PAGB SIX THURSDAY. MARCH 2». 1929 THK SPRINGFIELD NBWS 7 H E M A G I C W O R D that describes the electrical force which permeates the entire community when every member of that community becomes a booster. Boosters B uild — they make the community and the life of the community a life of generous prosperity and happ-ness for all. Let us all get together and boost— and boosting, grow and prosper The following business and professional interests stand ready to serve you and Springfield. WRIGHT & SONS Hardware and Furniture COMMERCIAL STATE BANK HENDERER ELECTRIC John Henderer, Prop. W. C. REBHAN, M. D. GRAY’S CASH AND CARRY Dallas Murphy, Mgr. j. c. M c M urray Grocer W HITE FRONT GROCERY W. A. Taylor, Prop. SPRINGFIELD GARAGE W. H. Adrian, Prop. EUGENE KESTER, M. D. SPRINGFIELD MILL & GRAIN COMPANY WALKER-POOLE CHAPEL Funeral Directors MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY