T ry the Hom e P r in t Shop P irat THE SPRINGFIE TWENTY-SIXTH YEAH COUNCIL CREATES 40-Ac re Tract Near the Maple School Set Aside for Flying Field; Major G. H. Eckerson to Have Flying School Rights on Property. SPRINGFIELD, IxANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 192ft NEWS “Tbe People's Paper” A L IV I NEW SPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN NUMBER 14 Airport Support S.H.S. Playa Ball Pledged By Clubs With Grove Team Legion, Lions and Chamber of Coach Has Number of Veteran Commerce to Aid Major Players: Starting Lineup Erickson in Work Still Uncertain BOARD MEETINGS Action of Director» Pollard and Beals in Naming W. E. BuelL Principal of High School, 1« Protested by Chairman R, W. Carlton. An aviation committee of twelve The first baseball game of the sea j men, representing the American Leg- son, the weather permitting will be Ion, the Lions club, and the Chamber played tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 of (om m erce, met Monday night In I o’clock when the strong Cottage Grove the office of Dr. W C. Rebhan to con high school nine will clash with the i Springfield I n I o have mi airport by slder the development of the new Springfield boys on the locaf diamond Two stormy sessions of the school action of the city council Monday Hprlngfleld airport and flying school The game will open the new I>ane board this week has resulted In the night when a resolution * « • passed which the city council authorized at county conference, which was organ)- netting out 40 seres of land on the In­ naming of W. E. Buell, of Estacada, Its Inst meeting Those present were zed three weeks ago. and which In- Jacqueline Mortt, in Jail at Can­ dustrial alto near the Maple school | as principal of the high school and M It Huntly, Tom Bwarts, and If. E eludes Cottage Grove, Eugene, Unlver- Mi»» Mary A. Bevan, who is »aid on City, Col., i» an uoutual in- for use bn a Hying field. The field set to .claim honors as the world’s ug­ matt. This girl bandit say» »ht ba» the protesting of the legality of tho Maxey, representing the Legion, Jack slty, and Hprlngfleld high schools out I n approximately 1600 feet long liest woman, arrived in New York never In her life worn skirt», al­ Uenderer W F Walker. Dr. Rebhan. Thp 8pr,npflpId tPam baa bpen t »board election by the chairman of the board. the Leviathan. and 1200 feet wide. ways affecting trouser» and a cap and Floyd Flannery, representing the hampe rP„ tb|a „eason by , h„ ___________________ Several other teachers have also been The flying school rights on the , ons, am J < s s S e a v e y . A B. Kepner. ra|ny WPather, which has made prac- W O R K ON WEST SIDE elected to fill vacancies In the school field will he given to Major O. II BEN DORRIS ELECTED arl Olson. U K Harnell and F B t|re nparly lmpoRalhl,. PXCept for oc. WORK ON WEST SIDE Ekkerson for a period of five years ac­ system. Hamlin of the Chamber of Commerce caatena, day„ A pra(tlce „ m p achw, . ! APPROACH TO BRIDGE CHAIRMAN OF OREGON cording to an agreement authorised by The board met Monday night to con­ Dr Rebhan was elected chairman of u,p(1 for p,.1day wlth fhp Un|var. BEGAN T H IS MORNING the council after recomniendntlonN GAME COMMISSION the com m ittee ____ Freahmen, which . . . wan sider the election of a principal of tho Blty of Oregon — — were made to It by the Industrial and .Major Eckerson, of Eugene, who I n t o h a v e helped Coach Mayfield With the passing of the danger of high school. A petition with some purk committee. Major Kckerson will ' ®en Dorris, Springfield orchard promoting the airport, appeared be- to get his players lined up, was can- Dligh water, A. C. Mathews. Eugene 140 names asking for the appointment conduct a school on the properly and | 1st, was elected chairman of the Ore- fore the committee and presented his celled because of rain. During the contractor, began work again this of Oscar Gladdish, a teacher In the have ihe exclusive rights to take up 1 K„„ sta le Game Commission at the plans for hangers and runways, which paat week practice has consisted morning clearing the ground in pre- h’Bh "chool. for the position was re o IstHNcngerH for money on local triple meeting ,,f the group In Portland last ¡were discussed and approved by those principally of batting, the ground he paratlon to the beginning of the fill p,Ted by th* board. During a long The land will he maintained ns a i for the west approach of the new , Seated discussion It was voted by the Tuesday. He succeeds M A Lynch I present ( N Jam es, of Ixis A ngeles. |„ g too w et for fielding. municipal field and any airplane may board not to consider Mr. Gladdish and and take ,fl r" o h g - and <•' «edmond. who resigned from the , 8 p«'°‘ “"<> ^ ’p"d « “Jor Altbouph Mavflp,d haR pot Springfield h.ghway bridge i Kckerson, also spoke to the group en dprWpd on h)„ - s , ,arffnp __ __________. Last s summer u m m e r Mr. Mr M ai ltne 0_ f .. thp Mathews was for the Portion. Chairman Roy Carl- Individuals may maintain ships and j commission, L 11 .. I 8 - _ . . _ Ion woliee» in V. I n, mam A an 'I a - * — ¡couraglng them In the establishment game with Cottage Grove. He has a given the contract of putting In the j ,on v°Gnff In his favor and Directors hangers on the field Mr Dorris Is now the oldest mem- I of the airport, and stating that there fills on both the east and west ap- j Pollard and Dean Beals voting The council authorized the construe- her of the state Game < ommlsslon lie waa an opportunity for a great future wealth of material to choose from. proaches of the bridge. He completed aKalnst. The majority of the lettermen from lien of a line of telephone wire from wss appointed during the early pari development In the air service here ,agf yenr-a f'tx,,,, Willamette ehnmn ,he past approach some time ago, bnt : Following this the board engaged In the city hall to the Mountain States < < tthe administration of Governor j The 1 eglnn men agreed that their or lonshlp team are hack again this v es^ ! ,he a’>r”-°a<'h <”> " a* a epnpral ‘1’» ™ ! between members Power plant for the purpose of sound W alter M. 1 lerre. ami was rc-appolnt. ( „ „ i x .n o ,, w0«id take up the con and bayp # ” )n | delayed for some time because of the |and citisens present. Chairman Carl- ing the fire alarm signal at the plant - I to office under , he administration l „.ruction of the runways on the pro- ppf)flon fpr R " r™n pr„,e„.a of property owners who I ton attempted to adjourn the board The Western I’nlon telegraph poles o* Governor I. L. Patterson perty, while the I.Ions club will spon- ,)n , bp Rquad arP Hlleb powart and claimed that the solid fill on the west and went home. However, the other will be used, the company having > Mr Dorris remote that there has sor the erection of the two hangers prppman gnu|r„ catchers; Jack Dan- a,de wnu,d t‘au8e the river to rise I two directors did not consider the grantiwl permission. been great Improvement In the gnme which are to be built at first. „„„ ,______ _ _ ... Per, first baseman: Don Bettis, second higher than Is usual in times of fres­ board adjourned without motion and Guy Mie. Eugene contractor, offered field in Oregon during the past several later in the evening Mr. Beals, the Major Eckerson and E E Kepner baseman; Don Palmer, third base- hets. to resurface Main street from Second years, and he expects to see a con- spent yesterday surveying the grounds man:; Lawrence Roof, short stop; It will take approximately 11.000 senior member, took the chair and to Mill and patch the rest of the street ! ttnuallon of the Improvement during In preparation to locating the run and I.aVerne J.awson, Thaver McMur. yards of dirt and gravel to complete the two members proceeded to elect for 13200 Ills offer was referred to the next few years as well He states ways and the hangers on the new field ray and Ralph Cob" outfielders the fill, Mathews said yestrday. He Mr. Buell, principal. They also caused to street committee. An offer from that most of the friction that formerly I The aviation committee will hold Its will haul the material from both sides notice to be served on the chairman The Springfield team is without a Stein brothers of 13500 for n thicker existed between the various sports- second meeting In Dr. Rebhan's of- of the river. It will take several j that a meeting of the board would be letterman as pitcher, but John Lynch contlng was received at the last meet men s clubs of the state and the state flee tonight to further discuss the weeks to complete the approach, but held Wednesday night. and Everett Squires have been show- Ing of the council. game commission has now disappear- plan„ for the airport. It Is probable that the new bridge will , | ^t the Wednesday night m eeting Ing up well In practice. Squires has ! ed. The commission now . . . . . has assur- Several Inquiries have already been had a little more experience than b® ready f°r U8S by ”arIy " ln'n,W' Chairman Carlton filed a bill of ex- ance ,,f the w holehearted support of rw.p|vp(, from var|(U1R par,„ U np X first - C° m P,e,e' 8t 8 b8'f c^ ttons rteHar,n* that ”«rt ot th* THOMAS O. MURDOCK the Oregon Isaac Walton league, of counly conrprninK , he new airport ,» n i„ ,h P .................. ml,e w111 cut from the distance meeting went home m eeting after after he he had had went home new airport call In the game tomorrow. PASSES AT WENDLING I ,h * Multnomah Anglers club, and of and fly,n(t arhof), ______ bp eatabllabpd by between Springfield and Eugene. illegal and of no effect. He stated Other members of the baseball Thomas O. Murdock, a resident of °.’b,,r ’ ,ronr «'rit-nlza , hp maJ„r arcordln(f , 0 Dr. Rpbhan that he had a right to adjourn the squad who have been giving the letter- (Ions. meeting after he had gone home the Mareóla dlatrlct for more than Major Erkerson expects to purchase men S tir competition for their places FRED A. MATTISON DIES forty years, died at Wendllng Monday two airplanes and bring to the Spring- are Lloyd Mattison, Ralph Hughes. I AFTER LONG IL L N E S S . that ,he cha,r couW not Preserve INTERIOR DECORATION at the ng« of 45 years. order. Directors Pollard and Beals field airport as soon as the field and Jack Hewlltt. and Leonard Franz. In- i THEME OF DISCUSSION hangers are done. Mr Murdock was horn nt Central fielders and Hersey Townsend, Gilbert P fpd Austin Mattison, 57, a resident cl Jected to this being made a part of Point, Texas, Ip 1RS4 and came to Ernsting. and Donald Chase, outfield- Ot s Pr,nSfle,<1 ,or ,he Pa8t five years h-’ minutes but the chairman over­ Interior decoration, with special cm AVIATION GUIDE TO BE died Monday morning at 9:30 o’clock ruled them saying that any director Lane county when hut a small child, ers. at his home on South ’Eighth Street ‘ bad a right to protest the action of residing near Marcóla .--Ince that time. phasls on harmony and color schemes The next game after tomorrow will PAINTED ON ROOF AT the board. after an Illness of several months. He was a member of Ihe I. O. O. F. was the theme of discussion at the be held here Friday, April 19. with last meeting of the Springfield Civic Mr. Mattison was born In Wisconsin BO O TH-KELLY SAW MILL Lebanon high school. As Lebanon Is and Modern Woodmen lodgea From the action of all board mem­ club held at chamber of commerce August 27, 1871. In his early man­ bers it is apparent that there Is utter He la survived by his widow. Mrs. not a member of the league, the re­ rooms Tuesday evening Miss Lois An aviation guide sign will be paint, hood he moved to Minnesota, where lack of harmony In the school board Norn Murdock, one daughter, Mrs Shields, of the drapery department of ed on ihe roof of one of the sheds of sults of the game will not affect he was employed as a railway emgin- and that the business of the district I-lln Nell, and three sons, Raymond, the MeMorran nnd Wnshhurne stör«- ,bp Booth-K« lly Lumber company, Springfield’s standing This week-end eer before coming to Springfield. He Is not being carried on aln an orderly Thomas, and Robert, and one grand of Eugenp led the discussion with a The Springfield chamber of Com- thp coaches of the four schools In the was a member of the Methodist and dignified manner. son. all of Marcóla. talk on Interior decorntlon. Mrs. Ira merce will sponsor the work. It was league will meet In the Men's Gym­ church. Teachers elected at the Wednesday Mr Murdock s funeral was held Peterson was the chairman of the pro- announced yesterday by F. B. Ham- nasium on the University of Oregon Mr. Mattison Is survived by his night meeting subject to assignment campus to complete the organization W«slne«dav afternoon nt 2 o'clock at Krnm committee In charge of the pro- Hn. president of the Chamber, widow, Mrs. Cora Scott Mattison and were Mrs. Paul Basford for the Brat- the Woodman hall at Marcola He - A ,Hr„ ntimbe r ,hp meln. j Tbp wor)< w ||, bp dopp |p a(>rord of the conference and also to work out plans for a track meet to be held fo“r chi,<1ren' Curtis- Roland tain school. Miss Mabel Olson, and was buried In the Marcola cemetery. ,M.rR , hp organisation were present nnce with the Guggenheim Foundation some time late In the term. T? .‘ a^ or e' 8 0 w arp at home. ' ^j-ss James to the junior high school. Better homes will be the themp of Eor the Promotion of Aviation Harry ------------------------------I ” e a” ° Y three brothers, MarparPt Nuppnt, a studpnt , t NEW OFFICIALS FOR the next m eeting of the Civic club. : P- Guggenheim, the head of the found. PRIZES ANNOUNCED FOR an a?c- a e ° ' ,ssou’a- ' ,nn_ the University of Oregon, was elected Una, and Gene, of Rice Lake, Wiscon-1 p K .. . . , LIONS CLUB INSTALLED *'*,l,'h will be held at the chamber of atlon, has sent out letters to post- r r v i t u o C i v i v u u m u t u r u n --------- I commerce rooms April 23. Mrs. Ber- masters or leading citizens In all the BIRD HOUSE CONTEST «m . i- v v h i i - u i . . . . . Miss Hanson was chosen secretary. The new officers of the Springfield nice Van Vnlznh will be In charge of ; Principal cities of the country urging --------- Mr. Mattison s funeral will be held i that the towns be Identified by roof i The pr,zes wblch are being offered ' this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the ' Tbe boar<1 bas a vacancy In the posF Lions club, who were elected a w e e k J the program at that time. markings which also Indicate the i by John K e,e,s' local druggist, for the Walker-Poole chapel, with Rev. C. J. ' tl0D ,° f ath,etic coach and manual ago, were Installed at the regular direction and distance to the nearest best b,r<1 bouses built by the boy i Pike, of the Springfield Methodist | trainin?- Coach Leonard Mayfield weekly luncheon of the club Friday C H R IS TIA N CHURCH TO nlrport. The Guggenheim Foundation : "eou," of tbe Springfield troops 11 and ¡church in charge of the service. He i ha’ not slgnP<1 a contract and Prla- noon Those who were Installed were HEAR E. B U PROFESSOR has been asked by the local C ham ber!12 were announccd yesterday by Mr. , will be buried In the Laurel Hill I cipal J’ Morgan' who teaches m as. John Henilerer. president; Dr. W . _ __ t ual ,o l t training, r a in in g glon In regard to the proposed nlr and the Christian Endeavor services port nnd dying school to he establish of the three individual prizes offered . the new service of his business. It READY TO ORGANIZE In the evening nt 8:30. Rev. S. E. The old library room on Main by Mr. Ketels. The contest closes will be octagonal In shape and located ed by Major O. H. Eckerson, on the rh . „ , . .. ' htlders will preach the evening ser- street has been obtained as a club May 1. The Judges who will selecte directly In front of his station, open­ Industrial trnct nenr Springfield. The 1 The organization of the new Spring- mon, taking "Practical Christianity" room for the Juvenile Circle 162 of the best bird houses will be announ­ ing both toward the street and toward field horse-shoe club will be completed members of the committee are Dr. W an his theme. As n special number the the Neighbors of Woodcraft, It was ced later. C. Rebhan. chnlrmnn, W. Mclxignn, the drive-way of the station. Mr. Car. I tb(g week, it was announced Monday, choir will sing "Knocking With Nnll announced Monday by Mrs. C. E. Eggl- son will install a Frlgidalre refrigerh ' Sunday a group of men and boy» Floyd Flannery, and W. F. Wnlker. Plercod Hands,” with Mrs, Dnllns mann, senior guardian of the Circle. ARTHUR POTTER IS tor and an electric stove and will be WOrked at conditioning the new court» Murphy taking the solo part. The change was made necessary by Chrysanthemum Club Meet« prepared to serve all forms of con- | for the dub, between the Mountain ILL AT SAN FRANCISCO the rapid growth of the group, Mrs. fections and light lunches to his States Power company and the Wright The Chrvsnnthemum club met Inst New Juvenile» Enrolled Egglmann said. Elevent new mem- hardware store on Main street. Arthur Potter, Springfield boy who patrons. night nt the home of Dr. nnd Mrs. W Seven now members of the Juvenile I bers have been signed up during ihe Bill Gerlach and Richard Prochnow, N. Dow. The high score for Ihe Circle 162 of thp Neighbors of Wood ( PaR< week, making a total of 37 In the has been employed by the Zellerbach 500 Club Meet» Paper company at San Francisco, is Springfield high school boys, who women was won by Mrs. M. M. Peery, craft were enrolled by Mrs. C. F. Eggi- I order. The last meeting of the Circle The Springfield 500 club met Friday have been aiding in the organization and for the men by Dr. Carl Phette- ninnn. senior guardian of the Circle, I was held In the W. O. W. hall Satur- seriously ill there, acording to word received by his relatives here yester­ night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. of the club, report that they have al­ place. Dr. nnd Mrs. W. C Rebhnn nt the m eeting hold last week at the tiny bight, at which time a practice day. His mother, Mrs. S. 9. Potter, D. Larimer. The club will meet regu­ ready signed up 42 members. The of­ were r.wanled the consolation prize. W. O. W. hall. The new members of drill session was held In preparation left for Snn Francisco on the noon larly on Friday nights from now on. ficers will be elected at the first meet­ The next meeting of the club will he the Springfield gnoup are Frances Jean for the Woodcraft convention which train yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wilson held the ing, which will probably be held some­ held April 24 at the home of Mr. nnd Lloyd, I.eVerne Helen Pugh, Marlon will he held In Eugene In the nenr high score of the play. Those present time this week. The Springfield club Mrs. C. E. Kenyon. The young man had been rooming Robert Adams Jr.. Shvrl Arlan Ward- future. The next m eeting will he held were Messrs and Mesdames Wm. Dnw. expects to enter a team of its mem­ low, ThomiiR Franklin Wnrdlow, Saturday, April 20 In the new club in the bay city with Paul Frese. and son, Welby Stevens, Frank DePue, bers in competition with teams from Club to Organize Norval Foss, Springfield boys who are EJsther I.enore Wnrdlow, and Eliza­ room. also working In San Francisco. No Clifford Wilson, Lloyd Thompson, W. Eugene and other W illamette valley beth Ellen Wnrdlow. The officers of the newly-formed particulars of his illness were given C. Rebhan, Mrs. Maude Bryan, Miss towns. Books Being Catalogued Springfield Horseshoe club will he in the messages which were sent by Crystal Bryan, Mrs. W. H. Adrian and Rebekahs Elect Delegates elected and the details of organization the hosts, Mr. nnd Mrs. 1. D. Larimer. Lecture on Japan Scheduled The hooks In the Springfield public hts friends. completed Sunday morning when the Two delegates from the Springfield library are being re-catalogued and re­ Dr. J. R. W eatherhee, of Eugene, members will meet nt the club Rebeknh lodge were elected at the Anderson» Purchase Property will deliver a lecture “Beautiful classified this week by Miss Mary Teacher Omitted from List grounds between Ihe Mountain Stntes regulnr meeting Monday night to at­ Roberts, librarian, assisted by Miss The name of Miss Edna Platt. A. E. Saul of Portland has sold his Japan” before tho regular monthly Power company office and tho Wright tend the state nssemlily of the organi­ Mnitrlne Lombard of the high school teacher of Ihe fourth grade at the Lin­ property In Stewart's Addition, con­ meeting of tho Methodist Brother­ Hardware store. Approximately fifty zation, which will be held nt Medford nnd her Junior English class. The clnss coln school, was unlntentolnally omit­ sisting of two acres with a house and hood In the church basement Monday men and hoys have been signed up as May 17. Mrs. Estelle F’lndley nnd Is doing the work as one of (ts projects. ted from the list of teachers re-elected out-buildings, to Mr. and Mrs. C. W. evening. He will illustrate his talk members of the club. Plans for a Mrs. Genevieve Txutk were chosen to The cataloguing began Tuesday nnd by the school honrd and published In Anderson of W est Springfield. Mr. with colored lantern slides. The round-rohln tournament to decide the go to Medford, nnd Mrs. Alice Doane probably will be completed Friday last week's issue of the News. Miss and Mrs. Anderson have sold their Brotherhood will hold a dinner, begin­ club chnmplons will probably lie dls- nnd Mrs. Katie Brummetts were morning. There are now about 3000 Platt will teach In the Lincoln school property In West Springfield and will ning at 6:4B, followed by a short bu»F xURsed at that time. elected as alternates. ness meeting, before the lecture. volumes In the Springfield library. again next year. move into their new home at once.