T H 1 SPIUHOrULD NWWB TIIUIIHDAY. APRIL I. 192!» PAGE THREW From J««p«r— He w llttlc Pnntiua of / DMINI8TRATOR 8 NOTICE Jasper was here on b u sin ess Monday IN TH E COUNTY COURT OF T U B -------------------------------- STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR NOTICE O F FINAL SETTLEM ENT r ,,E COUNTY OF LANE IN P R O N otice la hereby given that W elby ,„ HA T5 , _ . _ Steven« aa adm inistrator of the c«tate ,n re fcalate of Frank E- M lller- d* ceased. of Emily F Steven«, decea«ed, ha« Died hi« Anal account in «aid e s t a t e ! N otice Is hereby given that by an of the above named Court made ■ nd the County Court of la n e County, , order „ Oregon has fixed Saturday the 20 day ''“ J“ ‘ 7 * 18' ? ? ’ • ,H A S * ! ? * 7 ¿ 2 ! of April, 1929 1929 at at the hour of of 10 90 aL ; ° 7 ? d. ;bd.‘n 0 ,0 ab?T? the hour 10:00 „ . ^ , . " . . l" . k ! e 7 ^ ^ ,, r ‘ha? ow ln< o’clock in the forenoon of said day at | ty ’ C ou ou rin rth o ouse In E ugene. d “ ¿ * ‘p the ’ County in at i/i a d o vg u»i. — * _ > •>unry o u s ne ic i . u i* ,, P j L“ne C oun,F. Oregon, as the tftne and to the said H. E. Slattery, and that a ll to Klamath Falla and place for the hearing of *aul final a«*- persons having claim s against the «aid E state sh all present the sam e wltk beyond. count. Bus connections at E ugene for All persons having objections to 'rf>u< her* • tt* < h*d to the said H B, PAINTING usd KalaiMiitning in all Its NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON FDR HALE— Fine full sized lot on trains leavlria 11 45 A m >1» ,, Anal account are notified to pres Slattery, at his law jjfflce, 717 W iliam- ns H aving II 45 A. M via Siskiyou ent th Street graded and rocked. $265 00, I ue of uti execution and order of Male ---- -------------------------- - Dated this 20 day of March, 1929. M otion of this notice which la Marek Term s.. T elephone 121-M. In foreclosure Issued out of the Circuit ____ WELBY STEV ENS. A dm inistrator 21- I929 IN TH E COUNTY COURT OF THE Court of the l+tule of Oregon for Lam- NOTICE TO CREDITORS of the E state of Emily F S teven s, de H E Slattery, A dm inistrator of the STATE OF OREGON FOR County, On the 36the day of March, j E state of Frank E. Mlller, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That ceased. I ’I a N D FOR HALE — at a big saving In 1929, III a suit wherein on the LANE COUNTY M 2J-28. A 4-11-18. . , . . . . - u the undersigned, has by the County HARRIS. 8M1TH A BRYSON. Eu. price for quick sale to save further Court of the S tate of Oregon for the gene, Oregon. Attys. for Artmr, In the Matter of Ihe Adoption of 12nd duy of March, 1929, In said Court. W estern ixian A llulldlng Company ' expense Frank OesCanipe, a Minor. Fully guaranteed first County of I^ n e, been duly appointed M 21 28. A. 4-11-18. NOTICE OF SA LE OF GOVERN- recovered judgment against defend- | CITATION class. Will take In your phonograph Administrator of the esta te of _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _______ MENT TIMBER, General Land Office, ant Clyde McDougall for the sum of To Frunk DesCamps as part paym ent and give easy Fra"k M Vernon, deceased and has NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON W ashington, D. C„ Mar. 15, 192». IN THE NAME OF THE STATE 91900 on, with Interest thereon at the _______ ___________________ __ N otice 1« hereby given that subject to term s on .h e balance to suit any- ‘' " i V E ™ “a ‘ , EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE rate of ten per cen t-p er annum from aNOTICB rn HRKEBY’ o iV E ii^ th a t the con<,ltlon" ann the 23rd day of March 1929, In a rrJ,en ^a ^ regulation« of April 14, 1924 fer A Storage Co. 2813 Pacific Ave. thereon at the rale of ten per cent per lam e, on Thursday Ihe 23rd day of I«ane County, Oregon, on or before «ix «ult, w herein, on the 29th day of Janu- 376), the tim ber on the fol- annum from Jaiuiury 11th. 1929. $15 hu Tacoma, Wash. May, 1929. at 10 o'clock In Ihe fore­ months from the date of this notice ary, 1929 in said Covrt, the Security 'owJ n6 J a o d s will be sold Apr. 29, 192», for co sts of this suit, which Judgment i noon of that day. then and there to M.31-28. A 4-11. Dated this 5th dav o f March, 1929 Savings A I-oan A ssociation, a cor- a? Public auction at show cause. If any you have, why the was enrolled and docketed In the FRANK E. BLAIR. Administrator. 1 poratlorf! recovered Judgment against , * United S tates land office at Rosa. Clerk’s office iif said Court lu said , petition of I* J Hann« and Myrtle II. County on Ihe 25th iliay of March. 19!9 FRANK A. DE PUE( Attorney for 'he defendants Jessie Uarlile Turnbull burK: Ore otherw ise pat- 1929 ™ um of T w enty Three "nt w111 ",8Ue for the tlmbCT' 11) an within ten years 1922, (42 Slat . 465) to exchange the m 9 n% ° na , \ % r t whedr e V f on a7hh/ r^ llars By KVA I. DUCKWORTH, Deputy. (2 1 1 In College lllll Park, an addition Lot 5, Het 7; I-ota 9. 10. A N i4 NE% to Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, to­ 1929. in a suit w herein on the i thereon E hp Bids will be received from citizen s of Mar 28. A 4 11 IS gether with the tenem ents, heredlta NW% N W K , Sec. 18, Tp. 15 8.. R 9 14th day of March. 1929, In said C ou rt,' r annum from and after ,7 24th ’he United S tates, association s of such m ents nnd appurtenances thereunto N W ’4 NAVt4 IMS14, S*4 W estern Loan A Building Company , , p-,.),ruar.. 1So8 . d the costs anrt corporations organized SU M M O N S i N W , S E '4 , SW«4 NW '4 SE '4, recovered judgm ent against defend ; J i - b X ““ elits of' tWs suiL and under the law " ° f lnP S ta te , belonging, ami the heating, plumbing txecu,T on to m e directed com ' or any S ,a te ' territory or d istrict IN T H E JUSTICE COURT, EUGENE nnd lighting facilities, and fixtures up­ NE' N F «4 NW 14 S E '4 , N84 NE'» ants Frank I. Kinney and J essie M 2*- . 7 m a U n g ^ ^ ^ ^ th ereof only Upon applitmtio-, of a JU STICE DISTRICT, LANE NVi 814 N E 'I S E '4 . HU SE'A ^ . " ¿ 7 on said prem ises. COUNTY, OREGON Now. therefore, In the name of ihe Geo It Bloom er, Plaintiff. V s . Albert Rtnte of Oregon. In com pliance with Albl, and Albl, his wife, De­ said execution nnd order of sa le ami In order to satisfy »aid Judgment and fendants. M within the Bluslaw on at the rate of ten per cent per an- . costs, I will on Saturday, the 10 W Ü., w ... ----- „ .............. 23 SW54 SW '4 yellow ... fir 1430 M, dead To Albert Albl nnd Albl, his i accruing 27th day of April. 1929. nt the hour of National Forest, for the tim ber am num from October 20, 1928, for taxes to-wit: R -_ .n nln^ <>> a i ao vellow fir 600 M, T. 8 S., R. 2 E , Se w ife, D efendants one o'rlock In the afternoon of aid proxRnstelv 12 acres located within paid. $200 00 attorney fees, and $20.25 n J ., Jo.»r2' .2 31 NW>4 NEV, red and yellow flr IN THE NAME OF THE STATE costs of suit, which judgm ent was en ^ r ih w e s t S°iU,h V ; at m e Southw est front door of , 'b e W 1^ SW A,, S ee 23, NW>4 NW'4 OF OREGON. You nre hereby re­ day _ •«11, .$ .„-i j $_ .V- > -Northwest corner of the Jam es Hud- 3300M, NE*4 NWA4 red and yellow Î?1 r 7 , . a^ quired Io appear and answ er Ihe Com the County Court House In Eugene. S**- 28. S E ', NW*4, Sec. 35, and rolled and docketed In the Clerk's of- dleston Donation r.and Claim. Notifica E ',. Sec. 26. ■gon, offer for »ah sale 1 n H , N M".'« 36, T. T 1 S . R 8 E . flee of said Court In said County o n » ., J* 3300 M. T. 2 S.. R. 5 W.. Sec. 17 SW>4 plaint tiled against you In the above L sne Countv. Oregon, at public auction W M within the Mt. Hood N ational the 15th day of March. 1929. and said 8‘outh' Ran “ , W e,(3 o / t h ^ w n S E i» red flr 12fi0 M" w h,tf‘ flr 100 entitled Court and cause on or before and sell for cash Hon as provided hv ,H .rest. execution to me directed com m anding ame u “ MeOdian ami s^ act on 26 T 19 S - R 5 W . Sec. 15 NWV, 8W% four week« from Ihe date of tile first subject to redemption --------- ----------- 11T h* P»n>-' South R a n « ’i W aif I f rPd fir 440M' SWV< S W ^ rpd ftr 810 The purpose e Of of this notice is Is fo to 1 me In the name of o f the S tate of Ore- Ore publication of Ibis sum mons, und If law, all of the right, title and Interest I allow all per-ons claim ing the lands gon. in.order to satisfy said Judgment , hp M erm an saH nolnt M' T 21 S " R 5 W S ec ’ • you full ao to appear and answ er, fo» of snhl defendants Clvde McDougall, selected, or having bona fide objec- and accruing costs to se ll the follow " h ? 7 " ' J’a 'd P” ' , SW>4 vellow flr 960 M. red flr 750 M. . _ _ ____ _______ ______ want thereof the plaintiff will apply Leonard F. T lvey. Mildred I T lvey. being the N orthw est coin er of a cer to the Court for the relief demanded nnd all persons claim ing by, through Hons to such application, an opportunl- Ing described real property, situated tain tract of land con sistin g o f 23.08 none of the timber on th ese sectio n s or under them nr any of them In and ty to file their protests with the R eg­ In Ij»ne County, Oregon, to-wlt In h is Complaint on Hie herein, to- acres more or less, heretofore convey- ,o be sold for less than $1.50 per S f ister and R eceiver of the United Beginning at the N orthw est corner ed by T. W. Harris and Laura Harris. f ° r *be red and yellow fir and the dead w lt: for Ihe slim of Eighty anil No-100 Io snld prem ises S tates Land Office at Roseburg, Ore H b. BOWN. Sheriff of Lane County of Tract twenty-one (21) In Prospect Dollara ($8000) and for hla coats and 8 ta Any sach p rotests or objections Park, as .h e sam e I. platted and of h,s wlfp' to L,zzlp s - * *'p«d yellow fir and 50 cen ts per M. for th e disbursem ents In this action, nnd for Oregon must be filed In this office within record In the office of tl.e County Re- NW>4 n W rid fir' K b J M V * n ? Mnr. ÎR A 4-11 18 245 : the further order of the Court for the thirty days from the date of first publl- eorder of M n e County. Oregon, run- V W " J . R 6 W 19 L 2 v ! l^ w Or 119« M sale of the personal property of the cation of th is notice, which first pub-4 ning thence South along the W est line 7 1889, the Deed Rf cords of R'- - • S ec- 19 >ot 2 Fellow fir 1196 M, defendants which has been attached of * said Eane County. Oregon, and said point ‘ red flr 1962 M, T. 29 S.. R. 9 W.. Sec. llcatlon is March 28, 1929. " ~ Tract Twenty one.1 3 1 4 J r ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE by the plnlntlff. HAMILL A, CANADAY. R egister. T his Sum m ons Is published once IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Non-coal. with the North line of said Tract p”rnPr of Huddleston s Addi- M. vellow flr 2280 M. NW«4 NE>4 Port each w eek for four su ccessiv e weeks STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR Tw entv-one 301.3 f— »- . t h e e „ n „ c „ e „ t,on Eugene, according to the re- Orford cedar 570 M. yellow flr 1300 M, feet " on to Ku*p,,e- Mar. 28 A 4 11-18-25: In the Sprlngfleld N ews, a weekly THE COUNTY OF LANE IN PRO­ » nn’raiioi corded plat thereof; thence East along S E 1« NE*4 Port Orford cedar 340 M. North on a line new spaper of general circulation pub on a line parallel with thp North line of the tract above re” Fellow fir 530 M. dead Port Orford BATE the East lin e of said Tract Twentv- ferred to 302 feet; thence South 64, cedar 40 M. NE*4 VW*4 Port Orfoftf' SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Untied In I-ane County. Oregon, by In re E state of WllllHm Jephcott, d e­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TU order e f Harold J W ells, Ju stice of the Peace for Eugene Justice D istrict. ceased. N otice Is hereby given that by an Ijin e County, Oregon. The date of the first publication of this Summons order of Ihe above named Court made on March 19. 1929. H E. Slattery was Is March 14. 1929 HAROLD J W ELLS, Ju stice of the duly appointed Io act as the adm in­ istrator of the E state of W illiam Peace. a . • — * *'v n e ir s , . . ........ deceased: that all persons I. L RAY. A ttorney for Plnlntlff. R esid en ce and Post Office Address: Eugene, Lane County. Oregon. M. 14 28. A. 4 11-18. GET RESULTS .BUYING 02 SHUNS NOTKUI OF FINAL HEARING N otice Is hereby given that the un derslgned, I,Ulliin D Horton McClell­ and. executrix of the esta te of Harriett A Horton, deceased, has tiled her final account in the County Court of Ijin e County, S tale of Oregon, ami that April 16th, 1929 nt ten o'clock In the forenoon thereof n llh e Court H ouse In Eugene, I.ano County, Ore­ gon, hns been fixed hv said Court a« the lim e and place for hcnrlng said account nnd «cillem en t thereof The d a le of first publication being March 14th, 1929 LILLIAN D HORTON MCCLELL­ AND, Executrix. ALTA KING, Attorney for Estate. M 14 21 28. A 4-11. t B U S I N E S S M 21 28 4 1118. GERBER'S WOOD SAWING PHONE 8 Inquire Gerber's Barber Shop D IR E C T O R Y TRAIN SCHEDULE Springfield 8tope NORTH No. 1« at 3:64 A. M. Slop to detrain pHHH«ngers from Klamath Fall and beyond. No. 8 at 3:46 P. M. H uh connections at Eugene foi train« leaving 11:50 A M. and 7 P, M SOUTH No. 7 at 12:47 P. M u c ia u y required yellow pine 20 M. red and , - vellnw nm SU? r ?,’M ,a i. L * " \®a fip n?np thp » mher on th ese « r « r .a “ a 7 ’enS h«" ¿ 7 -a >P 7 ’ H nor M r 7 < a f P'.n e' ai d , t 3 a* per_M_foi"_the yellow pine. T. 17 S., R 6 W . S ec 19 SW '4 SW '4 red flr 500 M, T. 2 S„ R 4 E.. Sec. 35, NW«4 SE*4 red fir 820 M, red cedar 100 M. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE hemlock 60 M. none of the timber on N otice is hereby given that by vir- ,heRe section ’' to be sold for less than tue of an Execution and Order o f } 92"9® ppr M for the re*1 flr. $100 per Sale in Foreclosure Issued out of the M for the hem lock, and $1.50 per M Circuit Court Court of of the the S S tate tate of of Oregon Oregon f° Circuit ” ’r T *be red cedar. T. 38 S., , R. - 7 A W„ « - - Sec. for -- ,h e County o f - - Lane, on t - h e ----- llt h day Sp<' 11 N E ti NB% yellow Fellow pine 70 ,0 M, M. . ¿sugar SII Ka I I pine 200 M. red fir 220 M. SEk* of March. 1929. In a suit w herein on NE>4 yellow pine 100 M. sugar nine the day in»* 8th ? a i i i • ' v ,ne , »■ 199 g f i / qxxti ■ i.niinw . $7.00 for abstract and records and for \ P”r w„ r ’Le t i to appear and answ er the Complaint *’>bJpct to redemption as provided by filed against you In the above entitled '‘.w. all of the right, title and interest Court and cause on or before six - « “ d defendants Frank I. Klnnev. w eeks from the date of the first pub- ’ps!ip RlnnoF. Mason Ehrman and ll. atlon of this Sum m ons, ami if you Company, Archie LaDuke. H azel La fall so to appear and answer, for Ihlkp- R°F A BeeBe. Christina Beebe. want thereof, the plaintiffs will applv and a l> Persons claim ing by, through i to the Court for the relief prayed for or under them , or any or either of 1 In their Complaint, herein, to-wlt: for I them In and to said prem ises. | a decree of this Court forever quieting H- C. BOWN. Sheriff of Lane County : the title of the plaintiffs In and to the ; Oregon. ' prem ises described in the Complaint Mar. 28. A. 4-11-18-25: I herein, and described as follow s, t o - -------------------------------- w it: Lots Numbered T w enty-nine (291, SU M M O NS Thirty (30) and Thirty-one (31) of IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TH P D ensm ore's Plat of Ijin e County, Ore STATE OF OREGON FOR THE ‘ . . .. . — J _* * « . ■ . . . . — * A ** A *1 Hg gon. and part of Ixit Thirty-two (32) COUNTY OF LANE of said plat bounded a s follow s: Begin Jam es M. B lakeley. Jr. Plaintiff V<9 n ln r v 'it t l x , , V o v t ti.vn _31 » Bertha -» .. _ _ Defendant * nlng nt the N ortheast corner of said Blakeley. Lot Numbered Thirty-two (32) being To Bertha B iakeley. th e ' above In the center o f County Road at angle named defendant. in boundary of the W illiam Luckey i v THE n a m e o p a-rv'rc’ IJ’- o l 'o n Land Claim No 52 in Town ! OF OREGON Jou a - hereby r e q S more or less, to the W est line of said Lot No. 32; thence North 774 feet to i...» . . . . un-in f ¡ n n ,-, N „ r ,h w „ , North 88’ 40’ ........ East ... 8.11 chains to place ............. .............. njc containing 10.03 acres o f beginning, c o n tn ln in g jn all 48.46 acres of land in Lane County, Oregon, and all being a part of said Donation Land Claim No. 52, all In the Couqty of Lane and i S tate of Oregon; and further d ecreein g that the defend an ts have not, nor have either of them , any right, t Z title or Interest thereof f''%h??d ’nma7nHffsnnb / d In - Hon as provided . . , . by , law. .. all , the . . right. , — ’’’ “ andp ,n,PrPPt sa ’< dpfpnd L ~ a n a a ^ " I ’ "a ’ H Turnhnll. her husband, and Z ,a e,aim inp hL a °r *n'lPr- 7 Pm 7 8T,y 7 P'’her ° f thPI" » " r ’ o a t o t w ci?T o»” » t r. . U. BOWN, Sheriff of l.an e Connty Mar. 28. A. 4-11-18-25: 259 an v fl? thp flrst .. , L ,L,.,, „ . 7 ? ? " P 9 a > 1 0 ^ from August 2. 19 and for the M. red fir 20 M, none of the timber on '?* p7 " ! ‘ further sum of $100.00 this section to be sold . for less , ... than . i „« „„„„..i „„ i i» lu n n e r sum or aiuu.uu ns r e a so n a o ie « , « « _ _ » » » .. . .. as reasonable """ "-’ . f " per M for the sugar and vellow pine. , , disbursem ents of th is suit, which Judg tn©reol tne plaintiff w ill apply to the ment was enrolled and docketed in t h e , T. 37 S . R. 7 W.. Sec. 19. SE»4 - N W '4 - Col\rt for the relief In his com plaint c le r k ’s office of said Court in the said Ixv?, x?™»/ n’ 75$$ M’ »Kainst you dem anded, to-wit: County o f Lane, the 8th day of March» * . ’o ’6 °iZ For a Judgment and D ecree af i 1929 in the S tate of Oregon, In order « 'p v w v v . i i L , » ( m m m «- Divorce bonds oi of matrt. to satisfy satisfy said said Judgment, Judgment, Interest, Interest, at- 40' »• N»uCar nine 140 F i' i,n o n e d d issolvin issolvin g g the tne nonas niatrl- to at- ,n 14n M v S s t W v ^ r N v p u mnnv now nnd h »„tn M ro „»(.»ina a»».!. . . . . so m . sugar pine n o m, s w 1, NEVa lev Ir nnd th o ffrJfon Inni1' iT w h a Pruinp ro s,s to spn thp fu'lo'FiUK des- Pine 100 M, N E 'i NW’Vj yellovj. p in e Ln(,,a " . b e d p ro p e rty to w lt: _ ________ 10 M. red flr 120 M. sugar ptheTflO M. B lakeley grounds cruel oth«> and r T.ot T four (4) m In n„d Block the South alf of i- v w ni«» ¡."'’|", fUan J on ;rp‘7 the nlpn' and fl,r of auch Two H (2) in v flr w SOM. i ' g u a r vdih»» rh!e 120 M. S 'inn E -, at N W lJ .......... a.. .................. .................. ‘ f to, , he Court Ma> 8eem m eet creed to ho the ow ners in fee s ninl of the snld prem ises, nnd that the de­ ana equiuiPie. That this sum m ons is served upon fendants and each of them he forever you by publication thereof in The barred from claim ing any right, title other nnd further relief as to the Court Springfield N ew s, a new spaper ot general circulation, pursuant to an may seem equitable. T his Sum m ons Is published once order of the Circuit Court of the State each week for six su ccessiv e w eeks In of Oregon for Lane County, duly made the Springfield N ew s, a w eekly new s and entered of record on the 5th day paper of general circulation, publish of March, 1929, ordering that this ed In Igine County. Oregon, by or^ler sum m ons be published once each of the Honorable J. W. Ham ilton. week for four su ccessiv e and consecu- Judge o f the Circuit Court of Lane X'** w "oks in said Springfield N ews County, Oregon, which order bears ¡ and that the date of the first pnhlica- date the 20th day of F cb.uary. 1929. j ,lon wil1 be on the 7th day of March, and the flrst publication of this Sum 1929. nnd the date of the last publica- tion w ill be with tho Issue ot April m ens Is February ’’1st, 1929. POTTER A KINO, A ttorneys for 4th, 1929 FRANK A. DE PUE, Attorney for Plaintiffs. R esidence and P ost Office Address Eugene, I.ane County, Ore­ Plaintiff. R esidence, Springfield, Ore- gon, gon. M 7-14-21 28. A. 4 F. 2128 M. 7-14 31 28. A. 4 »' "n»«- s ¿ îs ï. «í. ä Stonffer’s Addition to Cottage Grove, vellow pine 30 M. red flr 60 M. sugar fn T anp p „ UT,ty. Oregon. nine lift M. SW '4 NWV, vellow nine Now. therefore In the nam e’ of the so M. red flr 20 M. sugar pine SO M, S tate of Oregon, in com pliance w ith j N E U S E U yellow pine 80 M, red fir,’ said Execution nnd 'n order to satisfy ?n M. sugar pine 75 M. N W ’4 SE'4 said Judgment, faxes, attorn ey’s fees. . vellow pine 20 M. red flr 200 M. sugar costs of suit and costs of salp, on tm . nine 60 M. SE'4 SE '4 yellow pine 10 20th day of April, 1929. at the hour of yf mfi flr 200 M, sugar pine 100 M. 4 o’clock in the afternoon on the said 'I cen se cedar 10 M .'SW ’4 SE '4 yellow j date at the Southw est door of the j cine 20 M. red flr 230 M. sugar pine 6(1 Countv Court H ouse In Eugene. Ore- M, in cen se cedar 10 M. S E ’4 SW ’4 pop, Lnne County, Oregon, offer for I vellow pine 10 M. red flr ISO M, sugar sale nnd sell for cash at public sale, cin e 130 M. Ç'W’l S W ’4 yellow pine subject to redem ption as provided by 20 M. red flr 120 M. sugar pine 170 M. law all the right, title, and Interest none of the tim ber on th ese section s of said defendants. Clarence 8. Milne to he sold for le ss than $1.25 per M and Oladvee Eby. nnd all persons for the red and yellow flr. $8.60 per claim ing hv. through, or under them M for the sugar pine, $3.00 per M for the yellow ‘ptne and >1.00 per M for , or any or eith er of them In and to said in i prem ises, he Incense cedar. WTLIJAM SPRY, em m iss’ener. W. t , BOWN. Sheriff. War. 28. A. 4-11-19-26: a n .n A 4-11.11. r