PAGE TWO T H E 8PR1NGPIHLD NEWS TH URSDAY, APRIL 4. 1929 OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST L. F Myers of Mehama brought to H K R O R T O F C O N D IT IO N O F T H I Salem tile hide of a cougar measuring nine feet eight inches from tip to tip. Mr Myers said he shot and killed the a t H p r in g lle ld , C o u n ty o f L a n e. S ta te o f O re g o n , u t th e clo se o f hUHtiioH* cougar after It had taken refuge in the M a rc h 27th. 1928 top of a tree. Principal Events of the Week RESOURCES I.inn county's bridge bond debt of $138.1101 7« in x a nd d is c o u n t* $30,300 »ill bo liquidated In full. April I Assembled for Information 174 4$ Ovcrdrafls 1, from funds of the Oregon a Cali ! Rotula, s e c a rli Ics, e t c , 43.373 89 of Our Readers. fornia refund The original Issue of i 18,400 00 B a n k in g house $14.mio, f u r n lt iir e a m i f lx t u ie s $3600 ou 10.838 32 $180,000 was for the Albany and Har­ lle a l e s ta te u w u e d o lh e t lia n k ln g houae 38.0811 00 Due fro n t h a n ka, cah and cash Rema The famous Sterling mine, in the risburg bridges. 36 00 o t l i e r r e s in in e * , C la lin s a n d J u ilg iu e lita . Applegate section, is uow in operation That the new Baker hotel will be day and night. $330.188 36 opened by June 15. was the prediction T o lu l Five carloads of lumber for con­ of Eric Hauser Jr., nt Portland, at a L IA B IL IT IE S $ 30.000 00 struction work at the Hines millsite meeting of the stockholders recently. C apital sto ck paid III Furnishings have been ordered for 3.000 00 S u rp lu s « at Burns have been received. 1.804 73 Cndlvliled p ro fita net delivery in May. A number of Salem citisens have $148.1 10 74 D em and d e p o s its Citizens of Milton by a vote of a l­ petitioned the city council to open a 28.327.88 T im e c e rtific a te s most two to one decided to purchase 17.880.00 •treet through the Bush pasture. S a v in g s d e p o s its Captain Einar Lutuiliorg. Swedish aviator, and Mrs Lundberg are D illa p a y a b le a n d re d is c o u n ts . N o lle Sponsored by the park commission. and maintain thq Columbia college jn New York, l.undhoig. who is here to study the latest phases of building for a community center and American aviation, rescued many members of the ill-starred Nobile Pendleton’s first garden club has been $230. DO* 36 T o tu I city offices. The building will cost ixpedition to the North Pole and directed the rescue of Nobile himself organized by a group of 50 people. " ■ _____________________ Milton city $30,000. S la te o f O re g o n . C o u n ty o f I sine. ss ■ Effort is being made at Central *1. C E. K e n y o n , c a s h ie r o f th e a b o ve -n a m e d b a n k , do s o lrw n n ly s w e a r Prospects for a new road over the Point. Jackson county, to lease 1000 th a t th e a b o ve s ta te m e n t Is tr u e Io th e best o f m y k n o w le d g e a nd b e lie f. Coast range from Yamhill county are C E K E N Y O N . C a s h ie r. acres of land for oil drilling purposes. considered good. The western termin­ C o r re c t— A t t e s t : Charles S. Benson, former city at­ us is to be at Blaine and the eastern W e lb y S te ve n s, M M P e rry - D ire c to rs . torney of Bend and pioneer resident S u b s c rib e d a n il s w o rn to b e fo re me Ib is 1st d a y o f A p r il. 1829 at Peavine. Only about 12 miles of was killed recently in an automobile new construction is required. (S E A L ) I. M P E T E R S O N , N o ta ry P u b lic f o r O re g o n (M y c o m m is s io n e x p ire s Ju n e 1. 1932.) collision. Pete Chelan, so, blind Klamath In- Seeks to Develop Service Which HOUSE CONTEST The California-Oregon Power com­ dlan. was burned to death shortly af­ Steers Transient Labor Into SPONSORED FOR SCOUTS pany Is planning to build a new trans ter he had fallen asleep with a lighted Definite Useful Channels mission line from a point near Rose­ cigarette in his hands. His bed cov­ —— ! A bird house contest In which all burg to Marshfield. ers were ignitcO by the cigarette, and Washington. D. C.. April 4 (AC)— the boy scouts of Springfield troops The population of Klamath Falls, In a short time his cabin at William The farm labor division of the Federal 11 and 12 are eligible to participate according to the latest estimate. Is son river was in flames. Government. In Its report for 1928 was announced Wednesday by the 14,000. Including the suburbs, the esti­ Hereafter picnics held by classes or died with the Secretary of Labor. asks sponsor, John Ketels, local druggist mate is over 17.000. The contest will close Muy 1. Mr I organizations of Salem high school for a “sufficient appropriation" to Ground has been broken for the con Í must be held within 15 miles of the serve farm labor needs. The division Ketels said. Three prizes will in ­ struction of the last link in the Klam city, on week days, outside of school estimates an additional $55.000 a year aw ard*^ to the scouts building the ath Falls-Lakeview highway, between ¡ hours and with the approval of the would make It possible to serve the most attractive bln! houses and in Dairy and Lorenz Mill. deift of women, according to new rules farm labor needs of practically the additional prize will be awarded th e Benton county's new jail Is com announced by the school officials. entire nation. troop whose members receive at least pleted. at a cost of $23.000. It Is built Ninety-nine per cent of all of the For «even years, with a good meas two of the three Individual prizes. The In the Spanish bungalow style, with hops grown in the United States In ure a t success. “harvest hands” have prizes and the judges who will select exceptionally thick walls. 1928 came from the Pacific coast been recruited and directed from one the winning bird houses have not yet Game birds In eastern Oregon sur­ states of Washington, Oregon and Cal- section to another and from state to been definitely selected. vived the severe winter better than Ifornia, according to statistics given state. I ---------------------- ------ expected, according to Harold Clif­ out by the state department of agrlcul- The biggest task of the division Is Here for Easte •Miss Inez Neet re- ford, state game warden. ture. Oregon raised 53 per cent. Call- i the harvest In the central wheat belt, turned to Portland Sunday evening A cane bottom chair once used by fornia 30 per cent and Washington 17 annually requiring the services of after spending Easter here with her c«“L more than 100,000 hands from other parents. Mr. and Mrs. Moody Neet. John Trumbull, first governor of Massachusetts. Is now the property of Charles Stetter, 38. farmer living a Mates. — —-------------------- — quarter of a mile west of Monitor. Another Held of operation Is the ® ®*LE- W illiam Lyman of Medford. Noil™ I» hertb> g lv ^ tta ^ b ^ r tn Sheriff Low of Klamath county has | killed himself and took the lives of «0.000 acre strawberry area of Mis- been authorized by the county court j two small daughters, his Instrument of souri and Kansas; other places for tue of an execution and order of sale tn offer a reward of $200 for evidence j death being dynamite. The children which provision Is made Include the 1 ln foreclosure Issued out of the Clr- I were Gladys. 7. and Cbarline, 4. The straw berry areas of Louisiana. North lb lt * ourt L a n e /’ounty. Oregon, on that will convict catle thieves. i bodies were mangled and dismem- ' Carolina, Kentucky and Tennessee, i'wiT p*P5‘"J'* ‘.’5.Abrl1' *829, Having failed to receive any pro­ 1 . . . .. . , . . . »neretn on the thirtieth day of March, posals on first call, the city of Rose­ bered by the explosion, and the farm Then comes the wheat harvest In | 1929, In said Court the Pacific Savings Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas, con- and Loan Association, a Washington burg will readvertlse an Issue of avia­ house wrecked. The board of directors of the Prine Dnulng northward to North Dakota. <-orporatlon. recovered Judgment tion bonds in the sum of $25,000. ville Business Men's club at a meet- Demands upon the service are also W h i^ ’and* m ! 7 v '"vnut"’ hb'w*™ W Orcbardists and ranchers of the Hood River valley were never busier ing held recently, voted to support the ma(>e b>' the important corn crop. Last r . Powell. C A I’ruift and lotira May than at preseifc. Many growers are Great Northern railway's plans for ex- Tear, at a cost of $65.000. or a per, Pruitt, for the sum of $1048 17. and In tension south from Klamath Fails. A eapita cost of 12c, 559.571 men were , tereat thereon at the rate of 40", per I only half way through their pruning resolution was adopted pledging the recruited for seasonal harvesting and '”inaro f1’” 1” , ®2*' and ,or ,be i The United States forest service has . . . ” r u r th e r sum o f $7 00 a n d fo r th e fu r- I club to intervene ln the proceedings directed to general farm work. ther Hinn , Ion on reasonable at ! given R. H. Reed of Klamath Falls a In 1&29 very little change Is In- torney's fees, and for costs and dis-| permit to construct a tourist resort at before the interstate commerce com- dicated in thé farm labor supply and bursements of this suit, said execu Paulina lake, on which $12,000 is to be mission now pending. m e of o f 1 1 • The Douglas county broccoli har demand situation. Don to be drawn by me In the name 942 W illam ette St.. Rug ene, Oregon. expended. sa tis- I vest is progressing, with shipments Th,‘ national supply Is 94 p e r cent fv sairt jurtrn,enL Interest, attorn« o rn e v I The Clatsop county court has begun t cost... I to secure rights of way for the com- 1 now averaging more than one carload of normal and the demand 87.7 per fees, costs of suit and a c c ru in g costs. daily. As large truck shipments are cent. Placing supply and demand on to s e ll th e f o llo w in g d e s c rib e d re a l 1 1 pletion of the Cannon Beach road j to-» It. from Humbug Point to the south side being made this year, rail shipments a hypothetical equal of 100 per cent. Pr°nerty, B e g in n in g a t a p o in t 40 fe e t so u th will be less than previously estimated, the supply is 7.2 per cent higher than of Hug Point. o f th e N o rth w e s t c o rn e r o f L o t One To date 12 cars have been moved by ’bp demand. Last year It was 7 1 per ( ii'in Block Two (2t of Cherrv Grove Ways and means of utilizing the 801 | rail out of the Umpqua valley, the hulk cent higher. Addition to Eugene. Oregon, and run- acre feet of water that Ashland re i T h at’s W hat "Big Pay” Stands Fcr T h e e m p lo y m e n t s e rv ic e d ire c ts In- n ln g th e n c e S o n ’ h 40 fe e t, th e nce of these having been loaded at Rose ceives annually from the Talent Irri- 1 burg. E a s t 60 fe e t, th e n c e N o r th 40 fe e t and to d e fin ite c h a n n e ls tb ■ tra u ' u t la b o r . , , . . . ,, th e n c e W e s t 60 fe e t to th e p la ce o f gation district is being' considered by t The people of Oakridge have voted th a t o n ce tra v e le d b lin d ly w ith o u t In- b e g in n in g , b e in g a p a rt o f Ix .t 1 In the city council. to erect a new high school building fo rm a tio n on h a rv e s t d e m a n d a nd B lo c k 2 In C h e rry G ro v e A d d itio n to ! Umpqua post of the American Le- , E tte e n e , L a n e C o u n ty , O reg o n . and have engaged C. N. Freeman, an wages. N ow . th e re fo re . In th e na m e o f th e I gion at Roseburg Is attracting atten ' The employment service has architect of Portland, to furnish the tion throughout the state by its project , m a n e n t ctrtcoo i„ .. ‘’fate of Oregon, compliance with PXWU„ on nnd In or)pr plans. The building will be 36 by 120 man. nt offices in Kansas City. Mo to beautify the Indian burial ground ! feet in dimensions and will be equip­ r o r t W o r th . San A n to n io . E l Paso, e - t e r to s a tis fy sa id J u d g m e n t, in c lin l- | near Rock creek. ped with a gymnasium, auditorium, S h re v e p o rt. D e n v e r, S io u x C ity . F a rg o , 1” " In te re s t, a tto rn e y 's fees. coHts o f , Bryant park, a well known tourist laboratory and typing rooms. It is S io u x F a lls , S p o ka n e , a nd Medford " nd » c c ru ln g co sts. I w ill, on Snt I ' urdilv- fourth dav o f M a y . 1929, at camping ground, has been practically proposed to issue bonds to pay for the Oregon I th e h o u r o f one o 'c lo c k In th e a fte r- Our "Big Pay” brand lias earned a reputation for value abandoned by the action of the Albany structure. • noon o f s a id d a v. a t th e s o u th w e s t ami serviceability among workers from Grast to Coast. park board. It will no longer be main­ * * ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ : fr o n t d o o r o f th e C o tin tv C o u rt H ouse Reedsport observed Good Friday Made of heavyweight cotton, in Wack, brown, gray and tained by the city. TH URSTO N ♦ In E u g e n e , L a n e C o u n tv . O reg o n of- with a three-hour service from 12 ♦ navy. Evidence that the $25,000 fire which o'clock ooon, to 3 P. M. at the com * * * * * * * 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 f o r f o r sa le a n d s e ll f o r cash a t p u b lic I , auction, subject to redemption as m-o- wiped out a business corner in Dorris i munlty Presbyterian church, of which The Ladies AW met with Mrs. John vlded by law-, all right, title and In- might have been incendiary has pre ! Rev. Alexander Muirden is pastor. Price last Thursday afternoon and terest to said defendants' and all r>*- cipitated an investigation, according , sons c la im in g b v th ro u g h o r u n d e r Business houses displayed signs: quilted. th e m o r a n y n r e ith e r o f th e m , in and to word received in Klamath Falls. “Good Friday this store will be closed Mr. and Mrs. John Wllllan and baby to sa id p re m is e s . Having passed an ordinance against between the hours of 12 noon and 1 from Cottage Grove were In Thurston H L . B D W N . S h e r iff o f I.a n e roller skating in the streets, the city P. M. Attend church for five minutes last Thursday calling on old friends, C o u n ty , O re g o n . council of Medford is now considering or three hours." The schools were Mr. Wllllan and his brother formerly A. 4-11-18-25 M 2 an ordinance to protect flower beds closed ln the afternoon. \ operated a sawmill here. and gardens from dogs running at Albert Burch, president of the Jack- | Miss Peggy Turney a U. of O. stud- large. son County Fruit Growers’ league, re- ent a* Eugene spent the past week-end There are more young fish ready to celved a telegram from Senator Me- , wl,b Miss Maude Edmlston be released at the Necanlcum hatchery Nary assuring local fruit growers that ' Ml”« Flossie Herrington who than ever before at one time. They are they have the earnest and active sup teaches at Notl spent Easter Sunday mostly cutthroats, with some steel port of the senator in the m atter of here. heads, and ln size range from 8 to 22 a proposed tariff on bananas. The Last Monday men and women met inches. house committee on ways and means at the church and did some much The Yamhill Electric company has is writing the tariff bill and Senator needed repair work, putting up new filed with the supreme court a peti­ McNary has advised the committee of blinds and repainting the seats, tion for a rehearing ln its case against his views on the banana tariff. Mrs. Goff is assisting Mrs. Charles the city of McMinnville involving the Payment of $378,000 of tribal funds fIaR,,ng who Is baordlng some of the right of the city to sell beyond the to the 1260 members of the Klamath men who arG working on the new city limits. Indian tribe—amounting to $300 per ) McKenzie highway. The Douglas county turkey crop for capita—waa made recently, It was an- Clyde H art quit high school and the past season brought returns to an nounced by Assistant Superintendent \ ^or Alaska a few days ago. amount between $275,000 and $300,- Wheat of the Klamath Indian reserva- Mr. and Mrs. Felix sparks from Blue 003, according to the report of the tlon. In line with the Indian policy, River spent Sunday at John Price’s, Douglas County Co-operative Turkey checks due minors and lndigents were Perry Price and Jay Grant, O. S. C. Growers’ association. The association withheld and Invested In their behalf students at Corvallis spent Easter handled 55 per cent of the turkeys by Indian authorities. Thus the actual Sunday at their homes here, of the county. disbursement will total about $185,000 Mr. and Mrs. John Calvert from A special election will be called at The city of Portland, placed second ' rjbGrtY »Pent Sunday with Mr. and Eugene In about 60 days to authorize In class 2 for the “best fire preven Mrs. Ray Baugh. the city council to sell short-term tlon record” for 1928 of the 374 cities Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Weaver and bonds up to $1,250,000 to take the participating in the contest sponsored Mr. and Mrs. Bert Weaver and chil­ place of long-term bonds for construe by the chamber of commerce of the dren motored out west of Junction tlon of the hydro-electric plant at Lea- United States and the National Fire City last Sunday and spent the day burg. Waste council. with Mr. and Mrs. Gather Harpole. The depth of the snow on the sum­ The historical committee of The Dr. Hetherllne was ln Thurston mit of Santlam pass bat been found to Dalles-Wasco county chamber of com Monday testing cows for Tuberculosis. be about six feet. This is regarded aw merce will try to authenticate old mill Mr. and Mrs. Orourke from Portland Albany as evidence that the Santlam stones found on the banks of Mill and Mrs. Ralph Crowe from Eugene highway could be maintained through­ creek as those of the first commercial visited Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Endicott out the winter free of snow, at small flour mill between the Cascade* and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Orourke expense. the Rocky mountains. formerly resided here and Mrs. Crowe tought ln Thurston high school. Commercial State Bank of Spiingfield Farm Labor Bureau Furnishes Many “Hands” For Harvest ARMSTRONGS "know their Linoleum VV' know ourJaping ..fhatswJy a n A rm strong Floor... j • 11 0 la id by u s., .gtves years o f carefree wear... ^EEflERBEE -yOÏÏERS JCPENNEYCO Value in Work Sox 2 prs. for 35c Printing —that speaks for itself THE WILLAMETTE PRESS