THURSDAY. MARCH 21. 192Ö TM T — a n U N O F I B J ) NBWR PAGE.THREB T R A IN S C H E D U L E Springfield Stops M S NORTH No. 16 at 3:54 A. M. Stop to detrain IM paaxengers from Klamath Fall and beyond. No. 8 at 3:4« P. M. Hus connections at Eugene fo r ! b i Hefena Ruàinsìèttt trains leaving 11:50 A. M. and 7 P. M SOUTH Those cherries fairly do disclose No. 7 at 12:47 P. M Of orient pearl a double row No. 15 at 10:09 P. M. Flag atop for ! Which, when her lovely laughter shows, passengers to Klamath Falls and [ They look like rosebuds fill'd with snow beyond. — Champion Has Finger Lanced— Mrs. W. R. j ,)u" connections at Eugene for F O R 1A1JC— Carbon paper In larga Teeth are decidedly a permanent piece of sterilized gauze In a llttl» abeata. 2Sx>9 Inches, suitable fur Comstock, of Pengra, brought h er..,ra**** leaving 11:45 A. M. via Dlsklyou part of your anatomy. The skin and boric arid solution and wash out ths making tracings. Tba Newa OIBca «mull son Raymond to a local doctor I,,ne' Its cells change and with the constant inside of the baby's mouth. the first, of he week to have an ab- . ~ process of rebuilding we are practi­ One noted medical authority sug­ F IN A L N O T IC E A H e a lth y V illa g e sceaaed finger lanced. cally re-made every few years. gests that mixing calcium (preclpfc Notice Is hereby given that the un M a rrie d H ie G ra n d m o th e r But after baby teeth have gone the deralgned admlnisltrator of the estate permanent set comes; and after that, tated chalk) vrith common salt In th» N O T IC E Amsterdam, Holland, Mur. (AC)— salt shaker will help to Insure both Zwolle, In the province of Overljaael, WHEREAS In chapter 127, general final report and account and the "your teeth are your teeth, all your child and adult of the required laws of Oregon, enacted In 1919. It Is reporta the muirluge of a man to hla Court of I^ne County, Oregon, has life"—unless by your neglect you lose amount of calcium or lime. declared to be the duty of every per­ grandmother. Ilia futher, marrying a son, firm , copartnership, company and set the 30 day of March, 1929 at the them. The contour of the teeth Is most hour of 10 o'clocfc A. M at the County second time, chose a girl of 20 whose corporation owning, leasing, occupying Court Room In the Court House "at Ì The tootb-buds n? tbe Infant de- Important, too. to mouth beauty. 9» mother was 45. The uon murrled the posaesslng or having charge of or do- I Eugene for final hearing thereon and veIoP prenatally, many months, In mnch so. In fact, that I cannot advise latter, ao that he la now hla father'» minion over any land, place, building, any obectlons should be filed or made fact, before the child Is born. And yon too strongly never to permit your structure, wharf, pier or dock which Is W ^ A R T H Ó u t M ^ W . A d m t a l . t r . - * • « * baby to form the habit of sucking its atep father. Infested with ground squirrels and tor | pectant mother must begin to build thumb, or to allow pacifiers or a to® other noxious rodents or predatory N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S WHITTEN 8WAFFORD, Attorney. - UP ,n ber own body the necessary long use of the nursing bottle. Any animals, or us soon as the presence of F. 28. M. 7-14-21-28. | elem ents required by the child. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the same shall come to this, their or defect can he corrected In early life Anton Gravoa haa been appointed ex­ Its knowledge, at once proceed and to ~ j Calcium, which Is richly present In when bones and sinews are soft and ecutor of the l^tat Will und Testa­ continue In good faith U> exterminate one Im p o rtan t plastic. When the child’s teeth are ment of Albert Gravoa, deceased, by and d estro y such ro d en ts by poisoning, j IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THF i ngredients for the mother to Intro- nut of alignment a dentist who ha« tho County Court of Lane County, trapping or other appropriate and ef- COUNTY OF LANE j <'uce Into her system, for calcium specialized In orihodontry can advise Oregon, All peraonu having claim» fectlve means; and WHEREAS gray digger ground j James M Blakeley. Jr., Plaintiff, V » , I!a an act“a1 part of the teeeth. If In yon sanely and sensibly on the beet ugalnal aald eatate are required to present them, with the proper vouch­ sqti irei» << Itellus douglasll) are nox-I Bertha Blakeley, Defendant. the last three months that the mother method of correction. er», within alx month» from the 21st Now t'her’e o r ? a R i f T ‘h OrP' ° n T° B,akeIe* above I» carrying her baby she does not day of February. 1929. to Maid execu Dow, therefore, all of such persons, named defendant. __a HELENA RUBINSTEIN in THE NAME OF THE STATE ma*e Ub terrific drain made upon tor at the law office of L. L. Ray In firms, copartnerships, corporations 1 the Miner Building. Eugene, Oregon. and ciampanles owning or having do-1 OF OREGON you are hereby required her own system for the development ANTON ORA VOS. Executor of the minion over land In aald lame County, to appear and answer the complaint Ì of the teeth and bones of the unborn ORDERS FOR LUMBER I .ant Will and Teatament of Albert Oregon, are hereby required to take filed against you In the above entitled , child, her own bones will become soft 13.8^ AHEAD OF C U T steps to exterminate said gray digger court and. cause on or before the 4th through the absorption of thè lime Oruvoa, deceased. L. L. RAY Attorney for Eatate. ground squirrels (Cltellus douglasll* day of April 1929 said date betnrl F 21 -28: M 7 14 21 within thirty days from the date of more than four weeks from the day of "* U from them' I ■ <*ta‘tle. Wash., March 21.—For the t e first publication of thin notice. If j the first publication of this summons) After the child Is born its milk 1 first nine weeks of 1929. orders for A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S N O T IC E sue steps are not taken, a person herein entered of record and if you | teeth must be carefully attended to. i lumber exceeded production by 13 8 IN T H E COUNTY COUNT OF T H E c ; u ^ r:? ns‘a1dPX tet'oubnytyth: . . f ° e X ™ •o; ° a^ ar and anSWer fOr WaDt bru .h tagip er cent and shipments were M £ STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR W'th ‘ m"k * THE COUNTY OF LANE IN 1TIO 'upon said “l a n d r ^ d p X : " ’t : nexr f c f o V ^ ^ cpnt more than cutting, according to terminate said gray digger «round ' [ X s t Jo^ dem inded to wit magnesia as early as the first two studies made by the W est Coast Lum­ BATE. In re Eatate of Frank E. Miller, de- squirrels (Cirtellu« douglnsli) and the I teeth appear. On the care and the bermen's association on the reports o f ceaaed. i cost of said extermination rwlli b e , p,,r » Judgment and Decree ^ resultant health of these milk teeth 1 Divorce dissolving the bonds of matri- ‘ . m IK ’ . 143 major mills In the Douglas fir Notice la hereby given thut by an , levied agalnat said lands. mony now and heretofore existing be- uepeno the strength of the premanent region of Oregon and Washington. order of til)' above named Court made The county argricultural agent here-1 tween the Plaintiff. James M Blake-¡teeth later on. on March 18. 1929. H E Slattery waa Mill stocks were two-tenths of one per » a,v " Monday April 1st. as a | |ey, j r„ and the D efendant Bertha Lime water is often added to the uppolnted udmlalnatrator of the above 3» cent uned those reported as of Janu­ entitled eatate; that all peraonu owing tag day'” lh?ougnht’i t The s a l d ^ l X ®1’ keJeZ )°“ ° f " T * t nd bab»’'' mlIk ° n the P h yld an 's advice ary 1 for 143 Identical mills. . . , . the aald estate ahull pay the aarae ing nay inrnugniout m e said I>ane Inhuman treatment and for such other —. . . . to the aald H. E. Slattery, and that all County, and ft Is hereby recommended | rellv-f aa to the Court May seem meet The beRt and a,mPleat waT t® «-»re for Production for the first nine week« the new baby’s gums is to dip a fine of 1929 for 216 mills reporting to the peraona having claim» against the aald thnt polaon Tn » " a* making GERBER'S llcation of this Summons, and if you ,he relief prayed for in the amended FRANK A. DE P U E l Attnrnev for I eek and that shortly FRANK A. DE PUE( Attorney fori " .. 1 * 0 t a fail so to appear and answer, for complaint to-wit: arterwards his salary was reduced to the estate. WOOD SAWING want thereof, the plaintiffs will apply That the description included l n , ______________________________________22.25. M. 7-14-21-28. A. 4 to the Court for the relief prayed tor that certain mortgage recorded at — '-1 ----- ----- ------ — *------------------------ -— -- — PHONE 8 ____ — In their Complaint, herein, to-wit: for COURT J )F THE quent for taxes for the years 1922, a decree of this Court forever quieting Inquire Gerber's Barber Shop Records of Lane County. Oregon, be STATE OF OREGON FOR together with penalty, interest and the title of the plaintiffs In and to the amended so as to read as follows, to- LANE COUNTY . cost« thereon upon the real property premises described In the Complaint wit: assessed to you, of which you are the herein, and described as follows, to- The North half of the Northwest Viola B. Larsen, plaintiff, wit: ; Jo... »„ , . , „ Quarter of Section 3, Township 16 ,s Numbered TWenty-nlne (291. South of Range 6 West of the Wtllam Thirty (30) and Thirty-one (31) of ette Meridian; and also the Southwest Densmore s Plat of Lane County, Ore- Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of ing any right, title, estate, lien o r ; An’ un. HORTON McCLELL- ANI>, Executrix ALTA KING. Attorney for Eatate. M. 14 21 28. A. 4 11. f » U SI NESS D IR E C T O R Y ] Rea, Phone 160 Plano Moving SPR IN G FIELD TRANSFER WILLI» BERT8CH, Prop. OTFICB AT SERVICE OARAGE 533 Mata Street Successor to Sutton Transfer WM. G. HUGHES FIRB AND AUTO INSURANCB NOTARY PUBLIC Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK •grlngfleld, Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY D E N T IS T Button Bldg. Pitene «0-J Residence Phone 163-M Springfield, Oregon General I-aw Practice I. M. PETERSON Attorney-at-Lnw City Hall Building Springfield, Ore. D. W. Roof » JEW ELER Rnpnlrlng a Specialty SprtngfloM. Oregon Wakoi-Pools Chaml Funeral Directors F. Il-M : M. 7-14-21: