f TIIIRSDAV. MAItCII u , 192» TH« BPRINOFU9LD NIWH PARE FIVE Lions Club Troop Makes Splendid Progress in Year M ayo r R » tu rn » — M ayor C <1. W II moii hiiK re tu rn e d fro m Hun F r n n c l» c o Go»» to Portland—Mr J F Ketel* « irli* to I’orthi/id last w"i>»lminl Go to Ro»eburg— hr. and Mr». W. C. Ilclihuii took a trip to Ito.oburg yea terday. Sutter» Hem orhagc— Mr». J. l i l l l , suffered u nevero hemorrhage of the From M a re ó la —• Leon rd lb ■,:< of hose Tuesday. < here Bunday. Trom Dentar-—-< I” 11. \ i r r t l II o r here la tor "it M' i uy. T .ik -n ♦' H o » p lt » l_ M i F Joni w n i taken ii lip K o I t lr C h r la tlu li hm lilt iil fo r I i 11 h . til Inal M m n l i From W eiidUiiM M i* J J. Peplot w in a W e n d lin g v ll. io r to th ia c ity W ednesday. From W e n d lin g — Mr. ani Don’t Throw Old Clothes Away! Mr*. Fred Hporea o f W endling. were tow n on business Wednesday. In A tte nd Red 1 ro»» M eeting— M r* M From Oakrldgt— Mr atol Mr*. Itati II ll iin t l v utb t i d e d it «»••••tin»? n f l l t f iloltdi Holt of Oakridge, were In ban» Count v l t " i l Cro* i to hl III Eu- Springfield la >t Saturday. F in e M onday.. Here for Day— Arthur Nickerson oi Undergo»» Operation—Mr* I'arl Chewelah. Washington. «jx-nt Tue» Phelteplaee underwent a minor opera­ day In thl» city vl*ltllig with Min* tion a! the PaelAc Chrlatlan ho»plt»l Mary Itohort«. The V ite President « to have a In Eugene Friday. From Out of Town—Mr. and Mr* girl secretary, Mi»» Lota W illiam », who h»i been in hi» employ for tom * Wude Mowby and child were here Sat Flra Chief lndl»po»ad—J" "• Smll time and I» (hr fir»» woman »ecretary urday from Camp Creek and L. E. eon la «uttering much Inronvenlence Iv » Vic»-Pre»id»iil of the L'mted Kidney of Bignnl, wan here Tuesday Stata» from an attack of tonall trouble. and Sacramento— Mr fo r L»av» Aid to Have Tea—Thn Thuraton M r» W G. Hughe» are leaving to- TALKS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, laull«» Aid will meet at the home of morrow for Secramentn to vlalt PLANS MARK TUESDAY'S Mr» Kenneth fill»» today for a »liver friend». MEETING OF CIVIC CLUB tea cludes among other activities the fol­ lowing events: A trip to the South CANINE CARD ANNOUNCED Bister; attendance at "Lucky Bov" SUCCESS BY SPECTATORS summer camp; father and sons meet Ing; airplane contest; participation In The 12 or 15 ring side spectators i memorial day parade and ceremony who wltner*ed the ranine bout staged j on May 30; distribution of mother's ' on main street last Friday prononced t day carnations to mothers of members It quite a success, but were wondering j of the troop; Hallowe'en party; dis­ j about the desirability of the victor's I tribution of food stuff* to the needy of spoils. The bull-dog undoubtedly won SprlngAeld at Thanksgiving and 1 the belt, but his crown was a bullet. Christmas time and the donation of After the Aght, Kenneth Giles, local i toys to needy children on Christmas traffic officer and police chief, took . Bring them here. eve. him to the pond and shot him. This Is . a moral to other acrimonious canines j We make a specialty of clean­ The advancement report follows; ing, repairing and pressing both Tenderfeet recruited during year, 20. to settle their disputes in private. The men’s and women’s clothing We Scouts advanced to 2nd class...... 8 Aght was short and fast with the i do expert, careful work on all Scouts advanced1 to 1st class, 3 victor determined to Anlsh It himself, j suits and dresses. You are safe Merit badges awarded, ______ __ 38 The two contestants were a bull dog and a collie. when you leave them in our Number of scouts receiving merit hands. badges __ ____ __________ ___ ____ 7 Returns Home—Mrs. N. Meier of Yon can doable the life of any Scouts advanced to Star Scout garment by having It cleaned rank ........ 4 Granger. Washington, who has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Asa Scouts advanced to Life Scout Our rates are low. rank ............................... 1 t Peddlcord. left Wednesday for her Mrs. Pedlcord accompanied Number of scouts advanced at j home. least one rank ______ 18 her as far as Portland, where she is Tests that have been passed to- | taking her child, Loraine, for treat­ Phone 75-J ment. L aw rence “ H appy” Anderson ward1 advancement that have not been credited In above advance­ ments ............ ................ ............ 82 Total enrollment at present time, 28 Scouts that have been with the troop since Its organization three y a s n ago. g Scouts that have dropped out without reason .................................. 3 Scouts that moved, but not trans- fer-"d ... 1 Scouts that have been transferred to other troops ___ ___________ _ 2 Scouts received by transfer ..... .. 2 Associate scouts ___ 1 Overnight hikes during year........ 8 Average attendance on overnight hikes ____________________ 16 Number of day hikes __________ 10 Ì Spading Forks____ Average attendance on day hikes, 18 Number of scouts attending sum­ mer ca m p _______ __________ __ __11 Number of scouts with complete Spading Shovels ..... uniforms .............. ................. _______ 17 Sickness Cause» Absence — Orval. Motor to Power Dam—Mr. anil Mr« young son of J. O. McPherson, was Mr». Carl Olson gave an Interesting Kenneth Ollea. motored to I,eaburg out of school during the week on ac­ talk before the Civic Club at the la*I Rundnv where they viewed the count of Illness. meeting In the Chamber of Commerce new power dam room» last Tuesday, sketching her Garage Man Sick—William Roden- trip Into the mldwestern states. Mrs. Depart for Idaho—Mr and Mr* Ted twugh hua been conAned to hl» home Olson Just recently returned from an Harper left Monday morning for Je­ during the week with an uttack of extended tour through Wisconsin and rome Idaho, whore they will »pend the the Au. neighboring states going by the north­ aummer. ern route and returning by the south. A t H o te l— Anton« Voile« of Camp Mrs C. O. Wilson announced a Ixw ls. Washington. and E Mulky of From Hood River—H. A. Bendlar meeting of the health group to be held and Ml*» Myrtle Jucolwon of Hood Ixis Angelea, registered at the Elite at her home on March 18. hotel during the week end River, «petit Saturday anil Sunday at The secretary was asked to write the home of Mr. and Mr* Ira Peteraon F a ll Injure» Woman—Mrs McPher, a letter to the Oregon State Federa­ Vlalt» In Drain—Mr* Kale Brumette son. mother of Ix>ster McPherson, suf tion saying that SprlngAeld would co­ left Saturday for Drain where «lie will fi red a fall Inst Friday which resulted operate with them In any measures to protect or to preserve wild Aowers. visit for a few day» with Mr*. Pete In Injury to her hip. Professor Albert Sweetser of the Neilson. Here from Brownsville— Miss Na­ University of Oregon, botany depart­ dine Templeton, of Brownsville has Wendling Man Here— Fred Culver been visiting over the week-end with ment will he the speaker at the next meeting of the Civic club to be held of Wendling. «pent »ome time In Mrs. Ivan Male. on Tuesday March 26. He will give RprtngAeld during the laet weekend Here from Go«hen—Mr. and Mrs. an Illustrated lecture on wild Aowers He 1» employed In one of the camp» Gus DeVoa of Goshen were In "own and all memhers present st the last Io the Wendling section. Monday. Mr. heVo» Is In the dairy Tuesday meeting were asked to Invite Travel» South—Mr». Harold Wil­ business. their friends and anyone else who are liam» left Friday for I»» Angeles Interested In Aowers to be present at From W e n d lin g — Mrs. Donald Stal- the next meeting. where »he will Join Mr W'llllam». She plan« on remaining there for »everal burg and Mrs. Beryl Crow were In Mrs C. E Wheaton presided at the SprlngAeld from Wendling last Mon­ last meeting In the absence of M rs. month». day. W W Walker, chairman of the club From Salem— Martha Mortensen, From Roseburg— Mr. and Mr». Joe Mrs. L . K . Page 1» In charre of the alatar of hr. R P. Mortensen, 1» ex- heet» of Roseburg were here Sunday program for the next meeting. Enjoy Sunday Dinner—A Sunday perted here Saturday to »pend the visiting with Mr. and Mr» R. T. Per- j dinner of the good old fashioned kind week-end at the home of hr. and Mrs kin». N. OF W. APPOINT SR. was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Lum R. P Mortensen. JUVENILE GUARDIAN Anderson an two children who were H»r» Monday—Mr. and Mrs. A. B | guests Sunday at the farm of Mr. and S. P. Man Make» Trip—Mr and M rs Keppner, of the McKenile section, R A. Wilson, of lxiwell took a trip to ' Mrs. Myrtle Egglmann was appoint­ Mrs. Bud McPherson. were In SprlngAeld Monday as guests ed Senior Guardian of the Juvenile Portland and Salem last week-end Mr I of Mr. and Mrs Lum Anderson. Wilson 1» with the Southern Parlflc , circle of the Neglhbors of Woodcraft Recovers from Measles — Melba at the meeting held Inst night In the railroad company. Harris returned to school Wednesday- Woodmen hall here, to take the place Hom » for Vlalt—Ml»» Margaret after an attack of the measules. She of Mrs. McPherson who resigned. Mortenacn. who 1» attending the St ' Is In the Junior high at the Lincoln After the usual lodge business a Helen» school In Portland, 1» vlaltlng ' ■chool. sufper was served. Mrs. Lee Putman over the w eekend here with her Is chairman of the refreshment com­ At Hobi Air Port, Eugene, Garage Get Mechanic—Robert Tem­ mittee for the month of March. father. Dr. R. P. Mortensen. Oregon at 2 P. M. March 17 pleton, until recently an oniloye In the given by Dinty Moore’s Mayor May Buy Car—Mayor Wllaon Monyoe Garage In Eugene. will go to Ill at Home— W. R. Smith Is 111 at la on a trip to Salem where he will 1 work as a mechanic In the Ballor- Bicycle Club. his home In the Goshen vicinity. look around for a second hand car , Parker garage here. All Bicycle Riders may lor the city Are department. The enter this regardless of age N O T IC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN G plan Is to purchase a used car and to | From Wendling—Ray Baker, of or sex and do not have to Notice is hereby given that the un­ remodel It Into an assistant Are-truck Wendling. was In town Monday en­ dersigned, Lillian D. Horton McClell­ belong to the club to take The local Are truck does not hnve room route to Eugene on business. M r.' and. executrix of the estate of Harriett part. See 25 prizes in the enough to hold nil of 'he hose nnd the Bnker Is one of the head clerks In a A. Horton, deceased, has Aled her window at Anal account In the County Court of reason for getting the other car Is to Booth-Kelly camp. MOORE’S CYCLE & TOY Lane County, State of Oregon, and provide carriage for the additional that April lfith. 1929 at ten o'clock in STORE From Wisconsin—Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ the forenoon thereof at the Court equipment. 120 W 8th St. Phone b il tin Carson, of Mlllwuukee. Wisconsin, House In Eugene. Lane County, Ore­ Eugene, - - Oregon were here Sunday as guests of Mr. gon. has been Axed by said Court as the time and place for hearing said and Mrs. C. F Egglmann Mr. and Mrs S A V E W I T H » A F E T ’V account and settlement thereof. The A T Carson spent the winter In Seattle. (lute of Arst publication being March Washington, nnd are now on their way 14th. 1929 77fc ' fa 'X a & Z S /ò rv home by wny of Southern California. LILLIAN D. HORTON McCLELL- AND, Executrix. Suffer» Painful Accident — honald. ALT.\ KING. Attorney for Estate. M. 14-21-28. A. 4-11. small son of Mrs. Goldie Eustld of | SprlngAeld Junction, has a quite serl- SUM M O NS ! ous and painful wound In his hand i as a result of the running nf n nail Into IN THE JUSTICE COURT. EUGENE JUSTICE DISTRICT, LANE his Anger last week. COUNTY. OREGON Geo. B Bloomer, Plaintiff, V?., Albert Move to SprlngAeld—John Parker Albt, and ........... Albl, his wife, De­ amt Vivian Bailor have moved to fendants. SkprlngAeld to live. They recently J To Albert Albl and ........... Albl, his bought the equipment and parts left j wife, Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE by the Danner Mtor company nnd OF OREGON, You are hereby re­ started up business at the Danner quired to appear and answer the Com. plaint Aled against you In the above lo«, tlon. entitled Court nnd cause on or before From the Country—R. F. Bricker of four weeks from the date of the Arst Dexter, George Heaton of Lenburg. publication of this summons, and It Klenzo fall so to appear nnd answer, for Miss May Harden, of Goshen, Mrs.! you want thereof the plaintiff will apply Shaving Cream Margaret Campbell of Thurston and to the Court for the relief demanded 3 9 cents Cary Thompson of Vida, wore among In his Complaint on Ole herein, to- the visitors to SprlngAeW during the wit: for the sum of Eighty nnd No-100 Rexall Shaving Lotion Dollars ($80.00) nnd for his costs and week. 5 0 cents disbursements in this action, nnd for the further order of the Court for the You'll be In the seventh Swimming Class Start»—The swim sale of the personal property of the heaven of shaving delight mlng clnss of the local high school defendants which has been attached after you have used these will commence next Tuesday. Mem­ by the plaintiff. shaving n e c e s s i t i e s . bers of the class will take Insturetlons j This Summons Is published once each week for four successive weeks KLENZO 8 H A V IN G nt thn pool at the University of Ore j In the SprlngAeld News, a weekly CREAM softens the benrd. newspaper of genernl circulation pub­ gon under a university Instructor. REXALL SHAVING LO­ lished In Lane County, Oregon, hv TION refreshes the skin Degree Staff Meet—The regular order of Harold J. Wells, Justice of monthly meeting of tile degree staff ! the Peace for Eugene Justice District. Sold only at Lane County, Oregon. The date nf of the local Rebekahs was held in the the first publication of this Summons The new I. O. 0 . F. hnll last Friday night nnd Is March 14, 1929. HAROLD J. WELLS. Justice of the the usunl drill was practiced. Hostes­ SYRALOY ses for the evening were Mrs. Minnie ' Peace. Easy Washer L. L. KAY. Attorney for Plaintiff. Girard and the Misses Dorothy and Residence and Post Office Address: T" * S tc ro Doris Girard. Eugene, Lane Countv, Oregon. M. 14-28. A. 4-11-18. 4- LEAF C lo v e r HUNT Flanery’s Drug Store OPEN FRIDAY NIOHT The Bell theatre will re-open to­ morrow night for the Arst time for several months, showing a picture en­ Twenty tenderle»! were recruited H. S. LEAGUE TO HAVE titled “Rose Marte”. A special feature by local poy scout troop No. 11 during MERRY MAIDS MARCH of the opening will be a Paratone talk­ I 1828, three scout» were advaneeil to ing comedy and singing which will The girls of the SprlngAeld high I precede the main feature The »how Arst class, eight scouts were advanced to second class and 38 merit badges school girls league will have their an­ will give picture» on Tueedays and were uwarded according to a report nual Merry Maids mar« h tomorrow Saturdays hereafter. Mr Larson says. The affair will consist of ! recently submitted by C. L. Aldrich, night. : stunts to be put on by girls from the j scoutmaster. The report shows an active and suc- ; different classes. A prize will be given reasful year by the troop which In­ for the best costume. ii i b i I«' M urculn. was BELL THEATRE tviL L Service Cleaners Spring Needs for the Garden ------ $ 1 .2 5 5 1 .6 5 $ 1 .9 0 H 006 7 0 c , $ 1 .0 0 , $ 1 .1 5 Rakes _________ __ — ...... 7 0 c , $ 1 .1 5 , $ 1 .4 0 Cultivators ___ $ 4 .5 0 Planet, Jr., Seeder and Cultivator __ $ 2 1 .5 0 No. 4, Same as above, with 1 wheel. Cultivator, $ 1 8 .0 0 Wright Sons LAST CALL Saturday our Special Offer closes! Why wait an­ other day? NOW — this minute — phone our nearest office for a FREE Demonstration in your home. See how the three vacuum cups gently but surely suck the dirt right out of the clothes, 6ee how perfectly simple it is to use and put it to any test you may wish. Then take advantage of this offer before it is too late! EA5Y WASHER may now pur- as $ chased fo r be as fittle lit $7.00 $ 6 .7 5 DOWN a m A MONTH