The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 21, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
J i n | this term.
Mr. Davenhill is em-
UPPER WILLAMETTE ♦ ployed on the power ditch at Leaburg
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ > ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
where they will nuke their home.
The Pleasant Hill Atbeletic club
-------------- -
»were defeated by the K of C. team G R O U N D IN GOOD S H A P E
of Eugene at basketball Tuesday night
Suffers Severe Fracture — Veneta
Grace, small daughter of Mr and Mis
D. Grace who have been visit lug lu the
Full Creek vicinity suffered a severe
fracture In her left arm last Saturday.
The child was playing In the barn ami
Conrad Frank received the con'ract Jumped down from the hay mow and
to construct the new warehouse In Mil fell upon her arm. She was brought
tou Freewater for the Freewater Tom to a local physician who took her to
ato Growers' association. His bid wrs the Eugene hospital where the arm
»16.700. Work Is to start Immediately was set. The parents and child have
and the building Is to be finished bv i
June 1.
Ashland children will again be
treated to a grand Easter egg hunt
with the Ashland leglnu post as boats,
according to a derision of the post
More then 2000 eggs will be colored
and hlddeu in I.lthla park for (he
by a score of 33 to 32. The game was
Principal Events of the Week
Tory close and very fast throughout.
the score being 32 to 22 at the end of , J ? “ fn>Un*‘ *
8h“P‘• ‘han
Assembled for Information
the half. This closes the basketball ' ^ a n V H . 7 , "
of Our Readers.
Pleasant Hill farmer, said yesterday !
•eason for the year.
He also added that the fall sown grain
The Pleasant Hill high school was
as »ad
hud bee,
defeated In a game of basketball by had
" “ not
" 7 suffered as »«*’■
’«» *»
The Dalles fire siren will be tested
every noun to keep it lu working order,
Monroe Tuesday of last week by a
low he Informed, hut a good deal of according to a decision of the city
•core of 28 to 12. This was the last
It is coming out. Altogther It has council.
Truman Whorlon of Freewater Is
game of basketball for the high school
been a good winter for the farmer,
being treated In a Walla Walla boa
Baseball practice will start soon.
The city of Burns will hold a special
thinks Mr. Tinker.
pllal for a fracture of the skull bus
The senior play "Smile Rodney
election March 26 to vote on a »20,
000 bond Issued for puveiuvnt of talned while playing baseball at Unit
Smile" will be given Friday night
pine. He was struck mar one eye
March 22 at the high school gymnas PIANO FOR SALE—-at a big saving In streets.
by a thrown ball aud knocked uu
price for quick sale to save further
lum. It Is a farce comedy in three
Building permits amounting to $83.
expense. . Fully guaranteed first 825 have been iesued at McMinnville conscious.
acts and is considered one of the best
class. Will take In your phonograph sh u t the first of the year. This Is
plays that has been given by Pleasant
The largest night horse show In the
us part payment and give easy a record.
history of the Oregon state college »at
terms on the balance to suit any­
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Tinker and two
held Saturday night in the college
An »85,000 Ice storage building Is to
one. For location and full particu-
babies and Mrs. O. H. Wangelin re­
armory, one of the main attractions
be added to the Medford Ice and stor­
lars write to C. F. Hendrick Factory
being the appearauce of some of the
turned from a weeks vacation at New.
age p'ant, making It one of the largest
Plano adjuster care of Logan Trans­
horses from the Aaron Frank
port last Friday afternoon.
on the roast.
stables at Portland.
fer * Storage Co. 2613 Pacific Ave.
The women of Pleasant Hill gather­
The city council of Ashland has au­
Tacoma, Wash.
ed at the home of Mrs. C. E. Jordan
The report of the Wallowa Dairy
thorised the mayor to sign a contract
M.31-28. A 4-11.
last Wednesday and worked on quilts
Herd Improvement * association for
with tha Copco company for ths pur­
for the family of Grant Lattln whose
February shows 36 herds with 566
chase of power.
home and contents were destroyed by NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT
cows ou test, of which 97 were dry
Notice is hereby given that Welby
Never In 35 years has the Wiliam
Are two weeks ago. They met again
The average production. Including dry
Stevens as administrator of the estate
Wednesday afternoon at the home of of Emily F. Stevens, deceased, has ette river at Salem remained at so cows, was 457 pounds ef milk and $1.88
Mrs. Andy Olson and gave a m is­ tiled his final account In said estate low a stage for so long a time during pounds of butlerfat.
cellaneous shower to Mrs. Lattln. This and the County Court of Lane County the winter months.
John H. Farrar, postmaster at
was at the monthly meeting of the Oregon, has fixed Saturday the 20 day
County roads in Umatilla county
Salem, announced that he had bceu
women's clubs
o'clock in the forenoon of said dav at with the exception of market roads, authorized by the government to re­
The young folks of the Christian the County Courthouse In Eugene. have been considerably damaged on ac
ceive bids for the construction of an
Endeavor gave a short play "What Lane County. Oregon, as the time ami count ot high water.
addition to the Salem postoftice. The
Will We Do With Aunt Sally’’ at the place for the hearing of said final ac­
Deep snow still covers McKenzie , i cost was estimated ut $20,01)0. The
Pleasant Hill Christian church last
All persons having objections to pass. The lava bed at the summit is bids will be opened April 10.
Friday night. After the play they sold said final account are notified to pres buried under 10 feet and In places the
A day and night guard has been
cake, chicken pie. cocoa. coffee and ent the same In writing on or before drifts are 15 to 20 feet In depth.
1 established over the fish egg station
said time.
Every county In the state has select ' of the statr game and fish commis­
Dated this 20 day of March, 1929
The young folks of the Christian
Endeavor will have a basket dinner at ' of the EshiteT.f'Vni'ilv E sTeven's?«!^ ed cue or more delegates to the state­ sion on Bear Greek, near Jaeksou
wide dairy conference to tie held at county fuir grounds, to prevent theft
the church Sunday noon and go in a ceased.
of steel bead from the trujis. Vandals
1 Corvallis, the iaat of this week.
body to the convention at Eugene.
have ripped off loess and boards of the
j sene, Oregon. Att.vs. for A(!mr.
The Oakland school board has re­ traps to obtain fish.
M. 21-28. A 4-11-18.
engaged the present staff of t> achers
• ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦e
Roseburg and vicinity experienced
for the coining school year and ra'sed
their salaries ranging from »', to $15. a heavy full of snow one day lust week.
♦ e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e O N E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R t
Tho eno a was sufficiently heavy In
For the first time since 1919, Tilla-
Notice i is b iivi-euy
hereby given m
by v,r-
_ .
a t nv
The Thurston Ladies Aid society , tue of an Execution and
Order of mtok county is practically out of debt, blanket the hills and fields arouud the
motored to Springfield last Thursday Sale in Foreclosure issued out of the according 'o the county treasurer. city, ulthough it soon melted. Tue
precipitation was welcomed by broccoli
where they met and held a silver tea i ’ 'rcu'I Court of the State of Oregon Only February warrants are outstaud
growers, as lack of moisture bus great
with Mrs. Kenneth Giles
| f° r ,he Count>' of 1^“«. on th e llth day ing.
ly delayed the harvest.
Mrs. Taylor Soodham i. 111 wl,l, la-
V r ™ '!.S
In line with the unit plan of prune
in the
Court the Pacific Savings and Loan marketing, a group of Freewater grow­
Bruce Christie Is improving after a Association, a Washington coprora- ers have formed a strictly grower-own­ Oregon state penitentiary, which es­
•erlousness illness of scarlet fever.
tion- recovered a judgment against the ed and controlled buying and selling tablishes a high record. The latest
arrival was a woman from Pendle­
There are several high school
i ,ar’7lce S. Milne and Gladyce unit.
•indents absent from school on the I tereit at thZ r T o°f I’ T t & m X r t h
ton. As a result of the crowded condi­
Many Deschutes county dairymen tions in the Institution It was neces­
•«count of Illness.
,13th. 1929. and the further sum of are making plans for the segregation
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Weaver motored I 47.00 for abstract and records and for of cows in their herds that may be sary to place beds In the barber shop.
' commissary and corridors.
to Santa Clara last Thursday
j the further sum of »216.34. for taxes
M rs E lin a U 'l™ er,,™ n , u n i Ipaid’ to8e,h er with the Interest of found Infected with the abortion con­
The pear trees in the Hogue River
Edna Wire from Pleasant Hill ■ io% from August 2. 1928. and for the tagion.
valley are from two to three weeks
•pent the week-end with Mrs. Bert i further sum of »100 00 as reasonable
The Clatsop county court has ruled later in budding this year than normal­
¡attorney’s fees, and for the costs and
that all telephone poles, electric light ly, In the opinion of leading orchard
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robltallle from ' disbursements
ment **"
was enrollw1
enrolled and docketed •"
in ’»»
the posts and mail boxes along county pav- lsts, due to the January cold spell. As
Bear Marcola visited at John Ed mis- mPnt
Clerk's office of said Court In the said ed roads must be moved back outside a result of the favorable weather of
ton’s last Sunday afternoon. They County of Lane, the 8th day of March the ditches.
the last few weeks orchard work Is
formerly resided here.
1929. in the State of Oregon, in order
People of Medford believe they have further ahead than usual Dormant
Mrs. Sarah Shaw from Eugene is to satisfy said Judgment, interest, at­
Visiting here nephew and family Mr. torney's fees, taxes, costs of suit, ac­ the best outlook for the proposed »5.- 1 ' spraying is well under way.
cruing costs to sell the following des­ 000,000 dirigible base that Is to be
Linn county's school population Is
and Mrs. John Price.
established by the government on the greater by nlue children this year than
Mr, and Mrs. John Edmiston and cribed property towit:
d 7
1 Lot flTe i5) and the South Half
of Pacific coast.
. lust, Mrs. Edna Geer, county school
•on Wayne, Mrs. Baker and niece and , Lot four (4» in Block T w o (2) in
Alber. Hunter, former state senator superintendent, says the annual school
Mrs. Rena Edmiston attended the Stouffer’s Addition to Cottage Grove,
from Union and Wallowa counties, lira I census of the county just completed
revival meeting at tne Christian ,n ['anP r °unty, Oregon.
been chosen executive secretary by the j reveals. The present total of children
Church in Eugene last Sunday evening.
s titPWk,th^ refOre
the "fi"1* of ,he
n i
, State o t Oregon, in compliance with directors of the Union County cham­ of school age is 7526. Of this number
O. A. McMahon deputy assessor is said Execution and in order to satisfy
ber of commerce.
3797 are boys and 3729 are girls. Al­
working in this district.
said Judgment, taxes, attorney’s fees.
All the counties in Southern Ore­ bany's gain was five children.
Rev. Montoroly, a native of the costa ° t suit and costs of sale, on th»-
■ preached
. . . in Rev. 20th day of April, 1929. at the hour of gon and Northern California will par
Enlargement of two grain elevators
Philippine ------
1 o’clock In the afternoon on the said tlclpate In a music festival In Ashland in Umatilla county to give that coun­
Ard Hoven’s place here last Sunday.
date at the Southwest door of the
ty the largest Interior grain storage
Mrs. William Barnett and daughter. Countv Court House in Eugene, Ore­ May 3 sponsored by the Southern Ore
warehouse In the Inland Empire was
Mildred have returned after an ex­ gon, Lane County, Oregon. offer for gon normal school.
J. K. Weatherford of Albany, who Is announced at Pendleton by a Portland
tended visit in California.
sale and sell for cash at public sale,
Mrs. Alberta Weaver was married subject to redemption as provided bv to retire as president of the Oregon contractor. The elevator at Athena
law all the right, title, and interest State college board of regents, has will bo enlarged to store 300,000
to Harry Davenhill In Eugene last of
said defendants, Clarence S. Milne
Mrs. Davenhill Is the and Gladyce Eby. and all persons been on the board 44 years and been j bushels of bulk grain and the Fulton
1 elevator will have a total capacity of
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert claiming bv. through, or under them president for 30 years.
Danish Bortfleld, a turnip imported 1 150,000 bushels when the addition Is
Mathews and has taught the upper or anv or either of them In and to said
from Denmark and tested at the As completed. The work Is to be corn
grades at the Leaburg school for sev­
H. L. BOWS. Sheriff
toria "xperimental station, will re­ ( pleted In time to store the 1929 wheat
eral years past, she will finish teach-
M. 21-28. A. 4-11-18.
place several ot the rutabaga varieties crop.
The Bagley Canning company ot
grown In Clataop county.
Ashland will increase its production
Mayor Hoover of Roseburg has sign
ed an ordinance providing for the Is 25 per cent this season aud, according
suance of city bonds in the sum ot ly is making a similar increase in acre
»25,000 for the purchase and improve­ age contracts. Growers are responding
with larger acreage, according to Man­
ment of a municipal airport.
ager Koozer. Couuty Commissioner G.
Indicative of the advanced season, a
OU5-609 Willamette St.
Alford, one of the largest tomuto grow­
grass fire set out to clean up the
ers in Jackson county, reports that he
premises of a residence in the west
is able to make more than »100 an acre
part of Harrisburg got out of con
from his tomatoes, and reported he
trol and called out the fire department.
will Increase his plantings to eight
Our Shoe Values Cannot Be Matched
Botulinus poisoning, believed caused acres this season.
from eating home canned beets,
We’re Proud of Them
The state of Oregon will send to Its
claimed one life at The Dalles and
fiscal agents in New York city April
Black calf Police Shoes, Anniversary Sale Price .
resulted In three other persons being
1 a total of »1,614,380.60 with which
confined to the hospital in a serious
Black and tan Blucher cut Oxfords. A new low
pay maturing principal and interest
on highway bonds, and »597,066.25 to
Fire losses In Oregon, exclusive of pay interest on veterans' state aid
Lot 1006. Black calf Oxfords. Former price $4 95
Portland, for the month of February, bonds. Of the highway bond pay
aggregated »313,219, according to a ment, »862,500 represents principal. A
report of the fire marshal prepared re­ total of »1.400,000, representing the
Extra quality Oxfords, dress and collegiate styles
cently. T hen were 115 fires reported, semi-annual distribution of one-fourth
of which 24 caught from defective
f the motor vehicle fees, will be ap 1
Flexo-Arch and Bench-Made Oxfords,
flues. The most disastrous fire was portioned to the various state deposi
Special, pair — ............... ..... ............. ....... .......
in Salem, where the old state training tones. Indicating necessity of mak­
school for boys waa destroyed with a ing heavy withdrawals later in the
loss of »51,000.
Officials of the Crater Lake national
The Junction City cannery has com­
park, who have Just returned from pleted the signing of vegetable acre­
the park report nine feet of snow at age for the coming season’s pack. One
the rim of the lake with lesser depths hundred thirty acres of beets, 21 of
This season’s models in patents, kids and
at Anna Springs camp, the Klamath carrots and 87 of beans will be can­
calfskins,__________ __
Falla and Me-Iford entrances to the ned. This represents a material In
: i
Special purchase of Ladies’ combination last arch-support,
crease In acreage and It Is thought
Examination of students In Klam '.hat owing to Inst year being such an
3-strap pumps. Of selected kid stock. Constructed
ath county schools to ascertain
to sell at $7.50. Most unusual a t .................... .
unfavorable year for vegetables that
whether the Schick test inoculation to the pack will be almost doubled for
Never at this low price before, Ladles’ pumps and oxfords
prevent diphtheria was effective shows 1 he coming season. All pools for last
including many sty le s ....... ..................................
that In 85 per cent of the casca where year have been closed and while no I
the serum was given they are 1m exceptionally high prices were obtain
Clearance price an group of smart novelties, combining best
material and workmanship. Just for this sale,
cd all show a profit to the grower.
TllUltSPAY. MAItCII 21, 1929
since returned to their home In Port
Go to Portland— Mrs, Fred Fresu
and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mantgomery
made a short trip to Portland during
the weekend leaving here Httlurduy
and returning Sunday They were ac
eompanled on their return by their
mother, Mrs Sehlewe of Salem
B a k in g
Schilling I
One regular 35c bottle of
Schillings Maple Flavoring
with each purchase of
Schillings Baking Powder.
ft «4.4 t
For a tr u ly
d e lic io u s
It pays to buy q ild lily eaUlli-tl
N ot o n ly do th e y go|
m o rn in g c u p
fa r th e r but th e ir M i e r
tr y ~
adds zeal and e n jo ym e n t Io a n y rv
m eal a t w h ich they are served O C n i l l i n i » C O l t e C
Just Arrived
A Carload Of
Certainteed Roofing
R oll
1 Ply Corporal .................. ................
$ 2 .4 0
$ 3.10
1 Ply Certainteed .............................
2 Ply Certainteed ......................
3 Ply Certainteed ..........
Mineral Surface .................
Black Sheeting paper, 250-ft roll
G ra y S h eeting paper.
Hexagonal Mineral Surfaced Shlnglen, square
Universal Shingles
Wright and Sons
53 g g
Prtce- of........- ... .....— ............... . $ 2.79
NOW...... ...... ........ -... -.................. $3.48
Sperlal...... -..................................... $3.68
942 UZIIIon,«..«
Willamette O,
Coatnmc Slips
»will and rayon
SJ »ops la many calonk
Bug ene, Preen,,
All Patent
Always Favored
«4 59
For Easter!
Lo\ ,'v Picot Edge
Chiffon Hose
For yourself . . . or to give
away . . . fine, sheer chi (loo
hose, silk to the top. In every
(mart shade for daytime and
evening. A lovely quality for
You can wear patent leathtfi
With almost any frock, and
most any time and place, and
know that you are smartly and
correctly shod I