The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 11, 1929, Page 4, Image 4

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Published Every Thu red ay a t
Springfield, Laae County, Oracoa, by
H. E. M A X E Y . Bdltor.
itered oe aecond clans matter, February 14, 1903 at Ute
poetofflce. Springfield, Oracoa
I year In Advance--------11.15 Three Months _
M o n th s ________ ______ |1 00 Single Copy ____
T H U R S D A Y , A P R I L I I . 1929
O. 8. C. Fraternities Build
Chip Off the Old Block
would you do If you had a sou
One sorority has Just comploled a
F rom th e bieiuinial rep o rt of th e s ta te highway
like mine?"
new building and two fraternities are
com m ission we find the following figures relative
"I'd work hard to dispose the theory
Hereafter the Springfield poet’of the
, to th e co n stru ctio n to the Springfield bride across American Legion wilt meet on the beginning construction of homes at of heredity."
second and fourth Mondays of each the campus of Oregon State College.
¡the W illam ette river:
Estimated total cost ...................... .... ft4S.009.00
Expeuded during 1927-38 ................... 104.923 80
State's share of cost ............... .....__
Expended by state to date .......... '
County's share of cost ........ ...........65 000 00
Federal Government shore of cost .. 87.168 67
Construction Engineering ...............
month, Instead of on the first and
1 third Fridays, It is belief of the mem-
i hers that aa Monday night Is freer
from other attractions than Friday a
larger attendance can lie secured.
L. V Keller of Eugene gave a short
talk before the post for Major Ecker-
son on behifif of the proposed aviation
I-awyer: "Can you tel) me If the
Orgflanlsatlnnn building are Alpha
JJsmms DeltC sorority and Phi Sigma defendant was expensively garbed T*
Itastus ta wltneea): "'D e e d she
Kappa and Tau Kappa Epsilon frat­
ernities. All three home« are of thru« was, sub Ah knows expensive garb­
story brick oonstructlon.
age when 1 seea It."
T he above figures are exclusive of th e right-of-
*nd •«•hool ’»•»r •<” »" »ni' aakwl
TEA CH ERS SHOULD BE CITIZENS OF TH EIR way which th e county bought and which will pro- ^ d o n T '. w " h X J X " r " 'com'
bably cost betw een $15,000 and $20.000 depending mnn,lPr j M
(>f ,ht. j^gton ap
T h e resolution of th e school board requiring on w hat it is finally able to salvage from excess pointed a committee consisting of M
full tim e teach ers to live in Springfield is a step '
B. lluntly. Vern Wooley and Tom j
land and buildings.
In the right direction. Too m any tea c h e rs in the
Swarts to meet with the I.lons club
and the chamber of commerce com
p a st have lived and had th e ir in terests elsew here.
mltteee In consideration of the pro- 1
T his com m unity to them w as just a place to draw
posal Monday night
a salary w'hich they spent som ew here else. They
M ajor S eagrave ra n an a u to 231 m iles an hour
The new honor roll sign board of '
took no part in th e civic life of th e com m unity and on a Florida track , and the e n tire world was thrill- the post which Is being erected on '
often none too m uch in the activities of th e school ed by th e new s of th e accom plishm ent. Som e M#ln »freet will be completed within
a short time. Commander Larson an-
beyond th e class room. We hope th e school
b o a rd ’s resolution will tend to c o rrect th is condi- ’
nouncud Monday The name« of ail
^ on
J p a r be it from us to d e tra c t from th e Im port-¡the paid up member« of the Spring
flehl post will be painted on the hoard
ance of M ajor S eag rav e's feat.
There are about sixty member» at pre­
Allied to this th e re is a n o th e r policy th a t t h e ,
school board would be wise to adhere to. T each-
^ ut ’et 118 a n a *Yze d tho ro u g h ly from the s ta n d ­ sent.
At the meeting of the Auxiliary,
in g qualifications and suitability for th e position P °int
which was held nt the same tim e,a»
being equal teach ers who m ake th eir hom es in
T h e re ’s no public highw ay w here a u to s can be that of the Legion, plan» were made
Springhld should be given th e preference over the allowed to go a t th a t speed. T h erefo re why build for « benefit dinner io be given by the
applicants com ing from th e outside.
¡expensive m otors th a b c a n n o t be used w hen built? ladle« on the evening of April 19 The
proceeds are to go
to the child vrel-
a t fare hospital The auxiliary also voted
th a t speed, th e slightest deflection In its course to change it« meeting» night to the
T h e c reatin g of a m unicipal flying field here by
being able to send it tow ard its sp e cta to rs at a second and fourth Mondays of
th e city council is a forw ard looking step and one speed of 340 feet per second,
th a t is in accord w ith the rest of the country. T he
d e p a ijm e n t of com m erce rep o rts listed nearly
1600 flying fields and under c o n stru ctio n 1000
m ore for 1929.
It is generally conceded th a t th e airplane is just
com ing into its own. As th e planes are now not
onlv being m ade safer and m ore dependable but
also cheaper in price. It is estim ated th a t m ore
th a n 2000 strictly private planes a re being flown
California alone rep o rts 800 private
ow ners of planes.
R S d a n g e r o u s e v ‘‘n t o ,o o k a t a
c a r R o in g
1 Increased speed is certain ly not a desirable im ­
provem ent in an autom obile. C ar designers should
c re a te products w inning th eir lau rels in o th er
A d vertise !
The codfish lays a million eggs
And the helpful heq lays one;
Hut the codfish doesn’t cackle
To tell us what she's done;
And so we acorn the codfish coy,
and the helpful hen we prise.
Which Indicates Io you and me
It pays to advertise.
Sure, it’s thrilling to h e a r about th is feat and
Qthers ,iRe ,t
B u* 8Uch accom plishm ents have
n othing to do w ith the progress of c a r production
— it would be a tragedy m ore th an an y th in g else
if th e ordinary m otorist w ere to be givfen the
m eans to travel any quicker th a n lie tioes now.
T he high-speed c a r is m erely an expensive sport-
m g-toy w ith no practical value, in o u r opinion.
He: Let's kiss und make up.
T here a re 6000 licensed pilots in th e U nited
• • •
She: If you'll be careful 1 won't need
S ta te s today and it is figured th a t 25,000 persons
will learn to fly this year.
Here, Too!
F rom these figures it can be seen th a t th e air-
T he editor of th e C ottage Grove Sentinel who is
Irvin S. Cobb Is said to have stated ¡
planes is progressing and while it m ay never be adm ittedly an a u th o rity on fem inine apparel has rp(,pntly tha, ,H
unfortunate that
a s com m on as the autom obile in a few years th e following editorially to say:
some of hi» best stories couldn't be
hun d red s of th o u san d s of planes will be in service,
“In the good old days of voluminous clothe« a trick to printed
and the business of teach in g people to fiy will be unmask a man in feminine apparel was to throw something
n o s ir a ll u n d e r ta k in e
Into his lap. From force of habit he would throw hls’knees
F ra te rn a l Notes
no sm all undertaking.
together, while a woman would spread her knees to take
Have you hear.l about the Scotch
W hile Some m ay think th a t on account Of the the slack out of her skirt. In these days of quarter yard man who was building a bouse and j
closeness to E ugene’s a irp o rt it m ay not be wise bobbed skirts another way In which women have surpassed telephoned to the Masonic Temple
to Start a field here, th ere will undoubtedly
be men In masculine ways'is In getting their knees together." a couple of Free Masons’
plenty of business fo r both of them . A lready i
• • •
m any C alifornia cities have m ore th an one a irp o rt j
siren stuff
and as well as m any private landing fields. Avia- ! Som e people em b arass them selves by asking
Mrs. Brown: So your husband »as
to rs say th at instead of fields being in com peti-
? ia n \ questions. For instance o u r jocular lost at se a ’
d entist climbed into a c h a ir in the local b a rb e r
Mrs Green: Yes, a bathing beauty
tion they are usually a help to one another.
shop th e o th e r d ay and th e b arb er said to him, got him
T he venture here is w ithout m uch expense to “ H ave I shaved you b e fo re ? ”
th e city and if it is successful the advertising
“No sir,” say doc, “I got them scars in F ra n ce .”
alone will be w ortlt m any tim es w hat it costs.
T he best w ay to find y our m issing kinsfolk is
T here is onlv one way out of th e social m uddle
Vice President C urtis has caused at W ashington to
by having his sister a c t as his official ho stess in
• • •
his bachelor household. Under present conditions i
w hich every wav S ecretary of S ta te Stim son rules
M ost of the w ork is done by people who a re too
on w here the vice-prsident’s sister is to sir at of- nervous to loaf.
fleial banonets th ere will be dissatisfaction. W e+
• • •
su g g est th at the vice president relieve th is e m ­
b a rra ssm e n t caused the new secretary of sta te by j If wom en had m ore sense th ere would be m ore
g e ttin g m arried.
All representatives of old line or
fraternal companies are hereb) warn­
ed against further propaganda that
rates of Modern Woodmen of America
Insurance will be rained next June at
the head camp session In Chicago
Further reports i t such statements
will be forwarded to the state Insur­
ance commissioner.
Signed, J E. FORREST, Clerk of
Tamp 5837 M. W. of A.
R. A. DENNEY. Consul.
People who talk in th eir sleep should tell the
A m an isn’t licked until he begins to com plain EATS SAUERKRAUT NOW,
tru th while aw ake.
ajiout the rules.
by Dunkel
"Now I eat even sauerkraut and
sausage and feel fine. Adlerlka ended
stomach gas and I feel 10 years young­
er."—Mrs. M. Davis.
Just ONE spoonful Adlerlka relieves
gas and that bloated feeling so that
moves old waste matter you never
thought was there. No matter what
you have tried for your stomach and
bowels, Adlerlka will surprise yon
Flanery's Drugs Store.
It’s Good For Him— and
For You, Too!
Delicious, healthful Ice cream such
aa we make build» muscle, makes anal
repairs tissue, gives you energy and
pep, refreshes and Invigorates.
Flattening? Not a hit of It.
“Ice cream Is primarily a hnalth
food." said the Health Commissioner
of Chicago recently. Our loe cream Is
produced by t h e most sanitary
methods and made of pure Ingredients
only. It Is u health food Ideal as a
"Where the Service la Different"
A trip nearby
O rient - x . ,
o r to th e
^ y o u can p la n £
i t best w ith
your local Southern Pacific agent
N o matter what your ilo tin a o o n Portland, San I'ta iu ix o ,
Chicago. New Y ork, the O rient or Luton« you ran plan
your trip at home and at leisure, without hope anJ w ithout
Consult your loral agent fo r tickets, irv c rv u io n s and all
other details of any tr ip you m ight plan
Popular Circle Trips
Greatest summer navel bargains arc offered in Southern
P atilic circle n ips to the East. First to ( ahfornia, then cast
via any of Southern Pacific'» three g n a t transcontinental
routes to your mid-west or eastern destination Return via
northern U nited States or Canadian lines. I he fare is only
slig h tly more than via other routes and you double the enjoy­
ment o f your trip.
For a ll travel information call on or phone
S o u th e rn P a c ific
it e a s y fo r y o n
to en jo y
a d v a n ta g es
Now it is easy for forward-looking people
to satisfy their desires for a finer automo­
bile. The New Pontiac Big Six makes it
possible for them to enjoy the style,
luxury and performanee of a big car with­
out paying u big car price. It enables them
to »tep up the quality of their cars without
stepping out of the low-priced field.
T r lr s s f 745 t o 9895, f . o . b . P o n t la c , M lefc., p lu s e fs liss r y r h e r f s s . f lu m p s r ^
S p r in g rnoMtrs a n ti h i v o l o r » h o ch a h tc i r l ttr i r e g u la r e q u i p m e n t e t » lljf b i
a » tr n r o i l , C h e c k P o n tia c d e liv e r e ti p r ic e » — th e y I n e lu d t lo w e s t h a n e l l l f f
c h a r g e » . G » n t r » l M o to r » T im a P a y m e n t P la n a v a ila b le • ! m i n i m u m r a t i