Tim U SD A Y . MARCH 2K. 1Ö2Ö T H J SgRlW OraBLD W W 8 TOWN AND VICINITY At E lite H o te l— U lu rg ti U lu lili (if I *< >it lit ti (I wa» registered nt Ihn K I I I k hotel F rid a y From Jasper— Mr and Mr» Jim Illg Kina, from Jasper, w it h In town Hutur day. F r o m R u n b u rg — M rs 'lu m i« ' Kuu» i l i, uf Hu « liiir it. «. h n M onday v is ito r In i h i» c ity . From Portland— Henry Hull, of Port land, was a bu»lne»H vlKltor In the city Friday. R ecovering from Flu- Ml'» I! m i c e To Visit Class— Itoy Carlton will Van Valxah I rene.'i ' lug from llm flu visit tin' Fccli-slun class of tin- Method She 1» being ca l..I fur hy Mr». Kila 11st church next Sunday and give u to Ik < 'mi way. From W endllng—John Downing of V l» l’ H e re — M llu t h I ’c u rn i'k u m l , W endllng, spent u few hours In tills yum In i If i>r M ini,iv were in Spring : city yesterday. , lle lil S i i I i i i ' y v is itin g w ith Mr um l ENDORSES PLAN TO NAVIGATE WILLAMETTE Elite fams III RnilorHcmont of the plan to make the W lllum ette river navlgutlble from Portland to Hprlngflrld was given by ' the Springfield Chamber of Comm- rel­ iant Friday evening. Senator McNary has offered to nut this proposition be­ fore congress anil It Is believed that , som e day bonis may be u»lng the W illam ette river again. The chamber Joined the W estern Oregon Traffic [iHHoclatlon and will hhh I m I In the freight rule hearings now- going on. Tin- Hei-ck genrlesa differential was : displayed to m em bers of the chamber Makers of this differential are looking for a place to locate a factory. From Lowell—C. L. (Slnspey, of I »»well, was a visitor In Springfield LANE CHAMBER TO HOLD Hurt at Marcola— It <> Ih-ailrnonil Tuesday. E lite Jam«, known during the who works In it »uwitilll In the Marcola MONTHLY MEETING HERE From Rainbow— Mrs George WII war i» -he ‘«wretheart of the illatrtcl received Injury to hl» back K F .” American actress, ia *eri» 1 Hains and son. Joe, were visitors In i Monday when lie was thrown from a The next m onthly m eetin g of the ouxly ill of influenza in Paris. Springfield Tuesday Lane County Chamber of Comerce will carriage From McKenzie Way— W C Myers be held In Springfield April 18, It was U ndergoes Operation— Tile »mull of Hayden bridge and F K. Weed of decided at the m eeting In Cottage BOYS PASS SCOUT TEST daughter of Mr. and Mr» A It Camp Vida were visitors In town W ednesday. Grove la»t Thursday. AT MEET LAST NIGHT bell, of Portland, had her ton sils re The vnrioun road projects of I-ane moved under the cure of a local phy»l From Jasper— Mr and Mrs Wilbur county. Including the Florence and Four boys passed scout exam ina­ W lnfry of Jasper, were visitors In rlan Monday. W illam ette highw ays, were dlseu»H>-d tions for troop 1 2 .last night at the town W ednesday. at the Cottage Grove m eeting last m eeting of the troo; held In the cham ­ From Out of Town—J ( ’nne of Pneumonia Patient Improves — A“» week. Carl Ol-on. Jack H enderer and ber of com m erce rooms. The follow ­ Ixiwell, Frank Renata of Thumton. and R. J Hertach of Thurston were visitor» Griffith, of West Springfield, who has W K. Barnet), of Springfield were ing boys passed: Eugene Malosh, Arlo been quite seriously III with pneumonia among the thirty representative» of Atkinson, Bruce Squires and Darwin In the city during the week. Is Improving Ijtni- county cham bers o f com m erce to Force. Six tenderfeet passed the test R ecuperating— Ml«» Pearl Nelson of who attended. J. E Shelton of Eu­ last week including: Irvin D avis, T onsils Removed — Roland, the the Springfield bakery. 1» convalescing gene. president o f the body, presided C hester Gerber, Jack Peterson, Arlan from an attack of the flu She 1» ex sm all son of Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Schantol, Charles S teel, and Wavne Moon, had his tonsil» removed by a ported hark to work next week Larson. Thia m akes a total of 22 boys FORMER SPRINGFIELD . local physician Tuesday. Returns to Junction— Mr» Sarah J BOY MARRIES IN EAST In the troop now. Clifford Wllaon la scoutm aster and the troop Is sponsor­ Adams who has been visitin g for «even From Medford— Mrs. Dale Flower w eeks at thn home o f her son R. of Medford, has been here during the Word was received here thia w eek of ed by the local American Legion. Adams of th is city returned to her week vlaltlng at the borne of Mr. and the m arlage on March 18 in Columbus. C a r R etrieved Mrs. Dyer. hom e In Junction City Sunday. Ohio, of David B ldw ell form erly of thia city to Mlaa Martha Thayer. Mr. Bid- The Studebaker touring 1921 model From the Country— W J M ethews May V isit H ers— Or and Mrs R C. well Is a graduate of the Springfield autom obile which was left on the cor. Vau Valxah and children of Medford ; of Jasper, was In town W ednesday and high school and the U n iversity o f Ore­ ner o f 2nd and D streets two ago and and Dr. C. 0 . Van Valxah of Portland, I ith u r Fraxee of I-eaburg, was here gon and la at the present tim e work­ was later picked up by the local police are expected here over the week-end 1 Tuesday. ing for his doctor’s degree at the Ohio departm ent and taken to the Roden- to visit with Mra. A B Van Valxah bough garage has thia week be<- Leave for California— Mr and Mra. S tate U nlveralty. Back from South— Mr and Mrs W I-eathers and daughter, Hadln, left this claim ed by Ira C. Gates, a car financier O. H ughes returned the first of the week for California. Coy le a th e r s la SURPRISE PARTY GIVEN of Eugene. Kenneth G iles, local traf­ w eek from Sacram ento and other Cali­ taking his father's place at the state AT W. GOSSLER HOME fic man, found the car'» owner by trac­ fornia points where they have been gam e farm. ing It through the licen se record». The during the past few days. surprise party In the form of a car had been deserted by a man who From W isconsin— Dredsll Bean, of covered dish affair was given by had bought It on tim e from Mr. Gates. Called Away— Mr and Mrs Frank 1 LaCraaae, W isconsin, la visitin g his friend» of Mr and Mrs W alter Ooaaler Root, of the MohBwk left for Shedd slater. Mrs W alter Gossler, here. Mr T uesday night Present at the party ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ e e e e e e e e e e e e Saturday even in g In reaponae to a | Bean has Just com pleted a trip by were: M essrs and Mesdamea. Clifford ♦ UPPER WILLAMETTE ♦ m essage aaylng that Mra Hoot a autom obile through the south. W ilson, Allen Kafoury. I-aurence Mof. father. Mr. Caatleman wa» seriously From Portland—C. W. W eaver of fltt. Miss Maurlne Lombard. Dredsll The women of Pleasant H ill met at III. l*ortland. w h s a business visitor In the Bean and Mr. nnd Mra. W alter Ooaaler. the home of Mrs. Andy Olson W ednes. From the Country— K. II M asterson city W ednesday. Mr. W eaver Is on day afternoon Mrach 20 and gave a of Camp Creek. Curtis N ew m an o f . the road for the W eatlnghouse people. HIGH SCHOOL TO m iscellaneous show er to Mrs. Grant Signal. Mrs. Charles Taylor of Thura I-attln w hose hom e recen tly burned. GIVE CARNIVAL Returns to Monmouth— Luclle May ton. Mr and Mra. Clair McHenry of . Many useful household articles and W endllng. Ernest Cooley of ('amp returned to Monmouth last Monday An event In the form of a take-off canned fruit w as received by Mrs. Laf­ Creek, and Bert Vaughn of Full Creek, after spending the spring vacation on the “Gumps" Is to be given by the lin T hose present for the afternoon j with her parents here. were In town Monday students of the local high school Fri­ were Mrs. Ralph Laird. Mrs. P. N. A ppointed Assistant S coutm aster — day. April 5 aa a fenture of the carnl ’ Laird. Miss Irma Laird. Mrs. P. N. Expected Here— A, A Anderson 1« exp ectin g a visit from hl» daughter- Frank D avis has been recen tly ap­ val to be given thnl day. Other fea L attln, Mrs. Grant L attin. Mrs. C. L. and son-in-law, Mr and Mr». Ray pointed assistan t scoutm aster to troop turns for the carnival have not yet W illiam«, Mrs. Ernest Schrenk, Mrs. heen decided “ Andy Gump's W ed­ Jam eson. Mrs Doane. Mrs. Mertz. Mrs. Caateel of Portlnnd thia week W hile No. It. ding," the title of the Gump skit will John. Mrs Miller, E sther Miller, Mra. here H uy will ulao visit with Mr. Returns from Sutherlin—G. W. Ken be nttended by many characters of the E. Y Sw ift, Miss Ann Parks. Mrs. E. C asteel's father. nett returned Sunday from Sutherlin B. Tinker, Mrs. Andy Olson. T he next com ics. where he has been engaged in a d o s ­ regular m eeting of the women w ill be Mr. Adrian Improving— Word bus held at the hom e of Mrs. Schrenk. been received thl» week from W It. ing out sale for Talbot and Slater. CHARM SCHOOL SESSION Adrian who la In Loa A ngeles that he Mrs. W. L. Bristow left P leasant V isits Mother— W alter Scott of Port­ TO BE GIVEN THURSDAY HUI last week for an indefinite v isit la »lowly Improving. Mr. Adrlnn su f­ land. arrived In Springfield last Satur fered u severe utlack of flu and pneu day to spend a few w eeks with his In California and Arizona. She w ill The last session of I he "charm monla during the winter and has suf mother, Mrs. Charles Scott. I visit relatives at Concord and Oak­ school" conducted by Mrs Elizabeth fered Revere after-effect». land. California and go to Gallup, New Go to Cascade— Mrs. Carl Phette- Fox DeCou w ill be given nt the high M exico to be with her daughter. Mrs. school this afternoon. The “charm V isit In Springfield— Mr. and Mrs. place, Mrs. Sydney Ward and Mrs. C. P. Mason. H. W. S cott and sona, Verne and Ix>vl Neet left Sunday for Cascade sch ool” sponsored by the local high Mr. and Mrs. Jed W heeler o f Trent David, of Salem »pent the week-end resort where they plan on stayin g for school Girl's League has been one of are rejolnclng over the arrival of a the school features of the w inter and at the home of Mr». H asel Adrian. several w eeks. Mrs. DeCou. from the U n iversity of son norn at the Pacific Christian hospi­ Waldo Mnratera. who cam e down from A t S p r in g f ie ld H o te l— B. F. Johns Oregon has given the talks. The tnlks tal March 22. T hey now have two Salem to be with lit« wife now In the children, a daughter and a son. Pacific Christian hospital In Eugene . ton. of cam p 35, W J. Scott, of Port th is afternoon will he “Charm School T he m us'c nuplls of ?r-ry land and Elmer Sanky of Corvallis o f Good T able M anners.” also visited nt the home of Mrs. Adrian Harden will give a rec-.ta! :■ • ■ i.ar- were week-end gu ests at the Spring- , during the week-end. Daughter Born— A baby daughter den hom e Saturday night of this week. field hotel. w as born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lyons All of the m em bers of the Pleasant Baby Born— A baby girl was bom at the E ugene hospital la st night ! Hill Christian Endeavor nttended the 'to Mr and Mrs. M. L. Sim m ons, of At Elite Hotel— F. W. Force of Van I Lane county convention held at Eu­ . Springfield Route 1, Inst Sunday at couver, was registered at the E lite gene last week-end. Pleasant H ill was I th e Pacific Christian hospital In Eu­ presented with the banner for lOO'-i- hotel Tuesday. gene. attendnnee. They have held this ban­ Eastern Star to Meet— Tip? local ner with other E ndeavors for the past , M eeting Postponed— On nccount of a conflict due to the sim ultaneous a f­ chapter of he Eastern Star will hold several years. fairs being scheduled for Thursday th eir regular m eetin g next Tuesday night, March 28, the legion auxiliary night. Mr» C F I.KKlmunn Spring C leaning Your spring house-clean­ ing la probably done by now. But how about the »prlng Internal cleaning? Take PU R E TE 9T Epsom SALT now anil got a thor­ ough cleaning out. E asy to take — leH» b itte r —all Im purities refined away. P it retest Epsom Salts 3 sizes 10° ,1 5 c and 25° Sold only at Flanery’s D rug Store banquet has been postponed until a THURSTON ♦ Returns to Portland— Miss Martha ♦ Inter date. M ortensen returned to Portland Sun­ e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e day after a w eek's visit in Springfield , Mrs. Harvey H adley returned to her i Have Sunday Dinner Here— Leo with relatives. hom e at H adleyvllle last S a tu r d a y ' Knfoury of Salem , cousin of Allen after spending the past w eek caring Taken to H ospital— T. A. Colman I for her mother, Mrs. Taylor N eedham , 1 Knfoury and M I rh Mahle Platt of Eu gene had last Sutday evening's dinner ( w as taken to the Pacific Christian who has been quite sick with Influ- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen hospital In Eugene Tuesday under the i enza. care of a local physician. Kafoury. i Dale P hetteplace a student at the To Be With Son— Mrs. Mary K essey I IT. of O. spent the spring vacation Go to Newport— Mr. and Mrs. W alter G ossler, Mrs. Elin I-ombard, Frank has gone to Portland to be with her with his parents here. I-ombnrd. Mnurlne Lombard and Miss son, Dwight, who Is til. Word has been Perry Price nnd Jay Grant, students Margaret D elaney w ent to Newport received here that he I h much Im­ I of O. S. C. at Corvallis sp en t t h e , Friday and returned Sunday. They proved. spring va’catlon at their hom es here. | report a rainy week-end on the coast. From Carter— Mrs. Frank Snyder, i Mr. and Mrs. Ira Gray have p u r-1 of Carter Station, w as In the ettv ¡chased 1600 w hite leghorn baby' Returns from Astoria— Mrs. M. It. W ednesday, having com e down for .ch ick s, Mrs. O. A. McMahon has 1400. H untly returned here last Monday the N eighbors of W oodcraft m eeting She hatched them with her own in - , from Portland nnd Astoria where she W ednesday night. cubator. has sen t the past few days. W hile'in Preparations are being made for the A storia she visited with her father Here Enroute— Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Lane county Sunday school conven­ and w hile In Portlnnd she nttended the Renls nnd fam ily stopped off tion which will be held here an April i dedication of the V eterans' hospital. In Springfield last Monday enroute 5, 6, and 7. There w ill ho a banquet . from their homo In Seattle; W ashing, Freight Men Here— Chnrles Fallen held by the L adies Aid society on ! ton to southern California. nnd W. W Jones of (he Chicago Great Saturday nnd a basket dinner held W estern. John F. Scanlon of the New To Have Picnic— The first and Sunday;. Miss Mary Harding, presl-1 York Centrn, end J. S. McLnughlin of second grades of the Lincoln school end is working to have every Sunday ' the Illllnols Centrnl were In Springfield ! with their teachers, Mrs. Arthur school In the county represented. M l-s Mnrgret R u ssell, who tenches W ednesday on business. The men are R oberts nd Mrs. L aselle plan on going freight representatives foe thr-Ir vail on nil F aster picnic to Emerald nt Junction City spent the week-end road com panies. H eights tomorrow afternoon. In Thurston. PAGE FIVE COURT ACTION TAKEN ON R IG H T -O F -W A Y S FOR NEW HIGHWAY W. F Reed property areal of the Springfield bridge bordering the Pacb fle Highway and the county court will endeavor to settle the m atter of Condemnation proceedings w e r e this right-of-way with the oamer after started in the circuit court by Lane the appraisal» have been made. county yesterday for the purpose of obtaining a right-of-wey F r the new CARD CLUB MEETS AT McKenzie highw ay being built he M c M u r r a y home here tween here and C ogsw ell Hill across the properties of two farms, the of The local chrysanthem um club m et j A. L. Currie and the farm of Frederic at the hom e of Mr. and Mra. J C. Mc­ .1. Gray and Maud Gray. . ne Currie Murray yesterday. T w enty p e r s o n i property Is close to m e point where , Including m em bers and visitors were i ’he new route w ill leave the present present and five tables o f bridge were highway and the Gray property Is fur ertoved. Mr and Mrs Charles Ken­ | ther east. yon had the high »core for the even ­ All of the right-of-ways have heen ing. obtained and work Is rapidly progress­ Present at the party were: M c»an ing on the construction. There will and M‘-sdames J. A. Seavev Wm. be no big fills or cuts and no difficult Dawson. W N. Dow. W C. Rcbhan, : detours. C om m issioner Clinton Hurd Charles Kenyon. M M Perry, Frank believes. T elephone line« on the se c ­ DePue. Mrs Mand Prvan Miss Crvs- tion between here and the point where tal Bryan. Dr Phettepla.ee. Mrs H enry the new road w ill leave the old one ( Adrian and Mr. and Mrs J f;. Mc­ must be moved to provide way for the ! Murray. Miss Moose, a g o esi at the widening process. , home of Mr and Mrs M M Peerv Appraisals are being made on the was also a gu est at the party. For Sale My D elicatessen and B akery Shop in Springfield I have been doing a good business b u t wish to retire on a c c o u n t of health. A good buy for th e rig h t party. Come in and see me. M. B. HUNTLY Your Easter Gift To Her REM EM BER M OTHER W ITH AN EA STER LILY. M ake your E a ste r gift to her th e one gift th a t is m ost flitting the season of th e year - Flowers. We have lovely H ydrangaes and o th e r potted plants, as well as a larg e variety of cut flowers. OLDHAM and SCHANTOL West Springfield - - Phone 86-W MATINEES AT AND USUAL NIGHTS P R IC E S ! The 100% ALL TALKING DRAMA of Money-Mad Men “THE WOLF OF WALL STREET” With GEORGE BANCROFT, BACLANOVA, NANCY CARROLL and PAUL LUKAS A lw ays Vltaph on e Acts N.B.— PREVIEW THURSDAY NIGHT! AND ON SUNDAY COM ES it SUBMARINE” W ith JACK HOLT, RALPH GRAVES, DOROTHY REVIER A Gripping, T en se Picture of the SEA! BgaaBBaa a a K 'jA i —at— ———————i— »-»«»■>— ... . ■— —— LOOK O U T !! TH E LITTLE WILDCAT'S COMING!I