PAGE HEVEN T R A IN S C H E D U LE Springfield Stop* Scouts Go On Hiha Rain Sunday failed to daunt the NORTH Virgil L. McPherson, who has been Boy Scouts of Springfield Troop 11, No. 10 at 3:64 A. M. Stop to detrain teaching history In the Dallas junior who with their leader, Aldrich made passengers from Klamath Fall am! high school for the past two years, the first hike of the year jo Castle beyond. was re-elected for next year at the Rocks In the Coburg Hills. The boys No. 8 at 3:4« P. M. meeting of the Dallas school board managed to find shelter during the Bus connections at Eugene for April 15, according to word received heaviest showers. trains leaving 11:60 A. M and 7 1 M bprp They left Sprllngfleld at 8 o’clock SOUTH Mr. McPh«:rson Is a former Spring In the morning and were transported No. 7 at 12:47 P. M. field man. He graduated from thte as far as Coburg Bridge by Mr. W. C. No. 16 at 10 08 P M Flag stop for local high school and In 1826 2« taught McLagan, continuing on foot, A num. passengers to Klamath Falls and the sixth grade In the Brattaln school her of the boys passed tests advanc­ beyond. __________________ ing In rank, and they also obtain 'd in Hl MALE— ( 'artein paper In larat FAINTING and KulHomining in all Ita 1**011 HALE -48 hour old Giant Brouzc Bus huh connections at Eugene for “There's Madge. I understand she excellent practice at noon In tho altéala, 26x39 iDchaa, sultabln fot Turkey«, 80c each. Hix to Eight trains leaving 11:46 A M via Siskiyou bought that dress by Insta'lntents. branched. R educed P rices. Roy cooking of a patrol dinner. They re­ making iraiinga Tbn News o n c e Koch. Call 126-J. weeks old. 31.00 to 31.36 each. Thos llno' “I suppose that's the first instal­ turned to town Sunday afternoon. H. Hanley, Loneve, Coos County I --------------"— ment she's wearing.’" MuglHlrnli* liiutiiniulli'iillyi : r*||«ve IN THE COCNTY COURT O F STATE Frank: "it It true you are engaged Oregon. A. 26 M. 2. —— — — — All the big nations have agreed not OF OREGON FOR LANE COUNTY. you e v e r te u arrc x te d b e fo re ?" to three other men besides me?" 8UMMON8 to go to war. so they are now bn Id- Vi'ry laug« Lady ( liiilltciiim t ly 1. In th e M utter of th e E a la te of J. W S m all Hon: "W h a t u re diplom atic Frances: "Why” IN " THE - CIRCUIT COURT OF T THE lag warships to give the sailors a ride "Arrealed before! I a«k you I» llockaday, dcrvaMod. ---------------- HE _____ _ ___ re la tio n s, fa th e r? " S T A T E O F ORBOON Frank: "Well, 1 was thinking the I look Ilk« an amateur making in y COUNTY OF LANE N o t ic e la hereby given Ihat the un . Wise Parent: 'There ar» no such four of us might raise enough by J a n ie L. C ruzan. P lain tiff. Vs P e tra v p v T TIMRPo LE ? Fr ° i ’VER"- debut ?" ileralgneil ban been appointed admin people, my boy." Jone» and C. N. Jo n e s h e r husband í í ' a n' "’ w ’ La"d clubbing .ogether to buy you an en­ latratrlx In the above entitled mutter E. C. Summers and Vernla Summers Washington, D. C., Mar. 15, 1828. gagement rin g ” All (MTHonH having claim« ugplnut aald I N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S his wife, Chris. Tcllefson. James i Notice Is hereby given that subject to A Promising Bud Notice I h hereby given that the un eHtate are notified Io preaent auld | Wm. Jones and-------- Jones his wife, S the conditions and limitations of the udmlnlHtru- deralgned M. lail'urte hun been claim« duly verified to A the Wlntermeler. act of . June 9 191« (39 Stat. 218). - — as Defendants. , ---------- ! Y,,ur fnc* " “ ,laln,Y Row«r, N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S appointed executor of the will and trlx ut the office of C To E. C Summers and Varnla A , the ? ct of May 17' I92« I whispered as I kissed her throat, cHtate of the »hove named Frgflrea In Eugene, Lane County. Oregon, with NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Summers, his wife. Defendants 46 , L 597 and Pursuant to depart- L. Weaver by the County Court of In six mouths from this IKth day ev to be returned If STATE OE OREGON FOR All persons having claims against thereof the plaintiff will apply to the 8816 ,8 not approved, otherwise pst- Hav 'Magnum bon urn,’ anil walk right the estate of said deceased are hereby- Estate. LANE COCNTY Court for the relief In her complaint ent w,n lssa« tw the timber, which A. 11-18-25. M. 2-9. In the Matter of the Kautn of David C 1 u”d,'r any ladder. If yo 1 do thht notified to present the same, duly against you demanded and prayed for mu8t be removed within ten years, Mathews, deceased. 1 You're perfectly safe. I ean'l stand Stated and verified, at the residence to wit: Bids will be received from citizens of N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E ON of A. E. Wheeler, 710 I«awrence St. In Notice Is hereby given that the un I M,,|Y kUperstlttons myself." Judgement against the defendants the United States, associations of such E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E Eugene, Oregon, within six months Petra Jones and 0. N. Jones her hus- i citizens and corporatism» organized derslgned has been appointed by the from tills llth day of April, 1929. her8by K1’ ®" that by vlr- band“ for"Vhe "sum of eight” hund'red ander ‘he U w ^ o T ih e ’ u B lt^ 8tete« above entitled court hh the adminis­ Rose 8 Earnest NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ; E ,r r „ t - hi , . ¡ K S & s r a s . s s s i s m 1 a z z | or any State, territory or district tratrix In said matter. All persons FOREST EXCHANGES thereof only. Upon appllcatio*> of a having claims sgalnst said estate are 018462 qualified purchaser the timber on any hereby notified to present said claims ceased ' “ r,ty;nOn. th.e,ll?8th’ of hursements and charges together D e p a rtm e n t of tha In te rio r, U n ited legal subdivision will be offered separ­ duly verified to the administratrix at A. E Wheeler. Attorney. S tates Land O ffice, Roseburg, O re ­ ately before being included In any offer ix»h*A. 11 ,u n^. 0,6 w,th an «ttorneys fee ot 8150 00. the law office of C A. Wlntermeler In A 11-18 25 M 2 9 gon, A p ril 11, 1929. ------------------- —-------------------------------- ' n Coart* For a Decree foreclosing Plaintiff's of a larger unit. T. 3 N., R 3 W . Sec. Eugene, I-ane County, Oregon. With­ Notice Is hereby given that on S U M M o n a a * Building Company mortgage and that the real property 23 SW U RWV. vetlow fir 1420 M d ad in six months from this 18th day of April 11, 1939, Carrie P Topping, of S U M M O N S recovered judgment against defend- mentioned and described therein be yellow Dr 600 M. T. 8 8., R. 2 F April, 1929 ,No I ! ,I L C ,R C r,T COURT OF THE a"‘« Frank I Kinney and Jessie M .old by the Sheriff of Lane CountT 31 NW’4 NE>4 red and yellow fir RUBY MATHEW«. Administratrix. Sacramento, Cal., filed application No. ORFXJON FOR THE Kinney tor the , Um of »1801.24. to- ! Oregon In the manner provided by 3300M, 018452 under the art of March 20. 1922 NW ’4 red and yellow C. A. WINTERMEIFR, Attorney. (42 Stat., 466) to exchange the S*4 COUNTY OF LANE. , «ether with Interest thereon at the law and the proceeds be applied In fir 2400 M, lot 1 red and yellow Hr A 18 25 M 2 9 16 N E '« . E 1-» SB ’-, S e c t io n 2. »>4 NF'« »er annuln ir°ni I pavment of the aforesaid Judgement, 3300 M. T. 2 S , R. 5 W., Sec. 17 SW>4 Etta Murphy. Plaintiff, Vs., Jlrah E NB% SW ’4 , NW'4 SE'4, Section 12. ■phy, Defendant. ! » rJ u . ' " . 2®* for , continuation This b* SE14 red fir 1260 M, white fir 100 M. Murphy --------- i , — - summons .= Is served upon you bv N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G O N F IN A L Tp 20 S . Range 1 West. W M within of abstract, »96 67, with Interest there publication thereof In the SPRING- T- 19 S., R. 5 W., Sec. 15 NW’4 SWH To JIRAH E. MURPHY The Above ACCOUNT the Cascade National Forest, for the on at the rate of ten per cent per an FIELD NEWS pursuant to an order of : red fir 440M, SW ’4 SW% red fir 810 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That timber on approximately eight ncres Named Defendant: num from October 20. 1928, for taxes the Judge of the above mentioned j T. 21 S., R. 5 W Sec. 1, NW’4 IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF paid, »200.00 attorney fees, and »20.25 Court the undersigned administrators of the within the 8E>4 N BU , Sec. 19. Tp. 20 made and entered of record on i SW14 vellow fir 950 M, red fir 750 M. Metate of Clemons K. Cnrlllc, deceased S R a n g e 4 Farl. W M within Hu OREGON you are hereby required to costs of suit, which Judgment was en­ the 23rd day of Anrll 1929 ordering none of the timber on these sections appear and answer the complaint filed rolled and docketed ln the Clerk's of said summons published enee each have filed their account for the final Caacade National Forest. to be sold for less than »1.50 per M settlement of said estate In the The purpose ot this notice Is to al­ against you In the alwve entitled court flee «)f said Court in said County on , week for four successive and conse- for the red and yellow fir and the d»ad County Court for Ione County. Ore­ low all persons claiming the lands und cause on or before the 25th day of the 15th day of March. 1929. and said cntlve weeks and the date of the first gon. and that Saturday the 25th day selected, or having bona fide objec­ April 1929 said date being more than execution to me directed commanding nuhllcatlon shall be the issue of the yellow fir and 50 cents per M. for the white fir T. 10 S., R 1 E„ Sec. 29 four lI/»«» weeks of May. 1929,. at the Court Room of tions to such of s/st Ore ¿.«Jill 25th lltIV dav « of Anrll 15-7 1929 < and the date NW'4 NW ’4 red fir 1650 M, T. 13 S . •.... * •• ” application, an oppor rxiiK »low from tLI the O day of the « first . me In . the name of the State u» 7» AUlll 1II'J IQ «? (181? said C ourt In th e C o i n l y C ourt lunlty to fib- their protest« with the b ' “ ‘ “J Summons herein gon. In order to satisfy said judgment of the last publication shall be with R 6 W . Sec. 19 lot 2 yellow fir 1196 M, House, In Eugene, laine County, Ore­ Register and Receiver of the United f yOU 80 and ac<’r” l’’« costs to sell the follow the issue of Mav 23rd 1929. gon at ten o'clock In the forenoon has Stntes Iaind Office at Roseburg, O r e-1 a p p « -a r and answer for want there- Ing described real property, situated 1 . FRANK A. DePUE. Attorney for red fir 1962 M. T 29 8.. R. 9 W.. Sec 29 NE*4 N E’4 Port Orford cedar 350 been by said Court fixed as the time gon Any such protests or objections j , Plaintiff will apply to the Court In Ixine County, Oregon, to-wlt: j Plaintiff. Residence. Springfield, Ore- M, yellow fir 2280 M. NW ’4 NEU Port and place for hearing objections must be filed In this office within for ,bp r®"pf ln h'*r complaint against Beginning at the Northwest corner : Ron. Orford cedar 570 M. yellow fir 1300 M, thereto, and for final settlement 01 thirty days from the date of first j you d<*n’an* nr’n ’ ° a| ,_wppn. yo1 “nd the Plaintiff on the nlng thence South along the West line ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that P”rf Prtprd ce'1ar M. NE'4 S F ’/t A 2.', M 2 9 Ifi 33 A 25- May 2 9 16-23 cruel and Inhuman treat- of said Tract Twenty-one 1314 f e e t b/'v lr tu e“ or a n ‘ Execution* ’and 'o^dei M ypl!?’ fl’‘ 83® jtnent and for such other relief as to running thence East on a line parellel x , m. n o n e or rne on none the fo nmoer timber on a n the« these seo- N O T IC E O F F .N A L S E T T L E M E N T 8- m a° d 8a' d T ra c t V V u r t^ lT n l C ^ ty ^ r e g o n ‘ o » of *-W r less th ,T N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S 75 par #hle. Twenty-one 3013 feei „ , , l , h e t C.r ^ e 23rd day of March 1929, lu in a ” t?ue. r! L an_d. . ya,,o7 __ ,-.60 per IN THB COI N'l v COURT OF Till-: a line parallel with NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN, Tha’ , That this summons is served upon îf or,h b” STATE i F ORBOON FOR Hl«- County Court of the State of Ore-1 you hv the publication thereof In THE ,he East line of said Tract Twenty- '«n V rniirth thV s L u ^V m and 95 041 te-r M ' fo ^ th e "^teadf Port LANE COUNTY Association8 Orford cedar. T. 37 S , R. 7 W Sec 3 In th e M atter of th e E sta te of Adel- gon for ih.* County of Lane has by SPRINGFIELD NEW » a newspaper on® 1314 feet: to the North line of Sav‘ln * / r order duly made and entered and of general circulation pursunnt to an Ba,d Tract Twenty-one; thence West ,.cratI“ n reccvered hidament'aa-itest SW * red and yellow fir 250 M bert 8 Walkley, deceased. N otice I h heroby given th at th e u n ­ unpointed Saturday the llth day of order of the Circuit Court of the State ,1,on« ,he North line of said Tract the defendants JesUe cfrtile Thimhi.n i 8Ugrar PJne 135 M, NE14 SE*4 red and , Henrv II T u r n b u ll tier hi.-hand’ Y®'low fir 400 M, T. 37 S., R 8 W dersigned were, by the order of said May, 1929 nt the hour of ten o'clock of Oregon for the County of lame duly Twenty-one 301.3 feet to the place of o f reeorH on the beginning, containing one acre, m o r e ?or ? n<1 ” e n r > « • of* Turnbull, s „ 25 NW ’4 NW ’4 sugar Pine ■ 135 8 w M - * entered of record on more U the"siim’ S ^ H u n d her r e ^ husband. F te M v Sec. court duly apixilnted ns administra­ In the forenoon at the County Court made and enter,.,I ’ , , f A «8e02) to ye,low p,ne 35 M red and vellow fir tors with the will annexed of the es­ for the County of I.ane as the day. 23rd day of March. 1929. ordering thal pr less, together with the tenements. [ and appurtenance< - ether wlth ln. prp, . «»’ »1.» 130 M- s " ’'» NW ’4 sugar pliio 125 M tate of Adelhert 8. Walkley. deceased, time and place for the hearing of this summons he published once each hereditaments on the 22nd day of April, 1929. and all objections to the final account of ; * e**k for four consecutive and sucres- ’here unlo belonging or In any wise j ratp tpn . annum from yeH°w Pine J®® M. red and yellow fir persona having claims against suld Charles P. Poole, the Administrator of ( 8,v® *he Springfield News aPr*«rtafn1ng, aj)(1 aft( r Cctobpr 27th 1927 until 150 SW ’4 sugar pine 75 M, estate are hereby nattfled to present the estate of Annn B Glendennlng. and ^ba,lt ,be .d a,e,°?i_tb® drat public« O,i\ow' name of the Pa|(j and tbp further sum ”of One- ye"ow Pine 80 M. red an4 yellow fir the same with proper verification deceased, now on file In said Court Uon shall be March 28th, 1929. and the Slate of Oregon, in compliance with Hundred Dollars (»100001 as a rea I 3® « S e c „ 35 SE* »“«»r Pfo« thereof to the undersigned adminis­ and cause All objections must be In da,p of ,hp IaB* publication will be on Bald execution and order of sale and sonable attorneys fee herein- and for > “ , -I- p^ne 20 M, red and In order to satisfy said Judgment and trators at the offire of their attorney writing nnd filed with the Clerk of ( *biL?^*Ji-daT _1929 the further sum of Twenty Three i'T l?w 39 M- SE*4 SE*4 sugar pine A PE PUB. Attorney for accruing costs. I will on Saturday, the * / p“^ 90 M. vellow pine 50 M red and vellow Fred E Smith, 445-6 Miner Building. said Court on or before said dav and _ FRANK , alntlff Residence. Springfield, Ore- *7»h day of April 1929. at the hour of ^hJ‘‘eo’n (* ; « t e of ten per ^ n ftr 160 M nonp of thp ,,mbpr on thp8p Eugene, Oregon, within six months time. Plaintiff gon ....................................... 2"! af T ’™ ?f . “ ,d per annum from and after ?hl 8pctip"8 “ > bp 8° 'd for than »1 25 front the dat*> of this notice. Dated this 10th day of April, 1929 ¡ day at the Southwest front door of a? n¿,rí ,rom ,aon»do aitpT tbp 2,tb per u for tj,p red a_ j vpnnw fir •» Pnted April 25th 1929 Mar. 28 A 4-11-18-26 th e C o u n tv C o u rt H o n « » in P n e e n o of February, 1928; and the costs 1 r „ , lnf rpa and ypl,ow nr- »3 6® CHARLES P POOLS, \dmlnslrn-l Ixittle M. Howard, Lane Countv O regon offer for sate a_nd dJ 8^ 8PInp?t8 tbl8 ?ui5 and — SU-?Är P’ne' a”d A 3 *> tor of the estate of Anna B. Ölenden- i Kline Walkley. C O U N T Y S H E R IF F 'S S A L E , tbp Yellow pine. T. 17 S.. nlng. deceased. a.,d sell for cash, at public auction said execution to me directed com -; per. \ 7f>r ?e£' Administrators with Will annexed. 19 s w ^ S W 4 red fir FRANK A. DE PUE Attorney for ¡ E X E C U T IO N A N D F O R E C L O S U R E subject to redemption as provided b** mending me in the name of the State i Fred E Smith, r- Cregon, fn order to satisfy said 309 M' 2 S„„R 4 E spp- 35. XWV4 Attorney for Administrators. the estate. Notice is hereby given that by vlr- law, all of ’be right, ’’tte *.*'-’ iuigm ent. Interest, attorney's fees. ? E * rt d,,nr. f ‘'0 red cedar 7®® M. A 25: May 2 9-16-23 A. 11-18-25. M 2 9 i Hie of an execution and order of sale ?f 8a,d defendants Frank of suit and accruing costs, to sell sell “emlock " 60 M. none of the timber on Jesse M. Kinney. Mason Ehriuan and costs ' costs, to ,7 n < ? ™ ' OU" ° * r>r° Perty- 92 09 Per M for the fir ? 0 0 cult Court of Lane County. Oregon. . „ . _ , _ , . _ , the second day of April, 1929. in a suit ,hlkp' Ro>‘ A Reebe. Christina Beebe, chain« M for tbp hem,°ck- a”<1 $1.50 per M I wherein on the thirtieth day of March. and "'! ”pr8on8 r'«”"1"« by ,’trough R g^ ng at ahX ’n,«,0^ for the red cedar. T. 38 S., R. 7 W.. 1929. In said Court the Pacific Savings "7 under °r any or either of ™ 8 and pba'ns So,',b of ,bp ________ _____ of _ the ___ James Hud ®ec‘ 99 NEC, NE14 yellow nine 70 M, and Is,an Association, a Washington ‘hL,n. ,n and ’° 8a,d .»rem ises. _ .1® ‘“* p8‘ _ «®rner dleston Donation Land Claim. Notifica. i 299 red 9r 229 ^El4 recovered Judgment 97 E BOWN, Sheriff of Lane County tlon No. 2180, In Section 31, Township ? E\ ypl‘0J Plnp 199 M* 9U*ar P|n9 Office Phone 176-J Rea. Phone 176 M ! corporation, Rna, Phons 1(0 Plano Moving i against the defendants, William W. °regon. 17. South Range 3, West of the W il-1130 MiJ ‘ed fir 39 M* SW>4 Yellow Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. Mar. 28. A. 4-11-18-25: White and Mary White, his wife, W lamette Meridian, and section 36. ln ? s’’ear P’np R® M- ted fir SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER General Practice, Special Attention I E. Powell, C. A. Pruitt and Ioiura May Township 17 South Range 4 West of 69 M' Yellow nine 70 M, WILLI» BERT8CH, Prop. to Obstetrics and Diseases NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION [ Pruitt, for the sum of $1048.17, and In­ the Willamette Meridian, said point ¡„ I? ? / p*!!e 16®, M. red fir 50 M. SW ’4 OTFICK AT 8ERVICE GARAGE FOREST EXCHANGE terest thereon at the rate of 10% per of Children. being the Northwest corner of a cer- 4 yellow’ pine 50 M. sugar pine 35 633 Main Street annum from July 1, 1928. and for the 018392 tain tract of land consisting of 23.OS , 10 SW ’-i yellow First National Bank Building Successor to Sutton Transfer further sum of »7.00 and for the fur Deoartment of the Interior, United acres more or less, heretofore convey »¡»e 100 M, sugar pine 130 M. red fir Springfield, Oregon I ther sum of »100.00 as reasonable at- States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ ed by T W Harris and Laura H arris.!59 M' SEAi SW ’i yellow nine 40 M. j torney's fees, and for costs and dis­ gon, March 19, 1929. his wife, to Lizzie S. Kerns by deed sugar pine 50 M, red fir 30 M, S W 4 bursements of this suit, said execu Notice Is hereby given that on of date Feb. 20. 1889. and recorded In SW ’4 yellow pine 80 M, sugar pine 150 tlon to be drawn by me In the name o f ! March 18. 1929. George Lyons. R. No. Book V Deeds, at page 444 on Febru M, red fir 20 M, none of the timber ou WM. G. HUGHES DR. W. N. DOW the State of Oregon. In order to satis ' 2- Albany. Ore., filed application No. ary 22. 1889, in the Deed Records o f : tb’8 SPCtlon to h® 801,1 for 1p8S ,haB FIR K AN D A U TO IN S U R A N C E fv said Judgment, Interest, attorney 018392 under the Act of March 20. T>ane Countv, Oregon, and said point I »’ -0® Per M for the red fir and »3.00 D e n tis t N O T A R Y P U B LIC fees, costs of suit and accruing costs. 1922. (42 Stat.. 4651 to exchange the being identical with the Southwest I per. . M„ for thp su*ar and Yellow pine, First National Bank Building to sell the following described real Lot 5. See. 7; Txits 9. 10. * NU NE»4 corner of Lot 9 of Huddleston's Addi | T ,?7 S P R „7 W Sfic 19, SE9^ N W 'i , O ffice at Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon property, to-wlt; NW 'j NW’i. Sec. 18. Tp. 15 S.. R. 9 tlon to Eugene, according to the re ? _ ! ow yellow pine 75 M, Office hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Beginning at a a point point 40 40 feet feet south south W . NW ’; >TWU NWV. »E<4. S ’A corded plat thereof- thence Fas along i Beginning at YpI1ow flt- «®® M. vellow Ingflsld, Oregon Evenings by Appointment of of the Northwest corner of Lot One NW'4 NW ’4 SE’4. SW ’4 NWV. s p i ; fhp N onh , above re p,np 6® T. 37 8.. R 8 W . Sec. 13 (1) In Block Two (2) of Cherry Grove N E’4 NE«4 NW ’4 SEV., Nt<, N F ”. ferrP(I to 302 feet thence So?Kh 64 i SR’’ Yellow pine 60 M. red fir Addition to Eugene, Oregon, and run SE'4, N>4 SH N E’4 SE>4. SM, SFV, fpet. thenCp W est’ and parellel with 49 M- s,,ear »’"e 140 M. SW ’4 NF>4 nlng thence South 40 feet thence SF>4 SW ’4 RF’4 said’north line of the t X t above re Yellow pine 10 M. red fir 40 M. sugar DR. N. W. EMERY East 60 feet, thence North «orth 40 feet and NH N E’4 SF14 SE’4. SE'4 N E ’4 ferred to 302 feet to the West line of P,np 1 " M- NEV< x w l 4 vellow pine thence West 00 feet to the place of SE’4 SE’4. SWV4 SEV. S F ’ j s w ’4 j ?rart; thence North « O e e t to th«> 19 M' I29 M. sugar pine 200 M. D E N T IS T beginning, being a pRrt of Lot 1 in i SE’4 SE’4 S F L , S ee.1 2 , T 15 S.. R piace of beginning and being ln Lane NW ’4 yellow nine lfio M. red Sutton Bldg. Phone 20-J Block 2 In Cherry Grove Addition to 10 W », M within the Sluslaw County" Oregon in W.. x»r w » fir 80 M. sugar pine 120 M. SE’4 NW%. Reeldenoe Phone 15S-M Eugene Lane County. Oregon. National Forest, for the timber, an- NOW therefore, in the name of the yellow pine 30 M. red fir 60 M, sugar Now. of therefore. In compliance the name of with the erox'matelv 12 See acres 23. located within Oregon eomnllanee with pine 110 M. SW ’4 NW’4 yellow pine State Oregon. In the W ’4 SW ’4. NW ’i NW ’4 : , g tate of X u H o n 1n andborder of 7ale Springfield, Oregon So M. red fir 20 M. sugar pine 80 M. said execu Ion and order of sale In * £ 2«. SE’4 NW ’4. See. 35. and nnd ,n ordpr sntIafy satd judgment, NE’4 SE’4 yellow pine 80 M. red fir, order to satisfy said Judgment, lnelud NW'4 NE’4. See. 36. T. 1 S., R. 8 E including Interest attorney’s fees 20 M, sugar pine 75 M, NW’4 SE14 228 Main 8t. Residence 126 c 8t Ing Interest, attorney's fees costs of W. M. within the Mt. Hrvod National costs of suit an,l accruing costs. 1 will yellow pine 20 M. red fir 200 M. sugar General I-aw Practice 62 J 62M 8»V andap; r" ' ^ 00818 ’^ 1 " - 00 R"» I’’0’? ’'»- . . . . °" Saturday the 27th dav of April Pine 60 M. SE’4 SE»4 yellow pine 10 urdny. the fourth day of May, 1929. nt ; The purpose of this notice Is t o ----- 1929 at the hour of one o’clock In the M. red fir 200 M. sugar pine 100 M. I. M. PETERSON the hour of one o'clock In the after 'allow nil persons claiming the lands afternoon of said day. at the South- 1 .cense cedar 10 M. SW ’4 SE’4 yellow Attorney-at-Law Full Auto Equipment noon of said day. nt the southwest selected, or having bona fide ohlee- , , . , o . C , »» I,. , .. .. . west front door of the County Court nine 20 M, red fir 230 M. sugar r ’ne «9 City Hall Building Lady Assistant front door of the County Court House tlons to such application, an opportunl House In Eugene la n e Countv Ore M. Incense cedar 10 M, SE’4 SW’4 In Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, of tv to file their protests with the Reg gOn,'offer for sale and sell for'cash yellow nine 10 M. red fir 180 M. -ngar Springfield, Ore. fer for sale and sell for cash at public j Ister and Receiver of the United public auction, subject to redemp nine 130 M. SW ’4 8W«4 yellow pin« auction, subject to r«*lemptlon as pro States Land Office at Rosehurg. Ore tlon ns provided by lnw, all the right 20 M, red fir 120 M, sugar pin" 17® M, vlded by law. nil right, title and In I gon. Any such protests or objections title and Interest of the said defend none of tho tlmher on these sections FRANK A. DE PUE forest to said defendants' nnd all per must he filed In this office within ants. Jesse Carllle Turnbull and to he sold for leas than $1.85 per M sons claiming by through or under thirty dnvs from the date of first puhll Henry H. Turnbull, her husband, and for the red and vellow fir. »3 50 per A T T O R N E Y A T LA W them or any or either of them. In nnd cation of this notice, which first pub­ all persons claiming by, through or M for the sugar pine. »3 00 per M for N O T A R Y P U B LIC to snld premises. lication Is March 28, 1929 JEW ELER under them or Rny or either of them, the yellow pine and »1.00 per M for H. L. BOWN. Sheriff of lotne TTAMU.r, \ CANADAY. Register. In and to said premises. th e Incense cedar. WILLIAM 8PTT, Repairing a Specialty Sutton Springfield, County, Oregon. Non coni. Commissioner. H. L. BOWN. Sheriff of Lane Countv Oregon A. 4-11-18-25. M. 2 Spring/toM , O regon Mar. 28. A. 4-11-18-25: Mar. 23. A. 4-11-18-95; Mar. 28. A. 4-11-18-25: 1 Building JBUYING 02SFHIMT.' U McPhereon Re-elected at Dallas led Ads Waker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors D. W . R oof gTRESUUSJ