The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 25, 1929, Page 4, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, APRII, 25. 1929
iT"™ ™"5T
May B enefit P a rty ” th e first day
of next m onth.
On T h u rsd ay . R ichard Dlx a p p e a r.
In the long aw aited all color sound
s p e l l i , ’ Red Kklli," fur u Ib le e day
S ilen t nr o th erw ise. "W eary ILver run.
•■In o ld Arianna,” th e first all-
w hich open. .I at th e Mi Itoiial.l then
te r W ednesday aftern o o n , would h a m talking oUt door special I» sla te d for
I., e l l
I , l ) u . Ice,I a gr. it p i,m t'
•hl' th e follow ing Sunday. May Rih
w ith sound. th is p ictu re Is m ore than
It could ev er have been w ithout 11
T he screen production Is olio "I
th o se ra re lla rth e lm e ss c h .r a c t .r l s a
(tons w hich we have rightly •'»
J L. B rink, and aged re sid e n t o f
pe. ted from hint and w hich he ha» <1. S p i lli: fl< Id . w a s very serio u sly In
llvered In "T o l'ab le David '
The 'u n ii Monday m orning w hen he was
P a te n t L e a th e r Kid" and m ore recent
trttok Io a c ar driven hy Miss Ev.
Iv In "T h e N oose." and " I he U h i e l b n Mm h v. .'»prtni
•I l R F 1» 1. „n
Th«* very rainy w eather of the past
two weeks has delayed the form al or­
ganisation of the Springfield Horse­
shoe Club and the games which were
Scheduled to be played.
The work on the courts of the club,
located on Main Street between the
Mountain S tates Rawer company and
the W right & Sons hardw are store,
has been completed by the members
Of the club. The ground has been
leveled and six courts, providing ac­
commodations for 24 players, have
been laid off. Lights above the courts
have been installed to make possible
playing after dark.
P oster and
Kleiser. the owners of the sign boards
In front of the courts, have granted
permission for a gate to t>e cut in the
green lattice work next to the power
company, so that the grounds may be
entered from Main Street.
More than 50 members of the club
h a v e been signed up Richard Proch-
now and William Gerlach, local high
school boys, who have aided in the
founding of the organixation. Officers
will be elected as soon as a meeting of
the m ajority of the members can be
held on the courts. A game was
scheduled with Eugene for last Sun­
day. but was cancelled because of the
rain. It is expected that a num ber of
contests with W illam ette Valley
team s will be held this summer, and
also that a round-robin tournam ent
will be held to decide the club
.♦ ♦ ♦ .« ♦ .♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a
Word has been received from Mr
and Mrs. Linton, who moved from
P leasant Hill to Orland. California
last fall, th a t California fruit is prac- ‘
tlcally all gone. The prunes, a p ri-!
cots, peaches, nuts and citru s fruit >
In the Sacram ento Valley is a total
loss. This is the first severe frost
in 16 years.
Miss Cora John, who is attending
the S tate Normal School at Monmouth
•p en t the week-end at the home of
h e r parents a t Pleasant Hill.
Miss Bella Olson, who has been
working in Eugene, has been confined
to her borne the past week with a
•evere case of tonsllitis«
The little girl of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Papenfus is suffering with a severe
gathering behind the left ear. Miss
E m m a Olson has been assisting a t
th e Papenfus home.
Donald Kabler, a graduate from the
pleasan t H ill high school last yea,,
Is now attending the S tate Normal
school a t Monmouth, was a guest of
Lym anTinken over the week-end. Mr.
{fabler has been elected m anager of
the Normal annual next year. He is
assistan t m anager this year. Jerry
Kabler, who also graduated last year
from the Pleasant Hill high school
Is m aking good at boxing a t the
g ta te Normal school.
The public school girls baseball
team defeated the freshm en girls of
the high school Tuesday afternoon by
g «core of 13 points.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Schrenck, who
got about 1000 W hite Leghorn h a ty
chicks a t Corvallis last month, are
getting another 1000 chicks this week.
The ladies of P leasant Hill met at
the home of Mrs. E rnest Schrenck last
week-end and spent the afternoon
playing games and visiting. Those
present w ere: Mrs. Andy Olson and
her mother. Mrs. Pehrson; Mrs. C. L.
W illiam s: Mrs. C. E. Jo rd an ; Mrs.
Jlos, ME'hews; Mrs. Drew; Mrs.
Charles Merty: Mrs. Doane; Mrs.
Dinges: Mrs. M. A. Cornelius: Mrs.
Barnum ; Mrs. Morton Bristow; Mrs.
M itchell; Mrs. L. Miller. Mrs. Jam ie
•on; Mrs. S tew art; Mrs. E. Y. Swift;
Mrs. Chapin; Mrs. J. A. Higgins and
Mrs. Schrenck.
Miss Irma Laird, who has bepn
•pending the w inter at h er home at
Edenvale, has been called to Silver-
ton to teach in the high school.
Mrs. E. E. Kilpatrick has gone to
Salem and Vancouver, W ashington,
to visit with her sister and her
m other.
Mrs. Blanche W heeler has been
elected secretaray trea su rer of the
P lea-an t Hill Christian Sunday school
Jo the absence of Mrs. Belle Olson.
Upper— G rading new Southern Pacific ra il­
road between Alturas. Calif., and K lam ath
Falls, O re .; le ft— laying new t r - .- a at A ltu ras;
map shows how new line shoi
. , present route
between K lam ath Falls and -he East via A l­
tu ras and Ogden.
AN FRANCISCO.—Opening of the the shipping and
Southern Pacific’s new line be- travel distance
tw een Clamath Falls, Ore., and Al- between Callfor-
turas, Calif., th is summer, will mark nia ta d Pacific
l tah, will be routed over this sh o rt­
the completion of a building pro- Northwest point«. It has cut the run cut. This ___________
, -----------
route is not — only
211 miles
gram on which the railroad spent more nlng tim e of trains to 22 hours between 3horter than the present line, but it
¡onstructlon San Francisco Bay points and Portland
a| g0 p,.rnl| t faster operation »Ince
than $40,000.000 for the construction
! « Its •______
tk . flrnot
. -a-___
with the
Great Northern 1(g curvP8 an(j - Krades
are much
more —
of 521 miles of new road
This construction, most of which is at Chemult, Oregon, provide, the short favorable than the present line via
in new territory, was begun in 1920. est and fastest route between Callfor- Sacram ento and Roseville.
The Nevada-Callfornla-Oregon rail­
It gives northern California th rte nia and Spokane and all points east
road was originally a narrow guage
main lines and will bring northern, thereof.
line and wns about to be abandon,*d
California and southern Oregon 211]
Creates Shorter Route
miles closer to eastern m arkets. The
The construction of the standard when the Southern Pacific acquired It
new track Includes the 270 mile Cas , guage track over the Nevada-Califor- in November, 1926. Its connection
cade line, the 155 mile Nevada-Caiifor nia and Oregon line and the present with the Cascade line via Klamath
nia Oregon line, and the 96 mile lint construction from A lturas to Klamath Falls will practically provide all of
between K lam ath Falls and Alturas Fails will create a route 211 miles northern California and southern Ore­
The new lines will not only pene- short , r than the present route via the gon with a new transcontinental line.
tra te territo ry long known as the "last Soutl ,-n Pacific’s Cascade and Over It will also open this territory direct-
frontier,” but will materially benefit land routes. W ith the opening of the Iv to San Francisco on the south, cud
shippers on the Pacific Coast and the line from Klamath Falls to Alturas, alii Portland and the Northwest on the
Pacific Northwest.
freight moving either way between north via the Cascade line connection
The Cascade line has already shrunk i Oregon and all points east of Ogden, at Klam ath Falls.
Health and Happiness
And so he has asked m e for my views on early m arriage.
I believe definitely and em phatically in early m arriage. As
soon as a younth has a tta in e d m an ’s e sta te it is tim e for him to
m arry. Aside from the pleasure of sharin g your joys and s o r­
row s with th e one you love, early m arriage h as enabled m any a
young m an to avoid tem p tatio n s th a t he m ight otherw ise find
impossible to overcom e.
F u rth erm o re, early m arriage establishes a high ideal a t a
period of life w hen h ab its are being form ed. Every norm al boy,
when he a tta in s m anhood, has a distinct and em phatic desire for
a hom e, wife and children, along with the duties and responsibili­
ties it involves, e craves th e com panionship of one upon whom
he can show er his affection. He w an ts to be loved in retu rn , and
it is only rig h t th a t these yearnings should be satisfied early in
It is tru e th a t we c an n o t overlook th e financial burden of a
hom e and children as a n im portant, fac to r of the problem . As a
rule, the earn in g capacities of a m an in his tw enties are lim ited,
but the responsibilities th a t come with m arriage often a c t as a
stim ulus to a m an who m ight otherwise, be inclined to tak e things
i easy and w atch for a ‘ lucky b reak .” T he necessary and th e de­
side to pro tect and provide for those who a re dear to him, is
c h a ra c te r building and often such a young m an arrives a t a com ­
paratively early success in life because of his econom ic burdens
and not in spite of them .
Until som e entirely different social and econom ic system is
♦ I evolved, m en m ust continue to hear the b ru n t of paying the bills.
* T h a t is th e gam e of life a s we know it, and he who would play
Mr and Mrs. Jack H atchel from m u st abide hy the rules.
5 o, 'ar.d spent W ednesday night with
T he longer m arriage is delayed, the less chance it lias of ever
t i e i r tn c le and aunt Mr. and Mrs. A. being consum m ated. We already have an alarm ing percentage
W. W eaver. They w ere enroute to of unm arried m en and wom en who are of m arriageable ag e—
Los Ar.geles, California.
w hich m eans one of tw o things. T hey a re eith er tak in g love
William Henson run a pic.karoon In w here and when they can find it, with all the d an g er th a t it im-
his foot last Friday while working ' plies; or else th ey are living the life of celibates, which is both
for the Hills Lum ber Co. at Jasper unhealthful and un n atu ral.
end has been unable to work since.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baugh en tertain ­
ed the Baugh family a t their home
h ere la st Sunday.
Those present
w ere: Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Baugh, Mr.
end Mrs. William Culver, Eugene;
Mr. and Mrs. H ofstutter, P o rtlan d ;
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Baugh, Donna.
Mr. and Mrr. Culver are planning to
leave In a few days for a trip through
th e eastern states, going hy the way
of Texas. They expect to be gone
all summer.
M others of U n iv e rsity of O regon
stu d e n ts from S pringfield and from all
o v er O regon a re being Invited to the
O regon cam p u s for M others' Day,
May 11. w hich •will he held In con n ec­
tion w ith Ju n io r W eek-end, when the
w hole cam p u s en jo y s a tw o-day c ele­
Am ong my young friends th ere is one who has put up to me
a question th a t I th ink is of general in terest to young people. He
is a young m an, about tw enty, norm al in every' respect, and a n ­
xious to g et m arried, but his p arents feel th a t he is too young.
“W ait a b it,” they have urged him," until you have had a chnce
to play a bit and are m aking m ore m oney. T hen you can seri­
ously consider m arriag e.”
<’ l l . i l i e u
Hut In ad d itio n to llu i th e lttie
usual splendid screen presence. Ill*
u n m atch ed pantom im ic tab nt» arc
ab e tte d to an am .K ing degree In tin
US,, of Ills voice
A udiences will ho
su rp rised Io h e a r the hlghlv pleasing
uualitv of his vole* In "W eary lllv er
lie plays the sotiK, "W earv Rlv.-i on
th e piano w ith feeling ami respect
for Its sen tim en tality
tin e of th e m o d e n te rta in in g hits
of screen production produced bv the
n e w ta lk in g p ic tu res. "T h e Eligible
Mr H angs.” Is on III,- program this
week-end al the M, Donald th e a te r
It Is a playlet occupying about
tw enty m in u tes of screen tim e, feu
ta rin g E dw ard E v e re tt llo rto n . with
Jo h n n y A rthur. F h .re n c
E ldridge
and M abel Forr.-st In th e cast
A new and utiexi reeled field of
film th rills h as been opened by f i l i l i
goers In the .level, ipnient of the
Colum bia p ictu res Is the
first com pany to m ake use of this
novelty bv using the television us a
m eans of secu rin g a ten se d ran tatie
m om ent In "T h e Ixine W olf s Daugh
te r," w hich will be show n at the
M cDonald tr e a te r next Sunday- and
B ert L ytell again assu m es the
ro le of "T h e L one W olf."
H e Is
! ably su p p o rted by a east Including
G ertru d e O lm stead, C h arles G erard,
Lilyuti T ushm an, Donald K eith. Flo-
j rence Allen, R o b ert E lliott and R uth
C h errln g to n .
T h re e ch an g es of sound p ictures
, a re due fo r p re se n ta tio n at the Me
Donald next w eek. In Eugene, Instead
' of th e usual two.
B ert L ytell In th e " ta lk ie ” version
of "T h e Ixine W olfs D aughter."
opens th e week on S u n d ay and Mon­
day, follow ed by G lenn T ry o n 's new
ta lk in g farce, " I t Can Be Done"
which h as been selected as the fen
tu re for th e E ugene R otary C lub's
T hose in v ited from S pringfield In­
clude Mrs. M ary E. B eals. Mrs. Je s sie
E. C arlto n , Mrs. E dith Cox. Mrs. E. It
D anner, Mrs. M ina E. D illard, Mrs
Jo h n F ran z, Mrs. S ura N. G ilklson.
Mrs. E. E. K ester. Mrs. I. I) L arim er,
M rs. Jo h n N eher. Mrs. IL E. Plndte-
place, M rs. W. If. P ollard, Mrs Itlley
S n o d g rass. V r
H a rry W W hlfnev,
Mrs. L M. W .liuirn. Mrs. C O Wilson.
A full program lias been a rra n g e d
fo r the m o th e rs' e n te rta in m e n t hy tin
co m m ittee in ch arg e
On S aturday.
M ay 11. th e re will be a w ater c a rn i­
val and te n n is m atch es betw een the
U n iv ersity of W ashington and the
U n iv ersity of O regon. T he m o th ers
will have luncheon a t noon In th e now
m e n ’s d o rm ito ry with P resid en t Arnold
B e n n e tt H all, and in th e aftern o o n will
a tte n d a te a in th e W om an's Building
and an ex h ib itio n of c re a tiv e a r t In the
A rt building.
N o rth
F ift h
s tre e t
Moi M auley ami h er siste r, Irene
w ere driving l" ¡»print field io school
when th e a. i Id e m o c e lli ed
slab-tl Ihat Mr B .ltik y r,» the
stre e t In iroot of to r • ir ami Ih it
she did not see h'.m In tim e to »top
Mr P rin k '» left leg » a s broken
and crushed, both I lls bau d s w ere eat
and h l , lie n ,I w a s h illy la c e ra te d He
w as tak en t,. III- Fug. ne hospital,
w here lie Is rep o rted to he In a ser-
l.ius eon.B 'lon, hut with a c h an ce of
rer<»> « t v .
C learing of Pa»» P re p re sse s
W ork,ng In four feet of snow , a
snow plow Is at work c le a rin g th e
M, K'-nxie P ass and has passed A lder
S prings on lit*- way to tin* sum m it
A nother plow
brought from th.i
Mount lloo.l loop. I' w orking up to
the m ountain from the eust side.
It Is expected th a t the tw o plows
will m eet and the Puss will be opened
to trMtfl, sum. tim e In May Approxi­
m ately 25 m iles ure covered w ith
plus ETHYL
• T A N B A IB
» » Il C U M » A W |
O *
912 W illam ette St.. Km; ene. Oregon.
Hats Have That Mark
o f Good Taste W hich
Always Insures Smart
m rn'» ra w edge, snapbriin.
n a rro w band fedora.
F u ll
ta tin lined, reeded leather
sweat band. In the colors
«,( Spring.
Let U t
Be Your H a tte r
A s ta te w ide co m m ittee m e e tin g of
th e m o th e rs will also he held d u ring
th e afte rn o o n , and at 5:30 th e re will
be a b anquet for m o th ers and th e ir
sons an d d a u g h te rs. T h e Juniors prom
will be given S a tu rd a y night, and S u n ­
d ay m o rn in g special se rv ices will be
held In th e E ugene ch u rch es. The
M urray W a rn e r a r t m useum will be
open both S a tu rd a y and Sunday,
and golf p riv ileg es a t th e E ugene
C o u n try C lub will be given to all
m o th e rs w ishing to play.
A lfred W estro p e h a s been appointed
a d m in is tra to r of th e e s ta te of John
II. B riggs, deceased, hy th e C ountv
C ourt of L ane C ounty, O regon. All
p erso n s hnvlng claim s, a g a in s t said
e s ta te a re req u ired to p re se n t them ,
T herefore, I say th a t m arriage a fte r the tw en tieth year chould w ith p ro p er vouchers, w ithin six
n ot be discouraged if a high sta n d a rd of h ealth, happiness and m o n th s from the 25th d ay of April,
1929. to th e said a d m in is tra to r at the
m orality are to be attain ed .— B e m a rr M acfadden.
law office of L. L. R ay, In th e M iner
B uilding. E ugene. O regon.
Childish M errim ent
"Your fiance Is a VaBsar girl,
A L FR E D W E S T R O P E . a d m in is tra ­
to r of th e E sta te of Jo h n II. Briggs,
M istress:—"K ate, are the children believe?”
In the kitchen?”
L. L. RAY, A tto rn ey fo r E sta te .
K a te :—"No, Ma’am, th ey ’re out in
A. 25: M 2-9-16
the backyard playing tag. Ethel is Browning.”
.cream ing,
"I beg your pardon. The tru e V as­
Mrs. Kaldor Here—Mrs. N. N. Kai (
B ertie’s chasing her with the meat sar girl Is never fam iliar with any­ dor wns a Springfield visitor from
W altervllle W ednesday.
The Best Meats
Are the Most Economical
We handle only th e best grade of m eats
4th and Main Sta.
Phone 63