M EN Now You Know Where to Buy Good Shoes AND SAY Don’t you know n pair o f $6.00 shot's w ill outw ear 2 pairs o f $3.60 shoes plus I In* com fort and satisfaction you receive. lie (¡ooil to Your Feel and hove th e Old One« Repaired by f o r One Week our »ales force w ill concentrate on Used Cars w ith an O. K. T h a t Counts. Salesmen are divided Into tw o teams, w inning team w ill get FREE AIR PLAN E RIDES Pick out the car you w ant it w ill help the salesman earn his free ride. WE HAVE REAL USED TRANSPORTATIO N O ut w ith the Old-Fash­ ioned Washboard W. A. HALL, the Shoe D octor 333 Main St. You m ore. “ If It's In tho Drug ¿ In e — We h av e It." We h av e th e new eat th in g s In Also a com­ p lete llio- of C o rre c tiv e A rch S hoes, In m an y sn ap p y sty les. Women’s Shoes. l ‘r<'Hi'rl|>tli»iM o u r S pecialty.- All i (im pounding <' by re g iste re d I'harm acIslM . Your mull o rd e r signifies your con fidonet-, It shull have o ur porsonnl and prom pt Johnson’s Popular Price Kelel’s Drug Store K enney and M cC argar, M grs. Bprlngfleldt Oregon 957 W illam ette St. B ugene.O re. Bee o u r w indow s at Store attention. Shoe Departm ent E a itm a n Kodaka and Supplies. FREE - - Airplane Rides - - FREE Smart New Spring Footwear seldom T ho m od ern ta k e n Its place. see them laundry any COUPES 1927 Chev. 1927 Chev. 1923 Chev. 1926 Ford 1928 Chev. H uh F o r real e ip e r t laundry «er- vice, patronize our laundry. We a re p ro m p t and efficient. O nly m 'slffrn m ethods used. Ikin't be b ehind th e tim es! W e tu rn out work th a t It Is a p le a su re to look a t—Just try us. Springfield Laundry Phone 75-J SEDANS 1928 Chev. 1926 Dodge 309 Main St •- COACHES 1925 Chev. 3-1927 Chev. 1926 Chev. 1925 Ford TOURINGS 1926 Ford 1924 M axwell 1922 Ford TRUCKS ROADSTERS 1926 1925 1926 1926 1926 Ford 1924 Ford Delivery Dodge Delivery Ford Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Panel Unusually Easy Term s fo r This Week O nly— IN V E S TIG A TE !! Gannett Motor Co. 942 Olive Eugene, Oregon (Pat. Applied for—Serial No. 217M) Phone 627 TheWorld Color Prtg. Co., ft. Iouat, Mo. & THIS V i-S < w a v «»VO“ ” xw*. hs * MOuscrateS) i« o« owe -s*' VV vwe » C o o - C o o H O * i ’ l l 9 *t_ l M V V “ ' ! AUt> V « s n o w v o t» T«-«» , o» vu» s w a t* « awietats ow . y-<' x a v co o - ’ V . t SVOMOVIC oux « M i V.