The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 18, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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    ‘Girl on the Barge’
Local Girls in
B eautyContest
A pie social given by the members
I of the parents teachers association of
Jean Hersholt Starred in Rupert
the Chase Gardens school at the
Who is Springfield's most beautiful school house last Friday night netteil
Hughes' Story Now at
girl? Special arangements have been $12 to the treasury of the organisation
The McDonald
made with the Beauty Contest commit­ The program, which featured the
The McDonald theatre this week has tee conducting the event to be held safety movement, was presented by
g real treat for its patrons. It is show­ at the McDonald Theatre, in Eugene, the members of the parent-teachers
ing a new talking picture. “The Girt next Monday and Tuesday, whereby association, under the leadership of
on the Barge," adapted by Universal entries from Springfield will be eli­ Mrs. Dewey Ray.
from the popular story of that name by gible to enter the contest, it is an­
This afternoon the members of the
Rupert Hughes. Jean Hersholt is the nounced.
parent teachers association are going
star, with pretty Sally O'Neil and Mai.
Any local girl, between the ages of on a better homes tour of the Chase
colm MacGregor as the featured 16 and 25 years, unmarried, and with Gardens vicinity, noting modern ini
no professional experience, may reg­ provenients and attractive surround­
The story concerns a crusty and ister at the McDonald theatre box of­ ings of the homes of the district. The
dominant coal barge captain who lives fice and compete with other lame group will meet at the Cloverleaf
on his barge with his four motherless county girls on the stage of the Dnirv farm, inspecting the new equip
children, the oldest a girl in her teens, theatre, and winning the title, will rec­ ment. and will continue their tour
played by Miss O'Neil. He rules with eive three complete changes of clothes, from there.
an Iron hand. Sally turns from his an evening gown and two sport cos­
harshness to the arms of a handsome tumes, will be the proud holder of a
tugboat pilot played by MacGregor. year's pass to the McDonald, and will
This creates havoc in the barge cap­ receive many other gifts.
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
tain's life. His rage against the pilot
All expenses of the winner of the
Mr. and Mrs J. N. Endicott from
and their physical encounters make McDonald Beauty Contest will be paid
exciting drama. The story rises to a to Portland, for a four day trip, dur­ Vancouver, Washington, vlated his
stirring climax in a strong storm scene ing which she will appear on the stage brother. John Endicott, and family
in which the pilot displays extraordin- of the new Portland theatre, in com- here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Tucker who have been
*rv heroism and wins the old barge- petition with girls from all parts of
man’s admiration and forgiveness.
the state for the title of “Miss Ore­ living at Cedar Flat moved to the
• • •
gon.” She will be extensively enter­ small house on Mr. Meinlg's place, but
The fascination of India and the Far tained while in the Rose City, and will are In Eugene at present.
There was a meeting of the con­
East is convincingly injected into "The be the guest of honor at several Port
solidated telephone lines nt the Thurs­
Charlatan.” the Universal talk-film land functions.
coming Sunday to the McDonald
If she wins the title of “Miss Ore­ ton hall last Monday evening. They
theatre. Not until the very end does gon." she will be sent to the national discussed moving the lines for the
the audience withdraw from the spell contest, at Galveston, Texas, and will new McKenzie highway and estimated
of the Orient which surrounds this tu. there compete for the roles of "Miss the cost at $1100.
There was a meeting of the 22 tele­
teresting picture and that in itself Is America” and "Miss Universe." More
directorial feat of tremendous than $2.000 In gold and costumes will phone line held at the hall Wednesday
weight, for Holmes Herbert, who plays be awarded the winner of the interna­ evening. They assessed each member
of the line $15 for the expenses of •
the role of a Hindu magician is really tional title.
All contestants In the McDonald moving the line.
an American masquerading. Margaret
Jay Grant and Perry Price motored
Llvington. the woman who seeks the Beauty Contest will receive a free
a id of a fortune teller In the picture. photograph, from the Kennel-Ellis up from Corvallis Friday and spent
plays the leading feminine role. Rock- studios, upon registering, and will be the week-end at their homes here.
The Ladles' Aid society met with
liffe Fellowes. Fred Mackaye, Philo given several other "premiums.
McCullough, Anita Garvin. Cranfurd '■ The contest committee are partieu- Mrs. John Price last Thursday after- I
Kent, Rose Tapley and Dorothy Gould, larly anxious to secure several Spring. noon.
111 field girls to enter, and anyone Inter- j Mrs. Zola Slmm from Marshfield
complete the cast. The McDonald!
Beauty Contest will be a special event ested. or who knows of a local girl visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ira
of Monday and Tuesday nights during! who Is qualified to enter the Beauty Gray last week.
the showing of ‘The Charaltan”, the Pageant. Is asked to come to the Me . Tb„ e waR a demonatratlon of bpt. [
finals occurring on Tuesday night.
Donald box office, or they may phone
bomea sponaored by the
----------------------- -----
and make arrangements for early reg- the communlty Vnlon „ „ „ by Mlsg
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • • • • ........................Istration. Registrations close Monday A(nies Br,Khtham at the home of M„
♦ . afternoon, at 5 o’clock.
; Ira Gray last Wednesday. All the
♦ O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O j
women of the neighborhood were in-1
Small Fire
Fire Reported—The
Reported—The local
local fire
fire yj,ed t0 attend A covered dish dinner
Water rose in the ditch back of. Small
Brabham's so Sunday that It was over department was called Tuesdav for a wag gerTed a, noon,
th e road to the height of the running
_ °i A
Thurston high school baseball team
boards on cars as they went to Water streets. One of the outbuild-
lngs at the place burned, but the de- motored Into Springeflid last Friday
’ M ^ Bonnie Jean Tinker entertain- partment prevented the blaze from afternoon where they met defeat with
ed at^dinner Sunday noon in accord spreading,___________________________ th e S pringfield team .________________
ance with the ruling of the cooking
club division No. 3 of the 4-H clubs
Her guests were Miss Emma Olson
and Miss Evlyn Phelps.
Mr and Mrs. Badger and Mrs. Car­
penter of Idaho visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Drew over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Baker and fam-.
ily have returned to Pleasant Hill
from Washington and their children
are attending the Pleasant Hill public j
Mrs. Wiley, her son and wife, and
two children from Portland visited
Bunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
E. E. Kilpatrick. Mrs. Wiley is Mrs.
Kilpatrick's mother.
The Pleasant Hill high school base­
ball boys team defeated the Coburg
boys by a score of 9 to 0 The girls
score was in favor of Plesant Hill..
Flo.vd Manney and Dell Stutz pitched
and Gene Peebles caught for the Pleas­
ant Hill boys. Beatrice Edmunsen
pitched and Alicia Jacobs caught for
the girls.
Th» Juniors are practicing on their
play "Step on It Stan.”
Six week examinations for the
Pleasant Hill high school come Thurs­
day and Friday of this week.
Boy scout troop No. 23 met at the
high school gymnasium Monday night.
William Kelsay of Dexter, wrenched
his shoulder while playing baseball
with Crow and was unable to play in
the game with Coburg.
The interclass basketball banner
was awarded to the seniors who were
Interclass champions.
The president of the student body
appointed a committee to drag the
high school baseball diamond which is
located behind Woodman hall. Those
on the committee were William Kel­
say. Dell Stutz, and Raymond Hills.
The continued rainy weather is in­
terfering greatly with orchardists In
spraying. The apples and cherries are
waiting for a few hours of warmth toj
burst into bloom. The gooseberries
are In blossom and proper cultivation
has been held up by the weather.
Bpring planted grain is looking good
but gardens are at a standstill. Many
fanners have had peas three to four
inches high for several weeks.
Juvenile Circle to Meet—The Juven­
ile Circle of the Neighbors of Wood­
craft will meet at the W. O. W. hall
Saturday afternoon. The youngsters
will devote most of the meeting to
practice on drills for the coming con­
vention of the Neighbors of Woodcraft
which will be held In Brpingfleld June
18 and 1,9. Mrs. C. P. Eggimann will
be in charge of the drill. Mrs. W. N.
Lambert, Mrs. Walter Laxton and
Mrs. Robert Carr will have charge of
the refreshments for the meeting.
T lll'ItS D A Y , APRIL IK. 1112»
605 -6 09 W illa m e tte S tre e t
lia s m aintained an independent position from the (inn* Mr. B reier firm sta rte d in busi­
ness tw enty-five y ears ago w ith less th an $3000 capital.
I hiring this tim e o u r assets have Increased over One Million dollars ($1 ,00 0 ,00 0) by rein ­
vesting part of o u r e arn in g s e ach year.
No perm anent outside capital lias ever been employed. We have alw ays felt that we
m ust he financially Independent. We have steered clear of outside finanelul in terests
seeking to a b s o rb us. We have enjoyed alm ost unlim ited credit in both th e large hank­
ing and m erchanitile circles, due to th e fine record we have achieved.
We have used th is available banking su p p o rt too liberally - - - as. a fte r all. It is only a
’ lo an ” - - - not invested captial - - - am i m ay be w ithdraw n any tim e they see fit, on
s h o r t n o tic e .
Last year our volume.was greater than ever
Our earnings were very satisfactory
The first alternative is repugnant to our
sense of independence.
- - - yet we find ourselves now in a position
We therefore have decided to raise through
where we must “bend the knee" to “the
powers that be”, and enter into arrange­
ments unsatisfactory to us— or immediately
enough money to
pay off all obligations.
We Are Taking the Public Into Our Confidence
It is the m anly stra ig h tfo rw ard thing to do. I.arg er concerns th a n o u rs have been in a
sim ilar predicam ent. "W all S tre e t” tried to "co rn er" Ford once, you will rem em ber.
Today we are inviting you to co-operate with us by furnishing us money
in return of the extraordinary values of merchandise.
In the near future we shall offer you the opportunity of coming into our
organization as a stockholder.
The C. J. Breier Company is today a closed corporation, but our exten­
sion program calls for reorganization and more capital.
We Can Prove Real Opportunities to Investors
Now is the time
to fix up your
M odel T F ord
Starting Friday, April 19th, at 9 A.M. and Continuing
Through Tuesday, April 23rd
R igh t n ow , after w in ter lay-ups and w inter drivin g, is
th e tim e to go over you r M odel T and find ou t ju st w hat
it n eed s in the way o f rep lacem en t parts and adjustm ents.
F or a very sm all cost, you m ay be able to protect and
m ain tain you r in vestm en t in the ear and get thousands
o f m ile s o f ad d ition al service.
T o h elp you get the fu lle st use from you r ear. the
F ord M otor C om pany is still d ev o tin g a considerable,
section o f its plan ts to the m an u factu re o f M odel T parts
and w ill c o n tin u e to d o so as lo n g as they are needed
by F ord ow n ers.
T h ese parts are q u ick ly available th rou gh Ford deal*
ers in every section o f the cou n try. N ote the low prices
in the partial list given below :
P i-ton and pin
C onnecting rod
Crankshaft -
Cylinder head
8 1 .4 0
Tim e gear •
. •
. •
T im e gear cover
Crankcase -
M agneto coil assem bly .
Fly wheel .
Transm ission gear shaft
Transm ission cover .
6 .0 0
Clutch p e d a l ....................................................................
Steering gear assem bly (less wheel and bracket) •
8 .5 0
Starter drive
Generator .
B a t t e r y ............................................................
Carburetor .
Vaporizer assem bly (w ith fittings) .
9 .0 0
Rear a xle sh aft .
D ifferential drive gear .
Universal joint assembly .
Drive sh aft pinion .
Front a x le .
9 .0 0
S pindle connecting rod .
. . . . . . .
Front radius rod
Rear s p r i n g ....................................................................
6 .0 0
Radiator— less shell (1917-2.3) .
Radiator— less shell (1 9 2 3 -2 7 ) .
Hood ( 1 9 1 7 - 1 9 2 5 ) ......................................................................
6 .5 0
Hood (1 9 2 6 -2 7 ) b l a c k ..........................................................................7.00
Gasoline tank .
Front fen d ers (1 9 1 7 -1 9 2 3 ) each .
4 .0 0
Front fen d ers (1 9 2 6 -1 9 2 7 ) each .
5 .0 0
Rear fenders (1 9 2 2 -1 9 2 5 ) each .
Rear fenders (1 9 2 6 -1 9 2 7 ) each .
R unning board .
Horn (battery ty p e) .
Headlam p assem bly (1 9 1 5 -2 6 ) pair .
Touring car top (1 9 1 5 -2 5 ) com plete .
2 7 .0 0
T ouring car top (( 1 9 2 6 -2 7 ) com plete, inclndes curtains
and curtain rods ............................................................. ........
3 5.00
T h e se p rices are fo r part* o n ly , hut the ch arge fo r
labor is eq u ally low . It is h illed at a flat rate ao you may
k n ow in advance what the job w ill coat.
F ord M otor C ompany
Sold at
Including Shoes, Clothing, Ready-to-Wear
Men’s Furnishings, Piece Goods, Etc.
$5000 REWARD
Our big $1.15 Overall will go
ity you have ever had.
Our famous $19.75 Suita will
$5000.00 will be paid to anyone who can fur-1 be only
nlsh proof that C. J. Breier Co. has tolerated
any deviation from those open Instructions! .Our $1.00 Hose, Lingerie
and Shirts, only __
to Its managers, or that there is any secret
understanding between us to in any way|
bunk the public on the
will buy our big
value 49c Work 8hlrt.
discount includes
from regular prices • - - during this sale.
The greatest opportun­
chandlae— just
Our everyday prices are
low - - - can you im ­
saving an addi­
tional 1-3!!!
help you to realize the
extent of the sale.
$ 1 3 .1 7
!/3 Discount Privileges!
Instructions to Managers
| i— You are absolutely forbidden to raise
the original prices on any Item in your
2— Have all original price tags on the indi­
vidual items.
3— Every item in stock is subject to 1-3
4— No old or special merchandise is to be
5— Make It plain to everyone that we re­
serve the right to stop the sale any
time before April 23rd— If and when our
object is achieved.
Any manager violating the
spirit of these Instructions
Is subject to discharge.
Our well-known $9.90 line of
Silk Dresses will be
only .............
$ 6 .6 0
Our 85c Men's Balbrlggan
Union Suits will go for
*u,t................ 5 7c
Instead of
these for
paying 25c for
Hose, you get
Our $3.98 Men's New
Hats sell for
$ 2 .6 6
Shoes for every member of
the family sold at this spec­
ial 1-3 discount.
C. J. Breier Co. reserves the right to termin ate this very special discount offer when tho
necessary amount is raised to meet their pre sent obligations.