« PÀ O « TOUR Tfrw R P R tN O r a J ) THURSDAY, MARCH 21. 192»_______________ — M E . 1 A NEW WAY TO TELI. TIM E POULTRY M EETINGS TO BE HELD IN VICINITY H enry K heinhardt. ch airm an of the Associated Ihibllahad Evary Thuradaj at I>ress Industries, Chicago, com es forth with a Sprlugflald, Lana County. Orason. by Profeemrr A. tl. I.unn h»ad of the brand new idea on the moot problem of (he length THE WILLAMETTE PRESS poultry departm ent of tlm Oregon of skirts. A|n*1cultui'iil ('olh'Ko. will i II ni - iin « lho _________________ H. K MAXKY, Bdltor. He suggests th at d resses should he worn down brooding of chlcka and the care of Enttred as aeeond cla ss m ailer, February 34, 1903 at the to the knee at noon, and hour by hour longer pullet» until tho In.vlnir period nt n poatofflce, Springfield. Oregon dresses should be worn until at m idnight the *7‘r*i"»» ”of"ti vo m eeting» in l175 Three M o n th s____ 75c This would give women fashion s authority to thin service to poulirvman. Tho «che- • x M on th s----------------------->100 S in gle C o p y _______ Sc change their frocks every hour. T he suggestion for mee„ ngB a, foil,.»»: THURSDAY. MARCH 21. 1829 has been given scyious a tte n tio n all over the Tuesday. March 26. country. „ ' ’ _ . _ ,, 2:00 p. m. Farm of George H. 011- T he m an who lacks courage to m ake a s ta rt It Is said that this suggestion. If followed, would ,,n,, niHe north of Junction c ity has already reached th e finish. be a w onderful com prom ise, pleasing both the ,,n |>n,.|ne Highway advocates of long and short skirts. 7. 45 ,, room ln — L. M. CRANDALL. We don't pose as an a u th o rity In such m atters. colir, h„„g,. KugtlI„. but pass the idea on in th e th o u g h t th a t it is in­ A GOOD SPRING W ednesday, March 27 teresting a t any ra te —a n d would provide us with 2:00 p m Vouch farm, one half T his has been a particularly good w inter and a ra th e r charm ing way of telling time. mile south of taiwell. spring for fan n in g in this section. F arm ers have 9:00 p. m City Hall. Cottage G row . DON'T WORRY YET plowed all w inter and m “ch o th e spring seeding (In cooperation with American Legion) h a s been done. T he w eather has not in terferred The sun will shine for a billion years, and then 1 buraday. March 28 9 30 “ “ • KHrn' of <•'• A >*” w ith fan n in g in the least and with th e prospects when it begins to dim a n o th e r will form to tak e its place. mile« went of W altervlllc and across of the unusual am o u n t of rain coining in the So says P rofessor Millikan of th e California rt* d from Eu*pn* grow ing season everything seem s bright in this In stitu te of Technology. w The county «gent «tatea that »uc- regard for th e farm er. O thers have said th at the sun would eventually tn poultry buxines« depends W hile the w inter freeze did som e injury to the go o ut and all would be darkness. Many theories mor,‘ uP°n ’*”■ poultrynien’a ability to have been advanced. W e tru s t in God to keep th e produce healthy, vigorous pullet« than fall sown grain in som e localities it mellowed the world alight and going, and are seldom If ever dis- uP°n «’«her one factor and that land so that it worked up well. T his h as been a turbed for a m om ent by all th e predictions that Prof»‘«»or L‘inn win outline method« great aid to spring seeding. tell us the world is going to end on such and such nf producing «uch pullet» All inter a date. «»ted parties are Invited to attend If Hoover and the extra session of congress can As for th a t second sun, th an k s Professor. It's th*’’»«* meeting« do anything to b e tte r farm prices this season the a great com fort to know th a t it is com ing along. ------------------------- farm er in th e W illam ette valley should com e into B ut really, we guess w e’ll just strin g along for a Marriage L lcem ea for Week w hile with the sun th at we know, and just refuse his own. During the pa»t week marrluge lic­ to w orry as to w hether a second one Is com ing en ses have been grunted by (he coun­ along o r not. Personally, we don't need it! ty clerk tolhe follow ing; Daniel Mc­ T he sta te has just been presented w ith a 125- Callum and Pearl Jackson, both of Eu­ acre wooded a re a on the Colum bia river highw ay gene; Henry Ottman and Katherine Bloom, obth of W endllng; Harry as a park. O ther acreage has been received for Dovenhlll. I-eabiirg. and Alberta THINGS ARE LOOKING UP sta te parks from tim e to tim e but none in this W eaver. Thureton; Elmer Borgnurd. (Portland T elegram ) p art of Oregon. We believe th a t it would be a W hhln a month, work will start on a three million dollar Junctlon c,ty> "nd K,,,nor Kocka. forw ard looking move to get a re a s on th e M cKen­ enlargem ent and improvement of the Camas plant of the Santa Clara; Cuthbert Crites. Cottage zie and W illam ette highw ays se t aside fo r sta te Crown W illam ette Paper company. parks. Let some civic body ta k e this m a tte r up On Coos Bay, the new mill of the W enlch Finley Lum m ake selections of appropriate sites and see if ber com pany will soon be in operation, and within two they can not be acquired for th e sta te . T en or w eeks work will start on a spruce saw m ill of 125,000 feet 20 y ears from now these parks will be of g re a t dally capacity to be operated In connection with the Sitka value to the traveling public. Spruce Pulp and Paped Mills under construction at Empire THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Editorial Comment» A * -¡S ' Direct air mall and passenger service from Portland to the East will start June 1. Operating headquarters of the A s ta rt tow ard re f o r e s ta tio n of logged off Varney Air Lines will be moved from Boise. Idaho, to lands w as m ade in a law passed by th e legislature. Portland, where term inal facilities costing betw een >50.000 Land replanted to forest should be tax exem pt and >75.000 must be provided and a stafT maintained that during th e grow ing period. T he s ta te should also w ill give the city a new >100,000 pay roll. assist th e ow ner in replanting th e tim ber. W hen Two crew s are at work on the survey for the 80-mlle it is ripe and c u t the sta te m ay come in for its extension of the Great Northern railway from Klamath sh a re as a yield tax. Only by this m ethod can we Falls south to Lookout. Cal. The Southern Pacific announ­ Y our priceless eyes are deserv­ expect to prolong a g re a t n a tu ra l resource— ces purchase of eight busses to be added to their motor ing of th e latest achievem ents tim ber. fleet, and ten lounge cars which will make the Shasta a In Optical Science. luxury train. The Union Pacific system will spend >28.000.- O rthogon or S o ft-IJte Lenses 000 this year In developm ent work In Its N ohtwest sector m ounted in th e exquisitely de- It now appears th a t we a re going to get th ro u g h A large part of this money will be spent directly in Oregon signed, hand engraved, white the w inter w ithout any high w ater on the W iliam- and much of it will go for equipm ent which will benefit g o ld fram es a re Optical featu res e tte river. While th ere is still a possibility of flood equally all parts of the territory. you certainly m ay be proud of. it is ra th e r unusual a fte r M arch. It is not how a new plane built by the N ational Aircraft corporation m uch snow falls as how it m elts th a t m akes the at Beaverton makes a su ccessfu l maiden flight from the high w ater especially if it is helped by a heavy Swan Island field prom ising su ccess to a new Industry rain Henry W. Collins, president of the Collins Flour Mills e # • lot Pendleton and of the Pendleton Round-Up. and Harry Banfleld. president of the Iron Fireman Manufacturing T he sun is shining m ost of the tim e and m any com pany o f Portland, have bought 3000 acres of the richest No. 14 p Ave. West people have a little garden in. T h a t is spring and wheat lan,i ln the Pendleton area, indicating a healthy con- E u g e re, Oregon th e m onth of M arch in th e W illam ette valley. fldence in Oregon agriculture. C ontrasted with the floods and blizzards in o th er ’lhis ,s ,he fea8t of new s that may be gathered p a rts of this continent we should be th an k fu l we from on,> dav ” chronicle— and just for dessert, we add We Sell live in God's favored country. Professor L. E Griffin s dlscovSry that maple syrup, sugnr and flavoring extract, may be made from the sap of Oregon ASSOCIATED GASOLINE * maple trees. Dress Up Your Eyes lO rovs, and laila Iturnett, Drain; Ikm «kl l'rwlrlo, Portland, and L. Alono l.nrltnor. Mprlnyfleld; Stephen tlarm s, Eugono and Marauorltta Melle«, Fort- land; Frank t'ratilroo, .'♦prlngtlold, and Goldte Lynch, Kugene; Norman Itouni of W altorvlllo, and Mary t’onloy. of Donna; llarold Met'uo, Cottage (Irovo, and tlwouoln B. Uott, Ilarrlahurg. many, a ei olghty yoara old During Ih« laat y«ar. llioro wore tw enty o n e birth« and ouly eight death« Private Promoted— Private Norman K Look of tho locnl national guard unit wa« promoted to private of tho drat eta«« al the regular drill Thura- ilay night. V isiting In Aetorla— Mrs. John Ilu»h- Toonlaherg, Germany. Mar 21, (AC) — It atatlstlca m atter, thi» Hillo Rhine man I» «pending (ho week In Aatorla village la (ho houllliloitt iliaco In Gor- whore «ho 1« vlaltlng hero purenta. EASTER CANDIES M ake E asier exceptionally happy this y ear by gettin g your candy at I his shop w here all (he m erchandise offered Is pure and wholeaome, m ade by ex|>ertH out of th e very freshest and purest ingredients. Special E aster candies In Special E aster Boxes expressing the Spirit of blaster— chocolate E aster eggs E asier bunies eat ’e m alive. You don't have to be afraid of them if you gel them here! FGGIMANN’S "Whera th» Service la Different" Im portant Train and Stage Announcement For your greater convenience on trip» in Western Oregon a new ticket arrangement has l>een put into effect whereby the same tickets may be used on the stages of the Southern Pacific Motor Transport Co., Oregon Stages Inc., and the Pacific Stages For example, you can leave hereon the stages of one line and return on the other, using the same ticket Schedules of these companies have Ixen ttxirdi- naecd,too,giving you better service than ever before. R a il tickets good on these lines Southern Pacific rail rickets also are good for use on the "Red Tops" and "Silver Grays," and. with few exceptions, on the Pacific Stage line. If you wish, you can go by train and return by stage. Stages tall at Optometrist 'Phont or call on ui a t any time fo r a ll travel information. Souî/Tcrr» raacîîüc CARL OLSON, Agent AND CYCOL T he S outhern Pacific is building a 12 million dollar bridge across San F rancisco bay. It will cut train tim e 20 m inutes. E ach year at this ra te it will save 500.000 visitors to Frisco 10 million m inutes. Surely tim e is m oney in this regard. Harrisburg Is practically free from money snohbery. Other places have their w ealthy 400'». their moneyed a ris­ tocracy the social elite based on money, houses and furni- hut not so here. We have neither the very w ealthy nor the very poor. There Is a common level that forgets all about the dollar sign, the floor rugs nnd the fine raiment. Groups are formed for business reasons, for social affairs or for religious affiliation, but the possession of wealth Is not given a thought ln them. It Is a fine spirit of de- mocracy and one that should be encouraged.— Harrisburg Springfield Service Station _ 5th and Main S tre e ts lo p p in g Up M o to r <’a r Q u a lity w ith o u t step p in g o u t of th e L o w - P r ic e d F ie ld T he lopping off of five hours ru n n in g tim e be­ tw een Chicago . and Portland looks like the rail- , . . . . , roads w ere trying to com pete with the airplane. H.|1]f,tlu by Dunkel THE FUMBLE FAMILY A STOBM BLEW UP AT SEA i A TECRI AC BOLT OF U 6U T - NiNG STRUCK OUC VESSEL, SUE SPLIT IN TU/Q — p JES'SAW A STPAMGE INSCRlP-1 PION OH A TOMBSTONE DOWN 1 VAVf kUER& UESANATW&tS'TS A L L DKE-SSEDUPAMD NO P L A C E -T O G O * ♦A N D H A T U R A U V VE VEttE SWP- VQE j CKED» I WAS THE ONLY S U K - v iv o a AMD l iv e d f o r a w h o l e - . WEEK OM A CAM OF SAK.PIM ES- F o r lig h t o r heat and a score an d m o re o f hounehold use«. N o soot. N o c h a rrin g . K o rn s w ith a c le a r, w h ite flam e. I t cost» no m o re . Auk y o u r d e a le r o r g ro c e r f o r th e in t e r e s t in g B u r n h r ite b o o k le t. The New Pontiac Big Six ia a low-priced car. Ita price« range an low a« $745. But that ia where it« nimilarity to other low-priced cars ends. In performance, in beauty and style, in luxury, it offers all the advantages o f a truly fine big car . . . Come in to examine it and drive it. Learn by investigation what a decidedly advantagcous“ buy” it represents. I f74S »• A jL M U U U k A A A A A /. •. k. Mich., pfua 0 ara over raonucT o r «amutaL Mu-ruiu •7 1 3