I THPKHPAV, APRIL 4. 1929 TUB R B R IN O F ÎE L D NBW B PACE FIVE EUGENE GIFT CAMPAIGN GOES OVER THE TOP. NEW MUSEUM TO BE BUILT j said to be one of the largest collec­ tions of Oriental art in the United i Statea. It was given to the University of Oregon by Mrs. Murray Warner, of Eugene, who collected It during her By raising »40,000 In one day, the many years In Asia Only a small part I nlvwrsltv of Oregon »150.000 gift of It Is now on display In the Woman’« campaign which had been conducted building, but the entire collection will In Eugene during the past year, went be on exhibition In the new bulM tn. over the top Monday. A total o f , »153,25250 was subscribed, according M i c e R c n T U i to J H. Koke, chairman of the drive. M'SS BERTHA MANNING Se grave Clinches Motor Boat Title TOWN AND VICINITY III with M am in — Francis J.-mi Hare from Fall Creek— Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 1« <-onfln«-t| to her home with mi Wilbur Wlmfrey o f Fall Creek spent U< tUlter Carter were 1 Hnn. city attorney, and Mrs. Peterson —pale creamy peach for the back­ In Springfield from the McKenzie visited In Portland last week-end ground of the chiffon; deeper tones trout hatchery Wedneaday, Here from Dexter—It. E. Bricker, for the flower motif In self-colors. Brings Seed Potatoes—Mr Detrlng. resident of Dexter. was In Springfield The trailing flounces of tulle which almost form a train are In matching Harrisburg farmer, brought a Io«,I of „„ boniness Monday, shades of peach—and the whole Is seed potatoes to Springfield Wedncs- I day morning. Thurston Man Hera— la,e Davis, a delightful. I resident of Thurston, was a visitor In A new Molyneux mwdel combines B a ck fro m D illa r d — l l l l l l e K n o x r , 'K p r ln g fle ld Wednesday black net In tlrred effect with borders turned to Springfield Wednesday from o f deep cream-colored lace. Never waa Dillard, where he had been visiting Misa Larson Here— Miss Maude «4 lair- the evening more I« v ’ a a .e a R l mode u m ie •<■<71 TV 1 feminine—so Ft U I I I I I 11 T?— ’ son of Donna visited In • pr ng t 1 I one cgn jjnr(j|y err ,n for aeveral days. direction. Wednesday. Hara from Lost Creak—John Mill- Molded to Figure Modes Mayor at Portland—Mayor C. O. lorn of the Ixist Creek Ranch was a Through the variations of line for returned last night from a .. business vlaltor In Springfield Wed . Wilson . , , . . ¡the evening gown rune one noticeable business trip to Portland. !.. neaday morning | theme—the modified princess allhon- Vlaltora Wednesday—E H. Hulse «” « which Is achieved In different Bprlnd Bunday Hara— Mr and Mrs. l*addock of --------- Route -- 2 ; wa’n" for ««cl» daalgn A. J. Kaiser of Junction City visited and Mrs. Charles --------------------------- In Springfield Sunday at the home of wor" ♦'••‘»ra In Springfield Wed n es Sometimes th* form-fitting effect is J a c ke t Costume V e rs a tile day. B C. Stuart. brought about by merely gathering To those who must make one cos­ Vielt at Shedd—Mr. and Mrs. Riley superfloua fullness at the sides on Mrs. Catrow Hara — Mrs. Jess Maxine. , thp hip; again through the use of the tume serve many needs the little Catrow of Bandon spent Easter In j , Snodgrass and daughter. — Springfield visiting at the home of ' ,[l''nt K ,,,l'r v l,l,ln g "l t,"> *l«x 9n