given that J esse NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That G W ells. A dm inistrator with the the undersigned adm inistrators of the Eugene. laxne County. Oregon. With-1 Coort "n or b’‘fore aal(1 0 ^ « “<' 'b* ° f’ to sa,d >*nd and Property, or W ill annexed of the estate of William E state of Clemons E. Cnrllle, deceased April* 1929,h " ,r° m 18‘h wsnappr of general ■ NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THR 11th. 1929. to said executor nt the law 018452 under the act of March 20. 1922 circulation nursuait to an order of office of Donald Young. 860 Wiliam (42 Stat., 465) to exchange the SV* ‘ he Judge of the County Court of thp STATE OF OREGON FOR ette Street. Eugene. Oregon. N E ’i . Ely SE*4. Section 2, N E ’4 . State of Oregon for the Conntv of LANE COUNTY .1 F. GRANT. Executor. N E U SW«4, NW*4 SE%. Section 12. Lane dulv m ade and entered of record In the Matter of the E state of Adel DONALD YOUNG. Attorney for Tp. 20 8.. Range 1 W ett, W. M w ithin on the 30th day of April 1929 nrrtpy- bert 8 W alkley, deceased. the Cascade National Forest, for the 'ng that this sum m ons he published N otice Is hereby given that the un Estate. A. 11-18-25 M 2 9 i timber on approxim ately eight acres once each w eek for four su ccessive deralgned were, by th - order of said j within the SE14 NE««. Sec. 19. Tp. 20 ’ -u u s o „ „ .--, ,. -v„ ln gal() naT,p r , court duly appointed as admlnlatra w nTiC F t o r n m i T n n « S Ran’te < Ens‘- w M. within the <” «d that th e d->te o f »hP f |r«f publics- tora with the will annexed of the e s­ N O TIC E ir H P R E n v P tV P N That \ (’a "!'udp N“‘l«nal Forest. tlon w ill he with the tRsne of Mav 2nd tate of Adalbert 8. W alkley. deceased, \ S HEREBY GIVEN Th.it The purpose of this notice Is to ai nnd the dnto of the lnet publlca- on the 22nd day of April, 1929. and all z\lfred ypR trope haa been appointed : iOw all persons claim ing the lands tlon w ill be with the isaue of Mav 30th persons having clnlm s ngalnst said ndminlRtrator of the eatate of John ; «elected, or having bona fide ohjec 1*29 esta te are herehy nntlfted to present H. Drigga. decenn^l. by the Conntv (Ions to such application, an oppor- Dated April 3A. 1929. the snme with proper verification Court of Lane CoWnty. Oregon All (unity to file their protects with the FRANK A DePT’E thereof to the undersigned adm inis­ persons having ^claims, ngalnst ^s,ijd Rpg(Hter and R eceiver of the United Attorney for P laintiff. Residence, trators nt the offico of their attorney esta te are required to present them . S ta tes latnd Office at Roseburg, Ore- Springfield. Oregon. Fred E Smith, 445 6 Miner Building, with proper vouchers, within six gon. Any such protests or objections ' M 2-9-16 23-30. Eugene, Oregon, within six months m onths from the 25th dnv of April, must he filed ln th is office within from the date of this notice. 1929. to the said adm inistrator nt th - thirty dnvs from the date of firs' Dated April 25th 1929. SUMMONS law office of 1, L. Ray, In the Miner publication of this notice, which first L ottie M Howard, Building. Eugene. Oregon IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE publication ts April 25. 1929 Kline W alkley. STATE c-P OREGON p o p THE ALFRED W ESTROPE. adm inistra­ HAMILL A. CANADAY. Register. A dm inistrators with W ill annexed. COUNTY HF T.ANF tor of tho E state of John H. Briggs, non-coal Fred E. Smith, deceased. A 25- Mav 2-9-16-28 Jan ,e L Grnxntt Plaintiff. Vs. Petra «A ttorney for A dm inistrators. ' “ ” Jones and C N. Jon»* her h n sh m ’ L. L. RAY, Attorney for F fate A 25: May 2 9 16 23 E. C. Summe«« and Ve«»’ - A. 25: M 2-916 NOTICE FOR SALE h is w ife, Chris. Tellefson. Jam es, N otice ts hereby given that the un­ \\m . Jones and--------- Jones his wife. D efendants. dersigned. Dorllla J. Somers, as the adm inistratrix In the Matter of the To E. C. Sum m ers and Vernla E state of C. F. Somers, also known Summer« his wife, D efendants, as Clarence F. Som ers, deceased, by IN THE NAME OP THE STATE virtue of an order of sale entered In GF OREGON. Yon and each of you Office Phone 176-J Res. Phono 176 51 Res. Phone 140 Piano Moving the above entitled m atter in the Conn- "ro hereby required to appear and Carl H. Phettoplace, M. D. ty Court of the S tate of Oregon, for answ er the complaint filed against SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER General Practice, Special Attention Idtne County, on the 30th day of April xott