PLANTS FOR “C.” PEMBKOOKE Authorized “ RiiyboBtoa’’ Brake Service Station DUNBAR SERVICE STATION Kith and Oak Phone 621 Eugene, ( )r<*gon HEILIG EUGENE. OREGON 44 oí o. Labrar/ THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTT, OREGON T U IK S I JAY, APRIL Di NOW Taylor Players IN THE OLD SOAK C O M M E N C IN G SU N D AY M A T IN E E “GO EASY MABEL BA IT T * yy AN D N IG H T I E IT’S A PEDIGREED UHED CAR IT S THE BEST BUY IN TOWN OUR SELECTION NOW INCLUDES LATE MODEL GARLANDS PONTIACS BUICKS d o ix ; ES FORDS AND OTHERS REMEMBER PEDIGREED CARS ARE MERCHANDISED ONLY by EUGENE MOTOR CO. O A K L A N D -P O N T IA C D IS T R IB U T O R S yy 5th and Oliva Phone 115 Eugene, Oregon LLOYD ALLEN, Manager USED CAR DEPARTMENT POPULAR SHOES AT POPULAR PRICES 300 d ifferen t p a tte rn s of the rnoHt b eau tifu l c re a tio n s In one line. N ever before h as a con­ c e rn offered such re m a rk a b le v a rie ty of fa b ric s a t su ch a s ­ to u n d in g low p rices— W e hav e new wnappy Htylee a rriv in g ea< h week and if you w ant a «tyli«h up-to-date Art h Hupport Shoe, Juat com e In and gee our line. TTXW ‘Y P K O v W S r r . F OLDHAM A. SCHANTOL W. Springfield, Phone 86W P re sc rip tio n s o u r S p ecialty .— All com pounding done by re g iste re d P h a rm a c ists. Your m all o rd e r signifies y o u r confidence. It shall have our p e rso n al an d p ro m p t atte n tio n . Eastm an Kodaks and Supplies. Ketels' Drug Store Springfield, O regon o r $32.50 THE FISHING SEASON T H E EAMOU8 L IN E O P MABE TO MEASI HE AND $6.00 Johnson's Popular Price Store Shoe Department Service Cleaners K enney and M ct'arg ar, Mgr«. 967 W illam ette St E u g en e. ore. We call for and deliver CLO THING Law rence "H a p p y ” Anderson Phone 75-J in often and Spring motoring days are here. Whether you go to the mountains or seashore Violet Ray gaso­ line will get you there and bring you back with the least consumption of gas. Puts more life in your car yet costs no more than ordinary gasoline—Violet Ray is the leader of the gas age. Try it and also our service at the “A STREET” GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION a M * SAYS V A IS W l » » ’s G et Y o ur E arly C abbage P la n te NOW $22.50, $25.00, $27.50, $30.00, RO SE A C O M P A N Y $ 5 .0 0 B ring your box»-* mid we will a rra n g e them for you “ If it's In the Drug Line -We have It.” Just Think Of It SAT» • n a m IS s u e * * a « »-»« t x t « jaa . K O T '? » * Pedigreed Used Cars '» Porch Boxes And Baskets 1