1 T r y the H o m e P r in t Shop F ir a t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Will Speak in Springfield Next Wednesday Noon to Meeting of Fanners and Business Men; State President With Him. A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 18 HPRINGKIRLD. LANK COUNTY. OREGON THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1929 M TIO M L CFFICEB FARM URI "The Paople's Paper" JJFFERSON MAN CHOSEN AS NEW PRINCIPAL OF BRATTAIN SCHOOL BOYS' QUARTET WINNER OF FIRST PLACE IN MUSIC TOURNAMENT S p rin g fie ld Second In B aseball L ea g u e The Springfield high scoot boys I quartet, ('< imposed of Paul Potter. ; Everett Squires, Joseph Crandall, ; anil (Jerald Morrison, singing ’’Sweet | and Low." took firm place In com- ; i* “ l“»» *"»• •'»«*"• fr,'m all over this pari of (the slate In the annual I music tournament held In ilo- I'nlver slty of Oregon music auditorium at Eugene last Saturday. The high school was awarded a silver cup for placing first. Paul Potter plucwl second In the j tenor solo section of the tournament and Cedreti Glusliy took third In the violin solo section. High schools from bane, Linn. Douglas, and Den- ton counties were entered. The ■ twenty members of the Springfield Venator \ve»iey i*. j**» « . o f the Jone» law. which ha» m axi­ girls' glee club entered the contest penalties up to J j* « >;c’ r ‘ 'J", hut failed to place. The girls’ sext ; mum priwsiment and i"> to flD.DOO fine lor ette composed of Francis Fritteli, ' prohibition violator» Rulli Carlton, lx,ulna McDowell, Ver nice Hawke, Dorothy Withers, and LEGION TO SPONSOR bela Squires, also entered the meet. BEAUTY CONTEST FOR Glenn Collie and Miss Francis - PENDLETON FESTIVAL llodge. Instructors In music at the local high school, coached the Spring- I A free trip to Pendleton, the title field entrants In the music conteat. of Miss Springfield, ahd the privilege Locals Beat Cottage Grove; now grammar school at Jefferson, Oregon, Have Two Wins and One was elected principal of the Braltaln school at the meeting nl the school Court Will Decide Whether or Defeat to Their Credit Not Fill Approach Shall be board held Monday night. He will Lane County Hioh School League succeed Mrs. Ora Reed Heroenway, Continued; Commission At­ Standing. who will not return next year. Mr. torney Says Construction will W b Perc’tage Wood Is a graduate of the Colorado Not be a Flood Menace. Glen B. Wood, principal of the Eugene S|n ingfi' ld Cottagi Grove University 1000 663 333 000 State Teachers' CoRege and has taught for a number of years. Miss Anna F Vogel was elected as science teacher at the Springfield high school, succeeding Miss Maurlne Lam bard, who will not return. Miss Vogel taught in Corvallis for five years, and Is at present attending the University of Oregon. Miss Thelma Sweeney was elected by the board as English teacher In the She Is a I"*» Junior high school teen I girl, being a graduate of Spring- field high school and of the Univer­ sity of Oregon In 1928. She has not b-en teaching thls^ear. Two positions are still open on the high school faculty. ’J’he hoard has yet to select a manual training teacher anr) gn a, h)p, lc coach. Manual train. |n(f jg be)nK taught this year by A. J. jjorgan, the prlniclpal. who will not re (Urn next year. Ixmnard Mayfield, a 8tudPnt the University of Ore- gon, who has been coaching the teams of the high school will teach npX( year at I-akeview. It Is possible (ban another university man will be as part-time coach for next year. __ BRIDGE HEARING FRIDAY »TIO 1.8. The hearing of the suit of the resi­ dents of West Springfield against the itate highway commission concerning the kind of approach to be built to Springfield now rests -In second the west end of the new Springfield place in the bane county high school bridge will be held in the Lane county league by virtue of a 1310 heating circuit court tomorrow at 10 o'clock administered to the Cottage Grove before Judge Skipworth, It was de­ high school team at Cottage Grove cided at the preliminary hearing ot wjth Uri ay. Eugene high school. the case In court Monday. wins over Springfield and Cottage An answer to the complaint was Grove and no defeats, !s at the top filed in court Monday by I. H. Van of the league Cottage Grove, with Winkle. Oregon attorney general, who one victory over University high will represent the state In the hear­ school. Is in third place, and Univer­ ing. The state highway commission sity occupies the cellar position with will be represented by J. M. Devers, no wins. attorney for the commission. The Springfield boys showed some The Issue was brought to a head by rea’ baseball In the game at t ottage the beginning of the construction of s Grove Friday, according to Leonard filled in approach to the west side ot nl representing this city at the de- Mayfield, coach. There was a little the bridge by the A. C. Mathews com­ MAJOR C. H. ECKERSON dlcatlon of the new McKay dam at erratic playing, but on the whole pany of Eugene, which was awarded Pendleton June 14 and 15 If offered ‘hey showed a marked Improvement LEAVES FOR TROY. OHIO the contract by the commission last fall The residents of West Spring- FOR NEW AIRPLANE to the winner nt a beuuty contest to over their form In the earlier games In- sponsored by the local post of the Ike season. The locals scored field protested the construction of the i fill on the grounds that It would Major G. 11. Eckerson, munugor of American Legion. Is was announced thirteen hits, thirteen runs, and made Larson, commander of the f’*P errors. Hits were made by Pal. the new Springfield municipal airport, by J. M cause a flood menace and in times of mi-r (3). Roof (3 base), Danner (2), who Is to conduct an aviation school, Ix-glon. high water divert a destructive cur- at the airport, left Sunduy for Troy. The contest Ingins Immediately and Cowart, Lawson, Bettis. Cole, and E. rent across the property of the Squires (2). Ohio, to gel the new plane which he will close June 8, Mr. l-arson said. BOY SCOUTS TO COOK vicinity. The proposed fill wonld he The line-up of the team for the has ordered from the Waco Airways. The l-eglon suggests that the various AND SERVE DINNER of dirt and crushed rock extending 55» organisations of the town sponsor en­ Cottage Grove game was Cowart I The new plane Is a sport Waco. „ _____ feet from the Pacific highway to the AMERICAN LEGION TO A demonstration of Just how food west pnd of the bridge. It would be | It Is not known euctly when the trants In the contest. Votes for the catcher, E. Squires pitcher. Danner fppt acro8S the top and 13 feet high HOLD DISTRICT MEETING major will return to Springfield, hut candidates will be sold for one cent first. Bettis second. Roof short. Pal- should be cooked and served, in ac-„ HERE ON WEDNESDAY It will probably be within a short each. Mr. Larson is the chairman of niPr third, McMurray left field. Tom- cordance with the teachings of scout- at the pjace Jt joins the bridge, Mr jvvers. the attorney for ths ------- - time He will fly his new plane home. the committee sponsoring the contest. M.Ib rjKht field. Ixiwson center field. ,.raft. will be given at a benefit din- ner by Troop 11 of the Springfield highway commission, stated that the Plans are practically complete for. |ak| ng „ more lime than Is or­ with Dr Carl Phetteplace, Dr. W. N. an(, Pole substitute. Springfield boys played a boy scouts at the chamber of com- onlv woi^d be harmless hut tho meeting of the monthly dlstrlt I ,jjnHriiy (he case because of the new- Dow. ami Loyal Scot! as his assistants. A Junior baseball team will be or. ()ce gamp e • delegates from the Legion posts of ment of the time of his return home. opening game of the World Series * Springfield collection of drift wood. high school defeated HORSESHOE PLAYERS TO he held. F. B Hamlin. William - . . c - c - t the district In altendance at the Both of Ihe hangars have been com will Some tim e^ eo residents of West Vashv Rav McPherson, and Verne Pleasant Hill high school by a score of ENTER PORTLAND MEET meeting. The Eugen post expects pleted at Ihe new airport. The work Springfield favored a program of Wooley are In charge of Ihe orgnnlxa- S to 5 In a practice game held on the j —- — , send 20 from the Log’° n and 20 from , of(,ce has not yet been started. tjon The Springfield horseshoe club was building a levee parallell to the river . i high school diamond last night. The the auxiliary, and most of the mixn. hut Ihe work will begin soon. Run­ Plans for Ihe abservance of Memo-1 visiting team played an excellent defeated by a margin 119 points In In order to protect their property. The h< rs of the Springfield post will at­ ways for summer use have been com­ state highway commission maintains of baseball In comparison to the second contest ef ‘he season held tend The other posts hnve not yet pleted. and two others for winter use rial Day will be worked out with the brand the size of the school It represented. ' at Corvallis Sunday. The players of (hat the construction of the fill ap­ notified Jack Larson, district com­ will he seeded within n short time. Ix-glon and other organisation* of the town cooperating M B. Huntly Is John Lynch pitched for Springfield the local club are preparing to enter proach with the wve addition will mander, ns to how many delegates The new airway guide sign will be during the game, and Freeman Squires ' the annuart horseshoe tournament enable the work of future river do- they will send. Delegates to the con- 1>n| nled on the roof of the Booth Kel- the chnlrman of the Legion committee I sponsored by the Portland Telegram. TPiOpment to be carried out more ference are expected from Eugene, #g RO()n as fPe danKer frotn for the observation of the day. with caught. | The contestants are divided into three easily. F. B. Hamlin and Ira Pett-rson as foliage Grove. Junction City. Mon )(| paat EASTERN STAR GIVES classes. A. B. and C ccording to the I witnesses in the hearing in the cits hls assistants. Albany. Lebanon, Brownsville. tof , n r u r r i T / - 'A n n d a d t v average scores made. A ladder tour- cnlt tomorrow will he residents of Corvallis, Toledo, and Newport. BENEFIT CARD PART nampnt within the club will décidé the West Springfield vldnaty and the SHAHAN FUNERAL TO BE HIGH SCHOOL ELECTIONS the best player In each of the three engineers of the state highway HELD TH IS AFTERNOON More than 50 persons attended the LIBRARY SHOW EARNS TO BE HELD THURSDAY classes, and the winners will enter commission. card party given by the Order of thte ttle tournament at Portland in com­ MONEY FOR NEW BOOKS Byron E. Shahan. 83, the father of s Student politics are well under way Eastern Star in the lodge parlors petition with men from the other ANNUAL MAY FETE WILL Henry Shahan of Springfield, died Tuesday night. Fourteen tables were Approximately 825 profit was real­ Monday at the Oddfellows home at at Springfield high school in prepar­ BE HELD HERE FRIDAY set. and those present spent the even, clubs of the state. ized from Ihe show "The Shepherd of Port land, following n extended Ill­ ation for the annual election of next ing playing .Bridge and 500. In the year's officers, which will be held the Hills.” which was presented at ness. Mr. Shahan had been a rest- ( Bird Houses Exhibited Everything is ready for the annual bridge games Mrs. A. L. Roberts made the Bell theater last Saturday night dent of Sprlngfli ld for more than ; Thursday. May 16. Three bird houses built by Spring- health celebration and May festival the high score for the women and C. for the benefit of the Sprlngflold twenty years, living nt Portland for The office of president of the student field boy scouts for entry in the bird which will be held tomorrow after­ body is sought by Freeman Squires E. Kenyon for the men. At 500 Mrs. house contest conducted by John piihllr library. The library hoard ex­ the past five years. noon beginning at 1:30 o'clock. If N. L. Pollard made the high score presses It appreciation to Mr. J M. The body Is al the Walker-Poole and Frank Mersdorf. Ralph Hughes. the women and Jack Henderer for Ketels have been placed on exhibi­ the weather is fair the events will Ixtrson, owner of the theater, for giv­ chapel, where the funeral will he held Ruth Bettis, and Bessie Stewart are tion at Ketel's drug store. One quite ■ take ' place on the Lincoln school for the position of vice-' the men. Mrs. John Ketels gave se­ large blue house trimmed in green t t M l I »■ i m i i i gs » ..................................................... ing all the profits of Ihe show, and j this afternoon al 2 o’clock. The Odd I contending grounds. If It rains, the festival will to the lenchers and pupils of the Ee|,owg wq, bp )n charge of the ser-1 president, and Ruth Carlton and Faye veral readings for the entertainment Refreshments has been pn,erpd h>' 'vi,frp<1 Sw,nde’’ be held in the high school gymnasium of those attending, Audrey Smith, Springfield schools who aided In ad- f|pw( Thp lntPrmpn, will take place ’’arsons for treasurer and two smaller ones, cream trimmed Instead. -vertlslng and selling tickets for It. gt (hp Mnre, cemetery. Mr. J"'" and Bernice Cline are were served. in tan, have been built by Billy j The program will consist of the The money realized will he used to sh ahan is survived only by the one seeking the office of secretary. Wheeler. , . presentation of the king and queen The candidates for the various offi­ MOTHER'S DAY SERVICE The contest closes June 1. A boy of fete Ru(h Pollard and Harlan purchase new books for Ihe library. aop. ces were selected by a special nom- AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH scout axe Is offered for the most at- Duncgn; , hp awardlnR of blue ribbon« Mrs D. Bailsman nnd Mrs. L. K. Page, , --------------------------- , Inatlng committee. Other candidates’ tractive house, a knife for the second chlldrpn who have won them for of the library hoard, and Miss Mary H)GH SCHOOL STUDENT names may he placed on the hallot ' p ev. Chris A. Jenson of Eugene will and a first aid kit for the third. A reC0I,d8 the prP8entation of Roberts, librarian, will begin Ihe se­ PASSES AT HOSPITAL , by petitions signed by at least 10 per ’ deliver the Mothers' Day service at frampd picture of the official boy lection of the new hooks Saturday. stunts by the various schools present. Robert Malcolm Manshlp. 15. a atu-' rpnt ° r ,he studpnt bo