THURSDAY, MARCII H , 192» TUB SPRJNOffUB-D NWWS PAGE THREV TRAIN SC H EDU LI Springfield Stop* FOUR-H CLUBS HOLD FLAG USAGE TALK GIVEN MEET DURING WEEK AT TEACHERS INSTITUTE NORTH No. 16 at 3:64 A. M. Stop to detrain A I If newlnbg club was organizes As a representative of the local passenger« from Klamath Fall and at Oakridge last Friday with Mr». A. auxiliary Mrs. M. B. Huntly gar* beyond. A. Woodruff as leader and a member- ■ a talk on the flag usages and No. « at 3:46 P. M. Bu» connections ut Eugene for ship of 20. Officers elected were: the flag salute before the teacher«* trains b-avlng 11:50 A. M. and 7 I*. M president. Verna Spatz; vice-president Institute In the local high school last lletty »j,ollnger; secretary Florence Saturday morning. Several years ago 8OUTU Wright. A special meeting was set fl meeting was held In Washington to No. 7 at 12:47 P M. for tomorrow at the home of Florence prescribe proper usage of the flag, No. 15 at 10:09 P. M. Flag »top for that Is, the proper way to hang the passenger« to Klamath Fall» and Wright. The sunshine sewing club met at the flag In the school room, or on a car beyond. Bus connections at Eugene for Dexter school house last week with , and Mrs. Huntly gave 10« cards to IA)HT—From my team Monday even- FOR SALE—U ne full slzwl north NOTICE TO CREDITORS the following attendance: Theda Phil- j County School Superintendent, E. J. Notice Is hereby given that the log near the city Bakery, heavy front lot on Wlllumette Heights. trains leaving 11:46 A. M. via »Isklyou lips, Frances Hundsaker, M atilda, Moore which set out regulations County Court of Lane County, Oregon, rubber upron. Retura to City Bakery Fine view, street graded. 1300 00, line. Show, Rosalie Parker. Murle Powell, governing this to be distributed among Iso appointed the undersigned A. II or Newa Office. M-14 Terms. A. J. Morgan, ITione 121 M Head executor of the will and estate Vlona Upton, Alice Morgan, Margaret the teachers of the county. Mr«. FINAL NOTICE M-14 o t Dora Head deceased, and all per FOR BALE—Carbon paper In largs Upton, Velda Wright, Mary Klersey Huntly was accompanied on her ml«- Notice Is hereby given that the nn eons having claline against said estate Mrs. Ross slon by Mrs. F. B. Hamlin, sheets, 26 x22 laches, suitable (Or derslgned adxnlnislt/ator of the estate and Cecelia Cruzan. will present same duly verified to the N O T IC E Mathews Is club leader. making tracings The News O S es of Zlba Denny, deceased, has filed his •executor at the office of Whitten WHEREAS In chapter 127, general final report and account and the Hwafford, Attorney. 201 Tltfany Bldg., GRAND ARMY LADIES K— 5 ™ Court of Isn e County, Oregon, has Eugene. Oregbn, on or before six S A .S T .N » Hues from Tillamook— Mrs. William set the 30 day of March, 1222 at the months after this date. PLAN MEMBER DRIVE branches. Reduced Prices. Roy ' son. firm, copartnership, company and hour of 10 o’clot* a M at the County Killian, of Tillamook, spent Saturday Dated and first published February Koch. Call 1X6-J corporation owning, leasing, occupying evening here visiting at the home o t Court Room In the Court House at 14th, 1929 possessing or having charge of or do­ Eugene for final hearing thereon and Mr. and Mrs. John WInzenreld. At • meeting Saturday night In the A. H. HEAD, Executor of the will minion over any land, place, building, any obectlons should be filed or made Eugene armory, of the Ladles of the and estate of Dora Head, Dec'd. NOTICE TO CREDITORS structure, wharf, pier or dock which Is on or before said time. Grand Army, arrangements were made WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Atty. squirrels _____ and NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, That Infested with _ ground ________ Taking Vacation—Walter Gossler of for a membership drive. Mrs. BBS P. J. BARTHOLOMEW, Administra­ _______ F 14-21 28: M 7-14. _____ the undersigned, has by the County , other noxious rodents or predatory tor. the local postoffice force Is having his Court of the State of Oregon for the ' animals, or us soon as the presence of SUM M O NS WHITTEN SWAFFORD, Attorney. annual fortnight vacation. Ira Nice Bnley o t Eugene was made captain ot one side and Mrs. Cora Jones also County of la»nb. been duly appointed ,h ” »»me shall come to this, their or F. 28. M 7-14 21-28. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Is substituting for him while he Is of Engene, captain of the other side. STATE OF OREGON FOR LANK as Administrator of the estate of Its knowledge, at once proceed and to away from work. Frank M Vernon, deceased and has continue In good faith to exterminate SUM M O NS The drive will take the form of a COUNTY. • nnd destroy such rodents by poisoning, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Alslna Hastings Vs. John E. Hast­ duly qualified as such. contest In which point« will he «ward­ All persons having claims against trapping or other appropriate and ef- STATE OF OREGON FOR THE ORDINANCE NUMBER 535 ings, Defendant. ed for new members and for attend­ said estate are hereby notified to pres- ! fectlve means; and COUNTY OF LANE To John K. Hastings, Defendant. AN ORDINANCE TO RBOGULATE IN THE NAME OF THE STATIC ent the »naie properly verified to mi I WHEREAS gray digger ground James M Blakeley, Jr., Plaintiff, V»., GASOLINE STORAGE TANKS AND ance of old members. The next meet­ Bertha Blakeley, Defendant OF OREGON: You are herby required at the office of FYstik A. Del*ue, the i squirrels (Cltellus douglasli) are nox- OTHER MATTERS PERTAINING ing of the circle. March 3«. Mrs. C, To Bertha Blakeley, the above to appear and answer the complaint Attorney for the estate, at Springfield. I°us rodents In lame County, Oregon TO FIRES WITHIN THE CITY OF F. Egglmann of this city Is chairman Now, therefore, all of such persons, named defendant filed ugalnat yon In the above entitled Lane County, Oregon, on or before six SPRINGFIELD AND DECLARING of the entertainment committee. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE eult on or before four weeks from date months from the date of this notice. firms, copartnerships, corporations AN EMERGENCY. and companies owning or having do­ OF OREGON you are hereby required of first publication of this sunvmons. I»ted this 5th day of March, 1922 minion over land In said Lane County, to appear and answer the complaint The Town of Springfield does Ordain Losers Pay Debt ERANK E. BLAIR. Administrator. or for want thereof the plaintiff will as follows: ERANK A. DE PCE( Attorney for Oregon, are hereby required to take filed against you In the above entitled apply to Hie court for the relief prayed M. B. Huntly and team have lifted Section 1. Whenever a greater the load or Indebtedness which the steps to exterminate said gray digger court and cause on or before the 4th for In the complaint on file herein, and the estate. M. 7-14-21 28. A. 4 ground squirrels (Cltellus dough»»!!) day of April, 1229 said date being quantity than five gallons of gasoline to*wtt: for a decree of absolute divorce within thirty day» from the date of more than four weeks from the day of be stored or kept within the corporate price of defeat placed upon them— from you. the first publication of this notice. If the first publication of this summons lim its of the Town of Springfield, ex­ they gave the victorious members o f This summons Is published once NOTICE TO CREDITORS such steps are not taken, a person herein entered of record and If you cept the same be stored In a tank of a the American Legion the feed due each week for four consecutive weeks NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That j or persons appointed by the County fall so to appear and answer for want motor propelled vehicle or In the act In the Springfield News, a weekly them last Friday night. An excellent newspaper published at Springfield, Anton Gravos has been appointed ex­ Court of said lame County will enter thereof the plaintiff will apply to the of being transported, said gasoline bonnet was provided and a good time laine County, Oregon, by order of the ecutor of the Last Will and Testa­ upon said lands and proceed to ex­ Court for the relief In his complaint shall be stored In metal tanks of ap­ lion. J. W Hamilton. Judge of the ment of Albert Oravos. deceased, by terminate said gray digger ground against you demanded, to-wit: proved weight and thickness, the top was had by all, members say. The the County Court of Lane County, squirrels (Clrtellus douglnsll) and the above court, made Feb 26th. 1222. of said tank to be not less than four matter of the honor board1 was brought £d MU E For a Judgment and Decree of (4) feet underground and properly up but full solution of the matter w ai Dated and first published Feb. 28th, Orejmn. All p er« ,» , having claim . ,“ ' i I levi««l against said lands. Divorce dissolving the bonds o t matri­ vented. 1222 not arrived a t mony now and heretofore existing be­ WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Attorney present them, with the proper vouch Section 2. Application to Install The county argrtculturat agent here­ tween the Plaintiff, James M. Blake­ gasoline storage tanks within the cor­ for Plaintiff. Residence and P. O. era, within six mouths from the 21st day of February, 1222, to said execu­ by designates Monday. April 1st, as a ley, Jr„ and the Defendant, Bertha porate lim its shall be made in writing Another Penny Cafeteria Address Eugene, Oregon tor at the law office of L. L. Rny In day to be known as “squirrel poison­ Blakeley on the grounds of cruel and to the Fire Chief, who shall Inspect F. 28. M 7 14 21 28. The local Rebekah lodge. Juanita the Miner Building, Eugene, Oregon. ing day” throughtout the said Lane Inhuman treatment and for such other the premises where the storage tank SUMMONS ANTON GRAVOS, Executor of the County, and It Is hereby recommended relief as to the Court May seem meet or tanks are to be located, and if the chapter No. 85 will hold- a penny cote- terla supper In the I. O. O. F. halt IN THE ClllCI IT COU RT OF T H E taint Will and Testament of Albert that poisoned barley, as prepared by and equitable. same shall meet with his approval, S T A T E O F ORBOON, IN AND FDR Gravos, deceased. the undersigned nnd representatives shall issue installation permit in writ tomorrow night. The supper will con- That tills summons is served upon L. L. RAY A tto rn ey fo r E state. LANK county . of the of Survey . . . Bureau . . . Biological .. . . . . of , you by publication thereof In The log subject to his approval upon final tinue on until all have been fed. F 21-28: M. 7-14 21: The Pacific Savings A Ix»an Associa­ the United State Department of Agri SprtaMleld News, a newspaper of inspection of said storage tank in- Th» committee In charge consist« tion, a Washington corporation. culture, be used for the purpose of Ken,.ro| clrcula„ OI1. pursuant to an stalled before the same has been o f. Uesdam es M M Male. Genevieve S U M M O N S Plaintiff, vs . William W. Whit«- and such extermination Such poisoned 1 ord,.r of th„ circuit Court of the State Louk, Alice Doane and Minnie Girard. Mary A W hile, Ills wife, W E IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE barley may he serured from the under of Oregon for Lane County, duly made buried. Scelon 3. When a greater quan-: ____________________ STATE OF OREGON FOR THE signed at his office In Eugene, Lane ami entered of record on the 5th day tity than one quart or less quantity Powells, C. A. Pruitt and Ii reiidunts. Stolen Car Retrieved To A. (’. Pruitt and 14«lira May Irvin H Fox, Plaintiff, -vs- Edna Mor- cost of preparation. Another considerate purlolner. who summons be published once each stored or kept within the corporate phew, whose namo Is sometimes Pruitt, Defendants Date of first publication of this week for four successive and consecu­ limits, said gasoline shall be stored had change of heart and returned written E. Morphew, Defendant. To C. A. Pruitt and lgiura May Pru­ hJg a w < w . tive w eeks in said Springfield News in an approved metal safety gasoline wbat bp bad taken To Kdnu Morphew, whose name Is notice March 7th. 1929. i t t , 11. t e n d .m t s : ______________ ___ and that the date of the first publica- L aa U • (Signed) O. S. FLETCHER. County IN THE NAME OF THE STATE so m etim es w ritte n E. M orphew , De­ Section 4. All matters pertaining ance *n the city and borrowed for ft Agrtcultiiral Agent. ! ,,on wi" he on ,he 7th ot Thirty-two (32) Section 34. Township 15 South of Interest in the real estate described 3 and 4> the wegt baIf of the gouthea^ herein, defendants. quarter and the southeast quarter of Office Phone 176-J Res. Phone 176-M of said plat hounded as follows: Begin- Range 6 West of the Willamette Merl- n ln g at the Northeast corner of said ,j(an. accord ng to the Government R»e, Phone 160 Plano Moving SUMMONS IN i the southeast quarter of Section 22; Carl H. Phettoplace, M. D. Lot N um bered T h irty -tw o (32) b ein g su rv c y th ereo f. FORECLOSURE OF DELINQUENT the southwest quarter of the north- SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER General Practice, Special Attention in tho n iiie r of C ounty Road a t an g le T h a t th e p lain tiff h av e and reco v er TAX CERT'FICATE west quarter: the northwest quarter WILLI» UERTHCH, Prop. tn b o u n d ary of th e W illiam L uckey , , . . . ,, , . . . ! To Jane Griffiths Jones, or her un- of the southwest quarter; the south to Obstetrics and Diseases Judgment against the defendant, 'kFFICE AT SERVICE GARAGE J ; i IÍ , W ,i T ib , n: s C ra w le y , In th e su m of k n o w n h e ir s , if d e c. a s c l , a ls o a ll o th e r h a lf of th e s o u th w e s t q u a r te r ; th« of Children. 633 Main Street „! , „ 1S60.00, together with interest thereon persons or parties unknown claiming south half of the southeast quarter First National Bank Building h- a lo n g ’l e n í e / o ^ ^ ^ :lt ,he rRte ,,f 8tíVen per c?nt ,R'r nn‘ i ? L SeCt.‘° " ,“6;? . í e nort.h east q u a rte r; Successor to Sutton Transfer Springfield, Oregon mini from and after the 7th day of , In the real estate described herein, de. the east half of the northwest quarter; line of said Ix»t 774 foot; thence South , fendants: i the northeast quarter of the south- j 88 d e g re e s 40 m in u te s W est 593.7 feet. I í ’.'Pn aJ,' ‘ 19"‘; 2 >nnh‘i IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF , w est quarter; the north half of the inure or less, to the W est line of said **B,° ' Lot No. 32; thence North 774 feet to ‘¿"‘ e/n * d dlabursement OREGON, you are hereby notified that , southeast quarter; and lots 1, 2, 3 and WM. G. H U G H E S DR. W. N. DOW Viola B. Larsen, the holder of Certifi- i 4 of Section 27, all In Township 16, Northwest corner thereof; thence | Tba¿ the niortgage above referrwl cate of Delinquentcy numbered 2493 South, Range 12 W est of the Wiliam- FIRE ANO AUTO INSURANCE D e n tis t North 88* 40’ East 8.11 chains to place to be declared to be a first and Isued on the 29th day of January ette Meridian, In Lane County, Oregon. First National Bank Building NOTARY RUBLIC of beginning, containing 10.03 acres, valid lien upon the real premises 1929, by the Tax Collector of the You are further notified that said Phone 48 Springfield, Oregon containing in all 48.46 acres of land above described, a n d a l l thereof County of Lane, State of Oregon, for Viola B. Larsen has paid taxes on said Office at Office hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. In Lane County, Oregon, and all being nnd that the same be foreclosed the amount of One Hundred Ninety- premises for prior or subsequent FIRST NATIONAL BANK Evenings by Appointment a part of »Hid Donation I^and Claim in the manner provided by law, eight and 18-100ths Dollars, the same years with the rate of interest on said Oregon Ingffeld, No. 62, all In the County of Lane and and that the said p re m i s e s b e being the amount then due and delta- amounts as follows: State of Oregon; sold by the Sheriff of Lane County, and further decreeing that the defend Oregon, to satisfy p l a i n t i f f ' s Tax Receipt Rate of ant» have not, nor have either of Date Paid Year’s Tax No. DR. N. W. EMERY Amount Interest Judgment, and t h a t p l a i n t i f f them, any right, title or Interest In Jan. 29, 1929 1923 DENTIST 30552 1174.90 nnd to the snld premises or any part hnve and recover Judgment against 12% (July 1. 1926 1924 29920 115.06 thereof. That the plaintiffs be d e - the _ defendant, Thomas Crowley, for 12% on Bldg. Rhone HW (Jan. 29 1929 31334 33.00 12% creed to he the owners tn fee simple j any deficiency thereafter remaining Residence Phone 158-M Feb. 21, 1927) 1925 31328 Ì2% 18.63 of the said premises, and that the d e-[ unpaid; and Feb. 21, 19271 31329 70.48 12% fendants nnd each of them be forever That the defendants, and each of Springfield, Oregon Feb. 21, 1927) 31330 39.70 12% barred from claiming any right, title ( them, nnd all persons claiming by, Jan. 29, 1929 1926 31313 156.20 12% other and further relief as to the Court through or under them or any of them, Jan. 29, 1929 1927 30472 107.27 12% 228 Main St. Residence 125 C Bt- may seem equitable. I be foreclosed and forever barred from This Summons Is published once ! any right, title or Interest In or to said General Practice 62 M 62 J Griffiths Jones as Said Jane the slve of the day of such service, or of each week for six successive weeks In real premises or any part thereof; the Springfield News, a weekly news and for sncb other nnd further relief owner of the legal title of the above the date of the first publication, and I. M. PETERSON Full Auto Equipment paper of general circulation, publish n„ t0 the Court may seem equitable In described property as the same ap­ defend this action or pay the amonnt Attornoy-at-Lnw pears of record, nnd each of the other due as above shown together with eil In Lane County, Oregon, by order tbe premises. Lady Assistant ?o,' costs against the land and the pre­ (My Hall Building of the Honorable J. W. Hamilton, This Summons 1« publi .hed by ! Judge of the Circuit Court of Lune I order of tho Hon. J. W. Hamilton, ther notified that Viola B. Larsen will mises above named. T apply to the Circuit Court of the Coun­ All process an,, papers In this pro­ Springfield, Ore. C ounty, O regon, w hich or.’e r bear« judg(, „{ tb(< „bove entitled Court. ty nnd State aforesaid for a decree date the 20th dnv of Fobmnry, 1929. Date ot first publication February foreclosing the lien against the pro­ ceedings may be served upon the un­ dersigned residing within tho State nnd the first publication of this Sum 28, 1929; Date of last publication, FRANK A. DE PUE perty above described and mentioned of Oregon at the address hereafter nions Is February "1st, 1929. M arch 28, 1929. ATTORNEY AT LAW POTTER A KING, Attorneys for 1MMEL * EVANS, Attorneys for In said certificate. And you are here­ mentioned. Date of first publication February Plaintiffs. Residence nnd Post Office Plaintiff. Residence and Postoffice Ad­ by summoned to appear within sixty NOTARY PUBLIC days after the service of this summons 21, 1929. Address Eugene, Lane County, Ore­ dress, Eugene, Oregon. JEW ELER upon you, or of the dato of the first DONALD YOUNG. 860 Willamette 8prlngfleld, gon. Sutton Repairing a Specialty publication of thia summons, exclu- Street, Eugene, Oregon. F. 28. M. 7-14-21-28. F. 21-28. M. 7-14-21-28. A. 4 Oregon Building F. 21-28: If. 7-14-21: Classified Âds CY6ErMSUUS> B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y Walker-Poole Chapol Funeral Directors D. W. Roof Springfield, Oregon f