« THURSDAY. APRIL 18. 1939 THH SPRINGFTHÜÆ) NHWB " H C R POUR » w : a T 1? r w —?------- t — : ' Jail N ow C ree m e ry W in s P a a ri N ecklace FAMOUS ILLINOIS QUILTER NOT A SINGLE A R REST Gilbert Rrnut lug, »0# Sixth alreel. Allerton. I ll, Apr. IK (A C I--jTti« MAKES UNUSUAL GIFT T he tow n of Hooper, N ebraska, h a s laid claim Springfield w as Ihe winner of the j local Jail Ims bean leased for a rrearo- i to th e "L aw Abiding C ham pionship.” TO MRS. HOOVER Published Every Thuraday at pearl necklace offered by K ennett’s ery alallon II has mil had any ten- It is a tow n of 1,014 population, and during 1928 ■prlngfleld. Lane County. Oracon. by W asntttgton. ashington, April I not a single a rre st w as m ade w ithin its borders. w s p r ii 1« ie (AC) m , Mrs. ™.«. | store to Ihe custom er drawing the ants for a number of years and there T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS All th e people obeyed th e law. At least none Hoover has Just been presented with lucky number during the sale held was sm all likelihood of Its being used H. K. M A X KY. Editor._________________ w ere caught disobeying It. „„ old fashioned quilt made by Mrs. last Saturday. The dollar day sale j In the future tor the purpose for which W illiam J. Dau, ch airm an of th e B oard of j Murray, of Bloom ington. Illinois. was a great su ccess, acconltlig to Mr It was Intended Bntered as eecond class m atter. February 14. 1903 at the T ru ste e s of th a t tow n, says th a t th e c h u rc h e s are a fam ous quilter In her state This Kennett, and will becom e a regular poeto Bica, Springfield. Oregon______________ well atten d ed , the schools a re well tilled, and the inaugural gift was made out of sixteen monthly event. Mr. K ennett, exp ects Gen. G ra n t's Cousin M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A TE people m ostly “ m ind th eir ow n business." Hour bags, six or which she dyed a to offer another prlxe for Ihe holder Pittsburgh. Pa.. Apr. 1R (A C )— of the lucky number thia Saturday. year In Advance____ >1.75 Three Months __ -76c T h a t’s th e valuable lesson th a t can be learned Yale blue, U lysses M Grant, second cousin of the .6 c from th e record of th is model tow n. M o n th s_______________»1.W Single C o p y ------ T he people | Mr> Mw an(, great American general. Is a night O rg a n is in g B aseball T eam m ostly "m ind th eir ow n business. an oW hanilnia(le a T H U R S D A Y . A P R IL IS, 1929 watchman nt the U niversity of l*ltta- W hen people do th a t, th ere Is very little chance he, rloom whlch had been made The em ployees of the Guthrie Con burgh. of th e ir break in g a n y of th e law s. Mon* than There is only one way to get ready for immor­ nearly a century ago by two New structlon wurk at te>nhurg. Is In tality. and that is to love this life and live it as th a t, th e re is very little c h a n ce of the h e a rtb re a k ­ England sisters for the wedding outfit |o n Ihe new Rügen« city water works ing trag ed ies th a t happen m ostly because people of one of them Mrs. Hoover liked It T r a in e d B u ll bravely and faithfully and cheerfully as we can. at Ia>ahurg, are organising a baseball a tte n d to o th e r people’s business. __________ - —Van Dycke ao much that she had It duplicated as team which they expect to en ter In Parishville. N. Y.. Apr. 1« ( A O — Well said, Mr. Dau. a wedding gift for her son. Herbert. Jr com petition with the W illam ette val­ A farmer hos trained u hull which Is Y our tow n is to be c o n g ratu lated . HARMONY AND THE SCHOOL BOARD When Mr. Hoover was elected ley town team s during the com ing i well broken to harness and has the T he directors of school district No. 19 should pulling power of a heavy team , to pull l'resldent. Mrs. Murray, w hose own season. PR O G R ESSIV E SPIR IT SHOWN Mr. Coon, the chairm an of the con autom obiles out of mud holes near his m ake every effort to get along harm onously. T he grandmother T h e ready response th e b usiness people and «,.—-........ . had -— been ----- - a quilter - ........... of affairs of th e d istrict are in such condition as to organ izatio n s have given th e s ta rtin g of an air note in her day. looked up the pat strupctlon work nt Leaburg, Is In home. require sane judgm ent and cooperative planning port h ere show's a progressive spirit. T his action tern of the quilt and determ ined to charge of the new team Several of a n d if they , ------------------ a re not handled It will ig ln nne .. — ,------ in such light _ developm ent all over th e co u n try make a copy of it ns a gift of wel the em ployees of the company pluyeil be disastrous to th th e e district. district. T T here here is no room room flving 8chool will be a com m ercial asset here come to the new First ia»«ly of the with K elso and Longview In tin- Wash for bickering and indulging in Personal,t.‘t' s 1 a n d‘ a n airpirt is good advertising fo r any city Land upon her entrance into the Ington Tim ber league last season, and several ttprlngfleld men who are work­ am ong board m em bers. Anger and contention poe|a iiy fo rtu n a te h as Springfield been in hav- W hite House very often influence judgm ent and clear thinking. jand ideally adapted for an a irp o rt and having The quilt is a striking one mnde ing there will a lso play on Ihe new W hile we respect each d irecto r for an y tirm anti lo c k e d betw een cross s ta te h ig h w ay and the Of blue and w hite blocks in the team The Guthrie team started prac dignified stan d th a t he m ay take, based upon ms ma{n C ascade jjne of t he S o u th e rn Pacific railroad -double Irish chain - pattern, it flee this week. It has not yet lined best judgm ent, we do not believe he should con- c itjes havp had (o c o n te n t them selves with measure« 7 by 8 feet. and the lntrl- up any gam es, hut exp ects to do so duct him self in a stubborn and diseo u tico n s land off th e highw ays and in som e cases not c»te quilting in scroll pattern« Mr« soon. m an n e r—be he eith er in the m inority or th e e a sjjy ac(.ess|i,ie w iia t th e eye can see the brain Murray did nil by hand using more A tte n d C o nference m ajority. w yj niore likely rem em ber. C ertainly th e Spring- than lin o yards of thread Since Three d elegates from Ihe Spring- School d istrict 19 Is badly in debt an d th e tax e s field airport lias a prom inent location both on some of the W hite House bedrooms are high in fact too high Yet the district is m ak- th e a ir line and on th e ro u te of rail and m otor are furnished in Colonial fashion, the field post of the American Legion, ta g slow progress in paying off its indebtedness, traffic. glon, and Sid George, of Rugene, . a A K n «1/1 i rx or /v rx w ilk rY A building com posed of tim bers of im pregnated of these bags to take a hand. district com m itteem an, w ere the prin­ a a a wood, it is reported, w as erected n e a r Oslo, the cipal speakers at the gathering. N orw egian capital. HOOVER INAUGURATES A POLICY OF About W a rts STANDARD All efforts to set it afire failed. ECONOMY Record V o te r Chicago. Apr 18 (A C )—Says Karl Provided th e cost of th e process is not too Belm ont. O . Apr IS (A (’ l W illiam Already it is ap p aren t th a t P resident H oover g reat, this discovery is very valuable. It will P. Schmidt In a book recently pub G A S O L IN E will carry out ex-P resident Coolidge’s econom y m ean sa fe r hom es. It will m ean reduced insurance llsheil by the Field Museum of Natural Porterfield died here recen tly nt 91 p ro g ra m ’ ¡Hoover’s declination to spend $45.000 rates. History: "The belief that the handling Hi- had belli the d istinction o f voting a a y r r ear H ouse a i for mi a a sum m er Whit© ------- --- a - - t th - e expense . T i he ne v very e r y th o u g h t brings to m ind all kinds of of toads causes w arts Is wholly with for Ifi presidents, starting with Ahrn Lincoln and continuing to of th e G overnm ent was followed by his refu sal to posspjfijt jes ,, nut foundation. It evidently has arisen ham use th e presidential y ach t Mayflower. T h is, it strik es i i us too th a t this kind of wood has been from the sim ple analogy betw een th Herbert Hoover m ean t a saving of about $500,000 a y ear to th e know n pefo before. w artiness of toads and the existen ce B ro c k m a n Here— Le«- Brockman of G overnm ent and aking —— m -------- - 150 — officers and m en A nyw ay, so m eth in g just like it seem s to have of warts on the bands of sm all boys." W endling was n b usiness visitor In available for active duty in th e Navy. A few days used 'in th e Iuanu fac tu re of c e rta in foreign Sprlngfiehl Monday. la te r Hoover ordered th e W hite H ouse stables brands of m a tches. S T A T E M E N T O F O W N E R S H IP . A GREAT NEW GASOLINE closed and the 10 thoroughbred horses th e re sold • • • M anagem ent. C irc u la tio n , Etc., re ­ H e r e fr o m S a le m — L e o Kufoury nnd to the highest bidder. , T h e re are those in congress who would place p lu s ETHYL q uired by the A ct of Congress of Miss Mabel Flatt of Salem were gu ests : • • • a ta r iff on Philippine su g a r and cocoanut pro- August 24. 1912. nt the A. Kafoury home Sunday. v n r n OWN COMMUNITY d u c t com ing to the United S tates. T he Phllip- Of the Springfield N ew s publish«"! A PREMIUM MOTOR FUEL YOLR OW N C O M M I M l Y a*te rrl(o ry of this c o u n try. To place weekly at Springfield. Oregon for W e n d lin g People H ere— M r nnd If you w ere travelling in a foreign land, and a tariff on th e ir products, to our m ind, would be Aprl| i««t'9 « T A N D A R I) O U C O M F A N V O f C A t l f O B H l A Mrs. J M. Blakeley und Mrs Robert saw ou r s ta rry flag, you would be glad to feel th a t about th e sam e a s a tariff on C alifornia o ran g e s s ta te of Ocegon. C ounty of Lan Huys of W endllag were business von belong to Am erica, and th a t its long arm shlp[le4 to O regon. , . . visito rs In S p rin gfield S atu rd a y . reach es out to p rotect your journey ings. . personally appeared, It. R Maxey. __ u n a tio n a l a n th e m T he wind blew- so hard in A rkansas th e o th e r wbo baV|„g been duly sworn ac W henever you h e a r th e n ational a n t l i m d th a t Jt to re t he feath ere off th e chickens. We COrdlng to law. depose.« and save played, you feel a th n ll of pride, th a t you ha e - „ ¿ e e st th a t the cham bers of com m erce of W est- that he is the publisher of The a h ,r e in thto land 0« achievem ent. ‘ “ „ d u e , a to u r of A rkansas during THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS The fin e st (gasoline we have ever offered to Pacific Coast ^M otorists ‘ STANDARD ET11YL ETHYL Fine sen tim en ts these. T hey should be p aral- the w indy season for O regon m ossbacks. leled bv a sim ilarly a rd en t feeling for th e com - a • • ., J . . . . ,, m n m t, in » m o , yon „ve. Y our hom e tow-n gives you daily bread, m odem com forts, education for your children, cherished friendships. Let us love it dearly, defend it from u n fa ir criticism , and co to work fo r its welfare. • • • TA RIFF ON LUMBER R ussia has sent 4f>0 million feet of lum ber to th e United in th ------- e last few m onths. W ith a - -------- -- S ta — te ■ s — labor cost of 40 cen cents ts a day for w orker* and governm ent owned tim b er R ussia has found th a t she can com pete advantageously in this Forced cu rtailm en t in lumF r production in W est- -------------------------------------- _ h a n w r «‘P H l n n n i l t l l l v era mills average m ore t th an O 20 A > per cent annually. If th ey ran this idle tim e th en th ey would produce about as m uch m ore as is im ported in this conn- try from all sources. It is estim ated th a t W est- era mills cu rtailm en t rep re sen ts a loss to labor and industry of $186,000,000. W hat this co u n try needs is a tariff on lum ber before th ere is m ore idleness in our sawm ills. THE FUM BLE F A M IL Y Editorial Comment an(J belief, a trip1 statem ent of th - ow nership, m anagem ent etc of the aforesaid publication for the date ,;;r FOREST PLANTINGS More than a m illion two-year-old trees will he set out this spring on 2000 acres of forest area In O r e g o r a n .l W ashington by the United S ta tes forest service. Th«se plantings are not only important in th em selves, as they replace trees destroyed by fire or w asteful logging, hut because all these experim ental forest gardens are object bodied In section 111, Postal Laws and R egulations, to wit: ( "‘^ r i ' n m n a ^ V g e d m ^ an(| ‘ mnnaKPr are: H R Maxey. Springfield, Oregon, That the owner Is: II E. Maxey, Sprlngfiehl. « ^ " b o n d h o l d e r s , mort lesson .sson s in conservation. T h ese are practical dem onstrations of forestry, nnd nut (hem we sh a l, even tu ally discover how to make market ab)e tlmber a crop instead of a final catastrophe W e note that Boy Scout troops in Sothern Oregon are plantin(f trees the forest service. »•>'• p la n tin g tre e s u una n d er e r d direction ire c tio n of th e ro re s t s e rv ic e , m e . . . L . ______ • « . . ................................... . m a « .tr u u lu r . p)otg belnB marued in such a way that the young forester may watch his treeg grow W|,h hint to useful maturity. Thlg may not be a practica.l method of reforetatlon to be Keneraiiy follow ed, but the idea back of it is sound, it is a good tb|nf? to in terest th e children on the trees and their protect|on< if we hope to con serve the patrimony of forest wea]th that „hould go to their ch ildren’s children.— Port- ,anrt T elegram . gagees, and other security holders ownin|Ç' ,,r bolding 1 p«-r cent or more of , otaj am «iunt of bonds, m ortgages, or Other secu rities are: N o n e, By DUNKEL „nhscilh«-:" h è n o '.' m e thjK ,, y f(f of A Apru th Is l irth f .(h ()a p r„ n • M. 1999 9 19, Used Cars with an O.K. that Counts MORRIS CHEVROLET Co. 942 Olive Street, or USED CAR LOT 7th and Oak Streets ! ,L -r L -n U i 1V pktk rso n (My com m ission expires. June l. 1932) ■ ’ WOMAN EATS ONLY BABY FOOD 3 YEARS "For 3 years I ate only baby food, everyth in g else form ed gas. Now thanks to Adlertka. I eat everything and enjoy life.”— Mrs. M Gunn. Even the first spoonful of Adler- lka relieves gas on the stom ach and rem oves aston ish in g am ounts of old w aste m atter from the system . Makes you enjoy your m eals and sleep better No m atter w hat you have tried for your stom ach and bow«ds, Adlerlka w ill surprise you. F lanery’s Drug Store. Dress Up Your Eyes Your priceless eyes are deserv­ ing of the late st achievem ents in Optical Science. O rthogon or Soft-L ite Lenses m ounted in th e exquisitely de­ signed, hand engraved, w hite gold fram es are Optical featu res you certainly m ay be proud of. _ flleade Optometrist No 14 p Ave. West Bugere. Oregon W. R.. DAWSON Springfield, Oregon