*■' OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Cur Readers. THURSDAY. APRIL SR. 1'F’A T H E SPRIN GFIELD N1CWS PAGE EIGHT All the stre a m s In C u rry county, wiih th e ex ception of th e Rogue, are closed to com m ercial fishing, anil will rem ain closed until S ep tem b er 15. when they w.ll be open unUl Novcui her 20 Mrs. Elsie K enw orthy, early O regon pioneer, who died recen tly nt C orvallis at th e age of 97 y ears. left (our ch il­ dren. 31 gran d ch ild ren . 58 gi .u t grand ch ild ren an d th ree great-great grand children. F ru it tre e s su fficien t to plant m ore th au 200 a cres ot land n ear The D alles have beeu shipped in thia year and d istrib u te d am ong o rch ard ow n­ e rs through the county chain her of com m erce. Six tho u san d a cres of sum m er fal low land in U m atilla county have been leased un til S ep tem b er 25 at a coal of $3 an acre and w ill he plauted to beans by th e E ckhoff F arm P ro d u cts corporation. W ork sta rte d recen tly on th e con­ stru ctio n of 50 new houses at Seueca th a t will be used to house em ployes of th e E dw ard H iues W estern Ptne com pany. A bout 350 m en will he em ­ ployed by May L A freak egg. laid rtcen lly by a Rhode irlainl R id hen. was dliqilayed In Mini'>ril by its ow ner I' W I'wlv, of Jn cksonvtlle It Is soft shelled. Is u tii.il six inches in eircullii* renee and th ree u n 'e s long The n -h lly of the egg lies in the fart that a u ’ii.uil hard sin lied egg Is on the Inside liiipenuitiK strife lietw een Albany and L ebanon o v er ilivisl >n of school dis ; trlc ls was av erted « h e n n pence meet lug w as held in A lbany la d week. It was decided th a t th e d istric ts trib u tary to each tow n bo defined mid th at llie feasib ility of bus sy stem s te r each ap portioned group be Investigated. C are in R eporting F ires Asked A req u est to tin» people of S pring Held to give exact am i expltcll In fo rm atio n as to th e locution w hen r e ­ p o rting fin s w as mude Monday 1“ J e r s e S m ltson. file cllb f T he Ic p a rtm e n t wn* hotliered considerably w hen going to a sm all fire on W ater stre e t last week b ecause Hie p arty re p o rtin g the fire said m erely that It w as over hv th e school house Mr. S m ltson a s k i th a t persons re pai ting fire s call 5. Hi«* fire d epart m e n t , not 35. 'lie elle hall, and give Ihe «Xilct Street and n u m i* " of tile house when* th e blaze Is located •THE MODEL CHURCH" IS BAPTIST SERMON THEME "T ile Model C lllirch” Will he th e th em e of tin* m orning serm on by lt**v C II lilani at Hie S p rin g field B aptist church S unday m orning at II o ’, lu c k T he g irls' q u a rte t of th e ch u rch w II slag se v e rtl special n u m b ers d u ring the serv ices In the ev en in g nt 7 30 Itev Blom will ta k e the th em e of his Serm on The Abbey, a fram e ap artm en t build­ ' from till* te n th e h a p te r of Acts T he ing at New pert waa d estroyed by fire B aptist luille q u a rte t will slug sev eral la s t week. Loss is estim ated at $1000. n um bers In tin* evening O bservance of m usic week. May 5 T he te a c h e r's tra in in g classes, to 11. was urged in a le tte r Issued have been organized will m eet nt 7 10 M em bers of th e sta te fntr author- i by C. A. Howard, sta te su p erin ten d e n t o'clock on W ednesday night P ra y e r T re n t Child Dead lied the issu an ce of I'ui.tWO in tiego- ' t. ollllli.U .ilcr .lu ti 1 IliKHlC of of public instruction. tiab le w arra n ts to apply on the con Pi «n») Ivan»*, nwdit al offi • ■ of I.o rm a Je a n M.inmey. Hie Infinit service and lllhle stu d y will be held A radio statio n to co st $3000 is be the P rc v id c n t's yach t, M avtlow er, stiu e tio n of a uuw grand tund and d a u g h te r of Mr atei Mrs Itulpli M ia at the ch u rch T h u rsd ay night at 7 30 ing erected by th e governm ent on the edit ..tle ra l building. T he s ta te legis : l i a s b u l l a p p o in te d sp e c ia l p h ) I- moy. <*f T re n t, died S atu rd ay at th e latu ro at Its last session appropriated | ci.m ti> P re sid e n t H oover L a G rande air field and will be ready Coglll G ets 8. P Job H ere P acific C h ristia n h o sp ital at Eugene $100,000 for th e stru c tu re , contingent for operation w ithin six weeks. Max Coghlll of E ugene, h as been follow ing a sh o rt Illness at the age of WEEK-DAY BIBLE SCHOOL upon $50,000 being raised locally. A full carload of broom handles from eleven m onths T he fu n eral serv ice! assigned to th e isisltlon of e ar c l-rlt the P routy broom handle factory w ere George W. D unn of Ashland was TO GIVE FINAL PROGRAM w er held nt Ihe W’a lk er Poole chapel at th e local S o u th ern P acific depot elected grand coniiiiunder of the grand shipped to New Jersey , leaving W ar AT CHURCH WEDNESDAY In S pringfield Monday afternoon at He sin.....mis M (» O lson, who had com niandery of K nights T em plar of ren to n over th e S. P. & S. railw ay. 2 o'eloek. th e In term e n t follow ed at been holding the isisltlon te m p o rarily O regon in an n u al session at La Bulb grow ing Is a rapidly grow ing rip* child follow ing th e prom otion of O sw ald M arking th e com pletion of thi th e P leasan t Hill cem e tery G rande. C orvallis was selected us the w ork of th e w eek day Bible sehool, Is survived by h e r p aren ts O lson from yard clerk to c a sh ie r in d u stry in Jo sep h in e county. In 1928 1930 convention city. Next year's con­ who h has been held III ««prlngfleld > carloads of bulbs, valued at $6000 a vention will be held In April, but the (luring Ihe p ast se v e ra l m onth». a carload w ere shipped out of G ran ts T he g ates of th e S avage Rapids dam d ate has not yet been decided upon. p ro g ram will he p re se n te d at the P ass. have been closed and the G ran ts In view of th e heavy fru it damage M ethodist ch u rc h W ednesday night TONIGHT T here are still four and a half feet P a ss irrig a tio n d is tric t is now ready In C alifornia, A lbert Burch, president A pril ? t. by th e stu d e n ts w ho have of snow at Lake of th e Woods and two to serv e its p atro n s for th e connug feet a t Diamond Lake Lodge, and both irrig atio n season. T he p lant supplies of the J ic’ son county fru it grow ers ta k e n th e cauraea. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY league, said th a t so u th ern Oregon , th ese places expect to open about w ater to 10,000 acres. T h e B ible ».< bool w as co nducted by grow ers will be benefited by the m is­ EUGENE, OREGON Ju n e 1. T he O regon sta te highw ay com m is­ fortune of th e sister s ta te and that Miss Goldin •kmith of the E ugene Bible U n iv ersity . P a c t g ra d e above thi T he d ep artm en t of ag ricu ltu re an sion has m ade applicatio n to the ’ >cal gro w eis m ust take all precau-j nounces th a t th e condition of w inter U nited S ta le s en g in ee rs' office (or a tlons possible to save th e ir crop from I f, u rth had <>l!e hour of In stru ctio n In Bible stu d y e a c h week M iss Sm ith w heat iu O regon ia S6 per cen t as perm it to co n stru ct a bridge acro ss ltn llar dam age ta u g h t at tn e B ra tta ln school on Mon com pared with 03 p er cent on April A lsea bay at W aldport, about two A p etition to u n d ertak e the larg est . d ay s and nt th e L incoln school on 10 la st year. m iles from the ocean. stre e t Im provem ent project in K lam ath TU'indavs IN T he 10,000-pound load lim it signs on P u rch ase of th e w ater system at Falls, the m acadam izing of 95 blocks T h e p rogram w hich will be p resen t th e Old O regon T rail betw een Baker L akeview by th e city h as been reeoni In mill and in d u strial additions, and and H aines have been rem oved and m ended and a p etition ia being circu ­ th e laying of co n crete sidew alks and j ed M onday n ig h t Is us follow s: the load lim it has been moved back to lated ask in g th e council to place a curbs, was received by the city coun- j F ing salu te. 20,000 pounds. m easure on th e ballot ta vole $64,000 cil recen tly . T h at body im m ediately | S o n g —“A m erica th e B eau tifu l.” S c r lp tu 'a lesso n . P salm 19 O peration of busses instead of s tre e t­ bonds for th is purpose. ord ered th e city en g in eer to draw up M em ory w ork. F o u rth B. c a rs in the city of Salem resu lted in Game b ird s in B aker county w ere plans and specifications. R ecitatio n . “ T he F lag th a t G rew " a loss of $10,000 during 1928, acco rd ­ fed tw o tons of g rain during th e two T axes paid and to be paid in the A RIOT OF LAUGHTER! S ong—"5«etta, Je su s. J e s u s ” ing to officials of th e S ou th ern P a­ m onths of severe w in ter w eather, ac­ sta te ot O regon th is year aggregate L o rd 's P ray er. cific company cording to W. B. Fellow s, gam e w ar­ $50,794,633.14. as ag ain st $19,794,633.14 Blblo In fo rm atio n . School BARGAIN MATINEE SATURDAY and SUNDAY Due to th e declining m ark et p rev ail­ den. P h easan ts, quail and d eer a re in 1928, according to a statem en t is M em ory w ork. Pipper g ra d e s now in good condition. ing since th e first of the year, approxi sued by th e s ta te tax com m issioner. S< ng— "T a k e th e D ear Old Bible COMING SUNDAY m ately 300.000 bushels of last y ear's T he Canby cham ber of com m erce T he 1929 tax es are based on the as­ W ith Y ou." w heat crop rem ain unsold in the hands set Sunday, May 5. as th e d ate fu r the sessm en t ro lls for th e y ear 1928. The Bible sta ry . F ifth B. of O regon farm ers. an n u al blossom day, and a rra n g em en ts increase of tax es for 1929 when com ­ S en g —“ In My H e a rt T h e re R ings a The W ashington C ounty N ational are being m ade for e n te rta in m e n t of pared w ith 1928 is $851,065. M elody." F arm Loan association has m ade loans hundreds of v isito rs who a re expected Leo A lbertson. 4. son of Mr. and irip slo n a ry sto ry . S ixth A. to visit th e tu lip farm s on th a t day. In th e county am ounting to $1,030,800, Mrs. H enry A lbertson of Yocum valley, M ap d raw in g . F o u rth A according to a re p o rt of A. R. England, A bronze tab let, bearing n am es of n ear Lakeview , sh o t and killed his E le c tric Map. F o u rth A. secretary -treasu rer. 19 c h a rte r m em bers of C latsop P lain s b ro th er. C harles 9, a t the A lbertson <4tojy of th e T em p le, S ixth B. F aced by the m ost acu te w ater sh o rt • P re sb y terian church, organized in 1346 ranch. W ith a n o th e r b ro th er, Leo and D raw ing th e T em ple, J u n io r high W hen ap p etite cries "m o re" age in years, ran ch ers in th e Brogan and said to be th e oldest P ro te sta n t C harles had gone to the house to build school. unit prudence <1 ocb not deny, a fire. W hile th e tw o older boys were church w est of tn e Hockey m ountains, and Jam ieson sectio n s of M alheur O ffering yon can be sure th e subject county are urging th e early com ple­ was dedicated a t th e site of th e old busy a t the stove Leo got a 30-caliber S in g —”1 Love to T ell th e S to r y ” under consideration Is Ice carbine, loaded it and pulled the trig ­ church a t a m eeting of th e P o rtlan d tion of th e Vale p ro je c t cream . ger. T he Salem city council passed an P resb y tery held last week. H er th ro a t to rn by the fangs of a T ry tine of our bricks for a W alter N ash, well-known Dead In ordinance au thorizing the sale of $50,- Crook county has the distin ctio n o( delicious desert. supposedly rabid coyote, Miss Mabie being th e first county In O regon to 000 of m unicipal airp o rt bonds. The ilian d is tric t ran ch er, was b itten a Gordon, 17-year-old S ilveriake girl, rem it its first half tnxca for the yeai bends w ere voted a t a special elec­ few- days ago by a ra ttle sn a k e when Ju st phone us at any tim e his dog by barking called his a tte n ­ was in Bend w aiting for serum being 1929 to the s ta te tre a su re r. T he sta te 's tion held th ree m onths ago. .•tntl w e will send one up! rushed th ere from the state board of p art of the first half taxes In Crook Coos bay was su rp rised last week tion to a hole in the ground. Mr. N ash Solid Brick Bricks c u t In h ealth labo rato ry in P ortland. The county w as $13,700.16. when it was found an oil drilling o u t­ reached into the hole w ith a forked Slices T o Suit Any Occasion wound is regarded as very serious, R esources of the two banks of 8: fit had been w orking for th e p ast week stick and the sn ak e fasten ed its fangs since th e poison will spread quickly in his thum b. H e held on grim ly until H elens on M arch 27 toLaled $1,273, on th e shingle house p roperty, three from th e th ro a t to all p a rts of the he pulled it out of th e hole. 592, which is an Increase since the Iasi m iles south of M arshfield. body. B ecause his cap was th e color of a statem ent several m onths ago. Sav All so u th ern O regon cities will join "W here Ihe S erv ice is D ifferent" W hales have Invaded P o rt Orford , logs deposits la tlie tw o banks amount G lendale May 1 in a m o n ster cele b ra­ squirrel, N eis P eterso n of John Day reefs. F or m any days com m ercial 1 . a . svr.ously shot recen tly . W ith sev­ to $571.639. w hich also is an increas- tion m arking th e opening of the big fisherm en and trailers have told of i since th e previous statem ent. saw m ill recen tly com pleted by the eral o her uoys P eterso n was out along large num b rs o t whales seen off the ' ¿he riv er and had become sep arated Decision of the state highw ay con; G lendale L um ber company. reefs. A local tro lling c ra ft retu rn ed non» the o th ers. He was sittin g on a iii I sh I ou on th e request of the Lam recently with the report th a t a large The D eschutes C ounty fair board rock. I h e o th er p arty cam e along county court th a t grading co n tracts bi whale rose w ith in a few yards of th eir h as decided on S ep tem b er 26, 27 and and his b. o th er saw him . He fired let on the Black Canyon section of the boat and began spouting. B fore the 28 for th e la ir th is year. Im prove with his ritle and th e sh o t stru ck the upper W illam ette highw ay probably astonish» d fish er m il could move out m e a ts will be m ade on the grounds hoy's scalp and plowed a furrow about will be given a t the next m eeting ol r.f th e danger zon» th e ir boat was half and buildings will be painted. two in ch es long. the com m ission In P ortland April 19. full of w ater. O bservance of S alem ’s ann u al bios it was announced. E v e re tt F io w trs, a s e ttle r on the Increase of autom obiles registered som dey, o riginally set for Sunday. S tate prohibition agents participate!; O thoco pro ject, n ear P rin ev ille, h eard in Oregon last year was n ext to the A pril 21, h as been postponed until in 123 a rre s ts for violation of thi a pipe organ recital one Sunday m orn sm allest of any state, according to the A pril 28. T he ev en t is being spon liquor laws d u rin g the m onth of ing recen tly w hile cleaning out a well federal bureau of roa»Is. T he num ber Fully equipped including bumper and sored by th e Salem C herrians. on his piace. L oosing around he dis­ of cars on th e reg istratio n books there : March, according to a report prepared spare tire D uring th e year 1923, 17,170 car iiy George A lexander, state prohibition covered th a t th e m usic was issuing was 248,118 In 1928 and 244,572 In j loads of fru its and vegetab les were from th e end of an iron pipe co n n ect­ director. F ines w cie imposed in the PHAETON (¡04.00 1927, an increase of 3546, or 1.4 per shipped out of Oregon, according to ing th e well and th e kitchen pum p, one cent. Indiana, with 1.2 per cent, was am ount of $16,590, with Jail sentences ROADSTER 594.00 re p o rts to th e bureau of ag ricu ltu ral enu of the pipe being disconnected at aggregating 910 days. th e only sta te rep orting a sm aller In econom ics from railroad agents. th e tim e. T h ere was no radio se t F ederal p red ato ry anim al h u n ters crease, w hile F lo rid a reported a de SPO R T ROADSTER (¡29.00 P lan s for a new A storia industry w ithin a mile rad iu s of h is ranch. took 259 coyotes and 31 bobcats In crease of 10.6 per cent. BUSINESS COUPE (¡77.00 for th e m anu factu re of charcoal to be O regon during March, according to Ihe T w elve p erso n s were k illed and 312 P te sld e n t Hoover, G overnor P a tte r used in poultry feed a re rep o rted to in ju red in 2060 traffic accid en ts in m onthly re p o rt of S tanley G. Jew ett, son and m ayors of neighboring Oregon SPO R T COUPE 702.00 have been launched by H enry Niemi O regon during March, according to a Eleven unborn cities joined C orvallis and the state com piled recently. and A. J. A nderson of th a t city. bobcats, 175 unborn coyotes, one STANDARD COUPE re p o rt p rep ared by T. A. R aitety . chlet .............. 702.00 college population re cen tly in cele- j in sp ecto r for th e sta te iu»tor vehicle T h e ta n k s of the S tan d ard Oil com bracing opening of the s tre e t lighting . badger, 154 porcupines and eight TUDOR SEDAN 677.00 system . Just in stalled. P resident j skunks w ere also killed. pany on the o u tsk irts of Union were d ep artm en t. A pproxim ately 945 of th e broken open recently and 20 gallons accid en ts were due to carelessn ess on E xpenditure of $1,250,000 annually FORDOR SEDAN H oover pressed a teleg rap h key In the 777.00 th e p a rt of d riv ers, w hile 185 were of oil and a large q u an tity of gasollm W hite H ouse, which se n t an Im pulse In labor and supplies in the B aker dis TOWN SEDAN .............. 847.00 caused by d riv ers attem p tin g to p ass w ere taken aw ay by unknow n parties. o v e r 4000 m iles of w ire to throw a trlc t was announced by officers of the sw itch in C orvallis, tu rn in g on the j S toddard L um ber com pany, which re ­ Camp Phy, sum m er playground of on th e w rong side, in 327 accidents F. O. B. SPRINGFIELD cently com pleted the organization of Boy S couts of eastern Oregon, will the d riv ers did not have rig h t of way. lig h ts for th e first tim e. S ta te highw ay crew s a re a t work open in B aker county Ju n e 30 for th ree A “crooks exchange” to cover east- j th e la rg e st lum ber producing program T H E new Ford is a great car to drive because of the 10-day periods. A court of honor will rebuilding th a t portion of th e O regon ern O regon and w estern Idaho was j In ea ste rn OregoD. The com pany ex way it holds the road even at high speeds. trail betw een B aker and th e tow n of p u t In o p eratio n a t Vale re c en tly with | pects to em ploy 800 men. be held a t the close of each period H aines, a stre tc h of about ten m iles. T en tativ e plans for a d is tric t meet- 32 sh eriffs and police officers ag ree­ P ractically all the independent F or sev eral w eeks th e highw ay has ing to p ost each o th er on crooks a t Ing of federal farm loan associations In d a irie s of the C en tral Polnt-M edford This roadability is due to the low center of gravity, larg e In th e te rrito ry . T he organiza­ the w estern O regon d istrict, to be d istric t o p eratin g milk ro u tes in the 1 been in th e w orst condition in years, the semi-elliptic transverse springs, tho Houdaille hy­ the foundation having caved In. A ftet tio n , known as th e E a ste rn Oregon held in E ugene Ju n e 14, a re being valley tow ns a re com bining th e ir In O fficers C ooperative association, will made by W. A. A yers, se c re ta ry of te re s ts by Incorporating a cream ery , rep air work had been done cave-in draulic two-way shock absorbers, and the low ratio of process continued on account of frost o p erate th ro u g h A. L. H elm s, of La the Lane C ounty F irs t N ational Farm com pany and estab lish in g th e main unsprung weight to sprung w eight G rande, asso ciatio n se cretary , who will I Loan association. It Is expected that p lan t on th e Pacific highw ay In th e | in th e su b stan ce, and much difficulty a c t as a m edium of exchange for In­ 100 re p re se n ta tiv e s of various federal B errydale d is tric t Just n o rth of Med­ has been encountered g ettin g th e tra il farm loan associations will be there. form ation on underw orld c h aracters. ford. A large co n crete building Is be 1 in shape for th e heavy traffic which Come in and arrange for a derftonstration... You'll already Is In progress. Rem oval of electric and telephone ing rem odeled fo r th e purpose. By a vote of 180 to 16 a t th e special find this roadability feature of the new Ford as out­ C o nstruction of a new bridge over A pproxim ately 125,000 one and two- ' election held recently, B aker tax p ay ­ poles along th e highw ay betw een M arshfield and Coquille from n earness ers approved th e Pacific T elephone year-old seedlings w ere shipped to 275 i the Rogue riv e r a t G ran ts P ass and standing as its beauty, speed, comfort, safety, relia­ and T eleg rap h com pany franchise, to tho pavem ent Is believed to Indicate perso n s In O regon from th e Oregon | im provem ent of the F rem o n t highw ay bility and economy. which calls for th e paym ent of th e olty an Im provem ent of th e 17% m iles by fo rest n u rsery durin g th e spring dis­ from Lakeview to th e C alifornia line addition of five feet on both sides of a re tw o of th e p ro jects th e s ta te of $65,500 over a period of 25 years. trib u tio n of planting stock, according highw ay com m ission h as placed on Perfect balance is a great thing in a motor car. W ith th e In stallation of a second ro­ the pavem ent. to a rep o rt issued by F. A. Elliott, M argaret P urvlne, 15, will be the the 1930 building program . ta ry tu b u lar fu rnace by the Q uicksilver s ta te forester. youngest person ever g rad u ated from C onstruction of a new g rade school S yndicate, o p eratin g cin n ab ar m ines In w hat is known as th e Eaglt a t Black B utte, 18 m iles south of Cot­ th e Salem high school when Hhe re­ C reek H eights d istrict, n e a r E stacad a, a t Lakeview , which Is to be nam ed B ernard Daly school in honor o t Dr. I tage G rove, th e capacity of the fur­ ceives her diplom a In June. She Is 1000 w alnut tre e s have been se t out the d au g h ter of A lderm an P u rv ln e and B ernard Daly, who estab lish ed a fund naces has been Increased to 180 tons by o rc h ard lsts th is spring. The soil Dr. M ary P urvlne. The oldest person seem s adapted to successful w alnut of nearly $1,000,000 to pay college ex­ dally. T he crew h as been Increased in the class Is 24, penses for all w orthy L ake county 59 10th East Eugene, Oregon to 50 m en. grow ing. A large num ber of o rch ard s high school g rad u ates, will s ta rt, boob . a re alread y th riv in g well. HEILIG T ay lo r Players ‘Some Baby’ “THREE LIVE GHOSTS” A Brick of Cooling Delight ^5 F G G IM A N N ’S WATCH HOW THE NEW FORD HOLDS THE ROAD E. C. Simmons Co. Inc.