The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 02, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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M’Don a Id M anager
Lauds ‘Show B oat’
Corporal Richard Harpole, who did
not re-enltst when his three year
period was up. Private Albert Town­
Eugene Walker, who hag be« n a send has been promoted to corporal
member of the Springfield National to fill the vacancy. The Springfield
Undergoes O p e ra tio n __ Mrs C
V Guard for som e tim e, moved with his company has 25 mem bers, the m axi­
major operation at th« E ig e n e hos­ fam ily to Bend Saturday, and so was mum allowed by the state. The mem ­
pital Monday.
transferred to the National Guard | ber are now drilling In preparation
reserve. Roy Severson has been en ­ for the annnal summer camp of the
Mrs. Doane
B etter—Mrs. Alice
Guard, which will be held this year
listed to take W alker's place.
Doane, who has been quite 111 for
Albert Harper has been enlisted In a t Camp Clateop. near Astoria, from
■ som e time, la now reported to tie Im- the local company to take the place of June 12 to June 2«.
1 proving.
Returning from a (rip to Portland
H e re From Signal Floyd K elsey
attend a speelul private preview
Principal Events of the Week
and Ed Eaton of Hlgnal. were visitors
showing of Carl Istemml«'« master
In Hprlngfleld Monday.
Assembled tor Information
talking, singing and m usical produc
lion of Edna Ferher's "Hhow Boat."
V isiting at K elso D E. Foss Is
of Our Readers.
Manager itn ssell F Brown, of the visiting at the home of his father, G
McDonald r theater, n fE u y n e , was all H. Foss, at K elso, W ashington.
A five year market road program ha* sm iles over the forthcom ing prem‘«r
V isits at Albany
L utile Holman
In i n ih (.¿gnat) it by ilm Mai Inn iy of till" muchly hcrulded picture on
spent lust w eek en d visiting rlth her
W altervllle Men In Tom Garney
i' m ; enlllng for enlist ru< Don oi 1G0 M j v '.ZH i
and C. E. Gibbons of W altervllle
* n lei of roads.
•' Hhow L o a f Is by fnr the finest parents nt Alhuny.
B, ck from P ort| , nd R„r and Mra were business visitors In Springfield
Tim I'liHl'irrirn ili'pnrtllii ut II UK li motion picture ever made, not only In
j ,, lkp ap„nt , eTpra, <laya of |ila, Monday.
lie d it 11.II fur prep mills on a contract
Portland, returning
to o|ierale it "nt:ir“ mall rout« between mobs ( . Inlon of everyone who has wp,.k v| a)dllK
Salem People H e r r M r. and Mr».
seen iirnl heard It." reported Manager
8p r|ngf|,.|d Friday.
A h I o i I ii and Tlllutnook.
Loyal Henderson of Salem visited
Brown, who explulned Hint theatei
, here last week-mil with Mr and M rs
WiiMhliiglnn county Inn tha lowest
Attend Celebration Mr. nnd Mrs j 5, jzirH(,„
malinger« from all (tarts of Hie stale
mill .IK« Of alula highways of uny conn
uttunded the special trade preview of Allen Kafoury attended the annual
ly In lb« aim«, 42 2 mil««, unit Murmu
D awion Back Home- William Daw-
(hi* new M ovietone special, nnd with­ blossom day celebration which war
county ruuka second low est with 43 4
J son, who w as seriously III at a Eugene
out exception, every theater manager held at Salem last Sunday.
m iles.
hospital for som e time, has recovered
there was of the sam e opinion re
W alkers at Medford Mr and Mrs
A Noon ai rnnnutli nt boaenn 111 feet gardlng the picture, according to the
Hiiffldently to be able to return to
Fred W alker spent the week-end at
high and visible for io miles front lb« M ilkmaid theater malinger
his home in Springfield.
Medford visiting with the Jay Walker
air la h«lng crectwd on ih« Pacific blah-
A contract calling for the great­
Back from W ashington —— Arthur
way Juat outside the city limits of est fiaitagc of natural color film
N ickerson, who has been visitin g his
Urania I’nss.
ever made for a single motion picture
V ie lte at P o rtla n d — M rs M M
parents. Mr. and Mrs F. O. Nicker-
Upon lb« uuthnrliy of lb« clly coun was nrrnnged fnr Richard Hix' lot- Male spent the week-end at Portland
the past two w eeks, returned home
ell lb« Roseburg fir« department baa eset screen m asterpiece. "Redskin.” vlaltlng with her daughter, Miss
W ednesday.
puri bused an apparalua for uaii m caav which will show for three days nt the Grace Male
of drowning, stillbirth, electric slioi-k,
Here—-Mrs. Helen
Mrs. Glle Better Mrs. Kenneth G il­ Martin of San Francisco, has come
gassing, etc.
Paramount studio officials nnd An­
ls reporting to I h - recovering, after
to Springfield to v isit with her mo­
Tb« Lew isville district In Polk coun drew J Callahan, general business
having been |J| with the flu for the
ther, Mrs. B. A. Washburne, who Is
ly hua voted to d la c o n lln u « bolding representative of the Technicolor cor
punt week.
at bool after lb« flu » « o f th e preaunt porntlon. arranged Ih« d etails and
According to
term. The pupils will ba transported signed the co n tra il
V is its W ith H u n tly s Mr and Mrs
the term" of the contract, "Redskin"
Brink Improving—J. L Brink, a^ed
Go i
r dlalrlt li.
F E. Powell o f Medford a d Mr and
Springfield resident who was quite
wilt he about two-thlrds In color.
Mrs. Babb o f Corvallis visited last
Contract! tor between 70 and 7b
seriously injured when
struck by
I’rncHrnlly the entire picture was
week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
acre« of toinutoea have been conipl«l«d
a car here last week. Is reported to
filmed against the natural back­ M. B Huntly.
by lb« Ashland cannery that expects
be Improving as well as can be ex­
grounds of the Pacific southw est,
to pul Into tlna about llo o Iona ol
within the great "scenic circle” a-
Building G ravel P la n t — Mr. and pected at the Eugene hospital.
tom u toes tbla year.
round Gallup. New Mexico. Two In- Mrs E. C. W llfort were In Sprlng- Brink's foot was badly crushed.
Wuge rates at The Dalles will b« cntlon cam ps, the first near the flfld from McKenzie Bridge "Monday.
bight r tbla year thuu laat, ano work mouth of the fam ous Cunvon dtt Chel Mr Wllfert Is building a new gravel
McLagan at Coos Bay— W. C. Me
will bv paid for on a piece work baala Iv. the second near the Enchanted plant at the bridge.
1-agan. d istrict superintendent of the
when lb« Libby McNeil & Libby can Mesa, south of Gallup, were es­
S tates
Power company
Millers Here Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mountain
nery opens on Junu 15.
steam plants, left for the Coos Bay
John II. Curkln of Medford filed hla
Additionally, Mack Bennett’s new ­
district Tuesday on a tour of Inspec
resignation aa representative In the est two-reel, all talkln comedy. “The week-end with Mrs M illers parents. tlon of the Mountain S tates plants
stale legislature from Jackaun county Lion's Roar” and*a new Oswald car­
and lin es In that vicinity.
with Uovernor Patterson.
He was toon comic, are on this hlg program, han und Mr. Müler motored to Rose,
speaker of the house In 1027.
with a special "preview” scheduled
Taylors Move— Mr and Mrs. W. A.
Tb« government baa leased land on for the opening night. Thursday
Mrs. Pugh Improving— Mrs. Roy T aylor have moved from the Bwarts
Fox film s first 100 per cent talk l*ugh Is reported to be doing well at apartm ents to a house which they
Creswell butte In lotne county and ia
planning to erect a ateel tower 100 Ing feature drama Is "In Old Ariz­ the Pacific Christian hospital at Eu­ own on A street. J. B. Ernest and
feet high upon which will bu Installed ona." Raoul Wnlah production written gene. where she underwent a major fam ily have moved into the house
by Tom Barry. Local fana will havp operation April 22.
a revolving light of loot» watt power.
owned by Taylor's on Slth street
If the city of Klamath Falla ran a chance to aee and hear It when It
which was formerly occupied by Mr.
Here Over W eek-E nd- Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. H. E. Pyne, who have moved to
make the right kind of a propoaitlon, opens at the McDonald th eater next
Lude McBee of Oregon City spent Silverton.
a n.uulclpul bua line truua|M>rtallon Bunday.
"In Old Arizona’ Is notable, too. )aBt w eek end In Springfield visitin g
system will be Inaugurated within the
tour future. I l was announced at that for the reason that It has been filmed. W| th 8 r M cBee's parents, Mr. and ' 8chool to Give Program— A public
In Its entirety, outside of a studio Rnd Mra Eli McBee.
« place
program marking the com pletion of
In locations far removed from H o lly -1
H pot ted fever, the dread spring dlt
the year's work of the Bible school
w ood
•ant- of the augebruah country, claimed
which haB been conducted at the
"In Old Arizona" teem s with drama carrier for rural rou tel. Is confined
Its first victim of tb« year- recently
Chase Gardens school by Miss Goldia
and has n superlative cast. Including to his house with an attack of the
when Karl Morton Jubnaon paused
Sm ith of the Eugene Bible university
Warnpr Baxter. Edmund Ixiwe and m easles. His son Roy Is taking his
away near Wt at full after an lllueaa of
will be given at the school Friday
five days.
night. The first program was pre­
Pouniluge fees taken io from the Co­
H osts at Dinner— Mr. and Mrs Al­ sented several m onths ago at the
lumbia river by tbu sta le flab commis­
len Kafoury wer hosts nt a dinner com pletion of the first sem ester of
TO ROOSEVELT HIGH party at their hom e Friday nigtn. j the Bible study.
sion In the 1928 season were 22 per
cent lower than in the 1927 season, ac­
Present at the affair were: Mr. and !
The Lincoln school boys were out
cording to flgurea released by the
Mrs. Clifford Wilson, Mr. and Mrs.
mulched by the Roosevelt Junior high
comm ission.
Lawrence M offitt, and Mr. and Mrs
school of Eugene In the first gam e of
W alter Gossler.
The lluod River chamber of com
the season for a local school here
merce baa received a bronie medal
Friday, nnd the vlnltora went home
Cuts Foot— Ralph Daks, who Is j
found among the personal effecta of
with a victory of 13-3. T he Lincoln em ployed by the Coffett brothers at
the b il e S . it. Egbert. The medal was
team was sm aller and less experi­ Camp fr e e , cut his foot quite badly i
issu id In 1898 as first prize for Hood
enced than that of the R oosevelt w hile at work Thursday.
Proper glasses w ill banish
He was !
River apples.
school and was also quite badly ham brought to Springfield and treated '
your wrinkles and improve
tiervic« over the Modoc Northern pered because lack of practice. The
your appearance. A pair
at the office of a local physician.
railroad, a Southern Pacific 96-mlle Lincoln school will play Ita next game
in time saves nine.
project between Klamath Falls and with the Cottage Grove Junior high
Juvenile Circle to Meet—The Ju­
Alturus, will start by August 1, accord achool on the Springfield high school ven ile Circle 162 of the Neighbors of
M ake A p po intm en ts
l«g to J. 11. liyer, vice preaideut lu diamond Saturday morning nt 9:30 W oodcraft will hold Its regular m eet­
W h e n e v e r Possible
charge of operations.
ing Saturday afternoon at the W. O.
D r. S herm an W . M oody
Preparations for the strawberry bar-
Deeds. W etxell. nnd Squires mnde W. hall. The m em bers w ill practice
Optometrist - E yesigh t Specialist
veal are already under way at the the only scores for Lincoln In the drills for the com ing district conven­
Suite 831 Miner Bldg. Phone 3C2
barreling plant of linker, Kelly & Mc­ game Friday. The boys playing on tion of the N eighbors, which will be
East Broadway Eugene i n
Laughlin In Lebanon. A number of the local leant were as follow s; Dan­ held In Springfield In June.
jhonn u ure now employed dally getting ner catcher, G illette pitcher. Deeds
everything In readiness.
first, Chetwood second. Zachary short,
The sheep and wool Industry ol Orc latwson third. Pederson right field.
gou represents an investm ent ol $50,- Squlrese center field a n i W etzell left
000,000 with an annual puyroll of $15,- guard. The substitutions w ere Doane
000.000, according to Mac Hoke of for Squires. T iinka for G illette. Brat.
Pendleton, president of the Oregon Inin fnr Chetwood. Fritts for Zarhnry
nnd Lockwood for l’ederson.
Wool Growers' association.
nmpn of Eugene umpired the contest.
R esidents of Salem who have lived
there 70 years or more were guests ut
the sixth annual Champoeg day dinner MANY STUDENTS ENTER
at the chamber of commerce recently
Judge Peter ll'Arcy, pioneer of 1854. j
The safety essay contest conducted
presided at tbu luncheon.
With a per capita wealth of inori ! by the 41^ for the students of the
Springfield schools closed yesterday,
than $045, Luke county lays claim to !
nnd the Judging of the essa y s will he
being tho richest county In the state,
begun at once by Roy Carlton. O. H.
If not in (he Union. The population
of 6200 popple has more than $3,000, ! Jarrett, and Mrs, L. K. Page, the
Judges appointed by W. P. Tyson, pre­
000 in the four Lake county Iruuks.
sident of the 4L.
lin n s for a revision of the Hood '
Several hundred essn ys have been
River city charter have beeu initlateo ■ turned In to the Judges. Every stu­
by the charter committee of the chain dent of the more than 200 attending
ber of commerce. The old charter, the Brattnln school either w rote an
m ed more than 20 years. Is declared , essay or made a poster depicting a
antiquated and Inapplicable to many Hafp, v slogan, nnd a Inrge proportion
problems now confronting the city gov I o f
RtudpntR m , he Lincoln school
«m inent.
and high school also entered essay.’.
Caught between the drum and cable
on the log slip of a small suwmill neai
Legion Meets Tomorrow
Lapine, Roy g. W hile, 38, w iib killed
The American Legion will hold Its
alm ost Instantly. It was believed that first regular m eeting of the mCnth
White was drawn around the drum nt. the Chamber of Commerce rooms |
after a glove became entangled In the tomorrow night. There are a n im-
m achinery.
ber of Important business m a tte's to
Following an investigation by under be discussed, it Is announced by Com­
cover tnen from the federal prohibi­ mander J. M. lairson. Finns for the
tion department, federal and state pro next district conference of the Le­
hlbltlon agents and Sheriff Weed and gion. which will he held nt SprlngHeld
deputies swooped down on Clatakanle later In the month, nnd for the eh
recently and arrested nine violators ol f servnnce o f Memorial day will be
tlm prohibition law.
1 among Hie principal toplce of dls-
Self-Service Stores
77 E. Broadway
Next to I. O. O. F. Building
Over 7,000 Pairs
For Ycur Selection
At R eal Savings
Women’s Footwear
$1.98 to $4.98
Mtn’s Work Shoes
$1.48 to $4.98
Men’s Dress Shoes
$2.98 to $4.33
Children’s Foolwesr
98c to $2.98
Serve Y ourself and Save
At the new low prices for
Bosch Radio the values are
so attractive that every­
one should be interested in
one of the newest Bosch
M o d e ls. C om e in and
hear Bosch T one and note
th e electrica l and m e ­
chanical perfection of these
receivers and the beauty
o f th e c a b in e ts . T h e
new low prides tell (¿>eir
o w n in te r e s tin g storyt
Dynamic Speaker
Com plete W ith T ubes
C abin et of M o d ern istic Design
Wright & Sons