THURSDAY. MARCH I I, IT'*» — „ ------- ------——— 1 1 06763261 of 1929 for 214 mills reporting to the SCOUT PARENTS NIGHT ORDERS FOR LUMBER Association was 1,204,682.646 feet, or HELD BY LOCAL TROOP EXCEED CUT 16 PER CENT Production for the first eight weeks Seattle, Wa>h.— For the tirai eight weeks of 1929. orders for lumber ex­ ceeded production by 16 per vent and shipments were 0 9 per vent more than cutting, according to studies made by the West Coast Lumbermen's associa­ tion on the reports of 143 major mills In the Douglas Fir region of Oregon and Washington. Mill stocks were •lx-tentha of one per cent under those reported as of January 1 for 143 iden­ tical mills. 30 6 per cent below the weekly operat­ ing capacity of these mills for the period. Production, orders and ship­ ments for 200 mills for the week end­ ed March 2 were reported to the As­ sociation as follows: Production. 108.- 794.683 board feet: orders. 174,888.558 board feet: shipments, 166,114.039 board feet Figures for Four Weeks Compared Production, orders and shipments reported to the association for the past four weeks were as follows: Denn.nsirations of boy scout work were given by members of Troop No. 11 for their parents last night at the "parents night” meeting held in the Metho« 1st church. The demonstra- First Six Weeks of Term Ends ti m Included first aid work and knot With Good Scholastic and At­ llel ig The Investiture Work was tendance Record: 77 Brattaln also put on by troop members. This Pupils Have No Absences: 63 consisted of Initiatory ceremonies On Lincoln School List. given Ford Danner, a new scout. SCHOOL TOTAL 60 F ollow ing the w ork by th e hoys, ta aa w ere given by II E. Maxey, « p. I’oele. M rs R P. M ortenson and l'. K. C lark. F u tu re p lan s (or th e troop w -ie tak en up at th e m eeting i S lnnar, L o rrain e Squires Violet Si- . bough, latu ren ee Jones. F IF T H A GRADE Lily Tale, P hyllis W estphall, Alice (Room I) Scholarship: I r v in liars, M arg aret THIRD GRADE Scholarship: llenry Chase, Lloyd llu a ik . Irene H anson, D rucile tigli« I', S eatuatts, Edgar Trotter, Leland J o latra I'utinan, Jo an S eavey, F ay" Clarke S ulres A tten d an ce: La M oine Black, Irene A tte n d a n c e : M argie M ulUsan, Ilion Hannon. H azel N esbitt. D elnrls Nice, O gden, H elen I’ui man, W y etta Spriggs, D rucile Ogilvie. J<> L ara P ulm an. Jouli Irm a W olsell, Edna M arie W right. S eu v iy , Wlltn tia S| rlgg . Ilo w tr I G ordon B aldw in. W ilbur M iTher-mii F ritts. Ori-ti L an sb erry , Jack I’ed er F url P ederson. Lloyd S eam ans, Edgar -eli, Donald K indalt, C larence Ciarli f if t h a g rade T ro tte r, F nill 1'chvtll (Room 2) FO U R TH B GRADE S ch o larsh ip : H elen Davis. Lucilie S c h o la rs h ip : D ale R o b e r t- m . June Ma Lot'll. Velina Peddicord, Mil In I Berg, lä n tis iä C ow den, S adie llo t t Jo annille W ith ers. Bernt«'*« Lowery, Morgan. M argaret J a rr e tt A tte n d a n c e : O lga llr y n c h u k . W ilm a V ir g in ia M ille r I tin I (loti N eher, violet M iller, Kiltit H lih arC -oil Wanelta Neel. A to ta l of 63 pupils wore on the sc h o la rsh ip ho n o r roll for the Lincoln and B ra tta ln schools for th e first six O rders Shipm ents Production Mills w eeks of the term , aco rd ln g Io a re 159,352.892 129.381.131 Week Feb. 9 196 128.901.376 port given out this week by the 162.469971 152.387.897 Week Feb. 16 133.285.772 195 school-. T h. a tte n d a n c e honor roll A tte n d a n c e : Ju n e B rr. I.o u e iia 173.026.572 160,620,820 Week Feb. 23 167,534.177 199 M. B HUNTLY TALKS for th e B ra tta ln school show ed- 7. Cowden, Ite is 'e ('ox. M axine Valller 2 174,888.558 166.114.039 180.794.683 Week Mar. S00 Sadie G ott. E th el G ott. Ails Join on. TO SCOUT TROOP pupils having perfect attendance T he honor roll follow s: , • V aleria K is'h. Lotwlle G erber. S hirt' * * * 4 - ‘» * * * 4 + 4 « ’ * * * * li. ill b a m : a going to Salem Wednes L IN C O L N S C H O O L S eavey, B illy S tra tto n , E lizabeth M. B. Hunlly talked to scout troop ♦ UPPER WILLAMETTE ♦ day a ftern o o n to ta k e In th e first No. 12 about ratings and study w o rk HONOR R O LL W .n-'low , Novjna W illiam s, J e a n tiilt' g am es of th e s ta te to u rn am en t. •* « * ♦ * » « ♦ • * * ♦ ♦ * * F IR S T G R A D E W ithers, B ernice Lower*. V irginia at the meeting held last night. Mat­ Frank Stuart. Beryl Robertson. Miller, Grant Lattin's house burned last Eva M ontgom ery, O liver ters pertaining to the auxiliary and Thursday. It caught fire from boiling legion entertainment for the local Dorothy Jean Stewart, Frances Oram. A dam-. H arold G illette, R obert Roden THURSTON ♦ scouts to be held this mouth were dis June Alice I’engra tar on the stove. They were prepar. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ S E C O N D - T H IR D G R A D E S ing it to put on the brooder coops. Ard Hoven regular pastor at Thurs­ cussed. Muriel Tyson. Doris Munn. Frank Mrs Barnum underwent an opera­ ton occupied the pulpit at Carlston Bennett, John Spore. Bobby Davis.., tion at the Pacific Christian hospital last Sunday and his father Rev Local Couple Married I Lawrence Thompson. In Eugene last Thursday. Hoven from Eugene filled the pulpit FOURTH A GGRADE Carl M. Lewis and Lila Zachery, Arnold Collier county club leader, here. Scholarship: Francla Jean Lloyd, presented a prise to Prentice Wheeler Miss Mary Hardy from Eugene was both of this city, were married last Bernice Smith. for his 4-H club work. here last Sunday making arrange­ Saturday in Eugene. They will be at | Attendance: Billy Burnell. Dale The Happy Workers sewing club ments for the Bible school convention home to their friends at 248 C street. ('arson, Earl House, Robert Richard­ met at Mrs. Cruthers last Friday and 1 which is to be held here on April 5, 6, son. Roy Steele, Scott Wright. Seward From Deerhorn— Walter Carter of worked on their sewing. and 7. Radtke. Neal Pederson, Lois Deeds, The Boys Camp cooking club are Mr. and Mrs. William Rennie went Deerhorn, was one of the city’s visi­ Jennie Jackson. R uth K eeler, Ila Ifitt planning on going camping next Wed­ to Salem last Sunday for a few days tors yesterday. man, Bernice Smith nesday. Their leader is Mrs. Cruthers. 'visit with relatives. They expect to Ill With Flu—ITatt Holverson has FIFTH B GRADE Mrs. Sheridan Just returned from a return on Wednesday. Scholarship: B a r b a r a Barn»!!. been confined to his bed during the visit at Cushman. Little Patty Shcugh whose parents Frances Keeler. Florence May, Mar Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Tinker and two live In Eugene spent a few days the week with the flu. gnret Meek. •mall children are at Newport for a i first of this week with her grand-par­ Gets New Truck—The Springfield A tte n d a n c e : E m erson Ables, Floyd week. laundry this week purchased a new G reen. S tep h en Rice. G ordon G illette, ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Price. The Senior Endeavor gave a kids The P. T. A. met at the high school Ford delivery truck. B ernice B arnes, Hllsabeth Johnson party last Friday night at the church. last Friday afternoon. F ra n c e s K eeler. G eneva Wycoff. R e tu rn s Hom e— M rs. A . B. \ an \ al- Mrs. O. H. Wangelin went to New­ On Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. James J U N IO R H IG H sah returned home this week. She port last Friday to stay a week or Hill, Mes. Paul Jenkins, Mrs. Bert M arie Coffelt. Iadla (’lark , M arce­ two. Weaver and Mrs. Ernest Bertsch has been visiting in Medford. line Seavey. ta-ola G ates, Beatrice Paul Harden Is leaving for Klamath motored to Marcola to make arrange- j Has Tonsilitis—1-awrence "Happy G illette, H urnaillne M cF arland. Melba Falls where he expects to work. ments to present the folk dancing en­ Anderson is suffering from an attack Harris. The women of the church and com­ tertainment at that place on Friday I O nly pupils doing p a ssin g work a re of tonsilitis. munity are to meet at Mrs. Jordan's • April 5. ellglhle to ta k e th e s ta te ex am in atio n s Wednesday to sew for Mr. Lattin’s To Eeastern Oregon— Mrs. Paul In th e 8th g rad e or in G eography. Lum Mays from Landar spent Sun. family, who had their house burned. ' day In Thurston. Brattaln left Tuesday for Eeasteru BRATTAIN SCHOOL The Christian Endeavor will give a Mr. and Mrs. L. Tennis and two sons Oregon. F IR S T G R A D E play Friday night. March 15, at the from Creswell spent last Sunday with Scholarship: Sydney W estp h all. Fae i Goes to San Francisco—S. S. Parker church. The play is entitled "What ¡Miss Heersma. of 857 F ifth S tre e t d e p a rte d T uesday Alma Rempel, Mae Etta Moon. Peter Will We Do With Aunt Sally.” They Miss Flossie Herrington who teaches j for San Francisco. He will be gone ('base. Raymon Pyle. will sell pie, cake, cocoa and coffee, at Not! spent the past week-end in '.A tten d a n ce : Fae Alma Rempel. two months. •Iso home made candy. Thurston. Ellen Miller. Robert Culver, Harold The Pleaans Hill high school basket- Herbert W eiss was called to Eugene Motor to Portland— Mrs. Ed Kester Hanson, Milo Severson, Valentine last Thursday by his father being seri­ and son, Clarence, will motor to Port Uchytil, Albert Clark, Raymon Pyle. ously til. land to visit with Mrs. Kester's SECOND GRADE James Edmlston has a badly infest­ mother and brothers. Scholarship: Phyllis Westphall. ed arm caused by a burn. Violet Steele, Bessie Radkte. Billie Power Crew Here— Bill Roberts and Junior Morgan of Eugene is spend­ . Nesbitt, Alice Chase. Mildred Billings line crew from Albany are doing work ing some time with his relatives here. Attendance: Marlin Darr, Walter in Thurston now and will work In We give special attention ' I.axton, Billie Nesbitt. Harold Trotter. 9pringfield soom Returns from Hospital—Mrs. C. J. to increasing the efficiency 5 De Forrest Whltles. Myron Wilkes, Jones who has been in the Pacific of the Extrinsic Ocular Lodge Puts on Work — Liberty Mildred Billings, Alice Chase, Ixuilse Christian hospital In Eugene returned Lodge, 171, of the local Masons put Muscles, which affords Tuesday. great relief to nervous or Home from Hospital—Jess Walker, on third degree work at their meeting irritable people. returned home this week from the Tuesday night. One candidate was Going to A storia— M rs. M . B. I Veterans’ hospital In Portland where Make Appointments initiated. : Huntly is leaving todav for Portland he has been receiving treatment for Whenever Possible Benefit Dinner— A benefit dinner injury received while worgklng In his , and Astoria. Mrs. Huntly will visit her father. Wm. Pohl. In Aatorla and will be given by the local auxiliary of , blacksmith shop. He has been In the Dr. Sherman W. M oody O pto m etrist - E yesigh t S p ecialist while In Portland will be present at the American legion Thursday night j hospital for several months. Suite 831 Miner Bldg, Phone 362 I the dedication of the Veterans’ hospl- March 28. East Broadway, Eugene Ore. , tai. Returns Home— Mrs. Vina McClain Brotherhood Meeting— The Brother hood of the Methodist church will relumed here from Portland last Sat­ Here from Wendting—John Down­ hold a meeting next Monday night. urday. Mrs. McClain has been visit­ ing of Wendling, was In town yester­ The speaker for the evening has not ing with her son, Fred Lemley, while In Portland. yet been announced. day. l.lp e s . V e lin a P i- 'd lio r d . M a rt n T h o m p s o n V ir g in ia M o iilg o in e iv F e rn F ish er. M ildred M organ. S hirley Umili M argaret J a r r e tt. Evelvn G orm ley. S IX T H A G R A D E S ch o larsh ip : Ray S m ith. C hari"« Cole. W inifred Fruii». LaV ertte Pug'i. lad s Jo h an so n , H arlan Ihtnean, I.n Doris W alker New Repair Shop Ready We have opened a repair shop for all m ake« of t arn in ou r new building t u t A street til l’'iftlt. Ex|*‘H m e­ chanics are In ch arg e mid we will g u a ra n tee all work io be satisfactory. Specially prepared to service new Model A Fords. Give Us A Trial. “A STREET” GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION Logan and Owen. ITops. General Gasoline and Oils, Lee Tires New Show Tonight TAYLOR PLAYERS Presenting — “THE WOMAN TAMER” One of the ou tstan d in g plays of the season, requiring a greatly augm ented cast to produce It BARGAIN MATINEES COMING SUNDAY EVERY "LOMBARDI, LTD.” SATURDAY and SUNDAY Q ual Real Quality MEATS Tasty, Delicious, always Fresh and Tender, the very Best Quality Meats at prices that will mean Real Savings to you. INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. We are Equipped for Phone 63 PR A TT HOLVERSON 4th and Main Sts. E C. STUART Every Kind of Printing JCPENNEYCO 942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. New Spring Frocks With Faster Chic . • • at ..rift Interest! Such clever frock»— so to wear right new — and latet. Frocks of flat crepe in alluring gay colon, lively prints and staple shade»— georgette in love» Ly mode»— scarfs, jackets, t COMING SUNDAY and bows add interest. The CANARY MURDER CASE 100',; A L L T A L K I E COME ON OVER The Willamette Press OF SPRINGFIELD $14.75 For Women For Misset For Junior*