I TUB SPRINGFIELD NRWR TIIURHDAY. APRIL 11. 1929 PAGE FIVE T O.S.C. Co-ed D ebaters Argue I hat Science Is Aid to Faith in God TOWN AND VICINITY V isits •< Medford— Mrs John I'ork nr left today for Mmlford whore «he will v I m II fur u few days, Back from Arizona— Mr. and Hoy Smith returned Huturday Phoenix, Atizona, where they been visiting relative» for som e Mr» from have time From W endling — Hoy linker of Visit at Salem — Mr. and Mr» Earl W etillliiK was m business visitor In Baldwin left Sunday for Salem where KprltiKlIelil over the week end they are vl»ltlng with Mr» Baldwin'» Camp Creek Man H err--A It Hardy »l»ler and brother In law, Mr. and Mr» o f < ' • Hit» C reek w a s U visitor III H p lltlg field Monday. wiiii.un Martin * I Alley Graveled— The alley hack of At Junction City— Mr». J M Lurstin Ihe Post Office and »tore building» be and Mr». Truberl Henderson visited tw een Fourth nnd Fifth streets wn» a t J uni t Ion c ity Monday afternoon. graveled Saturday morning by Street At Jaeper Sunday— Mr anil Mr» Comml»»loner O. C Thurman Robert Carr s|tenl Him lay at Ja»per v isitin g with Mr. and Mr» Huggins. Return from Rainbow — S i d n e y Ward, l-evl Neet, and lir. Carl Phette- Curtin People Here— mental fibre of the daring adventurers who seek to conqu -r It. P'n» h -s - heroic role m t tc pilot o' I' ’ ' ?’ attem pts and W arner as his navigator. Lilac Time The reproduction of war-time air battles seen In "Lilac Tim e,” First National's special production with Col­ If you insist on stylish clothes, a leen Moore nnd Gary Cooper, coming car and radio, why spend so much to the McDonald Theatre Sunday for of your time in the kitchen with a a run of 4 days, are to say the least, to bs about as thrilling as one would desire horrid old stove? and yet the most thrilling part was not W ith one of the latest electric recorded by the cam era— the part that ranges on the job you will have the cameram an took him self. Alvin K nechtel, the cameraman had surprisingly fewer hours a day to the floor of the cock-pit of his plane toil away in the kitchen. removed before taking off to follow Do you know just how bale it costs the formation of fighting planes. The leader of the squadron had been In­ to buy and use the structed to find a spot In the heavens where there were light, fluffy clouds that would form a background. He started cruising In search of them ; his companions follow ed him. and so did the cam era plane. Iti I After spveral m inutes, Knechtel looked down and noticed that they were a few thousand feet above the : 1 Pacific Ocean. K nechtel knew that lit the air battle to he reproduced had to be fought over land and thought of tell- Ing h is pilot to catch up with the leader. Perils of a Cameraman 71ie E lectric R a n g e w ith the Imagine his em barrassm ent, to put a u to m a tic " F lavor Z one" Oven. the m atter facetiously, when he no­ , 1 \ ; 4 J >1 I >1. ’’ i ' > I ” ticed his pilot struggling with his parachute, which has becom e partly only $ 7 — down - $ 7 — monthly unfastened. "Help mo with this thing before It opens and yanks m e out.” shouted thp pilot. Knpchtet would have like to have helped him better thnn anvthlng In the world, hut how could he? The floor of the plane was gone. Tf K nechtel moved from his sent he was due for a long drop. The pilot let go the "stick” and “Conquest” Depicts Dangers of Flyer« In Antarctic $ 5 .0 0 Do you drive a buggy? Then, w hy cook without electricity Wfestingnouse M ountain S tates power C ompany