PA G I 8DC TUR S&TRlNGFUD.n NVWfl HI» hand w ent up to hl» forehead H e passed hla hand a w lftly across W as It a dream ; or waa he Indeed hla eyes, and hl« thin fingers grasped back once more In the day» of hla the aides of his chair with nervous youth, back am ong the pine wood» force. Ah' he must be dr'anting which topped hla canlle. walking aide again! It was one of the faces of by aide with her w hose presence the past, tem pting and m ocking him! seem ed to make the long summer days Yet, no! she stood there; surely she one sw eet dream o f light ? The stood there Mother of God! Was fam iliar odor of v iolets and wild hya­ this m adness com e nt lost? cinths seem ed to fill the room The ''M argharlta'" he cried, stretching fog-bound city, with Ila cea seless roar, out his hands toward hoi "Margiia existed for him no longer The sun rlta!” of hla own dear country warmed It was no dream, then, nor was It his heart, and the sea wind blew In hla madness. It was truth. There were eager face. And »he was there— -his loving, d in g in g arms around Ills neck, q u een —the great d esire of hla weary a passional!', w eeping face pressed life. All his pulses leaped with the close against his. Hot tear», her tears Joy of her presence. Ftve-and-twentv were trickling down hla hollow cheeks, years of lonely m isery were blotted kindling Ills stagnant blood by their out. Ah! m em ory Is a wonderful warmth, and thaw ing the apathetic m agician! chill w hose ley hand had lain so heavy 'Ty actual disease. S o m eth in g . baTe dared to come here; ||(e for him. Leonardo and the Englishm an quar-1 fo bp donp :o „ ard eomm unicat- ,,are<1 con” ‘ »"4 ,oolt ” Pon "And your mother. Margharlta?" he rel. The Englishm an at first refused jne his friends. if he had any. h andiw ork’ Away! Out of my asked fearfully. to accept a challenge to duel, then w ith a rerta ln amount of reluctance. s«Fht! You have seen me. Go! "She Is dead." was the reply, when the Italian slaps him consents. t,ip m anager, a3 a last resource. T ears blinded her eyes. The sight "Ah! Marghnrltn dead! She was The two m en face each other ready u. rcn n ej the follow ing od verllsem ent of him was horrible to her. She for- so like you. child. Dead! Flve-and figh t to the death. aB(, aPE, ¡( tq tbp principal London got. in her great pity, that Justice had tw enty years Is a weary while. D ead !” Margharita stops the dr.el by com papers- i been upon her side. She sank upon (T O BE C O N T IN U E D ) ing just in the nick of tim e to . there are any friends or rela- ber knee!’ before him on the velvet the Englishm an from his fate, with t|vpa 9ti„ alfve of Count dl pile carpet. BIRD HOUSE CONTEST tw o officers who airesi. the exile Le- Mariono who has recently been set “I-eonardo, for the love of God. for- DATE IS ADVANCED onardo. L oortrdo vow.- vengeance. frPP bv , hp Ita„ an after S1" mB?” sbB fobbed “Oh1 It Is Afte- 25 years I'. Jail he Is again at „ term |mprfRonment. they are PalnfuI «<> «oe you thus and to know ................. The final ____ date for the bird house h is hotel, an old. broken man with reqUested a , com m unicate, personally. ! ,b e bur11 RENT A Five Room house with the prise of a boy scout axe, for the bath, double garage anil nice garden secoml a boy scout knife, and for I he alreudy planted for fill (Ml Enquire third, a boy scout first aid hit To at E lite Hotel. M J !) the troop whose m em bers capture nt | least two of tthe prises. Ketela will C A L L FO R W A R R A N T S N otice 1» hereby given II at Hcliool award a grand prise of a framed ph d istrict No IV, In Springfield. Lane lure of the official boy scout. County, Oregon, will ray at the o tli o of the Clerk of »aid (llstrlul all war rants Inaued prior Io N ovem ber 10, K e n n e tt at Coos Bay 41 W K e n ­ 192k. to and Including No l.’l* In iloti spent Inst week-end ou a buslnc»» terest cease» after May 4. 1929 WM G HCGIIER trip Io the t'oos Hay ills 'rh l Clerk d istrict IV II j tra c t« till ill 1 nn «< i - n - •-. ill hope, a ll sentim ent, becom e the slaves of that on e passionate desire Day by day, it loom s larger before him: day by day all doubts concerning it grows weaker, and the Justice of It becom es clearer and more unquestioned. Right and wrong, Justice and injustice, according to other m en's standards, have no power over it in h is own thoughts. H is moral sen se slumbers. So deeply h2d it becom e grafted in his life, that h e no more questions its right to ex ist than he does the presence of the limbs upon h is body. As surely as the night follow s day, so surely does his whole b ein g gravitate toward the accom- pllshm ent of h is desire. It is a part of w hat Is left in h is life, and if It Is sm itten , his life Is sm itten. T hey are a once sym pathetic and Identical, so cloRely entwined that to sever them Is death to both, Thus It w as with Count Marlonl, and thus It w as that, day by day, he sa t in h is sitting-room slow ly pining to death. Rude feet had trampled npon the desire of his life, and the wound w as open and bleeding. Only a little while longer and he would have turned upon hla side with a sigh, and yielded up h is last breath; and. so far as h is numbed facu lties could have concleved a thought, death would have seem ed very pleasant to him . H e w as d ying of lon elin ess, of disappointm ent and despair. b_. —------------------------------ 1— --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- SPECIAL VALUES B ed room S u ite s $46, $49, $69 , 1 j 1 ' J f ; ! 1 j , 1 FOR? COMPLETE 3-PIECE SETS Enamel Finishes or Walnut ■^ETHERBEE -P O W E R S JB. Wllkunwtl« a t Urvrnlh New Spring Millinery JU S T A R R IV E D O u r large sto ck o f b o u n tifu l n p rliig haln, w h ich w o hud ordered before o u r Close o u t Suh’ H lartod hero, have a r­ rived. We w a n t to clone out thoHo hat« utid save expense o f H hlppltig them to o u r o th e r store«. W E AR E O F F E R IN G EVERY HAT $1.00 IN STOCK I OFF RS'e" For Healty Dolight Eat Plenty of Quality ICE CREAM Good for Children and Crown Ups Too — Serve it for Dessert —Serve it with fresh furit — Serve it often F G G IM A N N ’S "Where the Service le Different" Ojdb 60% May IO RnunJtnf lie k tli for 60% of the regular om uny fart — Good in Pullmans. This mean» that if ihe am ic j v fare i , t ill you will he ihle to nuke the rnunJttif for $6.00. In effect between »ny two point» on Soutlieto P.uific's Pacific Line». Miiiituum roundtrip fare 50 cent. On »»le Fridjy, May 10. Trip mull be ,r»rted rh»t d»y. Return limit midnight, luesday. M»y 14. The ’’Last Spike” will never be driven ^ S o u th e r n Pacific s till building with the WesL> The 6 0 th a n n iv e r sa r y of the driving of the Golden Spike, May 10, S o u th e r n P a cific's Golden Jubilee, finds this western railroad still building. W e a p o n e d with crude tools, courage and vision, the early pioneer had hand-carved a way to the new West. W ith the vision of the pioneer, the West has carried on, and with it, step by step, S o u th e r n P a cific has builded. In the last five years Southern Pacific has built more new line than any o th e r railroad in the United States. In fifteen years Southern Pacific Aeron the dn rrt—dine! to Photnix has built 1481 miles of new line at a cost of 88 million dollars. Of this, 40 million dollars lias been spent in Northern California and Oregon. T h r o u g h th e b a rrier o f th e mighty Cascades it has created a new north and south railway. It has double-tracked its O verland R oute line over the Sierra. Anew main line has been built through Arizona. From W endel, Califor­ nia, to L a k ev iew , Oregon, has been broad-gauged. N ow Southern Pacific is com­ pleting a short line transcontinen­ tal railway through Southern Ore­ gon and Northern California. The Cascade line of the S hasta R oute Thru iba minhty Coteadti and the O verland R outb ill be connected. From less than 700 miles in 1869 to 16,520 miles today is but one way of recording Southern Pacific’s 60 years of work. Behind this cold fact of miles built is the epic story of th$ devel­ opment of the West. A story of progress indelibly written in the traditions of the West. Southern Pacific T U N E I N Southern' Pacific’i Golden labile» Program, featuring M A Y 1 0 Vf'rrrenrath. Station, KPO, KGO, KPI, K G W . o -«ft i in h i AOAtO, KtIQ , KSI„ A prize of tIOt) to the hoy or girl, IS 9:301« 10:30 p.m. or under, who lend, in the he,t written report of the program.