PAGE ElG H l THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS A "* Goodbye Springfield! W e Will Close Our Store Here in a Very Few Weeks and the Bona-Fide Closing Out Sale Will Soon End. . . Merchandise Has Been Re-Grouped and Prices Reduced Still Lower_ every table a n d counter in th e store COME AT ONCE! FOR THE TIME IS SHORT AND CARRIES A MESSAGE OF ECONOMY TO YOU. THERE YOU W ILL BE GLAD THAT YOU PICKED UP VARIOUS ARE MANY THINGS DISPLAYED TH AT YOU SHOULD ITEMS — ESPECIALLY BUY FOR FUTURE USE— THE PRICES SURELY ARE ENDED. TOO FROM THE HUNDREDS OF OTHERS THAT ARE TEM PTIN G TO LET TH IS OPPORTUNITY SLIP BY. SO WHEN THE SALE Fhe same Policy that made your trading at this storo con­ venient and economical the past year shall be maintained even to the last day of our stay here. Namely one low price to all; Courteous treatm ent with every transaction; Satis­ faction guaranteed or your money cheerfully refunded. In recognition of your confidence in our policy together with able assistance of our sales force we havo marked our stand­ ard stock of merchandise so low that you cannot help but anticipate your future wants for many months to come. Sincerely yours. ALLEN A. KAFOURY IS WE NAME BUT A FEW OF THE VALUES STILL TO BE FOUND. H U R R Y !! TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE MEN S SUITS Few left in sizes 34 and 36 only. All wool Men's Suits. Values to $35.00. Closing Out Price __________£ 4 .98 MEN’S CAPS One lot of Dress Caps on table. Wait on yourself. Former values to $3.00. _____________ 9 8 c SCOUT SHOES MEN’S HATS $1.98 All Wool Mackinaws. Small sizes only left. Former values to $12.50. Closing Out Price Just a few left at this low price. You would have to hurry to get yours. Closing Out Price MEN'S SHOES $3.95 $1.98 PANTS STRAW HATS Men s Corduroy Pants. Never so low in price and high in quality. Regular price $4.50. Closing Out Price It won’t be long before you will need a straw Hat. These hats sold regularly up to $4.50. Closing Out Price MEN'S MACKINAWS __________$2.98 ___ 98c KHAKI PANTS LADIES’ SHOES Our entire stock of Men’s Khaki Pants. Sold up to $3.00 a pair. Closing Out Price To Close Out this entire lot of blondes, tans, and black kid, sold in the regular wav ut> to $8.00. Closing Out Price $1-69 PANTS $3.95 WORK PANTS One I^ot of Men’s Work Pants marked lower than good overalls and look a lot better. Closing Out Price Novelty Pumps, Arch Supports and Slippers in full range of sizes at this low price. One should buy two or three pairs. Closing Out Price $3,98 LADIES’ SHOES One lot of Comfort Shoes and Slippers. Values to $4.00. Closing Out Price __________S1.S8 MOLE SKIN PANTS Men's genuine Mole Skin Pants. beat for wearing qualities. Closing Out Price LADIES’ SHOES Hard to $2.69 BREECHES Men’s Mole Skin and Corduroy riding breeches, rein.orced at jxoint of strain Values to $5.00. Closing Out Price $3.48 SHIRTS Mens Flannel Shirts. A good range of sizes left. Values to $3.00. Closing Out Price $1.95 DRESS SHIRTS Men’s Band neck French cuff Dress Shirts. A good assortment from which to choose. Sold formerly as high as $3.50. Closing Out Price 98c Ladies’ 16-Inch all leather hiking boots com­ plete run of sizes. Should sell in regular way for $10.00. Closing Out Price 7 9c $ 7.9 0 WOOL SOX Men’s Woolmlxed Sox. Medium weight regular 50c. Closing Out Price 35c 3 Pairs for 98c WORK SHOES We have the style and size you need in Men’s good work Shoes in plain or can toe. Also Army last. At the present leather market these shoes would sell up to $5.00 a pair. Closing Out ITice WOOL MIXED SOX .Men's Woolmixt Sox. Medium elastic rib, seamless toe. Closing Out ITice weight, 23c $3 95 DRESS SHOES SILK SOX Few odd sizes left in this group of shoes. Sold form erly up to $5.50. Never so low. Men’s Silk Sox. plain, black, clocked and white silk. Values to 75c. Closing Out Price Closing Out ITice $3.49 4 Pairs for 98c 29c MEN'S OXFORDS Summer weight stitched down Oxfords. Built for solid comfort in two styles. Venti­ lated and plain toe. Closing Out Price $2.98 $2.69 LADIES’ BOOTS One lot of Men’s Athletic Union Suits. Pajama checks, a standard garment. Closing Out ITice 2 Suits for $1 .50 One lot on table of men’s Hight Top Shoes in 16 and 14 inch. All leather Shoes sold up to $14.00. Closing Out Price __________$1.98 Hirgch-Weis and Mount Hood brands of water pants. Sold up to $6.50. ATHLETIC UNIONS One lot of Men’s Scout Style Work Shoes Just the thing for farm or mill. Closing Out ITice CANVASS GLOVES .Men's blue wrist C anvass Gloves. You can not afford to be w ithout. Closing Out Price 10c BOYS’ SHOES LEATHER FACE GLOVES One lot of bovs’ sturdy school Shoes that sold up to $3.50. Closing Out ITice Men's leather faced gloves, reinforced thumb and Hist finger. Regular 50c. Closing Out I’riee $1.98 39c $2.98 CHILDREN’S SHOES MUSLIN LADIES’ RUBBERS A good assortment of Children’s Shoes In blacks and browns. Regular values to $2.50. Closing Out ITice Genuine Hope Muslin, fine weave free from starch. 36-ln. wide. No home Hhouid be without it. Nothing reserved. All Ladies’ Rubbers that sold for $1.00 pair. 98c 25c 16c MISSES’ SHOES WHITE SHOES Ladies’ white and tan shoes. Marked cheaper than you could put heels on ordinary shoes. Closing Out Price Our entire stock of grown girls’ Shoes .New, snappy styles, worth up to $4.00. Closing Out ITice $2.69 MEN’S UNIONS 16c Men’s Fine rib summer weight Union Suits. Sizes 32, 34 and 36 left. Values up to $1.75. Closing Out Price D. M. C. 48c RUBBER BOOTS Men’s knee rubber boots, genuine Goodyear red with grey soles. Should sell for $5.50. Closing Out Price 36 INCH OUTING 36-ln. colored Outing Flannel, good weight. Just, the cloth for lining, baby clothes, gowns,, pajamas, etc. Values to 30c. Closing Out Price 2 Suits ^>r $1.50 $3.95 Every woman knows what fast color crochet thread means. Sold regulnrly for 20c. Closing Out Price 7c MERCHANTS TAKE NOTICE! Our fixtures are for sale—come In and see what you can use—Stock is also offered in bulk. Anyone interested in buying this well established store to continue it please see Mr. Allen A. Kafoury. Kafourys Formerly the Farmers Exchange, ^ mains Ì OIL CLOTH White or colored Oil Cloth. A necessity in every home. Closing Out Price 2 9 c Yard Springfield, Oregon