T ry the H o m e P r in t S hop F ir a t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-HIXTII YEAIt WEST SIDE PEOPLE OPPOSE BRIDGE FILL HPKINOEIEIJ), LANE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL IK, 1029 ALFRED MONTGOMERY REV. S. E. CHILDERS LOCAL HOTEL OWNER. ACCEPTS PASTORATE DIES SUNDAY MORNING OF EUGENE CHURCH Alfred Montgomery, 67. the pro­ Rar. H E. Childers, who haa been prietor nt the Springfield hotel, (lied pastor of the Rprlngfield Christian at his apartment at the hotel of church for the paat aeven yeara, haa Property Owners Declare Ap-i pneumonia Bunday morning nt 7:80 realgned hla poaltlon to accept a call proach will Constitute Flood i o'clock. Although Mr. Montgomery to the Eugene Christian church, taking Menace; Injunction to Be j bad b"«n ln p,,or h‘'"l,h ,Kr • »«•»■*•• the place of Rev E V. Stivers. Rev. Filed Tuesday; Mathews Goes of yeara. he hud been critically III only Childers will hold the Eugene pastor- a few daya. ate for about six months, until a per Ahead With Work. Mr. Montgomery wna one of the old manent minister can be secured by the realdenta of Wont ' PR| n"dve aona of Ian« county, lie board * Although III No successor h II v Chll I I Spr|ngfleld are preparing to petition waa born at Cottage drove February the'circuit court'for a restraining In ” • and l,rpd ,n ,hl" par’ of ,bp I yet been 'seb -cted h y \ h e N .srd o f" t7 - S.H.S. To Clash With Lebanon Hi "T h« Paopla'a Papar" A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 15 TYSON NAMES JUDGES 00383287 FOR ESSAY CONTEST ON SAFETY MOVEMENT NOW TAKING SHAPE Mr«. L. K. Page, formerly a teacher Thurston Team Overwhelmed In the Springfield schools, O. H. Jar­ by Locals in First Practice rett, auperintendent of the Springfield Game Friday I Booth-Kelly mill, and Roy Carlton, Sum of $472 50 for Development j chairman of the school board, were of Field Raised by This Morn­ Tb” Springfield high school baueball named Monday by w P Tyson, chair- ing by Finance Committee; , ,pani *aw ac,,on tor the first time this man of tbe Booth Kelly safety commlt- Building of Hangars at Field I wbp" ' laHb,'d * " b Thurston tPP and preg|dpnt the loca, 4L a„ | b,*b "rb001 ,n » Practice game on the )udgPB for thp Bafpt essay Will Begin at Once. local diamond last Friday afternoon Although no accurate box score was which Is now being sponsored by the Plans for the Immediate develop- 4L In the schools. The k e p t' ,hp 8 p r‘n« flpW boyR conte"st ends Springfield May’ ?' I ment of the new Springfield municipal ! air port are taking shape, and It Is Junction stopping the construction of <’nu»,ry practically nil of h l. life He Hprlflgflp|d rhrlB, lan (.hur,.b b(jt , |r approximately twenty runs to two for Mr. Tyson reports that the teachers expected that actual work on the bang- “ “ ' “ -------------------------- -- ' ^ P e e le d that a , all will be made soon S ^ T a a S l ^ h " ‘he Ihe fill apprese!, lo the west end of In Eugene for a number of years, In the local schools are cooperating ar8 and office at the field eaat of tha n i zin . «. . . »quad «aw service in the game. the M V Spr lu g li,.1,1 lo l.lg e , t h e work • d I" H prlngflel.1 sin c e 1919 'th Fue n n The weather, which has been very In every way possible In the essay con- ' clty will begin at least by the first of Is being continued by the A C I Mr Montgomery was married Nov Ina her .M i n ‘r 7 P «»«ruin, to say the least, since the test, and that undoubtedly a large per next week. Solicitation by the finance Mathews company of Eugene, who ember 19. IHMf, to Rosa Gaerte. Be e s un ay. beginning of the baseball season. Is cent of the students will enter essays committee of the local aviation cum­ were awarded the contract by the ¡ "hies his widow he Is survived by one In addition to his duties as pastor *♦•>! hindering the Springfield team in the contest. Material on safety : mittee had netted 8472 50 for the de­ SUte highway commission j son, Fred C. Montgomery, of Corvallis, of the Christian church here. Rev and keeping them from practice. A may be obtained by the contesU nts at ‘ velopment of the new field this mora- Mathews had men with teams at one daughter, Mrs Herbert .‘♦meed, of Childers served as a member of the conference game scheduled with Cot- the Springfield public library, and the j |ng. The solicitation will continue for work clearing the ground nn-l scraping Eugene, and six grand-children. He faculty Of the Eugene Bible Unlver tag" Grove for last Friday was can- members of the safety committee are ; several more days under the dlrec- dirt last week, and this morning was engaged In the hotel business for slty. teaching archeology, church his- celled because of uncertain weather a,so ready 1X1 ald anyone In finding ma- tlon of Floyd Flannery and W. C. 35 yeara, for many years conducting mnv,*l a power shovel onto th terlal, Mr,. Tyson said. McLagan. g.... nds. He SU(„. that he will go «b- McKensle River hotel at Vida He '"ry. and New T es,ament there Our- conditions, and the Thurston game Five different contests are being Those who subscribed to the local ahead with th,- work until ordered by ""<« Mrs Montgomery return,-I from ,n< ‘ mp bp haH t’Pen bprp ,bp at the last minute Instead membership of the Springfield church I The team will see action again Frl R P°n,o1 division three prizes of three Commerce, Dr. W. C. Rebhan, Sprtng- Th.- neli, n of the citizens of West a»d to,,k ov,,r management of the now approxim ately 450 persons be- 1 "rs from Lebanon high school on the dollar8- 81.50 and 50 cents are offered field Mill and Grain company, F. B. Springfield Is culmination of n long Springfield hotel. longing to the church, and there were Springfield diamond. As Isihanon Is • for ,hp beat papers on the subject Flannery. H. E. Maxey. W. C. Me- »Unding dispute ns to whether th< Mr Montgomery's services were but 250 when Rev Childers came here not a member of thp conference, the "w bat Safety Means to Industry.” The Lagan, Mounuin States Power com- west npprosch to the bridge should held at the Walker-Pool* chapel Tues ________ result of the game will not affect the paperR muRt b,‘ not leas than 250 nor pany. John Henderer. Dr. W. N. Dow, he of openwork trestle tvpe or s soti,I ,,ny morning at 10 30 o'clock, with ANNIJAI Ç P D I N C C l c a m , id local team’s chances for the title. more than 500 words In length. John Ketels. C. F. Eggtmann, Clark fill The state highway commission Rpv H Blom of the Springfield " NG C L E A N U P Leonard Mayfield, coach 'o f th e' "Traffic Safety" is the subject on Wheaton, Kafoury Brothers, Spring- SET FOR MAY 1, 2. AND 3; Springfield team, was well pleased ordered the fill, and the Mathews com Baptist church In charge of the ser- which the students of the Junior high fip,d Service Station, W. W. Walker, panv was nwanted the contract, begin- vices u„ wa„ hurled In the I unirei THOROUGH JOB WANTED with Ihe showing of the boys against school are writing. The same prizes W. Roof, V. J. Daniels. First Na- nlnr work nirnln lnm Tbiirnrlay, «flor ¡(m cemetery, ------- Thurston. He found that they were ara offered and the same word length I*0»®! Bank, Dr. Carl H. Phetteplace, th*» «tnnirer of high wnter hnd pnn»e<1 i ____ . Dates for the annual spring cleanup not seriously handicapped bv lack of applies as in the high school contest. Harry M Stewart Fuel company. Dr. immediately upon the beginning of has been set by the council as May 1 practice, and was able to get an ac The pupils of the fifth and sixth grades N- w Emery, Dr. W. H. Pollard. W. the work on the bridge the residents NEIGHBORS PLAN FOR 2 and 3 Importance of doing a curate line on the material from which win write on the subject “What Safety N Lon*. E G. Frese. Logan and of West Springfield prepared to take DISTRICT CONVENTION tlmroHgh job Is emphasized hv the city he hopes to build another district Means In the Home.” The same prizes OwenR- »warts and Son, Dr. E. Kester, artloi, to stop It, claiming that In HERE JUNE 18 AND 19 officials. not only for the sake of pub champion aggregation as in the first two divisions are offer- Dr. R. P. Mortensen, Commercial times of flood the solid fill will block lie health hut also for general appear- [ The probable starting line up for the and the Papers are to be from 100 Sta,e Bank- Stuart and Holverson, the waters at the west end of the | a Joint meeting of Ihe general com- ancea. Lebanon game was listed by Mayfield t0 250 words in length. ! f'ar* W/man. Wright and Song, O. H. ever* the' n r o /r t v Î Î T Î V ! ’h* pn' Pr' n,"m ,n ’ pon,m" ‘ This year Is going to be a bumper aR follows: Catcher. Cowart or F Prizes of one dollar, 50 cents, and F' B’ Han,lln' over the property In the vicinity The tee In charge of the annual d istric t1 season for tourists. Thousands of peo- Squires; pitcher. E. Squires or J ; 25 cents are offered to the children of ' W P T>8° n- Rojr w Carlton, W A. state highway engineers who ordered convention of the Neighbors of Wood- pie will motor through Springfield Lynch; first baseman. J Danner; , the first and second, and of the third TayIor> Grav s Ca8b and Ca,Ty> Casey the fill, on the other hand, state that rraft, which will be held In Spring and if. yards, alleys and vacant lots "ficond haseman. D Bettis; short stop, and fourth grades, for safety-first ° erv,ce s ,a t ’on. W. F. Walker. N. A. an openwork trestle type of approach fie|,| J„ne |R and 1». was held Tues- are unsightly then a poor Impression L. Roof or L. Mattison; third haseman. slogans of not more than ten words Rowe. I. M. Peterson, Jess Smitson, would «non becom e rioffirod with (|«v nlvht nt th* horn«* nf Mra (’ P . e . l . . . wv_. ’ ........... ............. K. R. Gile, Harry E. Chase, Alex it . * ” 1 In i’ "I* or mth . r . (>f th«» town and ta people in rotten Palmer; outfleldern T McMurrav in length. debris and would constitute the same 1 Eggtmann. Oencral plans for the hv the vlshors McMurray. Stevens, J. M. Larson, Emery Rich- I L. Lawson. R. Cole, and H. Tomseth. kind of a m enace m eeting were discussed. ardson, R. I. Burnet, P S. Kohler, R. Cleanups heretofore In Springfield j Although Mayfield expects to use L A N E C O U N T Y CHAM RFR Saturday night a mass m eeting of L A N t G U U N IY C H A M BER c Richardson. Jack Parker. Georg* Delegates (o the Springfield conven- have been very successful. It is the Ihese men at the beginning of the the people on thp west s|,1e of the MEETS HERE TONIGHT Gerlach. J. D. Lloyd. I. A. Valentina. river was held nt the Glenwood school , ,,On W,H <’om‘> ,rnm al1 par”' n( W*at | onB ,,n”’ of y««’' when the city hauls Fame. It Is probable that a number of ; C. F. Barber, Carl Olson, L. May, In West Springfield for the discussion "rn Or’,*on a" far n<»rtb a" Albany a"«l I the year's accumulation of rubbish »he other members of the squad, who The regular m eeting of the Lane Clifford Wilson, B. C. Knight, C. J. of the situation A committee of O far "°"'h aa A"blan'1 and al"° rrnm away free Citizens are asked to put baTP b«‘«>n showing up well, will get ' county chamber of commerce will be Mathes J P McMurrav .nA F Revere. R Brggs and Gworgn Plum- "’“"¿.P""’’" ¡" t^’ n’2** h ? ' 0” j " ‘bb*"h '» aa* ka "’rung boxes the call before the end of the contest. he,d Springfield in the chamber of Springfield Garage, mer were appointed to take steps to- pr 1 " ,,,t ’ " 1,1 h** and tfien place It on the curbing where The first rWgular conference game for commerce rooms tonight at 6 3 0 ' P la n s an d s n e c i f i c a t l e n . r r fh ward bringing the Issue Into court hpl'1 ,h* h,gh "cho°' It Is easily accessible to the teams. I Springfield high school will be with o'clock. The public both men and hangars at thTavlTt on fllw Revere stated yesterday that the A ’ <» bp aPM nted soon In this way a thorough cleanup can a< Eugene next Tuesday. ; women are InvUed Ing drawn by E. E. Kepner. local en­ committee had employed llownrd ,o * l,b the school board. On be made with the least amount of APrB 23. The cancelled game with gineer. The funds which are being Delegates from all parts of Lane Brownell and Charles Wlntermeler. ®n* nl*h‘ thw mnP" r"f wll> be nP“ n to >ab«r and expense Cottage Grove will be rescheduled county are expected to attend the raised will be used to pay for th« the public, with music and drllla hv later. , Eugene attorneys, to hnndle the case gathering tonight. Representatives of material used and the American Leg- of the prop, rtv owners The lawyers 'h’> J'P"nl|p Clr<'1<' nt »Prlngfleld as H|CH SCHOOL SENIORS Leonard Mayfield was elected presi­ the chambers of commerce at Flor- l° n volunteer the work of erecting say they will file H petition for a re j ,he pr,n< ,Pal ^«turea of the program ; dent of the new Lane County high ence, Junction City, Eugene. Spring- I tbe buildings. The ground at the PRESENT "THE PATSY” straining Injunction nt the opening ! The Neighbors of Woodcraft expect school athletic conference at the meet­ field. Cottage Grove, and of the Lane wi,l also be dragged and rolled. FRIDAY NIGHT AT 8 ing of the coaches heM last Saturday County Farmers union and of the ! and other improvements will be made a- salon of the Ijine county circuit ; Io ask the cooperation of the Spring- j , In the men's gymnasium on the Fnl- court nt Eugene Tuesday. If the In Held Chamber of Commerce In enter County irom time ,,m e to time. • ‘ "The Patsv n three act i. . e, ’ ounty Pomona Grange will be there i I ‘com lime, The rne Joint aviation Junction Is granted, the work will he mining the delegates during their Slav J by " r"Uy Ore,or* an<* offfce of Dr W C Rebhan the chair w ■ ■ ■ be i/’ i 1 a n v ■ ■ up <« 11 In i l l the I 61 <7 court <111111 ” <«, PS I v s II m ill w I in r t III“ < » 1114 l i t I . i / . t .v V 1 track 1 «»s l meet u v v l _ . . . work on tho colors . n<. The admission will he 50 cents for Th’ prOgram f° r the eTen,n< ,a he was n member Tuesday afternoon BAND TRAINING CLASS IS , follows: Mr. O'Harrlty ... Iaiwrence Roof . car )n wbicb she wag riding dr|ven adults, and 85 cents for children un- ' . with Rev T D. Yarns, of Oregon City, der 12 years of age. 'Vocal Solo -------- Mrs. W. K. Barnell ORGANIZED BY LANDLES Trlp n,n’y ................. Jess Sumner by Mrs. J. M. Ryan, of Eugene, col­ former pastor of the church. In charge ! Reading ------------------------ Harry Fosa --------- | The play la being directed by Miss The a«xlliary dinner committee .......... Lena an„ Franc„ lid e d with a large Transfer truck on of the services. He was assisted by » v , rev -e. ' A"drPW 1-andles. hand maater of ' Clara Wagner, the advisor of the the Pacific highway five miles south of which Is in charge of the affair to- I Rpadlng < J The young man was Sprln(rflp|d and o nkr,dge. has organ I senior class. ....... . Fay Parsons Salem. She was confined to a Salem , morrow night, met Monday night ln Instrumental music ....... Gadsby's or­ hurled In the Laurel Hill cemetery. ,7Pd a hoVR hpr„ wh((.h „„ J ------------------------------ hospital until Tuesday, returning Huntly's delicatessen to complete The students of the Springfield high chestra of Eugene. training In Instrumental music with MONEY BEING RAISED plans for the dinner. The members of home Tuesday afternoon. school, from which he graduated last the view of obtaining material for the ' Instrumental music, Murphv-Moshief The Eugene car was occupied by the committee are Mrs. M B . Huntly, June, attended the services In a body. local hand so that It may he composed FOR BOY SCOUT FUND Quartet Dorothy, Mrs. Ryan, and her son. Bob, chairman, Mrs. F. B. Hamlin, Mrs. Vocal selections. High School Quartet Arthur Potter had been employed by all of Springfield people Instead of $200 LOCAL QUOTA Mrs. Carl Clark and daughter Audrey, 1 Jack Sherman, Mrs. H. E. Maxey. the Zellerhnch Paper company In the partially of Eugene musicians. There will also be an address on hay city. He was staving with Nor- . , , J M. I^irson and H. E. Maxey chair i 7 E,,Kenp'. nnd Mra- Ed W,nnpr ”f , ^ d« « tt. Mrs. Emma Olson ROmp thpmp rP,atlve to the 4L. but the The class mee se v er y Monday night mpn , roop pomm(ttppi, N(, „ #nd Tacoma. Washington. When It was Mrs. W. Curtis, and Mrs. T. Hender- speaker had not bppn deflnltply 9elec. vnl Foss and Paul Frese, Springfield of boys who were also working In San nt 6 o'clock In the Chamber , ,, , Com­ , 12. of Sprlngfl.eld on behalf of the gen- ! *,n ’<'k b>' ,bp ,rUck 11 wns forcpd out son. ; ted. Tbe entertainment will be open merce rooms. Francisco. He wns taken suddenly - env. . ,, Mr. n VPry ,eral fund of the Lane County Council ,he ^Oa,, and in,° ,bp d,,ch' but d,d Mrs Huntly asks that the members t0 thp publlc The commRtee in charge 111 Tuesday night with an attack of ""xlous to enroll all the members pos. (>f ,hp Roy Scouts of America 'r' - not ”p»e *- 11 waR totally demolished of the Legion and of the Auxiliary 0( tbp program consists of E. May, The meningitis, nnd died at n Ran Fran­ slide In Ills clnss, nnd will arrange to quota of $200 was set for Springfield. I ^ r’ ' RjT ” "’,a1"pd a brpkp" "PRP report to her on the sale of tickets chairman. Sam Richmond and W alter cisco hospital Thursday evening. His e ' o e w o w s es o Jon u nnd approximately $100 of this had ""d s,pvpral broken ’,|bi'- Mrs. Winner as soon as possible, so that the com- I a-aa»A <