T ry the H o m e . P rin t Shop F ira t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS “The People's Paper" A LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN ■WKg'.'/.I ..-E =-!nrgT TWICNTY-H1XTII YEAR SPRINGFIELD PLAYS FROSH II BPRINGFIKLD, I^ANE COUNTY. OREGON THURSDAY. APRIL 4. 1929 SPRINGFIELD LIONS GO TO JUNCTION CITY FOR INSTALLATION OF CLUB The member« of the Lion« club motored In Junction City Monday evening wrere (hey participated In Die Instillation of (he new Junction City den of the l.lonx, which was sponsored by the Springfield organl- ration. MISS MARY HARDING ELECTED PRINCIPAL OF BRATTAIN SCHOOL NUMBER IS B eau tifu l Baby : NEW PLANT «I0B« 10 BE LEI Mlaa Mary llardlng. of Kugene. was principal of the Brattaln school at the last meeting of the Local Boys are Hlindicapped By Contract for Veneer Factory I School hoard Monday night. Miss Rainy Weather; Many Play­ Harding succeeds Mrs. Ora Read Will Probably Be Let Next Henn-nway, who resigned some time ers Expected to See Action in Week; New Company Holds ago She Is at present teaching In Practice Game on University First Meeting in Portland and 1 the Kugene public schools and also at- Over 400 Lion« an d th e ir wive« from of Oregon Diamond. Completes Organization. ' tending the Kugene Bible University. all o v er th e woHtern p art of O regon I^eonard Mayfield, who has been S pringfield high sch o o l’s bnscnull . w ere p rev en t a t th e careniony. which A contract for the construction of 1 serving as part time Instructor In team will sec actio n for th e d ie t tim e was held al IdylwiMid. near Junction the veneer plant on the Industrial j physical education and coach of ath- j tract here will probably be let early th is season tom orrow a ftern o o n when City Kdward F. Hallev. senator from ' letlcs at the high school was re-elected Lane county and newly elected presl- i next week by the Willamette Valley th e I io v m etuah w ith th e stro n g U nlver as a full-time Instructor at the m eet­ dent of the Junction City club, was > Veneer company. Details of organls- ► Ity of O regon fresh m en n in e al Ku presented with the charter by Harry i ing. Mr. Mavfleld will he subject to w»- www - 'n8 the new company have been near- ‘ assignment for teaching In addition getle, A. Swarf of Portland, dl«trfrt proal ■ Young Eric Gordon Hemming.» j completed and the Incorporators to his coaching dutfea. T h e m atch In K ugene will he m erely dent of the organlatlon of Hanworth. Middlesex, England, announce that they are now nearly -year old school a p ra c tic e gam e, according in M-onard Hugh ItoHHon. pa«t president of the , flirt. Helen Terwilliger, ii becom­ 1 A resolution requiring that all full- I M ayfield, coach of th e h a u l team , and K ugene club, acted a« toa«lina«ter of | ing one of the most famous .girls I time Instructors In the Springfield j recent con test ' j The main building is to be 50x160 in America. I.turning io on the w ill he p rin cip ally for th e pu rp ose of , affalr j H Ml,ler. m ayor o f June radio on Inauguration Day, the I public schools reside In Springfield ■ feet and there will be 2000 lineal feet lin in g up th e team and g au g in g Its I r „ y w elcom ed th e v isito rs and « ju g h t Ju atice Taft’s misquoting -luring th e scohol year was passed by STATE HEADQUARTERS ' of dry sheds 20 feet wide. A mill the oath o f office when he sw ore in the hoard at the meeting It was also potential strength. The first game o f ; rh ar|PM ,, Pno|,. president of the pond and docks will be built as well H r r b e r t lld o v r r as président. Mile I resolved that in »he future no appllca-1 FOR ACME COMPANY the new Lane county conference, gprlagfleld club, gave the response as two railroad sidings, according to T e r w illig e r said that the Chief Jus­ , tlons from marries! women would be which Include« Kugene. I nlverHlty Jume® O. Illalr, president of the tice had said "preserve, m a in ta in ESTABLISHED HERE , plans of the officials of the company. high. < ottage drove, am i Sp rin gfield , V an cou ver, W a sh in g to n club, a n d * and defend" ra th e r than "preserve» J considered by the board. The Willamette Valley Veneer com- of will he hold Friday afternoon. April victor I’.’ Morris, president of the Bu-I pro tect and defend." and T a f t re­ , All of the teachers in the Lincoln . . The establishment - in Springfield • .. . _ pany has been Incorporated for $100,- plied that the v a ria tio n must be the district headquarters of the Acme IT ... „ , .... 1 Ji. when the drove team t.mi. s here rIub ,,,.„ y(.rpt, th(. ,,r l n < a ( 1 and Brattaln schools this year were I ’ trilm te d to the defect o f e n f o ld 000 and the first meeting was held last re-elected by the directors at the Service company, an Iowa City, Iowa, "■ ‘ '»’ " f y " The Bprlngfleld team has been dresses of the evening Heveral clubs week at headquarters In Portland, meeting Monday night. Those who firm dealing In automobile accessofles, greatly handicapped this season by put on skits. Laurence Moffitt. Ijiwr- when officers and directors were were re-employed at the Lincoln waa announced Tuesday by George rainy weather. Mavfleld said It was | «nee tfcinkler. John Robertson and D., MRS- JULIA KENNEDY elected. , school were Mrs. Mary R. Walker. Heaton, western manager of the com­ not until this week that It was dry I* MurphV of Springfield, presenting DIES AT ROOF HOME J. A. McPherson and W. C. Bailey Mrs. Crvstal Male, Mrs. Kila Lombard pany, who was here supervising the enough for the learn Io get In any real several “black face" quartet selec- ; FUNERAL WEDNESDAY Miss Elizabeth James. Miss Jessamine organization of the office. The Spring- of thp company were in Springfield practice. What the hoys most need j tlons. Nelson. Miss Crystal M Bryan. Mrs. Reid branch of the firm will serve all ,ast Saturday and at that time secured now, he said. Is some hot weather The Springfield people who attended Mrs. Julia A. Kennedy, 78, a resi- Opal Roberts, and Mrs Marjorie of Oregon and northern California as a leaRP for the company for the 12 to gel them Into the eorrhet form for the ceremony were Mrs. W. II. Adriau acres mill site here. dent of Springfield for more than Jjlggp,lp tanrpn,.p Moffitt, principal well baseball j Mr. and Mr«. W K Burnell. Mr and twenty years, died Monday morning at , of , hp Llnco,n grhoo| w *g rM ,ectP<, The warehouse for the Acme com T h e » tie e p for Ihe gam e tom orrow B ,r b e r ’ MT nnd Mr" the home Of her son-in-law. D. W. Roof pany has been opened In the-Dryped KINGSHIP OF JESUS some time ago W N. Ilow, Mr and Mrs. F B Hamlin. S47 A street has net y 11 been definitely der ided The teachers re-emploved at the chemical building on Main street. S. | IS SUBJECT OF SERMON by Mayfield As a loss will not af Mr. and Mrs. John llenderer, Mr and Mrs Kenned> was born at Paw Paw - BraHa,n gch(M)1 WPrp Mlgg AnnP j R. Jaynes has been appointed as m an-' Mrs F B. Flanbry. JJr and Mrs Allen AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH fei I Springfield'« , R t a b le standing that "all In o f the th e lea ’' Mr and Mrs 11. K Maxey. GrOVe’ lll,n,,i# Jl,ne 20' ,850' “nd Gorrle. Miss Alta Manning. Miss P.-arl ager for the district, with George Hof. a . « I ' , ..... .......Mr and Mrs J C McMurray. Mr and I ?*n,P *n J*78' “» E McMullen. Miss Dorothy Glrrard. «■<•« In charge of the shipping Auto The Kingship of Jesus” will be the players turning out for the team will I Portland. Since the death of her hus and Miss Hazel L. Murphy. supplies will be shipped to the Spring- thpmp of thp sprmon Rpy. g . n r action before the match Is over. Mrs D B Murphy. Mrs W C, Me- laigan. Mr and Mrs. C. P Poole, Mr * aKO’ MrK K ,n n " 1' Although many applications have d,dd branch in carload lots and will f-jjii^ers of the Springfield Christian There are a number of letter men has lived here. been received for the position of prln- bp distributed in smaller allotments c),nrcb Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. from last year's championship team and Mrs O. H. Jarrett, Mr. and Mrs. W c Rehhan, Il M Stewart. Mr and* ***** *’ survived by her son In law, ,.jpa| of fhe high school and for the j OTer/*** d***r*ct froln bere' Tbe The cholr'w ill sing a. special number on t* e squad, hut some of last year's W , he high school left vac- ; car load of «ood8 wUI arrire about , entRled “Christ Is King.“ Donald second siring players are giving them Mrs. W F. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. W. two grandchildren. I^wrcncC i ChiMers will sing a special number W Walker. Mr and Mrs. W F. Roof of Springfield, and Mrs. Mabel , an, by , hp resignation of Miss Hodge At>rl1 stiff competition for their places. The Acme Service company uses In 1 at the bible school, whlch’ will begin Wright. Mr. «nil Mrs. John Ketels. O Rdmunson of Goshen and one brother. an(, ^ is s Lombard, no action has been G Bushman. Mr. and Mrs I^nrence i ®*®r** " Baker of W aterloo. Iowa (¡,^,>0 ag yet by the board. its business the plan of bringing goods at 9:45. SAFETY CONTEST DATE Moffitt Lawrence Sunklcr. Miss Ku Her* daughter. Mrs. Roof, died here j -------- -------------------- direct from the factory to the service Christian Endeavor services will be station with resultant savings in price. held at the church at ^ 3 0 o'clock In EXTENDED TO MAY 1 nice Smith, and Mr and Mrs John flve ’,ear" B’ ° PRESIDENTS MEDAL TO The organization of tne territory the evening. “The First Church” will [ Robertson. Mrs. Kennedy's funeral was held BE PRESENTED BOY FOR T h e rin s in g d a le fo r th e s a fe ty I ' ■ around Springfield Is already nearly be the theme of the evening sermon Wednesday afternoon at the Spring- essay contest sponsored In the Spring, complete. 150 service stations having by Rev. Childers at 7:30. Misa Lois field Methodist church, of which she HEROIC ’ RESCUING field schools by the local t I. has been THREE MEN COMPLETE signed up with the company. These Hajnes g|ng # so,o ..Onr gavior- was • member, with Rev. J. T. Moore, extended from April 20 to May I. It NATIONAL GUARD TERMS former pastor of the church. In charge Thp presentation of the gold presl- will be known as Acme Service sta- . was announced yesterday by W. P Mrs. Kennedy was dent's Medal of the National Safety tions. of the services The Springfield National Guard buried beside her husband In the Lone Council by I L Patterson, governor FIRST PLANE LANDED Tyson, chairman of t h e ’ safety com m ltlcc of the Springfield organization observed Ihe third annlverslary of ns Fir cemetery at Portland. ON SPRINGFIELD FIELD . ¡of the state of Oregon, to Orlo Cum- SEARCH FOR BODY founding Monday, April 1. At that —5--------------------------- i mings, Wendlfng boy scout, will be Mr Tyson visited the Lincoln time Seargeant Charles F. Scott and OF LLOYD BRIGGS IS The first plane td land on the MORE WELLS SUNK FOR 1 h’“1’ restore to breathing still unsuccessful, according to the taken up as yet from the field here. pleted the period of enlistment. The p«P<‘f<‘'d to he taken frotp them. Pipe to aid them a, the public library. Mr. , , an Individual who Is suffering from latest reports last From th e ’na tu re o f th e around it <■ . . „ . night . , . from Sheriff r ro m me nature or m e grouna it ,« Tyson snM, nt,-I the members of the Springfield unit now h-is a m em b er Hue and larger compressors have been . drowning, asphyxiation, suffocation, Harry Bown, who had been directing expected to be in good condition for 4 I. safely committee also «and ready j ship of 25. Ihe full number allowed by a'ithorlzed by the company anti will or electrocution. Thia Is the first such ihe searchers. flyinp after thp raing gtop At to nsslst In any wnv possible. The the state. he tnstalle.i soon. The water Is forced members of the committee In charge ----- - • from the wells by air lines which lead medal to he awarded on the Pacific • The river was dynamited yesterday present landings are being made on coast. Several months ago the Wendl- ¡n several places near where the boy the grass but the plowed portion of to the bottom of the holes of the contest are W P Tyson, chair- BAPTISTS BEGIN STUDY I Th« i...» ___ i log youth saved the life of 15 months fa supposed to have lost his Ilfs, ln the field will be used when It Is dry mnn. O. 11 Jarrett, F. E. Ix>nhart. T o f w ll ir l n t ii' >'"'r , ' °'<1 M,,dred Domascofsky. Thp baby the hope that the Jar might raise the enough. OF BOOK OF THE ACTS 11. Nyslen. N. L. Howard. E C. , used for city purposes and a large pro- , ' " h " ' . b®dy' The dra«*,n* of thp r1vpr was J Major Eckerson plans to organize a Michela. W. F Frlttk. L. 11. Neel, and I The Book of the Acts will be ’ tlon of Ihe water has been from th e s e i rps,orpd hPr ,o poni,<’'<’»’,n<’S8 by ap. discontinued Monday, the sheriff re- airway company and conduct a school Wilbur l.loyd studied during the m -” tt, o f April at plying artificial respiration, which he ports. If the blasts fail to raise the here. wells. The taste of the water was the Hprlngfleld Baptist church, begin­ had learned in his boy scout work . | body, the search will be abandoned. greatly Improved and plans are now ning Sunday mornlnt • r 1 7. A copy J. A. ROBERTS OBSERVES The program for tomorrow night is Young Briggs left the home of his SCOUTS GIVEN BADGES to pump all the water from wells and uncle. W. V. Briggs, proprietor of the 75TH ANNIVERSARY of the Book of the At ts will be given use the race only when there are ex­ as follows: AT LEGION MEETING to each person attending the Bible Safety talkR hv H. H. Herdman. Eugene-Springfield auto camp Wed- cessive demands in the Irrigation school, which will begin at 10 o'clock. nianager of the Oregon and Columbia nesdav evening and was seen paddling Twenty five friends nnd R elatives of season. Troop 12 of the Boy Scouts, which is The choir of the church will sing Basin division of the National Safety 1 down the river In his canoe about six sponsored by tffe American Legion, J A. Roberts gathered at the home of an anthem nt the beginning of the Council; W. P. Tyson, of the Spring- o'clock by Flovd Kull. of Springfield, his son. Ronald Roberts, nt Wendllng was entertained Friday night at the OLSON GETS CASHIER field 4-L; George McCornack of the who was crossing the wagon bridge at Easter Sunday In celebration ftf Mr. ¡’norn,ng sprvl<’p a‘ H o’clock, and the Chamber of Commerce rooms by th® JOB AT S. P. STATION Camp 40 4-L; W. H. Fitzgerald of the ¡that time, t h e next morning Deputy Roberts’ seventy-fifth birthday. Those OHartet of the church will fur- Springfield Legion and the auxiliary. State Industrial Accident Commission. . Sheriff Carhle discovered the canoe who were present at the dinner given i n *’dl «prclal music at Ihe evening ser. Twelve tenderfeet scouts were pres­ Oswald Olson, who has been employ­ tn honor of Mr. Roberts were: Mr i v*1'0 a* 7:30. The B. Y. P. IT services Slem: W. I. Smith of the Camp 39 partly filled with water, with one pad- ented badges by Commander J. M. ed as yard clerk at the Springfield will be held at 6:30 o’clock. 4-L; C. Abrams, of the Camp 35 4-L. I die still in It. inside the retaining wall snd Mrs A. B Sacre, and children. Blhlb study nnd prayer Rervlee Is Southern Pacific station, was assigned and Wfilfe Allen of the Wendllng 4-L. of the mill race, near the Hitchcock Larson, of the Legion, and six first Olga, Alberta, and Enrving, nnd Mr. hold af the church ench Thursday ,o tho PnMtlon of cashier at the of Introduction of Governor Patterson, home. It Is supposed that he fell out i class scouts were presented with ser- . Sncre’s father; Elizabeth Mattison. flee last week and assumed his new A p Dixon, general manager of the . of his canoe when he attempted to ( vice *>adffes **-' B. Huntly. Tai s evening at 7:30. Mary Wojnlok, nnd Ella Smith, of duties Monday. Frank Schneider, who Booth-Kellv Lumber company. Eu- make a landing some place near the were made by Edltor H' E Max*y' Wendllng; Arthur Nickerson of Che­ had been temporarily filling the post- RpnP hpR(1 of fhe mU, racp Hp wng nnabl{. ! the News. Mayor C._O. Wilson and Held Dinner Easter welah. Washington; Mr. nnd Mrs. I. Major F. B. Hamlin. The scouts pres­ tlon of cashier until a permanent man , PrPiipn, a»|on of medal. Governor ! to swim. D Larimer. Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Smith, Mr and Mrs. Arthur Peterson of ented a demonstration of first aid should he assigned, returned Sunday . PaHprgon. , i The boy’s father Is employed at Co. and son, Kyle. Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Springfield were hosts to a number of treatment, after which light refresh- to his home at Portland. Demonstration of safety nnd first quille. He had not been attending Roberts, Grant Roberts nnd Miss Mary their friends nnd their families nt. a .....u n i ikBBivr n u iiiin y i n ose pressor M ° ’"on Portland, arrived In 'aid. Wendllng Boy Scouts and George school hut had been Just staying rnpn*' wprp served by the Indies of th® Roberts, of Springfield; nnd the hosts, dinner Easter Sunday. Those present were Mrs. Ix>ttn Mend. Mr nnd Mrs s Pr* n6 flp'< 1 Sunday to take the p o st-M . Aitken, field manager of the Na- around the home of his aunt and aux 1 ary' Mr. nnd Mrs Ronald Roberts nnd their uncle. children, Catherine. Josephine, Ron­ Roy Mead. Elizabeth Rodgers. Mrs. ” on ° f yftr<1 cl’,rk af ,he depot **"♦» Honnl Safety council. SURPRISE PARTY HELD Esther Thelnes and sons. Jack nnd a Permanent mnn will be assigned | Safety First motion pictures. ald. Jr., Shnron nnd Joe. Harry, of Eugene- Mr and Mrs Wll- j fronl tbp cpn,ral office of the com-j Music by Wendllng orchestra. Hamlin's Relatives Here BY SMALL CHILDREN Ham Darling, and'daughter. Alice, of pany' M,r O,aon w'" rpm“,n ,n I ------------------------------ Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Richards and BIRTHDAYS OBSERVED Corvallis; Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Pier- apr,nKflp,d for ab"’’» d«V'- | Van Valzah Brothers Here—Dr. Mrs. Mrs. Johln Johln Hamlin Hamlin of of Portland Portland spent spent Charlene and Raymond Flora were AT CHASE GATHERING Gerald Van Valzah of Portland and Easter here visiting with Postmaster pleasantly surprised Monday evening son and children, Delbert Jr., Viola, Green House Finished ! Dr. Robert Van Valzah of Meford j and Mrs. F. B Hamlin. Mrs. Hamlin j Iff 15 of their small friends who gave Over thirty members nnd friends of nnd Noreen, of Mabie; and Mr. nnd Consturetlon work on (lie new 50 bv i spent Easter In Springfield visiting is the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs them a party at the home of their Mrs. Alfred C. Townsend of Spring- the Chase fnmlty gathered nt the 45fi foot green house nt Chase Gar with their mother. Mrs. Bernlee Van j Hamlin and Mrs. Richards the sister grandmother, Mrs. Abbie Lynch, Mill home of J. W Chase nt Chase Gardens field. dens was completed last week, and, Valzah. and L streets. April 1 and 2 were th® ■ of the Springfield postmaster. Sunday In celehrntlon of the birthday« the entire building was plowed and fourth and fifth birthdays of the Flora Canton Hovey to Meet of F.verett. son' nnd Virginia, grand­ set with cucumbers during the early children. Games were played and an Leaves for Portland — William Two Girl Scouts Pass Tests daughter of Mr. Chase. Those whp The Eugene Canton Hovey, Number part of this week. The interior of the Rodenbough. owner of the Roden- Two Springfield girls, Margaret enjoyable party was held by the chIV were present, were Mr. and Mrs. Four, Pntrlnreh Militant of the I. O. O. new building has been heated, nnd hongh Oarage, left Monday on a busi­ Haack and LaMoyne Black, passed dren. Homer ("base and family. Mr. nnd F. nnd Its auxiliary will be hosts to fhe cucumbers whlrh were set out this ness trip to Portland. their tenderfoot girl scout tests at the Mrs. Lester Cope nnd sons, Mr. nnd nine other chapters of the order nnd week will he ready for Ihe market rlngfleld Boy on Debate Team regular meeting last Thursday even­ Mrs. Eugene Chase and son, Chester their auxiliaries Saturday evening w ltjln a month. The proprietors of Wilsons Entertain—Mayor and Mm. ing. thus becoming full members of Hohart Wilson, the son of Mayor Chase nnd Son, Mr. nnd Mrs. Mnrvln April 20 nt 8 o’clock, when a district the gardens have heen selling eueum j C. O. Wilson had as their guests the troop. Six members of the youn­ and Mrs. ff. O. Wilson, of Springfield, Chase and family, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ever, meeting will he held nt Eugene In the hers from the other green houses Enster Sunday their son nnd dnughter- ger troop of the scouts, nnder their a freshman In the University of Ore­ elt Chase nnd family, Mr. and Mrs. 1. O. O. F. hall. The Cantons from since early In February. In-lnw Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Kenneth leader Miss Alta Manning, went on a gon. accompanied by Walter Evans of Harry Chase, Miss Maude Chase, Miss Salem, Lebanon, Albnny, Harrisburg, Wilson of Salem, nnd Mr. W ilson’s hike east of town Friday evening. The Portland. Journeyed to Forest Qrov® Helen Hnugann, Miss Maude Wallace. Portland, Marshfield, Junction City, At Portland—Mrs. John Henderer mother. Mrs. W H. Riddell of Detroit, girls were Instructed In wood signs. Wednesday night, where they repres­ Albert Rhan, Earl Davis, and John Roseburg nnd Medford will nttend the spent Tuesday at Portland on busi­ Michigan, who Is spending the winter One group went ahead and laid a trail, ented the Oregon Freshmen In debat® Thompson. meeting. ness. against the Pacific University team. In Eugene. and the rest followed. elected j