Try the Home Print Shop F irtt THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW KN TY-HIXTII Y ELMI MANY INCLUDED ON Court Will Hear Local Boys Trim Bridge Case Soon University High NEW LEGION SION BOARD WITH MEMBERSHIP ROLL IS COMPLETED MONDAY A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 17 RPRINOFIELD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON THURSDAY, MAY 2. 192» CORVALLIS TOSSERS WIN FROM SPRINGFIELD MEN IN HORSESHOE MATCH “The People's Pepar" WARREN 10 BUILD NEW SAWMILL HERE The painting of the new American The Corvallis horseshoe club nosed Argument* against fill to be air- i Score of 16-8 piled up in second Legion sign hoard on Main street was out the newly-organlxed tfprlngfleld ed second time Monday; ! game of season; play completed Monday by A. E Wood, horseshoe club 1095 to 1086 In the Grove Friday local painter. The border of the board Eugene Man to Begin Work on Injunction sought Scholarship and attendance win first match of the season held on s i r painted In blue and tan At the 20,000 Capacity Plant at the local . court Sunday Corvallis ] Rprtngfleld high school moved up top of the sign the American legion places for 228 on list; Mrs. Arguments for and the con _____________ __ against _ scored 465 points on ringers, and Once; Structure to be Erect* Ora Read Hemenway names Springfield 463. The local team will tlnuatlon of the work pn the filled In , one notch In the Lane county confer- j eu,blem was painted In colors, and ed on C Street Adjoining 123 Brattain students; Moffitt meet Corvallis In a V turn match approach to the west end of the new I enee baseball league Friday by ke'ow the names of the present paid Planing Mill. Springfield bridge will be heard In trouncing the University high school up ** ,he Springfield post of selects 105 at Lincoln. there Bunday. _____ ____ ___ Thp the legion The Hprlngfleld horseshoe players I count/ ttmr, Monday ! at Eugene by . score of 16* A new electric saw mill with a The members of the Legion whose I’lir r i on the honor roll for either hsv< not ha I a gr< at d a of pra whan |gr, C. A. Wlntermeler and locol team lost a close contest to i am<-s appear on the board are: Mar­ capacity of 20.500 feet a day will be high scholastic average! or perfect , this season, ss the new courts, be­ Brownell, attorneys re- Engene high school last week by . . . lon Adams. Henry Adrian. R L. Bur­ erected at once on G street between attendance during the past six weeks tw een tne o u n ta in n ia ie n i Power uw ro , Howard M ■ —--------. . . . ------------ . tween the m Mountain Mates nett, Ira B. Baldwin. Paul Basford, Third and Fourth by H. O. Warren of were won toy 22* pupil» In the Spring ’ company and the Wright hardware talned by the citizens of West Spring- ncor® " ' "" n°* * ’’ field public schools. It was announced »tore, have only been completed for field who are opposing the fill, appeal i mar ■ w 1 one Kdm,! won an one A'lllls Bertach. Fred Bauer. Clayton Eugene, It was announced yesterday. Barber, Bherman Conrad. Vern Cal- yesterday by Mrs. Ora Mead Hemen- a short time The team will meet io the court for a temporary restrain- j Wilbur Hyland, proprietor of the Eu­ way. principal of the Brattain school. I other clubs from the various Wiliam mg order, stopping the work until a The game a r y r *e UP4l.0 derweil. Robert H. Culbertson. gene planing mill, who recently pur­ V 4 J v beginning of the •• — W illia m l / U W , T. 1 . «_/• vs, H O I I/X il v William Dow, C. Dillard. Herbert sixth Inning, the and I*urence Moffitt, principal of the etle valley towns throughout the formal hearing of tho case can be | ‘he chased the Loud planing mill on G score standing at 7-6 for Springfield . G Dibble. Orville Dean. Frank L. Liscoln school fine hundred and five season held. The line ups and points .cored by ' The residents of West Hprlngfleld , a‘ “ «•< « » • - '» ' “ ‘J ’’ ""’T " ’ Prank 15*w ,c h - V D Po’ ,e’ J street, has purchased nine lots ad­ of thoes winning honors are enrolled each man In the contest Bunday, are cUlm , hat thr fill as It I. being con- Ith* Hprlngfleld boys found their bait- WallPr Go*»ler. Tn.bert Henderson. joining the planing mill site on G at the Lincoln school, and the re­ -------------- structed now will con.tltute a menace *»< a"<1 funded In a succession „ B Hontly> r B Ham,|„. T. Owen street from tthe Harry M. Stewart maining 123 »1 'he Brattain school. as follows in time of high water, causing a de- *> ' run. that overwhelmed ‘he Eugene „„„decson. Wilttam A. HUI. Harry B. Fuel company, which he haa leased to Those at the Brattain school arc as Hprlngfleld (1086) Corvallis (1095) „tractive current to flow acroaa the ,ck Reyno'*” - University high JoBM peFnrest Joralmon. John P. Mr. Warren for five years for the follows: First grade—Alta Manning, Gillian» 171 Gerlach 176 property In the vicinity. They emJ school coach, used three pitchers. King. FrM Knox. Engene Kester, erection of the saw mill. teacher; Scholarship. Haymond Pyle. Clark 210 •l.-nls t«3 Mr. Warren has been operating a ployed attorneys and petitioned the ^elds. Ijike and Whittier, hut was AI)pn Kafoury. Jack Larson. Peter Chase, Dalton Horton. Mae Etta Ht Johns 176 Cox 194 court a week ago for an Injunction “«ableto hold the Springfield batters - Verdun - - May. ................. saw mill near Crow, west of Engene, Herbert Moon. Tex Moon; Attendance: Hobby Culver. Hume 1** Ehnstlng 300 stopping .he work Judge J. W Each of the Springfield pitchers. Co- Mead. Ray McPherson. Paul Myers, for some time. He will move his Archibald 170 Hasel Keyes. Smith 159 Hamilton, of Roseburg, who was tak- Lynch, and Squires, saw ser D. M Morse. Vernon Meats. Delbert equipment here and will also install Hörende 1*0 Second grade—llssel Murphy, tea­ Buoy 154 McBell. mmer Elmer Maxey, Herman «. J. some new machinery and electric ______ ______ Inr the place of Judge Sklpworth, T,re ,n rame’ iwrneii. Billy May was elected president cher Scholarship. Lorraine Squires. Although the Springfield boys are Mor„e. x a Nettleton. Levi Neet. Os- motor« for the power, giving a total Mildred Billings. Billie Nesbitt. Phyl- o f'th e Hprlngfleld Horseshoe club at denied the petition on the grounds . business meeting of the organization that the Injunction was unnecessary not up to their last years form be- waM Olson. N. W Orr. Warren U . capacity of about 20,000 feet a day. 11, Westphall. Violet Steele. Clarence _________ ____ ... u_ . ............__ at , hp t|m„ The hearing Monday j cause of lack of practice this season. ph|ppgi r arl Phetteplace. !ra M ' Logs will be brought to the mill by Clarke; Attendance; Billie Nesbitt. held at the courta Wednesday even will he a continuation of the case at times they showed real baseball Pet<,rgon, Maxwell A. Pohl. David 8. , train and by truck. About eight men IieForest Whites, Alice Chase, lantlse Ing Dean Beals was chosen vice will be employed, with Warren per­ ability during the University game, pingprton, Glen Robertaon. president, and Bill Oerla« h secretary which was started In court a week Slnnar. Phyllis Weeetphall. sonally in charge of the business. ago At some time in the near future according to I^onard Mayfield, locw _ _ Sharman. ----- Tom Bert Snook. L. J. Third grade- Mrs. Paul Belford, treasurer. Warren hts signed a contract with a hearing will be held In rourt at ; coach. The team showed some Im- Sherman. C. A. Swarts. Edward teacher; Scholarship. Inland Neher. whlch the case of the West Spring ; provement In the University game Stewart, L. R. Sims, L. E. Scott. Wil­ Hyland whereby all the lumber pro­ Violet Miller, Henry Chase, Edgar HANGARS BUILT AND field property owners against the , over Ils showing In the Eugene con­ liam P. Tyson. Arnold Tomseth. Earl duced by his mill will be planed by Trotter. Wyetta Spriggs. Ruth Rich­ , the planing mill on the adjoining site. OTHER IMPROVEMENTS state highway commission, A. C. j test here last week | Thompson. William A. Vasby. V. Vern ardson. Kdna June Yarnell. Wanetta Sidney Ward, Jess Walker, Lumber will be sold to local enstom- MADE AT AIRPORT Mathews, the contractor, and the Lane | Yesterday afternoon Springfield Ne«t, Wesley Robertson; Attendance. ! eres. and will also be shipped out In County court will he hearad | met the Omega hall team of the Uni- vv-ilHj»m White. Mary Innsberry. Emma Wetsel. Rose ear load lots. The slabs will be cut With both hangars completed, the A second mass meeting was held j verslty of Oregon Intra mural league The Legion has changed Its meet­ Ogden, Wilbur McPherson, Anita I office under construction, and three at the Glenwood school In West | In a practice game on the local dla ; ing night back to the first and third 1 Into wood for sale through Warren s Pugh. Helen Lyons. Bobby Keenan. fuel business In Eugene. runways rolled and In use. the new 8prlngfleld Tuesday night. C. A. mond. As the game was merely for Friday of each month, from the se­ Emil Pchytll, Lloyd Sevmen, Harry Construction work on the new mill Hprlngfleld municipal airport Is near Wlntermeler was the principal speak­ the purpore of obtaining practice for cond ard fourth Mondays, which It Bainbridge. Alvin McRee. Bdna June will begin within a day or so. and It lug completion. Two additional run­ er, telling of the steps which must be both teams, no accurate score was was for a time. Yarnell, Edgar Trotter, Frederick will he ready to open for operation by ways will be completed and seeded taken If the construction of the fill , kept Th<* next regular game will be ---- Trotter. Frederick Neel. Gordon about July I. The construction of with grass for winter use within a Is to be stopped Wlntermeler has plaved Friday afternoon with Cottoge LOCAL GIRLS' QUARTET Baldwin. the plant will cost about $5000. few days. had Sinton Klovdall. Eugene engineer. Grove high school at Cottage Grove, Fourth grade—Mrs Ora Read lle- GIVEN SECOND PLACE i Tho work at the new field was at work surveying In the West Cottage Grove has had the reputation menwav: Scholarship. Dale Robert* done by nten of the American Legion Springfield vicinity for over a week, of putting out strong hasehall teams IN STATE TOURNAMENT LOUD PLANING MILL eon. Harold Gillett. Jeamune Withers. and rne money PURCHASED BY HYLAND nnd others others The money necessary necessary Klovdall will tesetlfv for the property In past years, but Mayfield believes Myrtle Ihtke, Sadie Gott. Ethel Gott, for the purchasing of materials was I ownPr8 at the hearing. A census of The girls quartet of the Springfield that the Springfield boys can equal lxtulsn Cowden, June Berg. Bernice The planing mill on the corner of high school, composed of Louisa Mc­ donated by the cltlxens of Spring- people who would he affected by them Ixiwery; Attendance. June Berg. Bes­ Springfield plays two games each Dowell. Vernice Hawke. Dorothy Third and O streets, owned by A. B. field. George Perkins, local carpen ^ tha Good menace was taken yester- sie Cog. IjOUsta Cowden. Maxine Wat- snd ---------- Cottage Withers, and Lela Squires, was Ixiud of Eugene has heen sold to . . . . . Eugene. Università ------------ -------- ter. Is building the office. The run day j,y w „ Bryan. O M Plummer, with Ada Johnson. Angle Krupkla. ways for summer use. whlrh are com- ' and O F. Bevers. There are about Grove high schools, the other mem- awarded second place In compet'tlon Wilbur Hvland. owner of the Bugens l.udle Gerber. Billie Stratton. Elisa - *_ ■ singers from high schools In all planing mill. league, and two pleted, Include one 1600 feet long, 600 men. women and children In the i hers of I-ane County beth Wardlow. Jeamune Withers. Oil Mr. Hyland has been operating tho ! gsmes with I^ebanon high school, not parts of the state at the annual mu- running east and west, one 1*00 feet district, according to Bevers. yer Adams, Dale Rohesrtaon. !-a Verne While the legal quarrel Is being a member of the league One game , sic tournament held at Pacific Uni­ mill from the old steam engines for In length, running diagonally north­ McPherson. Harold Goddard. Lsu- west by south-eant, and one 1200 feet waged. A. C. Mathews Is going ahead , with Cottage Grove and another with versity. Forest Grove, last Friday and the past several days, but he has rrnce Jonea. Norma Williams long running north and south. Two with the work. He has a power sho j Lebanon, which were to have been Saturday. Lebanon high school was now practically completed the In­ Fifth grade—Anne Gorrle; Scholar other runways, one 60 by 1400 snd vel and several teams at work now. j played earlier In the season, were awarded first place, and Silverton stallation of electric motors, and ship, Irvin Dorr. LaMoyne Black. the other 60 bv 1800. have been grad­ making good progress with postponed because of rainy yeather. , high school third. The quartet sang will start operating with electricity Margaret Haack. Jo Lara Putman. ed. and will be seeded for use In the and Is but will be rescheduled later. ■Snow Flakes’* A certificate of within a day or two. The mill em. the fill Joan Seavey. Drudle Ogilvie. Fay award was presented the local high ploys eight men snd turns out anprot- wlntr time. Sqvlrea; Attendance. Paul llelter- Turner at Roseburg—G H. Turner ; school for placing second. lmatelv two car loads of lumber S Visiting Here — Mr. and Mrs. Tentative plans for a celebration hoard. Delorlw Nice. Drudle Ogilvie, spent Wednesday on a business trip day. Wade Palmer will be the fore­ The boys’ quartet, composed of Flowers o f Medford, are visiting Jo 1-arn Jutman, Hattie Clark. Oren and dedication of the new air port Paul Potter. Everett Squires. Joseph man of the plant. to Roseburg. Springfield for a few days. upon the arrival of Major G. H Bck- la«n»herry, Eugene May. Harold Shaw Crandall, and Gerald Morrison, made erson from Troy. Ohio, with his new Sixth B — Pearal McMullin; Scho­ Waco plane are being discussed by a creditable showing with “I Hear V .E HOVEN TO PREACH 1 larship. Helen Davis. Evelyn Gormley. the members of the Lions club. Kentucky Calling.” but failed to AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mildred Morgan. Velma Peddlcord; Major Eckerson. who will conduct nn place In the competition. Louisa Me- Attendance, Virginia Montgomery, ' Dowell, soprano, was able to enter 1 aviation school at the air port, will Professor V. E. Hoven of the Eu­ Jenn lank. Charles Maxwell. Velma leave for the east within a few days the finals In competition with seven gene Bible University will deliver Peddlcord. Faye Johnaon. James lie I to get his new plane, a !25 horse other gurn girls with ------------ ‘orner w,»i, ber -i-- solo “Come —..... Love. — the morning and evening sermons at 1 Berg, Jeannlne Withers. Rose Ogden. Long Day Closes.” Pan! Potter, the Springfield Christian church Sun menway. pewer. »eapattle <»f a SRSSNI *'f D’d The nnnunl heeith celebration and Ito Fifth group: Dale Rjbestson. Sixth A - Dorlha Glrrard: Scholar­ : miles an hour. ¡tenor soloist, sang "Over the Hills day. The subjects of his sermons ship. Harlan Duncan. Charles Cole; I If present plans materialize. Major Mry festival. In which the schools of bert Rodenbaugh, Roso Ogden. and Home Again.” have not yet been decided. Sixtht group: Walter I^xton, Jr., I The Springfield musicians are pre- Attendance. Esall Adams. Alene John EeketNon will notify the people here Springfield nnd the vicinity portlet- The high school girls’ quartet, Foster. eon. Isirna Chase. 1-aVerne Pugh, ■ of the time of his probohle arrival pate, will be held at the Lincoln | John Avlt. Jr.. Bobby by foster. t paring: to enter the annual Lane which placed second In the annual Charles Cole, Margaret Jarrett. Ken I In the new plane when he reaches school grounds Friday, May 10. be- Seventh group Laurence 'county music tournament which will state music tournament at Forest The citizens ginning at 1:30 o'clock. Music, j son, Bobby Davia, Junior Endlco . be held this wppk pnd at Rn^pne in noth Cox. Franklin W ardlow. R ay­ Salt U tke city wl"> week-end at Eugene in Grove last weeji. will sing at the mond D eeds. LaDorls W alker. W ini­ of the town will I-’ it the air port stunts, presentation of health awards. Kenneth Ables. the University of Oregon music audl- evening service at the Springfield Eighth group: Frank „ Stewart, fred Franx. Anton P ch ytll. Ixittlae ■ to greet him when b-• lands, nnd the nnd a competition In track and field " Ro I torinm. The girls’ sextette, compos- Christian scurch Sunday night, ob­ Pollard. Billy IK,w. Bruce of Ru{h Car]ton events among the students of the l bert Liiky. i dedication eeri-me-"' will follow. serving the opening of national music axey. Bobbv Culver. Delton Horton. i MpDowpn vem ice Hawke. Those winning places on the honor schools represerted will make up the Maxey week. The girls will sing "Snow Ntntth group: Out of town schools. ' hr w |thers. anrt ^ 1 « Squires. Flakes" and "The Old Refrain.” roll at the Lincoln high school wr>ro program of the day. Bestdos the SENIOR CLASS GOES ON W elcome-King Harlan Duncan. , Vpnp|Ian Lovp SonK... as follows: First grade. Mrs Marjorie Lincoln and the Brattain schools, the Bible school will open at 9:45. with ANNUAL "SNEAK DAY” Salutation of Flowers-Queen Ruth mpmbpra of the gjp,,. laisselle. teacher: Scholarship. Alberta schools from Mt. Verton. Heyden S. G. Mushier as superintendent. At Pollard ! Klpe dub wl„ aln(f T1mP of Roses" the morning service, which begins at Keeler, Dorothy Stewart. Jane Alice The 33 members of the Springfield Bridge, Maple, and Chase Gardens Subjects tell of health habits by - w)n glnR ..gwppt Pengra. Robert Pollard. Frank Stew high school senior class cut classes will he represented at the fete. 11 o’clock, Mrs. Cliff Abrams will art, Frank Anderaon. Winifred Lyons. Monday and went on the annual , Ruth Pollard will reign as queen of groups. and Low.” Pani Potter and Louisa sing a soprano solo, “O May My Walk Presentation of blue ribbons. Miss McDowell will enter tthe vocal solo Beryl Robertson. Dorothy Mullgan; "sneak day." which Is the privilege the festival, and Harlan Duncan will be Close to God.” by Johnson. Chris­ Attendance, Frnnk Anderson, Billy of seniors once a year. The students, i serve as king. Their attendants have Beth Konkle. sections. Cedred Glasbv will enter tian endeavor consecration services Songs—"A Spring Dance” "The I thte violin solo section, and Frances Dow. Robert Pollard. Shirley Hack, accompanied by Miss Clara Wagner been chosen from students rating will be held at 6:30 o'clock, with Cart Mountain Shepherd.’ Beryl Lyona, Alherta Keeler. Frlzell will enter the plano solo sec- McKinnls as leader. The evening and Leonard Mayfield of the faculty, high In health records at the Lincoln Maypole dance. Second nnd third grades—Mra. Opal drove up the McKenzie highway to and Brattain schools. If the weather ! tlon. The Springfield entrants are services will begin at 7:30. In ad­ Stunts—“You and My Circus.” Lin­ i being trained by Glenn Coule and Roberts; Scholarship. Doris Munn. three miles above the snow line, 1 should bo rainy, the festival will be dition to the girls’ quartet, the choir Muriel Tyson. Roberta Putman. Ro­ where the party played In the snow 1 held In the high school gymnasium coln school. : Miss Frances Hodge. Instructors in will sing “Let Us Go Up to the House "The Dairy Cow." Mt. Vernon | music, who accompanied the contest­ bert Nice, Frank Bennett. John Spore. for a time. of the Lord.' and Donald Faltz of the : Instead of the Lincoln school. School. l>awrence Thompson. Bobble Davis, ants to Forest Grove last week-end. Eugene Bible University will play a After eating their lunch, the sen- I program for the day Is as "Outdoor Sports.” Hayden Bridge Kenneth Ables; Attendance Frank lors came down the highway as far ! fallows: trumpet solo. school. Bennet. Bert Currie, Junior Endicott, as Belknap Springs, whee they stop- POWER COMPANY STAFF Songs: "It is Good to be Alive,” "The Picnic," Maple school. Bonnie Findley. Robert Nice. Bernie as Belknap Springs, where they stop- Party a Success "O’er the Hills Away," Junior high UNDERGOES CHANGE "Health Problems,” Chai« Gardens »a g le. Maxine Coglll. Bettle Currie, “The Patsy," the three act comedy bolore returning home. school students. school. leyl Keeler. Doris Munn, Bobby „ .. „ n , Presentation of Blue ribbon group F. L. Davis, who has been service presented last Friday night at ths Tooth Brush drill. Miss Manning Melba Harris Bertha Keenan. Ber- tn|m Jampg Hpmpn Davis. high school auditorium by the senior and Mrs. Basford’» rooms at Brattain man for the local Mountain States Fourth grade—Bdna Platt; Scholar­ nadlne McFarland, Eva Louk. Marie class was a great success. Approxi­ Power company for some time, has way. school. ship. Francis Jean Lloyd. Bernice Coffell. June Geiger. Ix