THE STRINGFIBI J) NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1929 PAGE THREW i T R A IN S C H E D U L E Springfield Stop« Neighbors to go to W altervlll« THUR STO N GIRL NAMED "M ISS EUGENE"; GIVEN The Waterville circle of the Neigh- NORTH I bors of Woodcraft has Invited thg TR IP TO PORTLAND No. 14 at 3.54 A. M. Stop to detrain FOR HALB—Carbon pu pur In larg» •heats, 26x39 lochas. suitable for making irarlnga Th« Newa office To Close Estate About five h it c h good bottom land ill Gilliam Park Addition, adjoining llt*nd<*raon nt., walk­ ing dlHtani'i* to Unlvorulty. No reasonable offer rcfuwd. Sonic terms If neccMaary. Write A. I). OTT. 862 Went t»r>tb St., Seattle, WuHhington. M ay o r 28 Tim es Lew«». Del., May 2 l)r James T. Thenipeun, 86. hue commenced s«rv I ng hie 28th turn) of mayor. 11« claims to be the oldest Mayor In iwilnt of service and ago In tho Pulled Staten One third of hlu life him been devoted to hlu J«’** NO TIC E TO C R ED ITO R S Notlre la hereby given that the un deralgned him been appointed Ad mlnlatrator of the estate ot Harry It. Oldham. deceased All persona having claims ngnlnsl said estate are hereby notified to present the same, properly verified, to the undersigned, at the office of Wells and Wells. At­ torneys In the llank of Commerce B ld g . In Eugene, la n e County, ore gon. within six months of the first publication of thia notice Date of ftrat publication May 2nd. 1929 Guy L Oldham. Administrator. Wells £ Wells. Attorneys M 2 9 16 23 30 N O T IC E OF H E A R IN G AC CO UNT ON F IN A L NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the undersigned administrators of the Estate of Clemons E Carili«, deceased have filed their account for the final seulement of said estate In the County Court for lame County, Ore­ gon. and that Saturday the 26th day of May. 1929.. at the Court Room of aald Court. In the Cot.nly Court House, In Eugene. Lnne County. Ore­ gon at ten o'clock In the forenoon has been by aald Court fixed as the lime and place for herring objections thereto, and for final settlement oi said estate. IIE X IIY I. PARLILE C P 8NKLI4HÌACK i I. hay . Aitiupec for Batato. A. 25: M 29 14 23 NO TIC E TO C R E D ITO R S IN T H E COUNTY COURT OF T H E STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE COUNTY In the Mutter of the Estate of Adel- bert 8. Wnlkley, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un­ dersigned were, by III order of said court duly appointed as administra­ tors with the will annexed of the es­ tate of Adelhcrt 8. Wnlkley. deceased, on the 22nd day of April. 1929. and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby entitled to present the same with proper verification thereof to the undersigned adminis­ trators nt the office of their attorney Fred E Smith. 145 4 Miner Ilulldlng. Eugene, Oregon, within n I x months from the dale of tills notice. Dated April 251 h 1929 la d le M . Howard, Kline Wnlkley, Administrators with W ill annexed. Fred E Smith. Attorney for Administrators. A 25 Mnv 2 9 14 23 B U S IN E S S Rrw. Pitone 140 Plano Mnvlng SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER W ILLI» BERTBCH, Prop. OFFICE AT SERVICE GARAGE 633 Mnln Street itarceainr to Sutton Transfer WM. G. HUOHES F IR E AN D A U TO IN 8 U R A N C I N O T A R Y P U B LIC Office «t FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield, Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY D IN T IS T in Bld» Rien« MM Residence Phone 1U-M Springfield, Oregon General Law Practice I. M. PETERSON Attorney-at-Law City H all Building Springfleld, Ore. D. W. Roof JE W E L E R ; a Specialty | Springfleld Iffne Circle of the ord«r passengers from Klamath Fall ami ■ to meet with It Friday night. A11 of The title of ‘ Miss Eugene,” carry beyond. Ing with It the distinction of having j the Hprlngfleld members who wish No. 8 at 3:44 P. M. I to attend the meeting at W altervlll« Bus connections at Eugene for been adjudged the most, beautiful and .trains leaving 11:50 A. M. and 7 I’. M most graceful girl In Lane county, and should meet at Kgglmunn's corner the privilege of entering the state ' not later than seven o'clock. SOUTH Ten members of the Junction City bec.uty contest in Portland April 30, No. 7 at 12:47 P. M circle of the Neighbors visited with May 1 and 2, and was awarded to j No. 16 at 10:09 P. M Flag stop for passengers to Klamath Falls and Lois Beth Mathews, 17, daughter of meeting Wednesday night at th« Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Mathews,, of Woodman hall. Mrs Richards wag beyond. Thurston, held at the county beauty the captain of the visiting group. Bus connections at Eugene for PAINTIN G anil Kalsomlnmg In all Ita FOR HALE 48 hour old Giant Bronze contest In Eugene Tuesday night. Turkeys, 40c each. Hix to Eight trains leaving 11:46 A M. via Siskiyou branches. Roduced Prices Roy Shrubs Set Out at School Miss Mathews Is five feet four : line. weeks old, $100 to 51.36 each. Thus. Koch. Call 125 J A row of shrubs across the front Inches In height, a hrugette, and II. Hanley, Loneva, Coos County, weighs 135 pounds. She was select­ and around the corners of the high IN T H E COUNTY COURT OF HTATB E IG H T H G RADE E X A M IN A T IO N S Oregon. A. 25 M. 2. ed as the girl best qualified under school building was set out last week­ OF OREGON FOR LANK COUNTY. The eighth grade final state exam the rules of the International Pageant end by the Chase Gardens florists. Pink Kitten In the Matter of the Estate of J. W. luatlons will be given In districts Knoxville, Tenn., May 2.— Pink ele­ Hockuduy, deceased. where there are pupils who have com. of Pulchritude by the Judges, Mrs. To Give Benefit Tea phants may he only an Intoxicated piled with the conditions required by Walter Hummel. Karl F. Thunnemann Notice Is hereby given that (he tin man's dream, hut a real pink kitten law, and for whom application for and Arden X. Pangborn. eauty, form, A benefit tea for the Neighbors of deralgned has been appointed admin I questions has been made by the tea­ grace, and personal charm were the Woodcraft drill team will be given Istratrlx In the above entitled matter has been born here. cher, on Thursday and Friday, May Friday from 2 to 5 In the afternoon All persons having claims against aald 14 and 17, 1929 Teachers should send only points considered. at the residence of Mrs. W. C Mo- Miss Mathews, or Miss Eugene, re­ estate are not Hied to present said Eatute of Brunetta D. Lovette, Dec'd. for a blank for reporting their pupils i laltns duly verified to the udmlnlstra NOTICE TO CREDITORS at once, if they have not already ceived a complete new wardrobe, do­ I Lagan. 341 6tht S treef There will trlx at the office of C. A. Wlnlertneler, Notice Is hereby given that Rosa 8. done so. nated by the merchants of Eugene, a be a series of benefits given for tho In Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, with Earnest has been by the County Court E J MOORE, drill team In the near future. In six months from thia 18th day of of the State of Oregon, In and for County School Superintendent. trip to Portland with all expenses paid for the state contest, a late mo­ April. 1929 lan e County, appointed Executrix of M. 2-9 Bath A Y ear Brlnga Olvorc« del bathing suit, and a year's pass to M E T T IE 1» IIO t’KADAY, Admlnls the last will and testament of Brun­ Janesville. W la., M ay 2.— Mrs. M in­ etta D. Ixivelte, deceased. Iratrtx. the McDonald theater. In case she NO TIC E TO C R E D ITO R S All persons having claims against C A W1NTERMB1BR, Attorney. should be declared the winner at nie Beversdorf was granted a dlvoreo the estate of said deceased are hereby NOTICE IS HEREBY G IVEN : Tnat Portland, she will he awarded a free from Charles Beversdorf. because ho notified to present the same, duly L. L. Ray has been appointed adminia- N O TIC E TO C R E D ITO R S trip to Galveston, Texas, to enter the only took one bath a year. Notice la hereby given that the un­ stated and verified, at the residence trator of the estate of Hans Peterson of A E. Wheeler. 710 lawrence 8t In competition there with the winners Hulegaard. usually known as Hans dersigned ('. M LaPorte has been j Two Caesar« apiMilnted executor of the will anil Eugene, Oregon, within six months Peterson, deceased, by the County from other states. Corut of Lane County, Oregon, All estate of the above named Frances from Ibis lllli day of April, 1929 Ixindon, May 2.— Two namesake«, A grand ball In honor of Miss M at­ Rose S Earnest persons having claims against said I, Weavi-r by the Counlv Court o il hews was given Wednesday night at at least, of Julias Caesar survive him. Lnne County, Oregon, and all persons I Executrix of the Ia s i W ill and Testa­ estate are required to present them, having elnlma against said estate will ment of Brunetta D. Ixjvette, De­ with the proper vouchers, wtthln six the Laraway hall at Eugene. The One haa Just been elected councillor months from the 2nd day of May, 1929. fourteen other entrants In the county at Weymouth. Another Julius Casear present same duly certified at the of j ceased. to the said administrator at his office contest acted as her maids of honor Is shown In the London telephon« lice of Whitten Swafford, 201 Tiffany | A. E. Wheeler, Attorney. A 11 18 25 M 2-9 in the Miner Building. Eugene, Oregon Ilulldlng. Eugene. Oregon on or before directory. at the coronation ceremony. L. L. RAY, six months after this date. N O TIC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Administrator of the Estate of Hans Dated and first published April 18lh. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, That Peterson Hulegaard, usually known Tw o Fined for Speeding 1929 the County Court of the State of Ore­ as Hans Peterson, deceased. N O T IC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T C M. LA PORTE. Executor. John W hetxel was arrested Friday gon for the County of Lane has by M 2-9 16-23 30 A. 18 25. M 2 9 14 Notice Is hereby given that Jesse night by K. R. Glle, city policeman, order duly mails' and entered fixed and G. Wells, Administrator with the for speeding on Fifth street. He en­ appointed Saturday the 11th day of SUM M O NS W ill annexed of the estate of William IN T H E CO I’ N TY COURT OF TH E May, 1929 at the hour of ten o'clock tered a plea of guilty Saturday and STATE OF OREGON FOR In the forenoon at the County Court IN T H E C IRCUIT COURT OF T H E T. Kerley, has filed his final report and account as such Administrator, was fined 510 before City Recorder LANK COUNTY for the County of Lane as the day, STATE OF OREGON FOR TH E and the Court has set and fixed Tue«- Peterson. V. L. Ream of Eugene wag COI’ NTY OF LANE In the Matter of the Eaale of David C. j time and place for the hearing of j day the 28th day of May 1929. at the objections to the final account of Haxel Cowart, Plaintiff, Vs. Ivan L. ■ hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon of arreseted Saturday for speeding on Mathews, deceased. Cowart. Defendant. Notice la hereby given that the un Charles P. I’oole, the Administrator of said day at the county court room In Main street and was fined five dollar« To Ivan L. Cowart, the above , Eugene, I^ane County, Oregon, as the before Peterson Monday. deralgned has been appointed by the the estate of Anna B. Glendennlng. above entitled court as the admlnls deceased, now on file In said Court named Defendant. time and place to hear final objec- tratrtx In said matter. All persona and cause All objections must be in IN T H E NAME OF T H E STATE OF ' tlons to the same. If any and for the Candy Sale Nets Cash writing and filed with the Clerk of having claims against said estale arc ' OREGON. You are hereby required final settlement of said estate. Over 511 was received from th« JESSE G W ELLS. hereby notified to present said claims said Court on or before said day and to appear and answer the complaint Administrator with the W ill annex­ randy sale held at the Lincoln School duly verified Io the administratrix at | time filed against you in the above entitled Dated this 10th day of April, 1929. Court and Cause on or before the 31st ed of the estate of William T. Kerley, during the P. T. A. meeting ther« the law office of C A. Wlntermeler In Eugene. Lane County. Oregon. With CHARLES P. POOLE. Admlnstra- day of May 1929 said date being more deceased. last Friday. The money w ill be used In six months from thia 18th day of tor of the estate of Anna B. Olenden- than four weeks from the day of the Wells & Wells, Attorneys M. 2-9-16-23-30 to pay for costumes for the May Fes­ April. 1929 nlng, deceased. first publication of this summons and tival and Health Day program which RUBY MATHEW S. Administratrix herein entered of record and If you FRANK A DE PUE Attorney for C A W IN TE R M E IE R . Attorney. will be held May 10. Both Sides W in fall so to appear and answer for want the estate. A 18 25. M 2 9 16 thereof the plaintiff will apply to the A potted plant offered to the room A. 11-18-25. M 2 9 Waterloo, N. Y.. May 2.— A verdict Court for the relief In her complaint in favor of both the plaintiff and the having to Its credit the largest num­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION against vou demanded and prayed N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S defendant was returned by a Jury ber of adults was awarded to Mis« FOREST EXCHANGES for. to w it: 018452 For a Judgment and decree of Di­ here. It awarded Harvey Robenolt Girard's room at the Brattain schooL NOTICE IS HEREBY G IVEN that J F Grant hna been appointed execu ' Department of the Interior, United vorce dissolving the bonds of matri- $175, full amount claimed, and Jane Mrs. Roberts’s room and Mrs. La«- lor of the Iasi will and testament of ‘ States Land Office. Roseburg, Ore­ manv now and hereto fore existing selle’s room tied for the first honor« between you and the plaintiff on the Pontius, defendant, $50 in her $250 Hermlna M Grant, deceased, by the gon, April 11, 1929. at the Lincoln school, but the plant ' counter s u it in connection with a grounds of desertion and for such county court of la n e County. Oregon Notice Is hereby given that on was awarded to Mrs. Lasselle's room. All persons having claims against said April 11, 1929. Carrie P. Topping, of other relief as to the Court may seem building contract. estate are required to present them Sacramento, Cal., filed application No. meet. This summons Is served upon vou with the proper vouchers within six 018452 under the art of March 20. 1922 months from the dale of the first pub 142 Slat., 465) to exchange the 8*« hv publication thereof In the SPRING- lleatlon of this notice, which Is April i N E 1, . EL, SE'4. Section 2. N E 1«, F IR L D NEWS, a newspnper of general Ilth . 1929 to said executor nt the law NE% SW%, NW Vi SE*4. Section 12. circulation pursuait to an order of office of Donald Young. Rfifi W illam ­ •|’I. M 8 Range 1 West. W M within the Judge of the County Court of thp the Cascade National Forest, for the State of Oregon for the County of ette Street. Eugene, Oregon. timber on approximately eight acres I-ane dulv made and entered of record J F GRANT. Executor. DONALD YOUNG. Attorney for within the SE1, N E 1«. Sec. 19. Tp. 20 on thp 30th day of April 1929 order­ S . Range 4 East, W M. within the ing that this summons be published Estate. once each week for four successive Cascade National Forest. A. 11-18-25 M 29 The purpose of this notice Is to al­ nnd consecutive weeks In said naner low all persons claiming the lands and that the date of the first publica­ N O TIC E TO C R E D ITO R S selected, or having Irina fide objec­ tion will he with the Issue of Mav 2nd NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That tions to such application, an oppor­ 1929 and the date of the last puhllca- Alfred Weslropc has been appoint' d tunity to file their p-otests with the •|nn will he with the Issue of May 30th administrator of the estate of John Register and Receiver of the United 1999. Dated A pril 30. 1929. II Briggs, deceased. by the County States Land Office at Roseburg, Ore­ FRANK A DsPT’ E Court of la n e County. Oregon All , gon. Any such protests nr objections Attornev for Plaintiff. Residence. persons having claims against said must he filed in this office within estate are required to present them thlrlv days from the dele of first Springfield. Oregon. M 2 9 16 23 30. with proper Touchers, within six publication of this notice, which first months from the 26th dav of April. publication Is April 25. 1929 1929. to the said administrator nt the I SUM M O NS H A M IL L A CANADAY. Register law office of L. L. Rnv. In the Miner non-coal IN T H E C IR CU IT COURT OF T H E Building. Eugene. Oregon. A 25 • May 2 9 14 23 STATE OF OREGON FOR TH E ALFRED WESTHOPE, nd m fn lstra-, COUNTY OF LANE C O U N T Y S H E R IF F 'S SALE. tor of the Estate of John H Briggs, j Janie L. Cruzan. Plaintiff. Vs. Petra E X E C U T IO N A N D FO RECLOSURE deceased Jones and C. N. Jones lffr husband. L I,. RAY. A tter’iev for Estate Notice is hereby given that by vir­ E C. Summers and Vernia Summers A 25: M 29 14 tue of an execution and order of sale his wife, Chris. Tellefson. James in foreclosure Issued out of the Clr Wm. Jones and--------- Jones his wife. cult Court of Lnne County. Oregon, on Defendants. the second day of April, 1929. In a suit To E. C. Summers and Vernia wherein on the thirtieth day of March. Summers, his wife. Defendants 1929. In said Court the Pacific Savings IN T H E NAME OF T H E STATE and Isinn Association, a Washington OF OREGON. You and each corporation, recovered Judgment are hereby required to appear and j Office Phone 178-J Res Phone 176 M against the defendants. W illiam W. answer the complaint filed against! Cari H. Phettepjace. M. D. White and Mary White, his wife, W. you in the above entitled Court and I General PracMce, Speclal Attention E. Powell. C. A. Pruitt and la u ra May Cause on or before the 23rd day of t — and why has she put her dinner in Pruitt, for the sum of $1048.17, and in­ May 1929 said date being more than to Obstétrica and Disensos the oven at ten o’clock in the morning? terest thereon at the rate of 10^ per six weeks from the date of the first of Chlldren. annum from July 1, 1928, and for the publication of this summons and be­ First National Bank Rullding further sum of $7 00 and for the fur­ ing the time prescribed for such ap­ These two questions would not seem so Springfleld, Oregon ther sum of $100.00 as reasonable at­ pearance by you in the order for the I torney’s fees, and for costs and dis­ publication of this summons and absurd to any woman who has an elec­ bursements of this stilt, said execu­ herein entered of record and if you, tric range— they’re so easily answered. tion to be drawn by mo In the name of fall so to appear and answer for want DR. W. N. DOW the State of Oregon. In order to satis­ thereof the plaintiff will apply to the fy said Judgment, Interest, attorney Court for the relief In her complaint D e n tis t T h a t lucky young woman in the illus­ fees, costs of suit and accruing costs. against you demanded and prayed for First National Bank Rullding tration is setting the automatic temper­ Io sell the following described real to wit: Phone 43 Springfleld, Oregon properly, to-wit: Judgement against the defendants ature control on lier very new Westing- Office hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Regjnnlng at a point 40 feet south Petra Jones and C. N. Jones her hus­ Evenings by Appointment of the Northwest corner of Lot One band for the sum of eight hundred house electric range. N ext she will set (1) In Block Two (2) of Cherry Grove (800.00) Dollars together with Interest the control dock that will turn the Addition to Eugene, Oregon, and run­ thereon from the 22nd of May 1928 kt ning thence South 40 feet, thenee 7% per annum and for the costs, dis­ oven on while she is shopping! East 40 feet, thence North 40 feet and bursements and charges together thence West 40 feet to the place of with an attorneys fee of $150.00. beginning, being a part of Lot 1 in For a Decree forecloalng Plaintiff's Block 2 In Cherry Grove Addition to mortgage and that the real property Eugene, Lnne County, Oregon. j mentioned and described therein be Now. therefore. In the name of the sold by the Sheriff of Lane County, State of Oregon, In compliance with Oregon In the manner provided by said execution and order of sale. In law and the proceeds he applied In order to satisfy said Judgment, Includ­ pnvrnent of the aforesaid Judgement. 228 Main 81. Residence 126 C St. This summons Is served upon you hy ing Interest, attorney’s fees, costs of suit and accruing costs, I will, on Sat. publication thereof In the SPRING- The Electric Raag» «2 J «2M urdny, the fourth day of May, 1929. nt FIELD NEW S pursuant to an order of 'JTaoor the Judge of the above mentioned the hour of one o’clock In the after­ Full Auto Equipment noon of said dny, at the southwest Court made and entered of record on front door of the County Court House, the 23rd day of April 1929 ordering Lady Assistant In Eugene, la n e County. Oregon, of­ said summons published once each fer for snip and sell for cash at public week for four successive and conse­ auction, subject to redemption as pro­ cutive weeks and the date of the first vided hy law, all right, title and In­ publication shall he the issue of the FRANK A. DE PUE terest to said defendants’ and all per­ 25th day of April 1929 and the date sons claiming hy through or under of the last publication shall he with A T T O R N E Y A T LA W them or any or either of them, In and the Issue of May 23rd 1929. FRANK A. DePUE. Attorney for( N O T A R Y P U B LIC to »aid premises. Plaintiff, Residence, Springfleld. Ore­ H . L. BOWN. Sheriff of Tane BprlngBeM . Butto« gon. Connty, Oregon. A. 26: M. 2 9-16 33 A. 4 11 18 25 M. 2 I D IR E C T O R Y What is she doing? Wakei-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors Westinghouse ^ ,» 7 « o » - *1* MOUNTAIN.STATES POWER C O M PA N Y