» P AGR SIX THR SPRINORW .D with long swinging steps back to the hotel. "Margharita!” She had found her way Into a lonely ; corner of the villa grounds, and. with her head resting upon her hands, she was gazing across the bine sunlit waters of the bay. Below, hidden by the thickly-growing shrubs, wus the white, dusty road, and the voice which disturbed her thoughts seemed to come from It. She pushed the white flowering rhododendrons on one side. and peered through. “Leonardo!" she exclaimed "Ia>on ardo!" "Are you alone?" he asked “Yes Ardlenne is in the house, I believe." “Then I am coming In." She looked troubled, but she could not send him nwav. He clambered ' over the low poling, and. pushing back ; the broughs of the shrubs which grew ; between them, made his way up the ' bank to her side. “Have you been away?" she asked "Yes. I have been home. Home." relief or thankfulness for her escape W H A T H A PPEN ED BEFORE: he repeated bitterly "I have wander Palermo is the scene. There an in her expression. The Englishman ed through the woods, and 1 have was no physiognomist, but he was a exile, Leonardo di Marioni. has come climbed the hills where we spent our for lore ot Adrienne Cartucclo, who little puszled. childhood. I have looked upon the old "There is no danger now. Signor­ slenes. and my heart Is broken." spurns him He meets an Englishman, Lord SL Maurice, who falls in lore ina." he said reassuringly. "To-mor­ Her eyes filled with tears Enr a with Adrienne on sight. Leonardo sees row 1 will go to the police, and I dare moment her thoughts, too. went back fcis sister Margharita. who tells him say that we shall get to the bottom of to the days when they had been chil­ his love for Adrienne is hopeless. But the whole affair dren together, and he had been her he pleads with her to arrange an ac- She shuddered, but made no reply, hero brother. How time had changed cldental meeting, to say farewell, be- walking on by their side, but a little them both, and how far apart they had tween Adrienne and him. distance apart. As for the Engllsh- drifted They could never be the same She consents. That night the Eng- man. he was in paradise. To all ln- again. She knew it quite well There lishman is informed of an attempt be- tents and purposes, he was alone with had grown up a great harrier between ing made to cary off Signorina Cartuc- Adrienne Cartucclo. listening to her them. She could not even pretend cio and Margharita. who are walking. 'ow voice, and every now and then to sympathize with him. although her by bigrands employed by a rejected stealing a glance downward Into those heart was still full of pity. suitor, on a lonely road. He rushes wonderful eyes. Just then soft and “Leonardo. I am sorry.” she whis­ to the scene, and proves able to sweet. That walk through the scented pered. "How Is It. I wonder, that all darkness, with a far-off murmur of rescue the ladies. through life you seem to have set your the sea always In their ears, was like NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY— heart upon things which are impos­ the dawning of a new era In his life. sible.” It was she who talked most, and he The two ladies looked at their pre­ "It is fate ” who listened. Yet he was very happy; server standing in the middle of the "Fate! But you are a man. and man and when they reached her villa, and road—fair and straight and tall, like a should control fate." he left them at the door, she gave him Greek god. but w'th a terrible fury "Harp I not tried?" he answered a white flower which he had found blazing in his dark blue eyes. bitterly. ‘Tell me. do I so easily re­ courage to beg for. "You are not hurt. I trust?” he May I call on you to-morrow?" he linquish my great desire? Why am I here? Because I have said to myself asked, his breath coming quickly, for ai)kpd, tren)WlK for the an9Wer he was in a towering passion. He i you wouM ,lke to yeg.. she that I will not be denied. Adrienne was not speaking to the darker of the answPred readily. "Come early If you shall be mine'" two girls at all; in fact, he was uncon­ have nothing to do. and we will give She looked at him steadily. scious of here presence. He was stand, you afternoon tea a l'Anglalse. By "We have not met. Leonardo, since ing by Adrienne Cartuccio’s side, the bye." she added, a little shyly, “is the night after the concert. Do you watching the faint color steal again there not something which you have know that we had an adventure on the wav home?” into her cheeks, and the terror dying forgotten’' "Tell me about It." he answered, out of her eyes, to be replaced by a Hp d,Tined her meaning at once far softer light. Her black lace wrap, j "Ot course, I ought to have told you looking away. "Is there anv need. Leonardo?” which she had been wearing in Span- my name!" he exclaimed hastily, A faint tinge of color stole Into his ish fashion, had fallen a little back “n ow stupid of me. It is St. Maurice olive cheek. from her head, and the moonlight was _Lord St Maurice " glpaming upon her ruddy golden hair. “You guessed then.” he said. "Tell “Lord St. Maurice! Then are you all wavy ar»>1 disarranged, throwing no{ the fortunate possessor of that me. does she know? Has she any into soft relief the outline of her slim, delightful little yacht in the harbor?" Idea?” girlish figure, her heaving bosom, and "None.” “Yes. if you mean the Pandora, she's the exquisite transparency of her com­ mine. Do you like sailing? Will you "She does not suspect me at all?” plexion. She stood there like an of­ come for a sail?" he asked eagerly. “No; she thinks that It was an ordi­ fended young queen, passionate'v “We'll talk about It to-morrow." she nary attack of robbers, and that the wrathful with the men who had dared laughed, holding out her hand. "Good, i carriage was to take up a little way to lay their coarse hands upon her. night." Into the interior, so that they might yet feel'ng all a woman's gratitude to He let her hand go. If he held It a hold us and demand a ransom. It was their preserver. Her eyes were flash­ moment longer, and a little more her own Idea; I said nothing. I feel ing like stars, an^ her brows were fl-mlv than was absolutely necessary, as though I were deceiving her, hut I bent, but as she looked in'o his fa'-» was he much to blame? cannot tell her. She would never look her expression softened Of the t*”0 “Good-inght." he said. “Goodnight. upon your face again, Leonardo.” sensations gratitude was the stronger. Signorina," he added, bowing to Mar- j “You must not tell her," he mut­ "You are not hur*?" h’ repeated. “I gharPa. "I shall come to-morrow after­ tered. “Swear that you will not!” am sorry that I 'id pot get h°re soon­ noon." She shook her head. er. before that fellow touched you." Then he turned awav, and walked I “There is no need. I am not anx­ She h»ld out h°r nnnd to him with a llttl“ Impetuous movement "Thanks to you. No Signor.” she Fa'-’ h e- eyes suddenly Piling w’th fears. ‘"Ph h -w grateful we are. arp y e not Sfsreharfta’" "Indeed, indeed we are. The Signor had saved ns from a terrible danger ” "It is nothing The fellows wpre arrant rnwards. But what was the carriage here**" He minted along the road Already the c’nm sv vehicle had become a black sn«ck In the distance, swaving beavilv from s’de to »ide from the pace at which it was being driven, and almost enveloped in a cloud of dust. Adripnne «bonk her heod Margha­ rita had turned away, with her face— buried in her bands. "I cannot imagine Perhans they were higranlrts and intended to carry ns off for a ransom." Th° Englishman shrugged his shoulders. "Odd sort of bandits." he remarked. "Why, they hadn’t, the nluck of a chicken between them, especially this ! one " He touched the postrate figure with h,« foot and the two girls shuddered. "He is—Is not dead, is her?” Mar­ gharita asked. "Not he. I shouldn't say that he was very badly hurt either," the Eng­ lishman declared, bending down and listening to his breathing. "More frightened than anything. He'll get up and be off directly we leave. You will let me see you home?" he con­ tinued, speaking to Adrienne. She looked up at him with a gleam of humor In her wet. eyes "You don’t Imagine that we should let you go and leave us here?” she said "Come Margharita.” The Englishman looked at the other girl, almost for the first time, as she came up and Joined them. Her dark eyes were full of tears and her face w a s troubled There was very little BOSCH RADIO ruzu? loti? prices your ideal in Radii T he importance of the new low prices offered you on Bosch Radio is not alone the saving in money. Here is all-ele ctric rad io th at lives up to your ideal of what radio should be—in every detail of appearance and performance. Let us demonstrate the new Bosch M o d e ls a n d t e l l y o u of th e new low prices. ious to denounce mv own brother as a would be abductor " "Margharita. I was desperate." lie cried paaalonately. "And that cursed Englishman, has become my evil genius It was a miserable chance that enabled hint to become your pre­ server." "It was a very fortunate one for you. IsH>nardo." "What do you mean?" he riled sharply. "Tell me, has he been here?" “Yes.” He seemed to calm himself with a great effort. He was on the thresh old of what he had come to know Il«> must keep cool, or she would tell hint nothing "Margharita." he said slowly, "the time Is fast coming when I shall have no more favors to ask of you Will you remember that you are my sister, and grant me a great one now." "If 1 can. Leonrdo." "It Is good. I shall not ask you anything Impossible or unreasonable Tell me the truth about Adrienne and this Englishman. Tell me how you have spent your days since this affair, and how often he has been here Then tell me what you yourself think Tell me whether she cares for him; and he for her Let me hear the whole truth, so that I may know how to act " "Leonardo," she whispered, "rem ember our watchword. 'Endurance.' I will tell you everything Is>rd HI Maurice came on the day after our adventure He stayed till evening, and we walked with him on the Marina The next day we went yachting with hint Yesterday and to-day he has spent nearly the whole of his time here. I believe thut he Is In love with Adrienne, and as for her, If she does not love him altwady. I believe that she soon will You have asked for the truth, my brother, and It Is best that you should have It. Eorglva me for the pain It must cause you " The Englishman sat quite still, hold Ing In his hand a long, curiously shaped dagger, which the first gleam of moonlight hud shown him laying nt his feet. He was no cnwatsl. but he gave a little shudder as he examined the thing, and felt Its bluelsh steel edge with his finger. It was by no means a toy weapon; It had been fashioned anil meant for use What use? Home how he felt that he hail escaped a very great danger, as he put the thing thoughtfully Into his pocket, and lean ed hack III Ills chair The shrill voices and clatter of glusses around him sounded curiously unreal In his ears By degrees he entile to himself, and leaning forward look a mutch from th e little marble table, and re lit his cigar Then for the first time, he noticed with a start that the chair opposite to him was occupied, loo, by a figure which was perfectly familiar It was a Cldllan who sat there, quietly sntok Ing a long cigarette, and with his face shaded by the open pulm of his hand Lord Ht Maurice made no sign of recognition. tin the contrary, he turned his head away, perferrlng not to he siwn Ills nerves were already highly strung, ami there seemed to him to he something ominous In this second meeting with the Hlclllan lr he could h a v e been sure o f b e in g able to do so unnntlred, he would have got up nnd gone Into the hotel ''Good-evening. Hlgnor! " Lord Ht Maurice turtle I anil looked Into the white, corpse-ltke face of the Hlclllan. It told Its own story. There was trouble Io come “Good evening, Hlgnor." he answered quietly. (TO BE CONTINUEDI Friday and Saturday, April 12th and 13th K e n n e tt’s First WE ARE LOCATED IN SPRINGFIELD TO BUILD A PERMANENT BUSINESS. TWO DAYS OUT OE EACH MONTH. THE FIRST FRIDAY AND SATURDAY A KF ER THE 10TII WILL BE DEVOTED TO DOLLAR DAY THIS WILL BE AN EVENT WE WANT THE PEOPLE OE SPRINGFIELD AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY T o LOOK EORWARD TO AS A REAL MONEY SAVING EVENT. TOWELING Linen fiinish 18-lnehes wide. Sold regular at 25c Priced for Dollar Day at 9 yards for $ 1 .0 0 GLASS TOWELING 18-in. wide sold regular at 25c yard. Priced for Dollar Day at 7 yards for $ 1 .0 0 A Beautiful Pearl NECKLACE FREE O o lla r Day w ill be s regu tar m o n th ly event w ith us. F rid a y and Saturday fo l­ low ing Pay Day w ill a l­ w ays be D o lla r Day at this store, but ju s t to m ake our F irs t D o lla r Day Doubly A ttra c tiv e we are ir ln n to Give A w ay Abso­ lu te ly F R E E a B eautifu l PEARL N E C K LA C E G enuine D eltah P r a r li th a t any lady w ould be proud to own. See them on display in our w ind ow and Don't F a ll to V is it this M ore F rid a y and S atu rd ay. M an y Item « not listed in this a d v e rtis e m e n t w ill be on d isp lay. N ecklace w ill be given aw av Saturday n ig h t at 9 o'clock. ONE LOT BOYS' DRESS SHOES AND OXFORDS Size 4 to 6. ITit•«•