THURSDAY. MARCH 21. 1929 THR SPRINGinrci.n v ie w s PAGE SIX Senator Capper Tells A griculture’s Need BAPTIST CHURCH TO HAVE SUNDAY SERVICE MONTGOMERYS TAKE BACK LOCAL HOTEL “Hoaanna or llen iln '' will be H im Mr. and Mrs. Al Montgomery, topic of the morning sermon at the ow ners of the Springfield hotel, which Baptist church to he given by Rev I has been since a year ago last S ep t­ lllom next Sunday, «ml the music will ember under lease by Jack Sherman legitim ate m arketing costa — through who has been operating It. took the consist of n song "Ride On. Ride On" Six Fundamental Essentials to cooperative marketing. Scott by tile the choir Bible school hotel hack this week and w ill run It Consider mi Working Out 4. D ecrease In spread betw een pro­ them selves. will m eet nt 10 A M and evedyone ducer and consum er— lessened illegltl. A Farm Relief Plan Is asked to be there Io receive their Mr and Mrs Montgomery have Just mate gam bling costa In m arketing— copy of "The Life Story of the C hrist­ By SBNTAR ARTHUR CAPPBR by reduction toward elim ination of returned from Isis Angeles and Call iana ** of K ansas gam bling In grain and cotton futures fornla points wher/> they have spent Special music for the evening will the winter, having left here last Farm ers and business men general, The preceding four relief m easures he a selection by the male quartet. ly are looking forward with hopeful In deal directly with the m arketing of October. T hey are giving the hotel , 1 "B lesseth Is He That Ileadeth" by a com plete renovating and will also terest to the com ins: sp ecial session of farm products. The other tw o essen ­ Colburn, also a selection by the choir CYmgreas I b elieve it has been made tials, In m y Judgment, com plete the paper tt. and chorus, “Thou Mighty To Have'’ plain that Herbert H oover exp ects this half doaen avenues of approach to Mr. and Mrs. Sherman and family by Gabriel The evening topic will brunt of V islvillt, 6 !. believed io be sessio n to deal alm ost entirely with ' solving the farm problem that I be­ have moved Into the room adjoining L e ft to right. W ill .on and It be “The Real Triumphant Entry Into twin*, who v e lv lu .rd then VMh birthday w m ivoi...ry America*« oldest the solution of the many-sided and lieve should receive im m ediate atten ­ the hotel, owned by Mr. and Mrs Jerusalem .** Junior anil Senior It Y For aaor« than aiaty years they were partners in a sarrcaniile many-angled farm problem. Montgomery, and will operate a taxi tion. T h ese are: P V will meet nt « 3 0 o'clock Bible a WoodviUa The congress will m eet in special study and prayer service will be held 5. Lowering of transportation costs ' and stage b u sin ess from this location session in April with part of its work each Thursday at 7 SO P. M (a) through a readjustm ent of freight : Mr. Gherman stated Monday that he behind it. There w ill be no n ecessity rates; (b) through developing Inland | would run a stage to Leburg commsnc- ECCLESIAN CLASS NAME BIRTHDAY PARTY GIVEN to prove the ex isten ce of the agri- w aterways. The developm ent of water lng this week. GIVEN TO METHODIST FOR BARBARA KETELS EPWORTH LEAGUE GIVES nrltural dep ression —that is. the farm transportation for the Middle W est Is. | YOUNG MARRIED GROUP problem Its existen ce Is admitted on BOX SOCIAL FRIDAY A birthday party for little Barbara of course, a program that w ill take ' LOCAL GIRL AND EUGENE every hand. In eight years the coun­ - Jane K etels was given Mmulay aftei years to put Into effect. But the start ■ The "E cdeslan" class, the n«w|y MAN ARE MARRIED HERE T he Epworth League of the Method­ try as a whole has been forced to noon ut the home of Mr und M in . John should be made and the work pushed. . named and recently formed young acknow ledge It. The "Farm Special" ist church gave a box social at the K etels on Second street Miss Alene Larimer, daughter of Mr. married folk s c la s s o f the M ethodltd session can settle down to the Job of Methodist church last Friday night 6. ShlD lng of the unfair share o f : and Mrs I. D Iutrlmer, of Springfield church, met T uesday night at the home | The *1 HHle friends of Barbara June Mari b 10 An enjoyable time was had trying to solve It. the taxation burden now borne by . and Donald Prairie son of Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs W illis Hertsch. The | •,nJov*d an afternoon of children s fun It seem s to me there are six funda­ land, and particularly by farm land. Mrs. J. H. Prairie of Eugene, were class was organised about three w eeks j which Included playing with holloons by all who attended A sum of money was turned Into the treasury Miss m ental essen tia ls that congress should This Is more properly a problem to be married at the home of the bride's ago. but It was Tuesduy night that It “nd «•<'«* < “”«l Ice cream 1 birr Is Myers and her com m ittee had consider In working out a farm relief solved by state nd local taxing units , parents in Springfield Saturday. Rev. was given its nutne. | The children present Included J,,v charge of the evening's entertainm ent plan, bearing in mind that the problem than by C ongress. Frederick O. Jennings, rector of the The “Eccleslan" was formed to i and Bobble Rebhan. Dorothy and Is to m ake agriculture pay; to place St Mary's Episcopal church In Eugene bring together a group of young pen Richard Flannery. Mildred and Gerald III at Hom s— Pearl Nelson, an em agriculture on a b asis where the HARRISBURG GIRL AND solem nised the wedding. pie not eligible for other class gro ips Morgan. Anne Marie Gossler, Billie ’ of Springfield Bakery Is III farm ers will have an equal opportun. GROVE MAN WED HERE A consideration of Duwson. Bobble Pollard, Dtllnrd at her home on 6th street this wank. Miss Dorene T-arlmer. sister of the In the church. lty with those engaged in other indus­ nam es of eligible m em bers was con- Wright. N adine Neet. Mart'lean WII- tries to make their business opera­ Howard McCune, of Cottage Omve. i bride, was maid of honor and Russell sldered at the m eeting. son, Ann and John Phetteplnce. Bar- c enzie road work tions profitable It is not a problem and Miss Gwendolyn Gott, of Harris Prairie, brother of the groom was best Present were: M esdam es and tiara Kafoury. Betty Jean Jarrett. Jean man. Im m ediately follow ing t h e of passing the hat for the individual burg, were married at the Methodist TO START THIS WEEK M essrs ifike, Bartholom ew. Gossler. Crites. Jackie Bill Vaughn nnd Bar farmer, nor for agriculture as a whole, parsonage in Springfield by Rev. C. J. j cerem ony Mr. and Mrs. Prairie left Foote, Bertsch. Allan Kafoury, and barn Jnne and John Lluswy K etels. nil for Portland w here they will make nor for any branch of agriculture Pike last Saturday. They were at- , Work on the stretch of new mad their home. Mrs. Prairie attended Mrs Win Kod”nbough A social tim e ' of Springfield; also Kwinajean Beck, to be made between Springfield and A griculture is not ask in g for that: is tended by Mrs. Mabie Gott. school here and later com pleted a was had and refreshm ents were en- , Beverly Droste and Normnnd Hill of C ogsw ell hill will probably start this BOt entitled to i t a I Eugene. Mothers present Included: course a t the U n iversity of Oregon Joyed. Four of wbnt I regard as the six j week. P oles are already being laid Haa »1st Birthday - ■ | M esdames Gossler, Kafoury, Droste, where she w as a member of the Phi along the route o f the rlght-of way •sse n tla ls to be dealt with at this time Ephriam B. Kester was »1 years old Mu sorority. SCHOOL BURGLARS Beck. Hill. Morgan. Pheltnplace and and equipm ent haa arrived fur thu deal with marketing. Agriculture yesterday arei he carries with him yet W ilson. road work. STILL AT LARGE seed s: the spirit of life and vigor. H e reads LOCAL RESTAURANT 1. tariffs on farm products ' without h is g la sses and »till works on So far no definite clew s have been | QUITS BUSINESS on an import or marginal import basis, clocks and w atches h is life-tim e oc­ found which m ight lead to the appre- . affording a protected home market. It cupation. Mr. K ester w as horn In Clarence Sh elly, proprietor of the , henslon of the person or persons who w ill do no good to increase farm . Indiana but has lived m ost a t his life Into the local high school last , tariffs, how ever, and allow a corree- ’ in the west having resided 45 years B u ss’ Cafe, haa discontinued opera­ broke Friday night. Deputy Sheriff Julian ! tions and moved all equipm ent from ponding increase on other products. In Olympia. W ashington. Mr. K ester's Strait, of Eugene. Is working on the — Presenting — 2. Protection equivalent to tariff w ife Is 87 years old and works about the location In the E lite H otel build­ EUGENE, OREGON case. ing. He has been running the cafe protection— and aided by tariff pro­ her home. The would-be robbers were sppar . since last sum mer. Mr S h elly will tection—on major farm crops on an ently frustrated In their attem pt, be- m ove out to the farm owned by his export basts, where tt plainly Is Im­ M. E. LADIES AID TO cause nothing of value was taken. The ' father near Jasper. possible to decrease the acreoge of lock of Prof A. J. Morgan's office was ' HAVE BENEFIT DINNER th ese major crops without bringing broken and the window In the door of I Entertain at Anchorage on a ruinous overproduction in minor T he Ladies' Aid o f the Methodist the aecretary'a room waa rhattergjl crops Mrs. John K etels and Mrs. Carl The desks In the other rooms through, church w ill have a benefit dinner In 3. D ecrease in the spread between the dining room of the church on Wed­ Olson are entertaining the needlecraft out the building were ransacked. ynoducer and con su m er — lesse n e d nesday even in g March 27. at 6 P M club today at the Anchorage In Eugene M K H EILIG Taylor Player» “THE GIRL FROM OUT YONDER” COMING SUNDAY. MONDAY, TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY WILD FLOWERS TOPIC OF CIVIC CLUB MEET “RAIN” Visit the S. <& H. Premium Parlors — Third Floor erne's MO! ' 1 Ö \WHBURNE -PHONE 2700 A W onderful . G roup of 200 N ew Silk Professor Sw eetser, o f the T’nlver- 1 slty of Oregon, will give an Illustrated leelU ’e op wild flowers nt the m eeting , cf the civic club next Tuesday. Every- ' one. non-members ns well as members I are Invited to com e nnd esp ecially are I those who are lovers of (towers urged to attend. . • jr F iW P ' A 4 Plans Great blight Ì . k J $19. Certainly never before in Eugene has such a splendid collection of new, beautiful dresses been offered at anywhere near this special price. It presents such an unusual opportun­ ity to the woman who wants to own a clever though inexpensive frock in which she will know that she is fashion right. Coloi 8 Styles Hollywood, Lobster Red, Canteo, Byrd Blue, Alesia, Bonnie Blue, Gooseberry, Deer, Rose, Tan, Navy, Black. New scarf styles— new tiered skirt styles — sleeveless models— new printed silks— new luxurious plain silks— lace trims— flounce — sashes— bows— tailored styles. Fabrics Modernistic prints in striking color combinations— floral prints— polka dots — stripes pussy willow prints— flat crepes (both plain and printed)— georgettes and chiffons. Formerly Farmers Exchange Closing Out Sale ENTIRE STOCK IS TO BE CLOSED OUT. NOTHING RESERVED. BUY YOUR WANTS FOR MONTHS TO COME Dresses Being Featured Now At This Special Price Department Store GLOVES Major Art Goebel, trans-Pacific aod transcontinental flyer. «» aiding m perfecting Mana lot a hvr-day around th« world non-stop flight this » .s u e r A specially flengned «lane it to i • » * * It wifi be w- tucbid wn flight. CHAMEBR OF COMMERCE TO JOIN WEST OREGON TRAFFIC ASSOCIATION At a special m eeting o t the direc­ tors of the local chamber of comm erce It was voted to Join the WeHtern Ore­ gon Traffic A ssociation. The associa­ tion which co n sists of cham bers of the cities from Salem to Ashland and from Klamath Falls to the coast, has been organized to take up the pro­ blem of Intermediate rates. T he Interstate Commerce Commls. slon at the present tim e Is In session In Portland and another session Is scheduled for Medford soon. EATS SAUERKRAUT NOW, FEELS YEARS YOUNGER "Now I eat even sauerkraut and sausage and feel fine. Adlerlka ended stom ach gas and I feel 10 years young­ er.”— Mrs. M. Davis. Just ONE spoonful Adlerlka relieves gas and that bloated feelin g so that m oves old w aste m atter you never thought, was there. No m atter what you have tried for your stom ach and bow els, Adlerlka will surprise you. Flanery'e Drugs 8tore. 10c Blue wrist Canvas« Gloves Closing Out Price 10c GLOVES CHILDREN’S SOX 15c Childern’s */2 and % Sox in Brown or black. Closing Out Price 15c 39c PRINTS WORK SHIRTS A new spring assortment of fast color prints. Closing Out Price 29c Leatherfaced Gloves, rein­ forced finger tips. Closing Out Price . 39c 49c A good full cut blue Cham- hray Work Shirt. Closing Out Price 49c MEN'S UNION SUITS 79c 2 Suits for $1.50 A fine rib Union Suit, close crotch. Sizes 34 - 36 only. Closing Out Price 79c 2 Suits for $1.50 WOOL MIXED SOX 35c Heavy Weight Sox, In dark colors. . 3 Pairs for 98c Closing Out Price 35c 3 Pair3 for 98c SILK SOX 29c 4 Pairs for 98c Plain Colors Only in this lot of solk Sox. Closing Out Price ....... 29c 4 Pairs for 98c 29c COATS EMBROIDERY THREAD 2c 8Heln One lot of ( ’oats Embroid­ ery Thread In all the want­ ed colors. Closing Out Price* 2c skein WORK SHOES 51.98 Men’H Scout Style Work Shoes. Closing Out Price $1.98 CHILDREN'S SHOES 98c One Lot of Broken Sizes In Chlldern’s Shoes. Closing Out Price ..... 98c LADIES' SHOES 51.98 A good selection of blondes and light tans, also black kid. Closing Out Prioo .... $1.98 I