T ry the H o m e P r in t Shop F ir s t THE SPRINGF’ ELD NEWS SPUING KIELI), LANK COUNTY. OREGON, TW KNTY-HIXTII YEAH L Mrs. Page Report» Favorably on 's in 'e s /lw M a il THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1929 Eugene N oses Out P etition D enied ß y C ircuit C ourt S prin gfield 6 to 5 Judge Holds Injunction Noed- Local boys beaten in tight con- ! test; to play University let,o; Case to be Hea>d Hi tomorrow Before Court. Experiment in Lincoln First Grade; Booth Kelly Gets Fuel Contract; Carlton Issues Stutomont Relative to Friction “The Peopl«'» P ip tr” A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 16 AI FLYINS FIELD One Building Constructed and Others to be Built At Once; Flying School Plane An­ nounced by Major Eckerson; More than $500 given. Breaking a tie that existed at the A petition asking for a temporary restraining Injunction to prevent fur- beginning of the ninth Inning, Eugene thcr filling In of tin- approach to the ' high school put one run across the west end of the new Springfield bridge home plate to defeat Springfield 6-5 , whs denied by Judge J. W. Hamilton In the first conference game of the One hangar has been built and a The adoption of thu picture story In circuit court In Eugene Tuesday. season yesterday afternoon on the other one and an office building will local diamond Hlnce the work on the fill has been system of reading as an Introduction The contest was hard-fought and halted by A. (' Wathews, the con­ be put up soon at the aviation field to actual Instruction In reading 1» Jack Story. 24. mail aviator, of tractor, lodge Hamilton stated that he close throughout, the lead going back for the Eckerson Flying Servl Crown Prince O tto o f A u itria, Kama. City, lea,«| j fXJ0 mjk, from the first grail« of the Hprlngfli-ld could see no particular need for the and forth from one team to the other | aged 16, m exile In Spain, is pre­ hi. plane to «alrty—but didn't forget which will conduct a school on the schools was rei-otnmonded to the dis several times during the course of the tender to the throne of his country. to .liu l off the motor and seize a sack Injunction. field. Popular subscriptions of more Under the protection o f the ru le r, of trlct school board at Its regular meet­ of mail. The plane wa. wrecked but Judge Hamilton advised C. A Win- game. It was characterized by care­ Spam the youth is bong scared as a. of the ni4»| WAA ciamatr^d. than $500 have been takan up and part ing Tuesday nl«ht by Mrs. L. K. Page, termeler, attorney fur the group of ful fielding by both team» and close ruler. who has made a survey of the situa­ West Springfield property owner» pitching by SquJres of Springfield and I of the labor on the buildings la volun­ tion during the past several months. . HUGH SANDGATHE, FORMER who are opposing the work on the fill, Town of Eugene. teer under the direction of the to communicate with J M Devers, at­ Palmer, of Springfield, made the TIMBER CONTROL TIES The picture story system Is publish GARAGE OWNER HERE. American Legion. torney for the state hlghwny commis­ first score of the game when he cros­ «•d by the World Hook company and j DIES TUESDAY NIGHT sion, and arrnge If poiistble an early sed the plate In the first Inning. The ■ UP BIG VENEER PLANT Work of smoothing the runwaye Involves the cnttlng, coloring, and CONSTRUCTION SOON will be done in the next few days by pasting of pictures In connection with H||(fh Kan(|Kulhp. r)9. a resident of hearing ai which both side» could air the second Inning was scoreless, but C. I. Corrle, who has been engaged reading The children arc unable to gp^ngfleM for sixteen years, died their views for and against the fill |n (he third both Moffitt and Perkins The big veneer plant projected for 1 by the Industrial committee to pre­ do the work unless they do the read Tu„M(|ay nl)i|(>w|ng » short Illness from blood held. In the second half of the third Co­ Volunteer workers for service Sat­ The complaint against the bridge flu wart crossed the plate for Spring- timber being tied up to Justify the I urday are being called for by the In learning to read and Io provide a was In the form of a suit filed against field. tying the score again. In the large expense, according to J. A. Mc­ American Legion. Anyone who will purpose for learning to read Pherson, president of the Willamette The new system was used this year ) Mr. Sandgathe was born In Ger- the slate highway commission, the fourth Town and Mcl-ain added two help is asked to appear on the field a . an experiment by Mr. Marajorle many In 1H70 and came to America members of the county court. Lane more points to the Eugene total and Valley Veneer company, who was a with a hammer ready to go to work. visitor here Tuesday and Wednesday. latselle's first grade class at the In 1«« "« "> «’»»ada for a County, and the A C Mathews com­ In the seventh Inman Increased It to The plans tor the flying school Lincoln school, while Miss Alta Man '«umber of year, before he came to pany. The plaintiffs are O. F Bevere. five. In the second half of the seventh The company is negotiating for se­ which will be conducted at the new veral tracts of timber and when ntngs class at the llrattatn achool the ’’nlted States, moving Io iVprlng J It Bevere. G M Plummer. C. E I*almer and Danner brought Spring- continued under the old »y.tem of «*»«• ««• hr « « Ruth. 8. D Cairns, Clark Aydelatt. field’s total to four, and In the second sufficient is under control expect to Sprilngfield airport have been an- nounced by Major G. H. Eckerson, who instruction. Mrs Page observed the associated here with W H Adrian In Doris Aydelott, 8. 8 Scott, Christiana half of the eighth Roof crosied the start operations. The mill, if built, will be larger wln he ln charge of the instruction, Scott. Alva Moss. Violet Moss. G. work of each class In Fe 'at, and ;'he Springfield Garage plate, tying the score. than projected for the first year. It I The major has ordered a new air. again In April and reported to the j He Is survived by his widow, Mrs Davenport, Clara Davenport, J. F. Pal- A costly error by Danner, local Hrst hoard that she was favorably Im Anna Sandgnthe. and five children, llster, Vernon Briggs, and Neva ha-eman, allowed Eugene to make the was originally planned to build a sheet plane for nse at the eshool from the pressed with the work done by the Mrs. Sllxabeth Gervais, of Curry, Briggs, each an owner of property to final score of the contest With two veneer unit the first year and then Waco Airplane company of Troy, expand. The officers of the company : Ohio. This plane will arrive here as children taking the picture story un Minnesota, and Jack, DeEtta, Hugh the value of 12 000 or more In the men out and three on base, the sixth now hold that the entire plant should | soon as the order can be filled, pro- der Mrs Lass,-II»« The school board and Edwin of Springfield He Is also West Springfield district. Eugen batter struck a short grounder be built at once. When completed ; bably about May 5. he said. It Is a The complaint states that If the fill will consider the matter nnd decide survived by three brothers. Felix, toward Squires. Squires stopped this new enterprise would employ j 225 horse power sport Waco, whether or not the system will be Emil, and Frank, all of Canada, ano Is completed It will restrict the river It and threw to Danner, who fumHed adopted permanently for both schools. three sisters, Mrs Sophia Sweetman, channel from 1790 feet. Its maximum It. allowing the Eugen- runner to more than 100 men to start. The ! Three courses, a 10 hour, a 25 hour company would be glad to hear from ' an(j a 6o hour, will be offered by of St. Paul, Minnesota, Mrs. Mary In high water, to 715 feet, thus con- Wood C o n tra c t A w ard ed reach first safely, and Mofflt to ad­ anyone who has balm or hardwood Major Eckerson at the Springfield The contract for furnishing 200 M« Sherry, of Osklnnd. California nnd sjltmlng a serious flood menace. A vance from third to home. The local timber for sale. flying school. Ten hours of solo cords of wish ! tor fuel for the school Mrs Pauline Donnelly, of McMIllvIlle, slough between the river and the Paci­ team, while Town struck out 19 of flight will entitle a student to a pri­ fic highway, which serves as an out­ district for the coming year was Oregon. of th- nl"th HERBERT MOON LEASES vate pilot’s license, and 50 hours In let for water In times of flood, will be awarded In the Booth Kelly lumber Mr Sandgathe was a member of S-rt-re- struck out 11 of the Eugene the air will entitle him to a limited company for 13 50 a cord. The * tho Catholic church and of the Knights completely cut off by the fill, the HUNTLY’S DELICATESSEN battei? while Tawn struck out 19 of commercial pilot's license. A great Neighbors of Woodcraft were granted of Columbus The body Is being held complaint states the l.-rrls. Each pitcher -.1,-wed five Herbert Moon, who has been con- many persons have consulted the ma- Any delay In th completion of the the use of the high school gymnasium ' at the Vpatch Undertaking parlors at hitr. Town. Mofflt and McLain each nected with his brother in the Home Jor concerning courses at the school. for June 12 to June 19 for use dur- Eugene awaiting word from relatives bridge here will also hold up the work made iwo-base hits for Eugene, and Bakery on Mill street, has leased the and he now has a list of over 40 pros­ on the new Cresswell bridge. It was Ing the district convention of the or-I - Town also made a three-base hit. Roof expected that next month a contract was th< only Springfield player tp bakery and delicatessen conducted by pective students. der which will be held here June 18 HAWLEY FOR LUMBER M. B. Huntly on Main street. Mr. Lieutenant Henry M Walker, of would be granted for the razing of the B nd C a rlto n Aska H m a rm o n y TARIFF PROTECTION old bridge, and the re-erectlon on the make a «wo-base hit. Moon was employed by the Spring- Yakima. Washington, has been se­ ______ field flour mill until abont ten months lected by Major Ecker-on to assist In rarard Io the friction In past i Conrre„ niRn w c Hawley, chair- piers at Cresswell. which were com- LINCOLN SCHOOL TO ago. when he left to enter into part­ him in the instruction at the school meetings of the school hoard Roy W mnn <>f (hp wayi( m„a,1(( r()mm|„ pe 1 pleted some time ago. here. Lieutenant Walker served In Carlton, chairman of the board. Issued (>f , h(. h()U||e ,R fu¥or of a ,ar,ff on ---------------------------- PLAY ROOSEVELT HIGH nership with his brother. Mr. Moon expects to conduct the France during the World War and a prepared statem en t In c a llin g H(lv,HP(l „ E Maxpy, DEERHORN RESIDENT The Lincoln school baseball team business In much the same manner after the war worked with Major hoard to order. „Is statement lj»ne County Republican Congres­ PASSES IN PORTLAND wm p|ay the first game of the season as It has beet» conducted by Hunaly. Eckerson as a pilot of patrol planes follow s: sional committeeman. In a letter to afternoon when the He will retain the lunch nnd fountain In the Olympia National Forest in , here tomorrow ________ ________ "In calling to order this Board M). Maxpy hp aayg; W C 11 i.-nes, 60. a ■esolent of boys will clash with the Roosevelt service, and will keep a stock of bak Washington. He will come to Soring, meeting of the fkprlngfleld school dis-1 Decrho--n to,- th« past 1« ’ ears, d ied 1 Junior high school, of Eugene. The ery goods from the Home Bakery. Mr. | field soon after the opening of the trlct, It Is the hope nnd wish of the ' 1 anl 'n fuvor of a duty on lumber In Portland Saturday. Ills funeral ( game will be played on the high school and Mrs. Moon moved into the vacant school and the attendance grows too chair that harmony may prevnll am! an^ believe It Is entirely Justified. was h< Id at the Veatch cn.iprl In Eu- ! apartment over Ketel's Drug store large for the Major to handle alone. that w- ni-iv make a better record but the situation Is very difficult be­ gene Tuesdri? afternoon, with Rev. | diamond. < In the «uture than we I- ive In the re­ cause practically nil the sentiment J. Franklin Haas, pa«:, r of . the | The line-up for the game has not yesterday. Major Eckerson has been actively east of th«- Rocky mountains, with the Mr. Huntly recently received his engaged In aviation for more than 1-5 vet been definitely determined by cent past Eugene Methodist church. In charge "However, there nre some things exception possibly, of several sec­ of tho »>« i vice«. The Interment took Lawrence Moffitt, the coach, as rainy retirement pension on full captain s years. He inllsted in the first air weather has prevented the boys from PaX from the war department. He is squadron of the United States army absolutely , -seiitlnl to harmony, to tions In Die south, Is In favor of free pi.i ’? In the Laurel Hill «■emttery. practicing enough for him to get a uncertain as_to his future plans, but in Januaray 1915 at Fort Sill. Okla­ deal justly I bette.- nun "might lumber. I will, however, give the Mr Th,ei «r was born l;»Colb»irn, line on them. The team will be se- W"1 probably remain in Springfield, makes r'ght." Directors should nt all matter continued attention.” homa. After serving on the patrol Kentilcl y. November 29. 1868. When lected from the following who are tin» i show courtesy nnd considera­ during the difficulties with Mexico in a boy h»s parents moved to Nebraska, MRS. EMMA BRICKER. tion. not only to one another, hut to TWO LOCAL TEACHERS turning out for baseball: 11916, he received his commission in and Inter to Kansas. He was married employees and patrons. The wishes TRENT WOMAN, DEAD the army at the beginning of th« Ford- Danner. Jack Williams. Ralph ELECTED AT NORTH BEND In 1891 to Miss Sadie Stlnchfleld. snd opinion» of the public should he i World War. During the war he wa» Gillette. Donald Hickman, Bruce They moved lo California, and later Squires. Gordon Deeds, John James. I Mrs. Emma E. Bricker, 54, a resident stationed at Kelly Field, Texas, and given careful consideration, for nl Two Springfield high schaal tea­ to Oregon. Mr. Thienes was a mem­ though public opinion may be denied chers. Glenn Cole n-d Maurice Is»m Miltan Doane. Harold Jarrett, Lamar °J Trent, died at the home of Mrs iater at Langley Field. Virginia. He for a lime. In the end It will prevail . bard, will teach In tii-< high school at ber of the Methodists church and of Brattain. Everett Chetwood. Mark J- U. Thayer of Springfield this morn. wag a capta|n |n th army during the The chair appeals to directors to North Bend next }•• W. G. Hughes. the carpenter's union. 'Smith. Elmer Fritts, Clyde Lockwood, ( inF 9 2 0 o clock, following an ill war and is now a major In the re­ Mr. Thienes Is survived by his wl. Wayne Lawson, Glenn Wetzel and ness of several months. take action only after due dellhern 'district clerk, nn •• nr. ed Monday. serve force. Emma E. WIrick was born at 9ig- tlon. wherein all phases and angle- Mlss Lombard did > 't sign the con- dow. Mrs. Sndle Thienes, three sons. Lyle Zachary. Major Eckerson left the army la of each question shall hnve been con tract offered hy the hoard for next E. E. Thienes and V. Thienes, of The second game which the Lincoln ournl. Iowa. Janvary , 17, 1875. At the 1922 and flew for four years for the . . service in the Olympia National < alder» d nnd each director shall hnve y,,ar Mr. Cole was re-elected by the Iteerhorn, and Dr. Clinton Thienes, of school team will play will be against age s of 12 she moved . . with . her parents ' forest w„ jn 1893 she was mar _ . . . . . . . , .. to Washington had opportunity to Inform himself bnard. but reslgntsl upon being offer- Deerhorn; two daughters. Miss Ethel Cottage a week from Saturday. _ . , . - Forest in Washington. During the Thienes, of Deerhorn. and Mrs. Marav rted to Charles H Bricker, who died winter i , . he . was stationed . . at reserve concerning the Issue remember "Gold Pd the position nt North Bend. ,_____j Bakee. of New York city; two bro­ sixteen years ago. bricks nre bought In haste while re I . . . i aviation training camps at Blackwell , . , , I Miss Lombard enme to the high thers. Henry Thienes and Ferdinand BERNICE HAWKE CHOSEN l'ved in Washlng- ried llto the pentlng I«- done at lelsurp. » Field. San Diego, California, and .... . . . . . «_ .. , : school this venr nnd has taught Eng- Thienes, of El Monte, California; and GIRLS’ LEAGUE HEAD ton. Iowa, and Idaho, and came to Pearson Field. Vancouver. Washing­ Let us nnt nesltate to ask a d v i c e ..................... , . „ . L llsh In the high school. Cole has been two sisters, Mrs. Harry Bowman, of Oregon 20 years ago. Mrs. Bricker Irnm those l etter Informed 'hin wo I In charge of the music nt the high El Monte and Mrs. Anna Elliott, of Bernice Hawke was elected pre­ had lived at Trent for the past six ton. Major Eckerson came to Eugene are. Neither should w» resent sug­ elght months ago and was employed sident of the Springfield high school yers. gestions ftom nnv one. Let us try to school, nnd will hold a like position Pueme, Callforn'a. by thte Hobl Airways there until two on the North Bend faculty. girls’ league for the coming year at Mrs. Bricker Is survived by three n-nlyze our own motives nnd duly months ago. He has been Instru­ the annual election of the group held sons, Ralph, of Dexter. Henry, of Co- take action on those which nre above SCOUT WORKERS GIVEN mental in the founding of the n e* C. E. HOVEN TO PREACH at the high school Monday. Audrey rrprnnch. Unless we directors hnve „ 1 airport at Springfield, DINNER BY MOTHERS McFarland, was chosen vice-president. sister. Mrs. Mattle Made, of Sunny­ the very hlghost of Ideals, how can AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH side. Washington She was a member I * ° f >525 f°r the ^velop. Ruth Carlton, secretary - treasurer, we require or expect the fnculty nnd To show their appreciation for the Bernice Cline, social promoter, and of the Christian church at Potlatch., ment..of t.he new ha8_ be(>n Rev. C. E. Hoven of the Eugene student body to mnlntnln high Ideals work helng done for the boys of Junla May. reporter. The new officers contributed by the citizens of Spring- Idaho, where she formerly lived. Bible University will preach nt the nnd work efficiently. Springfield by the boy scout organiza. The body Is being held at the Walk­ field as this paper went to press. "In unanimous action arrived nt af­ Springfield Christian rhnrch Sunday. i tlon and the sponsors of It. the mo­ will be Installed at the senior break­ Those who contributed, aside from ter duo deliberation, we can have At the morning service, which will thers of the hoys enrolled In Troop 11 fast, which will he held the last Sat­ er-Poole chapel. The funeral will be those published last week, were: urday of the term. held Saturday at 2 o'clock at the cha­ begin nt 11 o'clock, tho male quartet, the i o-operntlon of the entire com- and 12 gave a dinner for the scouf O. H. Smith, Cal. Johnson. C. O. Twenty-five members of the Spring- pel, but the minister ln charge and munliy, hut If we do not "hang to­ composed of John Robertson. Dallas masters, assistant scout masters and Wilson, E. W. Albers, J. B. Weldon, the place of Interment have not yet gether" we will most likely "hang Murphy, Laurence Sunklor nnd Law­ i the members of the sponsoring com­ field girls' league are going to Eugene O. C. Thurman, Willis Bertsch, M. M. this afternoon to be entertained at a been decided. neparately.” The chair astures yon rence Moffitt will sing. mittees at the chamber of comme-cs Male. L. E. Danks, William Roden- tea given In their honor by the girls’ of coming half-way to meet vou and Christian Endeavor services will be Inst night. bough, Anderson and Clover. R. H. league of the Eugene high school. The of making an honest ffort to co­ held In the evening at 6:30 o'clock, WORK COMMENCES ON Those honored at the dinner were Morris. W. A. Hall and the Booth operate. If we nil observe the "gol­ and the Rev. Hoven will preach again Chester Aldrich, scout master ot Springfield girls' league entertained JASPER-LOWELL LINE Kelly company. den rule," rules of order will not he at 7:30. A quintet composed of Mrs. 'Troop It, and the sponsoring commit­ 25 Eugene and University high school no much In question. These brief W. P Tyson. Olndys Edwnrds, Jennlo tee of the Lions club, composed of Dr. girls about a month ago. Construction work on the new 4 L'a M eet M onday sentiments expressed hy the chair will Murphy Dallns Murphy, and John W. C. Rebhan. Charles Poole. H. E. Mountain States power line from Jas­ be placed In the record and 1 hope Robertson will sing. per to Lowell began Monday morning GIVE BENEFIT SHOW Maxey and W. K. Bamell. Clifford Over 40 members of the Wendllhg other directors will take reconcllla- Wilson, scout master of Troop 12. FOR PUBLIC LIBRARY when a crew of 30 men started work 4L gathered with the Springfield lory action.' digging holes for the posts. Lobby Being Reflnlshed Bill Cox. assistant scout master, and ROY W CARLTON. The new line will he approximately branch of the organization at the W. "The Shepherd of the Hills," Harold the sponsoring committee of the Chairman of the Board Dlst. No. 19 twelve and a half miles long and will O W. hall here Monday night tor » The lobby of the Springfield hotel /m -ilcan Legion, composed of J. M. Bell Wright’s famous novel, will be joint mtetlng and enterta'nment. A Springfield. la helng reflnlshed this week. AU of 1-nrson. M. B. Huntly, F. B. Hamlin, presented on the screen at the Bell serve approximately 100 when first ntenber of tradings and musical num­ completed. In addition to the private the woodv’ork was repainted during Dr. Carl Phetteplace, and W. P. Ty­ theater Saturday evening. May 4, as bers were presented by local people, Sun Sweeney Here—Sam Sweensv the enrly pnrt of the week hy Herbert son, general advisor of both groups. a benefit to the Springfield public homes, the power will he used to op­ ar.d George Aitken, of Pjrtland, field erate a 100 horse power motor 1n a «• Newport spent the week-end here Smeed of Eugene nnd Ralph Sweeney, Mrs. W. K. Bemell sang following library. The funds realized will he repris« ntntlve of the Nat* »nal Safety visiting with his parents, Mr. and and new paper Is now being put up. dinner. Miss Tyson played a piano solo used to purchase new hooks for the planing mill at Ixvwell. Council, made the principal addre»» The new tine will he completed ln Mrs J. E. Sweeney. Mr. Sweeney Is I-nter, Mrs. Rosa Montgomery, the and Mrs. Gladys Edwnrds gave seve­ library. "Our Gang” and "Oswald the of the evening. Refresh®* nt» employed hy tho telephone company owner of the hotel, expects to re- ral readings. Short talks were made Rabbit" will be tthe comedy pictures r.hout three weeks, according to W. K. served to 110. Barnell of the power company. in the coast city. flnlsh the remainder of the building. by the various scout worker». of the show. I