I THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1929 PAGE T H R K f ' T R A IN S C H E D U L I S p ringfield Sto p* From Plaaaant Hill— Mrs. POrkham / DMINISTRATOR S NOTICE waa In town from Pleaaant Hill Mon 1 IN TH E COUNTY COURT OP T U B NORTH day. 8T A T E OP OREGON IN AND FOR ------------------------------------------------- ---- I T H E COUNTY OP LANE IN P R O I No. IB at 3:64 A. M. Stop to detrain BATE. i paeMengnra from Klamath Pall and NOTICE OP PINAL SETTLEM ENT N otice la hereby given that Welby In re E state of Frank E. M iller, dft- 1 beyond. irtevens as adm inistrator of the esta te ceased. 1 No. 3 at M B P. M. of Emily F. Stevena, deceased, h a s , N otice Is hereby given that by aa Rue connections at Eugene for BI»"'* his Anal account In said estate ' order of the above named Court m ad* trains leavin g II 60 A M and 7 P. M and lh" Court of Lane C ounty.Ion March 18. 102», H. E. S lattery was SOUTH Oregon has fixed Saturday the 20 day appointed admlalnatrator of the a b o r t m o t «> ,» -4 7 n » 10:00 i entitled esta te; that all persona ow ing n o. 7 at i s . 4/ r . M. ¡o'clock In the forenoon of said day at the said esta te shall pay the No. 16 at 10:09 P. M Flag stop for i the County Courthouse In E u g en e.1 to the said H. E. Slattery, and that alt passengers to Klamath Palls and l *-*"« County, Oregon, aa the tim e and persons having claim s again st the s a lt beyond p,* p* tor 1116 bearing of said final ac E state shall present the sam e w ttk ... o , . . n . I » , “ X5f s o « - . » ' « w T . X ’ ,n w "u£ PAINTING sad K aleou tatag In all Ita NOTICI OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON PIANO FOR SA LE—s t a big earing In * ** * ** « • « ■ « « • i « « , » " ■ ' - ™ . " ' s u ¿ lis s EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE bramhaa. Reduced Prices. Roy price for quick aala to eave further line. " " i V h * * a n M l " w r tto * ®" or beforp six m onths from the date of first pub- Koch. C*U 195-J. N otice la hereby given that by vir­ expense. Pully guaranteed Aral tue of an execution and order of aule said t!me. llcatlon of th is notice which Is Marek clans. W ill take In your phonograph Dated thin 20 day of March, 1929. 21 1929 In fon-cluaure I hhuim I out of the Circuit H is Destination IN TH E COUNTY COURT OP TIIK as part paym ent and giro easy n f T 1’ p T , S T f X ^ n B' _AtfJ " ln,8tr* ^ H E. Slattery, A dm inistrator of thw Court o f the tktate of Oregon for l^ane L ittle W illie: “Mamma. Is papa go. of the E state of Emily P. S teven s, de E state of Prank E. Miller, deceased. HTATE OP OREGON FOR County, On the Jflthe day of March, term« on the balance to ault an y­ Ing to heaven when he dies?" LANK COUNTY 1029. In a ault wherein on the *HARRI8, SMITH A BRYSON, Eu 1 21 28 A 4-11-18. one. For location and full particu­ Mother: “Why, son, who put such In the Matter of the Adoption of 22nd day of March, 1020, In snld Court, lars write to C. F. Hendrick Factory gene. Oregon. Attys. for Admr. Wcatern Loan ft Building Compan? an absurd Idea Into your head?” Prank DeaCamp», a Minor. piano adjuster care of Ixigan T rans­ M 21-28. A. 4-11-18. recovered Judgment agnlnat defend NOT1GB OP 8A LE OP GOVERN* CITATION fer ft Storage Co. 2613 Pacific Aye. ant Clyde McDougall for the aum of To Prank DeaCamps: v i.it V . „ .J -------------------------------- M ENT TIM B ER, General Land Office, I E astons V isit— Mr and Mrs. Art NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON W ashington. D C , Mar. 15, 192». 11900 00, with Interest thereon at the Tacoma, Wash IN THE NAME OP THE STATE Easton and fam ily of W altervllle were EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE (N otice Is hereby given that subject to O P OREGON, You are hereby cited rate of ten per cent per annum from M.21-28. A 4-11. ■ In Springfield Monday. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the c<>nd*Uona »nd lim itations of the and required to appear In the County the mth iluy of June, 1928. »6 00 for: by virtue of an Execution and order &ct of June •- 13® Stat. 218), ae Court of the S tate of Oregon, for the continuation of abatract, »250.00 at ' So Artlstio torney fee«. 1310 02 for taxe« and aa- C ounty of la n e , at the Court Room of sale In foreclosure Issued out of the an*p“ded by ‘be act of May 17, 192» NOTICE TO CREDITORS i , . , „ ------------- aeaatncnta paid, together with Intercet Caller: Wliut a coxy little breakfast thereof, at Eugene, In the County of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ¡ U ? " «?u.r t Lane Coun‘Y- Oregon, (45 Stat. 697) and pursuant to depart* la n e , on Thuradav the 23rd day of thereon nt the rate of ten per cent per room—and the wull Is so artistically , J F Grant has be. n appointed execu : y ,°J , “7 * i229' ln a m ental regulations of April 14, 1924 nntiuin from January 1 Ith, 1929, 116 bo May, 1929, at 10 o'clock In the fore- | 2 # lh a * J a " “ ' (50 L. D. 376), the tim ber on the fol­ ! tor .' of the last will and testam ent of ! ™ '• . splutterdushed. noon of that day. then and there to , f,,r co sts of this suit, which Judgment j Herrnlna M. Grant, deceased, by the ' QFy'. 1929 _ n 8a,d Court, the Security low ing lands will be sold Apr. 29, 192», was enrolled and docketed In the . Mrs. Depew: Yes, this Is where my show cause. If any you have, why the county court of Ijjne County, Oregon 8aT ” F'’ ® Loan A ssociation, a cor- at 10 o’clock A. M at pulfilc 'auction at the United S tates land office at R o m - petition of P J Hanns snd Myrtle 11 Clerk's office of sakl Court In said George ea ts his grapefruit. All persons having claim s against said 1 _____________ . H anns to adopt Frank OesCampe ns County on the 25th day of March, 1929 , esta te are required to present them i d ndants Jessie Carllle Turnbull burg, Oregon, to the hlghect bidder a t ............... filed In this court should not be and said execution to me directed com Turabuii- ber husband, not less that the appraised value aa mandfng me In the name of the S tate l ’* '* ' J ' ‘YI’,,P ' npr d with the proper vouchers within six ?nd ,i?enry granted. months from the date of the first pub f° r J?!?, H un^red Ulffhty- shown by this notice, sale to be sub­ of Oregon. In order to sa tisfy said ; , NOTH E TO ( ((EDITORS W ITNESS, The Hon C P Barnard. llcatlon of this notice, which Is April Lpfh (9682 ° 2 *' ,<> ject to the approval of the Secretary Judgment and accruing co sts to sell J Notice Is hereby given that Rosa 8. Judge of the County Court of the 11th, 1929, to said executor at the law KP,her, y lth in terest thereon at the of the Interior. The purchase price, the following described real property. ' Earnest has been by the County Court with an additional sum o f one-fifth of S tate o f Oregon, for the County of situated In the City of Eugene, Lane I o f the State of Oregon, In and f o r , oRlc® 04 Donald doling, 860 Wiliam- rate of ten per cent per annum from one per cent thereof, being commig- la n e and the Heal of snld Court here and after October 27th. 1927. until County. Oregon, to wit 'L an e County, appointed E xecutrix of p,,p ?.,rPCl'. ™ * e2 e ' Orp* on __________ to affixed, this 27th day of March. paid, and ____ the ________ further ____ sum __ of One- sfons allow ed, m” ri t e deposited at J F. GRANT. Executor The West Fifty 150) feet of lots one the last will and testam en t of Brun- Hundred D ollars (»100.00) “as a rea tlme of 8ale- m one? to be returned If 1929 DONALD YOUNG, Attorney for (1) and two (2) In Block Twenty-one i ' l,a 11 Lovette, deceased. sonable attorneys fee herein- and for sale Ir not aPPr° ’ e 11th of April, April, 1929. 1929. ) , tue of an an -xeeu execution and order order of of sale sale Ra)d PXecution to m e directed com- . o ■or r any s State, on said prem ises. " n o day a y oi "... or n on ano ,a t e ' territory or district COUNTY. OREGON Now therefore, tn the name of lh. R»"e S. Earnest. | In foreclosure Issued out of the Circuit „landing me In the nam e of t f e State 'hereof only. Upon application o f a of Oregon. In com pliance with Executrix of the Last Will and T esta ’ ourt of the State of Oregon for T-ane Of Oregon, In order to satisfy said Qualified purchaser the tim ber on any Geo. ft Bloomer, Ululntlff. V s, Albert S tate j I 1111 ri 1111 1 f i r 1 r r *11 f * ' » n i l I f 11 < I of f I lv -iiw o ttr * sa x st* « « Tv. 'm itif v f On I w t 11 xx 9 A 4 » x a <»*>«» vs » C L • a . • - * 11 a- - _ aw _ _ _ a — _ __ ment Brunetta 11 D. I L z ovette, Dc i County, the 26the day of March, judgm ent. Interest, a tto rrey ’s * fees , »xsswMa iexal l subdivision will be offered separ- Albl, and Alhl. his wife. De­ ,... , , ’ "J1 *„ber,eln tbe ' posts of suit and accruing costs, to sell atel? before being included in any offer In order to satisfy snld Judgment and ceased fendants A. E W heeler. Attorney, 14th dav of March. 1929 In said Court. thp follow ing described real Property of a tar4 yellow fir 1430 M. dead 27th day of April. 1929. nt the hour of w ife, D efendants. recovered Judgment against defend Beginning at a point 3 98 chain« Yellow fir 500 M. T. 8 S., R. 2 E.. Se IN THE NAME OF THE STATE one o'rlock In the afternoon of said SU M M O N S an,R Erank I. Kinney and Jessie M. fjagj and 12 4B chains South of the 31 NEVi red and yellow fir OP OREGON, You are hereby re­ day at u .e Southw est front door of quired to nppear and answer the Com the County Court House tn Eugene. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE K inney for the sum of »1801 24, t o - : N orthw est corner of the Jam es Hud ' 3300M- N E U NWM red and yellow r o U N T v ° n w ? sS 2-ON FOR ™ B **ther 7 ,tb ln ,’,rest thereon at the dieston Donation I-and Claim Notiflca flr 2400 M- ,o t 1 red and Yellow fir plaint filed against you In the above Lane County, Oregon, offer for sale ( o i NTY O l LANE. rate o f ten Per cen t per annum from „ ()n No 2180, In Section 31. Township 3300 M- T 2 s • R- 5 w - 9 ec 17 SW14 en titled Court and cause on or before nnd sell for cash, at public auction 3 W egt of thp SE>4 red flr 1260 M. w hite flr 100 M, four weeks from the date of the first suhjert to redemption as provided by Elta Murphy. Plaintiff. Vs.. Jlrah E. Aprl1 4 1923 31300 for continuation ]7 South RnnaP Murphy. Defendant. of abstract. »9« 67. with interest there iampHe Meridian, and section 36 ln T 19 s •• R 5 w Sec. 15 NW14 SW% publication of this summons, and If law. all of the right, title and Interest T.. JIRAH E MCRPHY The Above ° n r",P. "J te" pPr an Tow nship 17 South Range 4 W’est of red flr 440M- S W ^ SW14 red flr 81» you fall so to nppear and answer, fot of said defendants Clvde McDongnll. nu“ 7 " " Ai?C,??er 20' 1928' fo5 .,a x es the W illam ette Meridian, said point * ' T 23 S ' R 5 w Sec 1- want thereof the plaintiff will apply I-eonard F Tlvey. Mildred 1 Tlvey. Named Defendant IN THE NAME O E T H E ST ATE OF P , 0 ’ V iT T and ” ° 25 bp,n* ,b e N orthwest corner of a cer S W * vpllo w flr »5° M. red flr 750 M. to the Court for the relief demanded nnd all persons clnlm lng by, through OREGON you are hereby required to rolled and docketed In t h T c i e ’ v « of 'a 'n T ' 1 con s'8 ,,n « "f 23 03 n° n* Of tlm ber ° n thT 8eCt,° M In his Complaint on file herein, to­ or under them or any ot them In and appear and answ er the com plaint filed flr" of saidI Court in « I d County on ^ 72" hprp,oforP convey to be sold for le ss than »7.50 per M wn for the sum of Eighty and No-100 to snld prem ises H. L. BOWN. Sheriff of I-ane County against you In lb - above entitled court , hp 15lh dav o?M ar”h 1929 and sa"d ' U ? V ?"? Harrls- foy,tbe a" d Yell®w flr and ‘be dead D ollars (»80 00) and for his costs and and cause ,,n or before lh • 25th dav of „ » „ „ . . h „ Z a. a" 9 " a, bls w lfe' ,o ,Azzle s R prns by deed yellow fir and 50 cen ts per M. for th e disbursem ents In this action, and for Oregon. April 1929 said date he'ng more than Z m“ Z ™ '’' 7 , 7 pd po""nand "* "? date Feb 20. 1889. and recorded tn white fir T. 10 S.. R. 1 E.. Sec. 2» Mar. 28 A 4-11 19 25- the further order of the Court for the four weeks from the day of the first aon In o rd e r To ^ sa ils^ .»Id I n d e n t ' 1 B° ° k V D"®4"' “ PaKe 444 ° n Fpbni’ N W * red fir 1650 M' T 13 8 ” sa le of the personal property of the publication of l | „ . Summons herein ' ,r o \: ? ,ld ¿ Ud^ : : , ,hp Dppd. Rpp«?rd8 R « W L S ? 2 ypUo_w ftr_ V 9« * ’ defendants which has been attached ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE b y the plaintiff. entered of record nnd If von fell «n , _,v a , L A Y , ' 1J,ne County, Oregon, and said point ceo This Summons Is published once IN THE COUNTY COURT OE THE , ,o appear and answ er for want there- | n L a ^ ^ o u n tv ^ O r e g ^ n ^ u /w R - * h**1"* ,dp"tical with the Southw est 29 NE% NEA4 Port Orford cedar 35» each week for four su ccessiv e weeks STATE OF OREGON IN ANO FOR " f 'be I’««ln.lfY will apply to the Court Beginning a i!th ^ N o r ih w e s t corner ' ^ " 7 ° i - IX” ’ ° f Hudd’p8'™ '8 Addl- M. yellow fir 2280 M. NW’14 NE«4 Port In the Springfield News, a weekly THE COUNTY OF I-ANE IN I'RO ‘nr 'b e relief ln her com plaint against of T rict (»-rnlvunp I’ l l In P r on -•» ' o n 10 i'-',Xpne- according to the re- Orford cedar 570 M. yellow fir 1300 M. THE CO1 N T l OF LANE IN demanded, to-w it: ' ?4rT « the ism e 1. It.O ed s n T n f C° rdPd P,a’ ,hpre° f: ,henCP Ea8t alon* S E * P° rt Orf° rd Cedar 349 M' new spaper of general circulation pub BATE. llsheii In I-ane County, Oregon, by I " L a l “." ‘. ? p platLpd and_of the North line of the tract above re- » H o w flr 530 M. dead Port Orford order uf Harold J. W ells. Justice of th e Pence for Eugene Justice District. Ij»ne County. Oregon The date of the first publication of this Summons 1» March 14. 1929 HAROLD J. WELLS, Justice of the lot April- 1929 at the hour ot Peace. L. L. RAY. Attorney for Plaintiff R esidence nnd Post Office Address: Eugene, l.nne County. Oregon. M 14 28. A. 4-11-18. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING N otice Is hereby given that the un d.-rslgne.l, I.lllliin I). Horton McClell­ and, executrix of the estate of Harriett A Horton, deceased, has tiled her final account In the County Court of I-ane County. S tate of Oregon, nnd that-A pril 15th. 1929 nt ten o'clock In the forenoon thereof atthe Court House In Eugene. Lane County. Ore­ gon, has been fixed by snld Court as the tim e and place for hearing said account nnd settlem en t thereof The d ate of first publication being March 14th, 1929 LILLIAN D. HORTOtf MCCLELL­ AND, Executrix. ALTA KING, A ttorney for Estate. M 14-21-28. A 4-11. owing the said estate shall pay the sam e to the snld 11 E Slattery; nnd that nil persons having claim s against the snld estate ahnll present them with vouchers attached to the said II E Slattery nt his law office. 717 Wiliam ette Street. Eugene, Oregon, within six m onths from the date ,p gqpi execution and order of sale nnd ,n nrdPr tn pa'isfv said Judgm ent inci„dlnR interest, attorney's fees cf)S(R of 4nlt and accruing costs. I will and »5.00 per M for the dead Port Orford cedar T 37 S R 7 W Sec 3 SWA. NE>i red and yellow fir 250 M | sugar pine 125 M. NEM S E U red and yellow fir 400 M. T. 37 S., R 8 W„ nt'i'lo an.l cntcrc.i nf record on the <’r lps»’ together with the tenem ents. ,909 af the hour of one o’clock tn the yellow pine 35 M. red and vellow flr »3rd day of March. 1929. ordering that hereditam ents and appurtenances afternoon of said day, at the South- 130 M. SW’i . NWAi sugar pine 125 M. this sum mons be published once each 'here unto belonging or In anyw ise wpst frOnt door of the Countv Court yellow pine 100 M. reel and vellow flr week for four consecutive and succès appeartalning^ House In Eugene. Lane County. Ore- 150 M. NE>4 SWAi sugar pine 75 M, ” 'j ,u .'k u J ,hp Sp7 ,n ’ flp,d Npwr- _ ‘ 0 • therefore. In the name of the jrr»n. offer for sale and sell for cash, yellow pine 80 M. red and vellow flr and that the date of the first'puhllcn ‘ !n c"m P,l'',npp wl,b at public auction, subject to redemo- 150 M. Sec 35 NEA. SEA. sugar pin« lion shall be March sth. 1929. and the ; a d i XP on, . a d °7?P,r ?f sa p and ♦’<»« as provided by law. all the right. 250 M, yellow pine 20 M. red and date o f the last publication will be on p‘ dpr ,o *"<<1 J»' CTppnt a"d title and Interest of the saM defand yellow- flr 80 M. SEA; SEA4 sugar pin« the 25th day of ........................ April. 1929 ’4 , 7 4 n ? i yn,r ' ,h; Jp’ 8p Car’" p Turnbulf and 90 M. yellow pine 50 M. red and veRow nf L u t Hpnry H Turnbull, her husband, and fir 160 M. none o f the tim ber on the»« ERANK A PE PUR. Attorney for nneh o 'c lo c k tn he 'a riern ^ n GERBER'S I Plnlqtlff. R esidence. Springfield, Ore­ d»C nt ?he 8nnt6w.«ft f r X h L » r aH PPr8ons clalm l"? by. through or section s to be sold for less than »1.25 gon. 'b ' S W^n,...irO?-t Innder 'bcm or any or either of them per M for the red and yellow fir. »3.5» WOOD SAWING the County Court H ouse ln Eugene, In and to said prem ises. Mar. 28. A. 4 11-18-25; per M for the sugar pine, and »3 0» Lane County. Oregon, offer for sale H. L. BOWN. Sheriff of L ane County ; per M for the yellow pine. T. 17 S., PHONE 8 and sell for cash, at public auction COUNTY SH ER IFF’S SALE. Mar. 28. A - 4-11-18-25; R. 6 W„ Sec. 19 SWIJ S W U red flr EXECUTION AND FORECLOSURE subject to redemption as provided by Inquire Oertier's tt rber Shop ------------------------------- 500 M. T. 2 S., R. 4 E., Sec. 35. NW% law, all of the right, title and interest N otice is hereby given that by vtr- NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE SEki red fir 820 M, red cedar 100 ¡ tue of an execution and order of sale of said defendants Frank I. Kinney, ON EXECUTION KM FORECLOSURE: hem lock 60 M. none o f the tim ber on J esse M Kinney, Mason Ehrman and 1 in foreclosure Issued out o f the Clr- N otice is hereby given that by vlr- th ese section s to be sold for less than j cull Court of I-ane County. Oregon, on Company, Archie 1-aDuke. Hazel I-a- tue of an E xecution and Order of »2.00 per M for the red fir. »1.00 per Duke. Roy A. PeeB e. Christina Beebe. the second day of April, 1929. in a suit and all nersons clalminir hv thmnc-b Sale the M for the hem lock, aim and »i.ov »1.50 per M ^alp in " Foreclosure pwrpp|v>sure Issued issued out of ot tne iieniioc«. n a n ^ o r e f ^ " - 1 C,rp’” t tbp S tate of Oregon for the red cedar. T. 38 S.. R. 7 W I wherein on the thirtieth day of March. o? under them or or anv or either o f ' Clrcult Co’lrt o f ‘be St I 1929. In said Court the Pacific Savings for ,h e County of Lane, on t h e llth day ) Sec. 11 N E \i NE>4 vellow pine 70 M, 200nl^ : “i , 22®,Jf' nnd lx>an A ssociation, a W ashington b ^ L ^ O M 'N ? S h e r iff o'f'l-ane County ° f March, 1929. In a suit w herein on 8a?ar corporation, recovered Judgment Ollies Phone 176 J Res. Phone 176 M the Sth day of March 1929. In said ' i E1* yplloa- PIpp 1°° M, sugar pin« against the defendants. W illiam IV. Oregon. Court the Pnciflc Savings and Loan 130 „rpd dr 30 ** yellow Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. Mar. 28. A. 4-11-18-25: W hite and Mary W hite, his wdfe, W. ( A ssociation, a W ashington coprora- plnp 30 M .»sugar pine 50 M. red flr General Practice, Special Attention I E Powell. C. A. Pruitt and Laura May tlon. recovered a Judgment against the 00 SF-’w yellow nine 70 M, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION to Obsthtrlca and D iseases j E’rultt, for the sum of »1048.17, and In- said Clarence S. Milne and Gladvce 8’lf,ar pl” p 1®® M, red flr 50 M. SW% FOREST EXCHANGE j terest thereon at the rate of 10% per of Children. 1748 76 with In- M ypHow 35 Eby, for the sum of «.an..«, flr J0 pine 50 N E M, ^ sugar g w ^ pine yenow ¡annum from July 1, 1928, nnd for the 018392 . First N ational Bank Building ) further sum of »7 00 nnd for the ftir- Department of the Interior, United terest at the rate of 10% from March pine 100 M. sugar pine 100 M. red flr Springfield, Oregon S tates Land Office, Roseburg, O re­ 13th. 1929. and the further sum ol 50 M. SE14 SW14 yellow pine 40 M. I ther sum of »100.00 ns reasonable nt- »7.00 for abstract and records and for pon. March 19, 1929. ¡ torney's fees, nnd for costs and dls- sugar pine 50 M, red flr 30 M. SW% | hursem ents of this suit, said execu N otice Is hereby given that on the further sum of »216.34. for taxes SW>4 yellow pine 80 M. sugar pine 15» with the interest of ] tlon to he drawn by me In the name of March 18, 1929. George Lyons, R. No. paid, together p I "‘i M, red fir 20 M, none of the tim ber on »,ñ n an“^' * m DR. W. N. DOW thp State o f Oregon, in order to sa tis­ 2. Albany. Ore., filed application No. ! ______ __ of 9100 00 „„ lb ls »«‘«rtioTi to be sold for le s s than 018392 under the Act of March 20. fnrthpr sum as » « so n a b le fy said Judgment, Interest, attorney D e n tis t attorney's fees, and for the costs and $1-°° ppr M for the red fir and »3.0» fees, costs o f suit and accruing costs, F irst N ational Bank Building ‘ fc c 7 ' i Ä 1 T Ä r! » I t u . ™tt. which W , per M for th e sugar and vellow pine. to sell the follow ing described real T. 37 S„ R. 7 W„ See. 19. SE>4 NW% Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon property, to-wit: yellAw fir 345 M, yellow pine 75 M, Office hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. B eginning at a point 40 feet south SW*4 N W *4 yellow fir 400 M, yellow Evening« by Appointm ent of the N orthw est corner of Lot One pine 60 M. T. 37 S.. R. 8 W.. Sec. 13 (1) In Rlock Two (2) of Cherry Grove SE*4 NE*4 yellow pine 60 M. red flr Addition to Eugene, Oregon, nnd run­ SE t», N^A 8*4 NE*4 S E ’i . S*4 SE*4 40 sa tisfy said Judgment, Interest, at- 40 M. sugar nine 140 M. SW*4 NE>4 ning thence South 40 feet, thence NE*4 S E ’4. SE*4 SW>4 NE>4 S>E*i.f', S E ’ i, SW*4 SEV, SE*4. S W ’ i I crihed property tow tt: 10 M. red flr 120 M. sugar pine 200 M. I'0 ' five (51 nnd the South H alf of NW*4 NW*4 vellow pine 100 M. red beginning, being a part of f-ot 1 In SEH S E ’4 SE14. See. 12. T. 15 S., R Block 2 In Cherry Grove Addition to 110 W.. W. M. wlthjn the Sluslaw T'°t four (4) in Block Two (2) In flr 80 M. sugar pine ____ 120 ___________ „ M. SE*4 NW*4 Eugene, l.nne County. Oregon. National Forest, for the timber, an - Stnuffer’s Addition to Cottage Grove, yellow- pine” 30 M. red fir 60 M. sugar Now, therefore. In the name of the ' nroxlm otelv 12 acres located within i *n Lane County. Oregon. nine 110 M SW *i N W U yellow pine S tale of Oregon, in com pliance with the W ’4 SW hl. Sec 23. NW*4 N W '. N ow - therefore In the nam e of the g0 rPd fir 20 M sugar pine 80 M said execution and order of sale, in Sec. 26. SE*4 N W 'i, Sec. 35. nnd S f!'.,fL 2 r OppRf'n' ,n cow pllnnee with y p t j S R ,j VPi,0W ptnp Sq M rf>d flr' order io sn tlsfv said .............................. Judgment, Includ NWV, NE*4. See. ..............- .................. 36. T. 1 ... S., R. S E . "*’d EYPcnflPu nnd In order to satisfy 1 20 M sugar pine 75 M, NW«4 SE*4 228 Main SI. R esidence 125 C St Ing Interest, attorney’s fees, costs nf W. M. within the Mt. Hood National sa ’d Judgment, taxes, attorn ey’s fees. ( yp]iow p|ne 20 M. red flr 200 M. sugar suit and accruing costs, I will, on Snt ¡Forest. costs of suit nnd costs of sale, on the pine 60 M. SE*4 RF*4 yellow pine 10 62 J «2 M urdav, the fourth dav of May. 1929. nt | The purpose of this notice ts to ; 20,b d«y April. 1929. at th e hour of K f. red flr 200 M. sugar pine 100 M. the hour of one o ’clock In the after allow all nersons claim ing the lauds 11 o’clock In th e afternoon on the said ' I icense cedar 10 M. SW*4 9E14 yellow Full Auto Equipment noon of sa ’d day. at the southw est ; selected, or having bona fide ohlec ' date at the S ou th w est door o f the pine 20 M. red flr 230 M, sugar p’ne 80 Lady A ssistan t front door o f the Countv Court House tlons to such application, an opnortunl Countv Court H ouse In Eugene, Ore- M. Incenso cednr 10 M. SE '4 SW*4 In Eugene, Lane Countv, Oregon, of tv to file their protests with the Reg gnu. Lane County, Oregon, offer for vellow pine 10 M. red flr 180 M. -iigar for for sale and sell for cash at public Ister nnd R eceiver o f thp United sale nnd sell for cash at pnhllp sale, pine 130 M. SW*4 SW*4 vellow pln« nuetlon, subject to redem ption ns pro S tates T and Office nt Rosehurg. Ore i subject tn redem ption ns provided hy 20 M. red flr 120 M. sugar pine 17(1 M, vlded by law. alt right, title and In-I gon. Any such protests or objections law all the right, title, nnd Interest none of the tlm ber on th ese seetlon s FRANK A. DE PUE terest to sRld defendants' and all per ¡m ust be filed In this ofTlee within of snld defendants. Clarence S MHne to he sold for lesa than »1.25 per M ATTORNEY AT LAW sons claim ing hv through or under thirty dava from the date of first nuhll and Gladyee Ehv. nnd all persons for the red nnd vellow flr, J3.R0 per them or any nr either o f them , In nnd ¡cation of this notice, which first pub claim ing hv. through, or under them M for the sugar pine. »3 00 per M for NOTARY PUBLIC to snld prem ises. Illeatlon 's March 28. 1929 or anv or eith er of them tn and to snld thè vellow pine and »1.00 per M for TT. L. BOWN. Sheriff of Lane prem ises. »h e ìn cen se cedar. WH.T.TAM 8PT.T, HAMILL A CANADAY. R egister. Sutton Springfield, Countv, Oregon. H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. Non-coal. Com m lssloner. Building Oeagpn A. 4-11-18-25 M. 2 Mar. 28 A. 4-11-18-25: Mer. 28. A. 4-11-18-95: M. 91-98. A. 4-11-11. B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y Ras. Phons 1(0 . ua, ...,s sum mons is served upon " u\ -¿»c, . » e..iy - you hv publication thtreof In TH E nnp 731 1 feet, to the North line of SPRINGFIELD N EW S a newspaper saW T™cf J W?I?,y,',One: ,’hpn, 7 of general circulation pursuant to nn a,on* . ,hp Nor'h line of said Tract 1 "P‘pr "f tbe ( Ircult Court of the State Twenty-one 301.3 feet to the place of Waker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors