PAGE SIX T H E SPRING H E L D XWWR The i p per »ad of tbe Val» project ta teeming with activity. M uety uieu , and two draglines are working on the canals. B Y T H E M A Y O R O F T H E C IT Y O F S P R IN G F IE L D The February receipts of the Med th e A m e ric a » Legion will »non c e le b ra te th e te n th a n n iv e rs a ry of It» ford postoffice were the greatest tor w,,° M' n,,hly • * .......... . «.......... Principal Events of the Week any month in its history. They amount Z * . T m ; To peril it w.ll be a n a n n iv e rsa ry of ach iev em en t (or a g re a t w o rk h a , been per to 710.254. Assembled for Information The Union Oil company of Califor­ ot med by th e L egion in th e llecad e of peace .h a t h as follow ed .h e cl.,,,. of th e w o rld w ar. T h e A m erica« Legion w as born out of th e sp irit of com of Our Headers. nia has purchased an acre of land in o u » M s . d e t mU, , U . e LP f,,,n ,*‘‘ th-# * ........ lh o ,e who the city of Canby from the Snell prop ety. situated on the Pacific highway, The Neskowin cheese factory has and will begin at cnee to coustiuct g ra n t of public serv ice th a t h a s no p aru llal In the n a tio n 's h story resumed operation, after the custom " a" 1‘" '" r° r ..................... buildings for a storage plant in C auliy bv t h . 1wU;,‘!rC“-.,r l ,'" ” k ary three mouths' winter shutdown. /' *' b ■' of the o rg an is a tio n hay. l„ . e x e ri 'd In the Fisherm an who seek halibut on tin Farm ers of Yamhill count) held an , ‘ Of th e d i s a b l 'd s o ld ie r s , th e «HI- o r p h a n s a n d th o ... w in, « e r e I, ft agricultural institute ou March 5. 6. banks off tlte M a rsh field c o a it report " " s . ' t i e w.ll A lthqugh m uch III, h >„n . oini>ll«he(| i,„- H , v, 7 and 8 under the direction of County that deg sharks aie making it itupos su ffe re rs .h e re is still a g re a t deal to be done. T h I , ; i„ „ g iv e n a s - ' sible to take large catches, as the Agricultural A giut S. T. White. th. ere e is 1» need to r It n sharks steal the bait. The water is Sltrut-ec th at th is w ork w ,l| be co n tin u ed an. tony a , » th In *"ll Baker's building permits for the year said to he swarming with those small th e held of co m m u n ity se rv ice th e le g io n h i s su e p ro je c ts n all par,., o, the c o u n try ,». •f'h.iv y d v in o n s L , 1928 amounted to 7187.642 and came fish. o tH i.te wav th e p ow er ot the L egion to erv e In t i m e ' ' , T ,„. , ... within 79038 of setting a new high Virtually all residents of Jordan val »ration of th e L eg n m 's te n th m in iv er .-ary on M arch if. and I.; will be n„, mark for the history of the city. ley, ni u attu women, were working It Is Preparations are being made by the with pick and shovels to slave oil a casio n for a ren ew ed effort to en ro ll m ore w ar v e te ra n s in th is w ork th e p u rp o se of th e L egion to In crease It, m em b ersh ip In o rd e r th a t its « ,rk Rossburg cannery for the broccoli run threatened flooding of the town by ’ T he people of th is city a re of the season. It is expected that the Baxter creek. The creek begun ristttg for th e y e a r m ay he bro ad en ed and ex tended. tru ly a p p re c ia tiv e of th e c h a ra c te r of the work th a t Is being don., Io »he rack will be twice as large as last when a warm Chinook wind swept " h*“ ™ ' - I d be glvvm f, / ,.s , year's. dowu the valley aud a nuuiuer of the Dnuan’ce8'’ houses were flooded. Recent rains have loosened the con NOW. TH ER EFO RE, f. \v I'. T 's o n . \c r ln g M nvor of th, C iv of ges.ion of white cedar logs in the With the recent expiration of a six S pringfield do h ereb y proclaim F riday, M arch 15. a n d S a t u r d iv \ l I, middle fork of Coquille river, where m onths’ eream pool contract between as III, d a te s for th e T ent!, \n n lv e rs a r v (V! »brntion of I'l,. , .... tim bers were piled to a height of 60 th e H erm isto n C ream ery company auu and urge a , c l,.te n s to ah. Legion ta every possible wav «,, , "e feet In places. local project dairymen, negotiations m em b ersh ip stren g ih . E very v a le ,, ,, should r.b e to th e ,g‘ , )f During the last fiscal year Benton have been completed for a rem wal ot th e organisation by w earin g th e L egion bu tto n the agreem ent for a year. Between county received 13»ai Chinese pheas i ?•» " TH ER E O F I hav e her» unto se t m v h a n d and , up . ,) th ants from the state game commission. 70U and S00 cows have been signed up so far under the new contract. Linn county received 2031. Marion ~ ~ Work will begin next week by the 1595 and Lane 2120. Dana Coustrucuou company of Pori D. M. Lowe of Talent reports the S igned, W. I*. TYSON, finding of several head of his range I laud in surfacing the Saiuiam high — . r ___________ ' • # ' <>r <>f S pringfield. O regon. cattle that had been missing for three , way from Lebanon to Shea hill. The grading of this sector of the read was years, in the Wagner Butte district in G ANNETT MOTOR FORCE completed last fail by the Slate Con the Siskiyou mountains. structien company of Albany and the ! TO TA K E AIRPLANE RIDES During the past two years. 1927 and base course of rock was laid on most 1928, a total of 7303,737.90 has been of the road. The entire force of the Gannett »pent for improvement of Benton coun Motor company of Eugene, has been Only .24 of an inch of rain- fell in ty's highways. This total Includes divided Into two team s, to com pete Medford during February, which was both county and state funds. with each o th er In selling used cars 2.43 inches less than the normal tor this week. F S. G annett, m anager of Another old land mark of Rogue that month, and made only 8.17 inches i the com pany is captain of the Whirl- River valley, the ancient Kaylor drug - (or the seasonable precipitation. Sep j win,7 team The other team adopted ■tore in Phoenix, is being wrecked for ternber 1 to date. The normal for that Cyclone for th eir name, and Is headed a new building on the site. The build period is 13.57. Only one February tug was erected 46 years ago. by W. L. Teague sales manager. since 1911 has had a lighter rainfall. 1 Fbr one week, sta rtin g Tuesday More than 50 cougars have been that in 1920. March 12. and ending Monday even killed by hunters in Oregon since the Three fires have been discovered in i ing March 18. Both team s will con­ first of the year, the extrem e cold the Siuslaw national forest area this , cen trate on Used Cars. The team w eather in the m ountains having driv- . year, according to reports received by I selling the largest num ber of used en the animals to lower levels. R. S. Shelley, supervisor of the forest. , ears. In addition to receiving indivi­ Edwin P T O Ohaldeston. Ollie Smith, 15. a prospector, was All three fires have been in the north w ar old veteran of the Crimean dual prizes, will be treated to a free ern part of the forest. The forest was drowned a few days ago in the Rogue W.U. ccarnntted suacide at ,Asbury A irplane ride. The first day o f thr river while attem pting to cross the very dry until early this week, when ' contest th ree used cars were deliver­ a heavy rain fell, extinguishing, the stream on an aerial cable at Halfmoon ed. And Indication were th a, the ho, fires and lessening the danger. “ SINS OF T H E F A TH E R S ” Bar, a short distance above Iiiahe. pace would he kept ,,p for the entire W arm er w eather has brought joy to 1 FEATURED AT McDONALD we»k. Alvin Armstrong. 2-year-old son of Joss Armstrong of B! asant Ridge. 1 stockmen of the John Day region, ot . Emil Jammings comes to the Mc­ •b< nt six miles south of Redmond, fell whom many have been in severe EUGENE HO SPITAL NOW Into a cistern at bis home and died in straits for several months. Feed has Donald th e ate r in Eugene today for OPEN TO ALL PHYSICIANS been scarce and some ranchers havt th ree days. In his latest picture. "Sins ----------- -------- R i mond about three hours later. Isen cutting sagebrush for th eir cat- of the F ath ers" equipped with sound. H. A. Oermiquette and his son Ben A change In the policy of the Eu­ Macy of the sheepmen have been This announcem ent will undoubtedly gene hospital recently announced hv stt.iered serious bum s while rescuing horses and cattle from their barn in shipping in hay at a cost of 527 a ton. be welcome news to the hosts of Jan- T. W. I.ewsndder. the new m anager, Lambing is proceeding satisfactorily. nings fans in this city, who have a r opens the hospital to practice by all E ast Beaverton. The barn was de The state p' nitentiary at Salem had dent followers of th eir favorite since refu tab le Physicians. H< retofor" stroyed by fire but all the stock was a population of 729 prisoners, winch his first American made picture. saved. i only m em bers of 4he staff of the hos Dr. Hugo Rlesenfeld composed the pftal were allowed to practice, A new postoffice to be known as sew D ockstader I was responsible for a num ber of live a clump of cedars, passed it up, but m instrel troupe. He also toured t h e || stock deaths in that district recently, the dog plunged right in and grabbed j European countries with a pantom im e according to an analysis iqade by Dr, bruin by the lip. Aschoff killed the I com pany which played In every large W. H. Lytle, state veterinarian. bear before the dog wag injured. The 1 city and village. The pantom im e play C. A. Ringer of Medical Springs and bear weighed about 300 pounds. Is a relic of the middle ages and one his father have killed 2000 rabbits One hundred thousand rabbit skins i ^ e first forma of drama. with strychnine this winter. Of the were shipped out of Oregon this win 2000 shipped to outside points 100 ter. according to Ira N. Gabrlelson, ro­ LOCAL WOMEN ON LANE were white-tailed rabbits, which net dent control leader of the United RED CROSS C O M M ITTEE ted the shippers 40 cents each. States departm ent of agriculture, with The two Cunningham campa of the offices in the Portland postofflce build Several local women were appointed Coos Bay Lumber company, northeast ing. ThlB is one of the results ot the upon com m ittees recently announced of Coquille, opened March 4, after a work of the bureau of biological sur for the Lane county chapter of the shutdown of seven weeks. The com vey in trying to rid the country ot var American Red Cross. pany employed the usual num ber of lous rodent pests such as rats, gophers Those appointed from here include: workmen, estim ated at about 300. and other agricultural nuisances. Mrs. M. B. H untly, on the hom e se r­ An important new business Institn A clock, still in running order but vice com m ittee, Mrs. William Donald­ tion for the Florence section is undei more than 100 years old, Is attracting son on the production com m ittee; way. installing of m achinery and attention at a Medford jewelry store Mrs. C. O. Wilson on the Junior Red equipment which arrived recently be where it has been placed on exhibition Cross com m ittee and Mrs. A. B. Van gan in the H. M. Biberstein cheese fac by its owner, Mrs. William Frideger Valzah on the d isaster relief com m it­ tory, located In the form er cannery of th at city. The clock has been In tee. at Cushman. the same family for a century and These com m ittees which arc com­ Seventeen years of service as a law was owned by Mrs. Frideger’s grand- i posed of m em bers from throughout enloreem ent officer in Deschutes coun father in Louisiana. It was never be : the county ore to direct the Red Corss ty was ended recently by 8. E. Roberts fore in a Jewelry shop to be repaired work in the county. of Bend when he turned over the office and runs for 30 days on one winding, of sheriff to Claude L. McCauley striking every hour and half hour. It Eoulp Wood Saw—C W. G erber has Robe ts was appointed to the office Is sheathed iu a case of glass, marble equipped a small wood saw which he December 20, 1916. and gold. Intends to use for com m ercial wood i sawing. Ci!ERCN STATE NEWS OF GEKEMLINTEREST A PROCLAM A TION BU Y TH UR SD AY, M ARCH 14, ftrst ta w organisations of M «rrl.*>r L ic e m e a I m tir J D uring the p ast week fiiftfThtir«* ll< - »•n»»*M h a v e b* en g r a b I o,| hy 111«* routi • oulcvtrijlr r r ln .ilu a ir takuig port ty c le rk to ttic follow ing ■i tlx* matatta at eetrnsaurs. or .1, in, ib m c n i . f täry KobbltiM, V a n u ta ; E d w in Z ln k c r Hint iM rnth v WlXlli v . I,nth o f Eugen» ; ( •*tri fa w I m a n d I,Ilia I'.tc h e ry h e ll, if S,u ftigfletd; C a rl K rk o f J u n c t io n Cll> a n d Bea- ,i • ■ V a n n . E u g e n e ; H a ra ld J o n e s , lid Vaigar»', 1(1» Unhang, i, b a th of E ugene VAN DINE'S PLAY AT M c D onald S unday s Van I» lie. th, m v s' or o f th e m ost sue. SSflll eri» A 3 CAY S3.GG f ALE Your noighbor w ill be hore— w ill you? Your choice of Hats • ,i this boautiful S pring assortm ent This Johnson H at Sale offers you values to $7.50 at this rem arkably low price. Straws, straw cloths and all the 5pL'n?i ’7ia5eS,ii ,s- Hundreds and hundreds to choose from and all styled in the S pring mode. T H IS O PPO RTU NITY A V A ILA B LE ONLY THUR SD AY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY See Them In Our Windows. There Is One Here For. You. Johnson's fo r Hosiery E U G E N E ’S G A R M E N T S H O P J O H N S O N ’S EUGENE P O P U L A R P R iC E S T O R E 957 W illam ette and SAVE! Kafoury’s F orm erly F arm ers E xchange Big Store Positively Going Out of Business • Great Closing Out Sale NOW IN PROGRESS Buy - J W W eib Hats Shoes Hosiery Shirts Gloves, Wash Goods etc. Everything Reduced to Close Out Stock Quickly Shoes, Hats, Gloves, Underwear Shirts, Collars, Ties, Men’s and Boy’s Pants, Overalls, Play Suits, Silks, Wash goods, etc. EVERYTHING DOWN IN PRICE