J PAGE FTVF THB BgRTNGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY. APRIL 1H. 1929 At Elite H otel— Mm. E. Rhodes of lea th er of th< da»». and Mian Mary Kula, Oregon, la registered at th« Roberta, librarian, directed the work, which wa» completed Friday. A »liver Kilt« hot») thia week. tea for Ihe benefit of the blah school W altervllle Men Here— Tom I'arnny library wa» presented at the Spring and |j»wr«nc« M I I I I k h ii worn In HprliiK field library bulldlnK W ednesday after, Here from Jaeper— la-m Drury of n„)4 fr()m W ultorvlll« Monday morn Daweon III— W illiam I I u w h o ii I n noun by the member» of the English JuHpor wua In town Monday. inn. quii« III al h iH b o t i l i ' In MprlUKlI' ld da»». H e re fro m Goaben— John Tom aelh, , Back , rom g outh— Mr und Mr». Albany W om an H e re — .Mrn H ir llia l'e ia n f A lt a n y waa a v is it o r a l Ih e a realdent of tioahen, visited In Hprlng Harold William» returned Tuesday M O R R IS T A K E S O V E R Held Monday. (*. K I'.' k k I i o u i i i i lim ile F r lilu y n la lil from lx»» A ngeles where they had been DISTRICT AGENCY OF visitin g for »«me time. CHEVROLET MOTOR CO. Here for Week end— Mr. ai d Mr» | Camp Creek Man Here C hester H o i.e rb H a y» o f W e n d lln g *i»’ > i th e Ny«, ('amp Creek rancher, wa» a lumi To Vancouver — Norman Anderson All huHlneHN relative to the Chev- j ne»» vlallor In Springfield Monday. w ei k end v I h H I ii k In K p i I n g lld d motored to Vancouver, Wimhlnglon, rolet Motor com pany In the Eugene Sunday where he »pent the day visit­ F a ll C re ek M an In — H a rv e y K iihh **!, Thuraton Man In— Alvin ArmltUK«. and Springfield dl»trlct» 1» nof be­ ing with friend» there. F u ll C n c k re s id e n t, WHH a v ln lt o r In Thurston rancher, wa» a visitor In ing handled by E. It. Morris, formerly S | rln ufl« Id M o n d a y n io rn ln g Sprlnglleld Monday. To Entertain 500 Club— The Spring- of Portland, who recently purchased field f>00 club will m eet tomorrow the district agency from E. tt. Gan- i Here Saturday— Hubert Parrott of W endllng People Here— Mr and night at the home of Mr. and Mr» nett. The new concern 1» known a» Thuratton was a bualness visitor in Mr* J M "lakelcy of W endllng were W elby Steven». the Morris Chevrolet company. Hprlnglli | ,laM n quite III at hl» home for nn< * ” US * <