PAGE THREE THE SPRINGE»ELI) NEWS TH U R SD A Y . A PR IL 25, 1 !»29 Montana People Hare— Mrs. I. G. cam e when you »hall kneel at my feel sham pooed dally. Much eternal cleanli­ llan waa aelaed from behind. King and »on. Ted, of Cabin Creek, He looked around at hla captor». for m ercy, and there shall be no n ess not on ly frees the scalp of dirt I tm but Insures it against the fatal cradle Montana, visited here last week-end pule and furloua. They were at ranger» mercy. Gentlem en, my »word at the home of Mrs. King's nephew, crust. to him. A h yet, he did not realize at your service.” K. E. Gerber. She and her son ara "Cradle crust which appears on a what had happened PART TWO person's head shortly after birth and enroute home after visiting for soma "W hat doe» thia m ean?” he cried, which, unless eradicated, will starave time In California. furloualy. "Who dare« to lay hand» TW EN TY EIV K YEARS LATER upon mo? W« are on free ground I" For three days (kiunt Leonardo dl and choke the natural growth of hair. Marlonl abode In his sitting-room at Is the cause of most baldness and She »hook her bead "Leanardo, you have brought this the H otel Continental, living the life grayness. No one who perm its It to upon yoii’-aelf." »he »aid, firmly but nt a man In a dream. Ho far as the em t'r t-.ay hop« to have beautiful com passionately. "You plotted to outside world waa concerned. It was a hair." murder the man I love I warned you com plete case of suspended animation Marriage Licenses Issued that, to protect him. there w ai no­ Of all that passed around him he waa thing which I would not dare. Only a only dim ly conscious. The face* of If yon have poor or painful During the past week marriage mom ent ago I gave you another hla fellow creatures were strange to licen ses have been Issued by the vision, you are paying a tax on chance. One word from you and I him. He had lost touch with t «, county clerk to the follow ing: Charles health, power and auccess, that would have thrown theae paper» Into world, and the light of his reason was Slem ons, Portland, and Luclle Par­ you never catch up with. the »«a," producing a packet from her flickering; alm ost It seem ed as though sons, E ugene; Robert W tlkes and I boaom. "rather than have placed them It would go out Indeed, and leave him Make Appointments Thelma Calder, both of W endllng; Whenever Possible where I do now !” groping In the chaos of Insanity Prank Burgess, Eugene, and Leona j A fou> Ih man had »trolled out of M echanically he rose lata In the Woodring, S eattle; Lloyd Cochran D r. Sherm an W. M oody the au e grove, »moklng a long clgtr- morning, ate what was brought to and T helm a Hughes, both of Eugene; Optometrist - Eyesight Specialist ette Into hl» hand» Adrienne had him, or ordered what was suggested Charales Boyd and A llle Geneva Suite SSI Miner Bldg. Phone M l East Broadway, Eugene Ora. placed the little packet of letter», All day long he »at In a sort of dream. * Brown, both of Eugene; Ellery Hall which he accepted with a low bow. less apathy, living still the life of the and Marlon Schwarz, both of Eugene. Even now the Sicilian felt bewll last flve-and-twenty year» of Imprison 'd ered ; but a» hla eye» fell upon the ment. and finding no change, save that W H AT HAPPENED BEFORE of waiting for the doctor who had been ' Wolently, gating at him a» though the chair In which he sat wa« softer, and the fire over which he stretched Palerm o la the Beano. Thor« an Inatrucled to follow them, hut who had taut mated “I do not understand!'' he faltered hl» withered palms was a new exp ert onl«. Leonardo ill Marlonl, hu» com« not yet arrived. T w ice the Sicilian lor I«»« of Adrienne I’artucrlo, who had urged that they »hould com m ence. T he fourth man removed hla cigar- en ee to him There were things even •purn» him He m eeta an Kn«llahman, anil each tim e he had pleaded that „ lie from hl» teeth and produced a which he missed In the freedom — If freedom It could be called. He Lent Hi. Maurice, who full» In love they wall for a few minutes longer, p per. THURSDAY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY "T’erm lt me to explain." he »aid m issed the wrrm dancing sunlight with Adrienne on »Ight. Ix-onnrdo »<'•■« To enter upon aduel a l'outrance "I hHVi* here a warrant for which, day by day. had filled the hie alator Margharlta, who loll» him »ave In the presence of a medical politely A Few of Many Items hi» love for Adrienne 1» hopeleaa Ilul man. wa» a thing unheard of. he yo-ir a .rest, t’ount <11 Marlonl, alia» shabby alttlng-room of his confine­ Harmony Toilet Water, 2V4 oz................ - .......... 2 for 51c be plead» with her to arrange an »•• declared Hut at last Ihl» respite wa» Leonardo dl ( ortegl. on two account»; ment. He m issed that patch of deep Harmony Toilet Water, 5 oz. — ........................ 2 for 101 first, that you. being an exile, have Cldentnl m eeting, to miy farew ell, be exhuated, for the opposing second, blue sky seen through his high, barred Riker’s Ilasol ............................. - ............... - ........ 2 f°r 51c with n n enaant »mile, hud remaraked returned !o Italian »oil; and secondly, window, and the fragrant scen ts of tw een Adrlenae and him Trailing Arbutus Talcum ..................................— 2 for 26c on a further anil »eparate charge of the outside world which, day by day. She ronaent» That night the Eng that he ! mu elf wa» »killed In surgery, Harmony Rolling Massage Cream . ...........- .... 2 for 51c llahman la Informed of an attem pt be­ anil would In- huppy lo officiate should conspiracy again«! the Italian Govern had floated through It. He m issed the Medicated Skin S o a p ............ - ..................... 2 fo.' 26c m en!, In collusion with a secret kindly greeting of his pitying gaoler, ing mad** lo car) off Hlgnorlna I urlue- any r*et nitty arrive There wun no Klenzo Tar Shampoo Soap ................................ 2 for 26c clo and Margharlta. who are walking, longer any excu se Lx»rlng aloe plantation, and wus treni Indeed. A drienne!" he «aid slow ly. | T rades Show In Chicago. when the Italian »lap» him consents Georgia Rose T alcu m .......................................... •- 2 for 26c "Hair and brains are biological Lou The two men face each other ready to tiling In every limb from the speed of "You have saved your lover. Georgia Rose Face Pow der.......... ....... -......... — 2 for 51c her d esecen t. have betrayed the man who would tw in s.” said Miss George. "Thl t, fight to the death. TH IS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY The cloud on the Sicilian's face have given hl« life to serve you. brittle hair, for Instance, is Indicative NOW GO <>N WITH THE STOItY— TO OBTAIN SEASONABLE HOUSEHOLD ITEMS grew- black as night. Listen to m e’ As I loved you before of great cerebral capacity and mental AT MONEY-SAVING PRICES concentration. H eavy, flow ing locks, "This Is no sight for you to look so do I hate you now! A» my love It wa« a fair »pot which their two on the other hand, are usually the se* I ond» bail choaen lo »tain with U|win!" tie cried. Iietween his teeth for you In the past has governed my bloodshed, «'hu e alm ost to their feet, "You will not save your lover by life, so In the days to come shall my trade mark of stupidity. "Fair hair denotes a sanguine or SPRINGFIELD, OREGON the blue water» of the Mediterranean, w aiting You had better go. or 1 will undying hate for you and for that man shape my action s and mold my phlegm atic disposition. Red hair re­ glisten in g In the early morning su n ­ kill him before your eyes HI h * walked calm ly betw een them, life, and bring me over sea and land veal i a V«*/ cunning, •«r very good | light. broke In tiny, rippling w aves, to the farthest corners of the earth to character. Black, curly, stiff hair d e - ; upon the firm, w hile sand Inland was and looked from one lo the other. “Lord St. Maurice, I need not ask wreck my vengeance upon you. Be It n otes a lachrym ose tem peram ent. , a serai circle of »lei p . I ff», at the base T his duel 1» not of ten. or tw enty, or thirty years, they Very fine hair marks an extrem ely of which then- w in - great boulder» of you, I know! _ __ keep .................. me rotting In ____ their _ prisons the nervous person with eith er artistic | rock, fern covered and with hyanelntha your seeking?" "It Is not!" lie answ ered, low ering ( jme wm come when I shall be free or literaray aspirations. of many colors growing out of the "With hair as a recognized Index Search crevice» and lending a sw eet fragrance his sword. "This fellow Insulted me, again; and then, b ew a re! to 'h e fresh morning air. II wa» a and I punished him i iibllckly In the your memory for the legen d s of our o f tem peram ent. It is quite concelv spot »hut off front tin world, for the restaurant of the Hotel de I'Europe race! W as ever a hate forgotten, or able that m atrim onially-inclined It • In my opinion, that an oath groken? Hear me sw ear,” he mens, castin g about among their f«- tow* ring cliff« ran out Into the sea on last night. c i t h e r »Id*-, com plete!' en clo sin g the squar. d m atters, but he deman 1 *i| » t crled. raising his clasped hands above | m inine acquaintances for Juliets, will llttb cove There wn« only one pos­ Isfactlon. and from his point of view hl« head with a sudden p assionate , consider hair ns a vitally Important sible approach to H. «ave by boat, and I suppose In* ha« a right to It. I am gesture, "by the un. and the sky, and qualification. H ow ever, daily sham the sea. and the earth. I sw ear that. ; poolng, which refin es the coarsest that a illfllcillt and teillou» one. and. quite ready to give It to him " Tile second« bail fallen hack. They as they continue unchanged and locks and restores them to their pris- looking itpwnrd from tin* «bore, hard three w re alone. She went up to the unchnnglng, so shall my hate for you alne lustre, will make it possible for tr discover. Hut <*n the northtward. __ to m asuerade as a she- M illian and laid her hand upon hl« rem ain! Ah! you can take your a woman the cliff« suddenly dropped, and sld> thlnk to sheep.” art-t. lover's hand, traitress, and In the cleft was a thick plantation of Beginning at the cradle, according "I.eonar lo., we have been friends, find protection there. But In vour aim «, through which n winding path to MI?» George, the scalp clin I’d he The day shall have we not? Why should you seek t„ heart I read your fear. led down lo the beach Perhaps of nil tin* llllb* group gath­ do that which will make us en em ies I have broken no faith | ered dow n th en to w itn ess and tak • for ever? part In the coniinlg tragedy. Signor with v o n ; I never gave you one word Prucclo. Lord Ht. Maurice'» sec I. of h o p e . I never loved vou; I never wa« looking the most disturbed i **! could have love I yn e Why «hould man whom l | nnxlous. Ill» man. hi* knew , must till, vou seek to murder ’ do love, and make • miserable for and an nglv sickening dread *vas In h is heart It wa« so Ilk* a murder. ever ?" Is it less than a quarter of c dol­ Ill« face wa» gtlfistt*. but be showed He pictured to h im self that fair hov- lar— o r such a huge sum that it !» i face — and la the clear morning no sign of being moved by her words ; "Hati! Yon talk as you feel— Just . has imprisoned you for life in the sunlight the young E nglishm an's f o e show*il ranravelous few sign« of (In n o w !' he quickly said. “ I tell you | four walls o f your kitchen? r.i..nt o. agony through w hltii In* had that I do not b elieve one w o n t If passed ghastly and Ilvl.i with tin* lie b a il not com e betw een us. you ; O r haven’t you realized that this stam p of death upon the forehead, and would have been mine som e day. Izive 1 small amount each day is all that th*' deep blue p ip s glazed and dull like mine would have conquered In | Away ! away" he cried, j It w as an awful thing, yet what could the end. is keeping an electric range out be do? W hat hope w as there? Lean- pushing her hack In grow ing excite | o f your kitchen — and you very ardo dl Marlonl he knew to be a ment, and stam ping on the ground | much in it? fam ous swordsm nn; lan d St. Maurice with his feel. "The sight o f you only j had never fenced «Ince he had left maddens me. and nerves my arm to j Eton, and scaracely rem em bered the kill ! Thnttgh vou beg on your knees positions. It was doubtful even for h is life, that man shall die. w hether he had ever held a hapler , "I shnll not beg upon my knees But what Signor Prucclo feared most 1 she answ ered proudly. Yet. Lennar w as the pale, nnfllnghlng hate In the I do. for your own sake, for the snke S icilian's w hite face. He loathed It. i of vour own happiness, 1 bid you once No mutter what your destination—Portland, San Francisco, nnd yet II fascinated him He knew, more consider. You would stain your Chicago, New York, the Orient or Europe—you can plan alas! how easily, by one sw ift turn hnnil with the blood of the mnn who your trip at home and at leisure, without haste and without of the wrist, he would he able to pass Is more to m e than you can ever be. worry. h is sword through the Englishm an's . Is this what you call love? Ix*onardo. Consult your local agent for tickets, tescrvations and ail body, m ocking at h is unskilled defense. bew are! I am not a woman to he other details of any trip you might plan. H e fancied that hp could ace the arms lightly rohhed of what Is denr to me. thrown up to heaven, the fixed, wild Put up your sword, nr you w ill repent e y es, the red blood spurting out from It to your dying day.” Greatest summer travel bargains are offered in Southern T he Sicilian wns unmoved. The the wound and stnlnlng the virgin The E lectric R an ge w ith the Pacific circle trips to the East. First to California, then east earth; alm ost he fancied that, he could sight of the woman he loved cham ­ autom atic "Flavor Zona" O w n . via any of Southern Pacific's three great transcontinental pioning his foe aeemed to madden hear the death-cry break from those routes to your mid-west or eastern destination. Return via agonized w hite lips. Horrohle effort him. northern United States or Canadian lines. The fare is only “Out of my w a y !” he cried, grnsp- of the Im agination! W hat evil chance slightly more than via other routes and you double the enjoy­ had mnde him offer h is serv ices to Ing his sword firm ly. "Lord St. Mau­ ment of your trip. th is young English lord, nnd drnggert rice. are you not w ery o f akulklng him Into a ssistin g at a duel which behind a w om an's p etticoats ? On ORIGINAL ONE lc CENT REXALL SALE F la n e r y ’s D r u g S to r e À trit 1 H o w m u c h is 2 3 cen ts? o r to th e O rient ^you can plan it best w ith your local Southern Pacific agent Popular Circle Trips Westinghouse «.w-*7•! —«7 could he hut a fa race— w orse than a farce, a murder? H e would have given half his fortune for nn earth­ quake to have come and sw allow ed up thnt m erciless Sicilian. guard! She suddenly flung her hnnds above he head, nnd there wns what seem ed to he m iraculous Increase In the little group. Three men In plain, dark Signor Prucclo had delayed the duel clothes sprnng from behind a glgnntle as long ns he could, under the pretext bowlder, and, In an Instant, the Slcl- For all travel information call on or phone Southern Pacific Carl Olson, Agent moumta iw -S tates power C o m pa n y