T r y the H o m e P r in t Shop F ir a t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW M NTY-HIXTJ I Y KA It M 1 E S M S I! 10C1L IN SU M E School Gathering Here Marker! hy Record Attendance; Uni- vorsity Mei t Strens Needs and Condition*! Local Teachers Give Tftlk*. About 166 < . «mi» » « m |ir«s«nt nt th e ii-.n h«i »' It«'lillut«* lit hl In thi* local hluh sclt<»»l Is« t Huiurtl.*«., ltu*hif ilo* «’«Itu*.» Dr N els'-tt I. He Itiin d e p a rtm e n t of tho fiiiv n n U y of O regon, *pok« upon tho «pi« Hlhui of » h v si-hnol t«in-lt.-r« r. tn iln In on K»«v»*ra1 » m h«M»l hik h a h itti tlm««. reAfotm w< r«» mimte *t«*4 for thin. am ong thorn th e fu rl th a t m any y o u n ^ people u«e 1«*i-ltlng an a Mtepp|tlK atone to get o tíie r pindlliiii» Mr. B ossing nine <>utllm»rnl Odd Fellows are urge«! to he present at the meeting here next Wed­ nesday night, when Springfield lodge entertains the Grand Master. Scout* to Take T rip Troop 12 of the local boy scouts will take a trip up Into the snow next Sunday, probably ns far ns the boat Creek ranch. The American T-eglon will furnish the transportation nnd the group will he In charge of Clifford Wilson. The hoys will meet. nt. the Chamber of Commereo rooms Sunday morutng nnd will start from there nt 7 o’clock. SPRIN GFIELD . I-ANK COUNTY, OKKOON, THURSDAY, MARCH 14.192» H. S. TEACHERS WERE ELECTED BY SCHOOL BOARD AT M EETING Canada-Cuba Flyer L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N LOCAL STREETS RECEIVE A TTE N TIO N OF GRADING AND GRAVELING DEPT. M'KENZIE CONTRACT IS LEI FOB $60,090 A q u ite ex ten siv e g rad in g n r '.'raveling cam paign h as been In itiated by th e S pringfield s tre e t d e p a rtm e n t Council Orders City Attorney to th is week K en n eth G iles, tra ffic offi­ Section to Cogswell Hill Go«« Take Action Against Property c e r and g en eral u n lllty m an. h as been ru n n in g th e c ltv g ra d e r o v e r all of the to the Cochran Construction for Delinquent Liens; Main unpaved s tre e ts . Company; To be Graded and Street Repairs Will Cost Ap­ A m ong th e stre e t* b ein g w orked is Surfaced by State Standard* 16th s tre e t w hich will be both re g ra d ­ proximately $3500. on New Alignment. ed an d g raveled. Mr. G iles ha* a l­ F o reclo su re on all plec< i of pro­ re a d y c o m m e n c e d re g ra d in g It Six­ The contract for construction of the p e rty a g a in st w hich th e n ís ’ tleljn te e n th s tre e t h as a t one tim e w orn a quent llena and th ow ner* have paid co at of g rav el, but now m ost of the Sprlngfleid-CogHw.il Hill rectlon of n e ith e r Intere»! o p rin cip al will be co a tin g is gone and th e s tre e t is cut the McKenzie highway was let last s ta rte d in 30 day by th e city. In up by ru ts and sod. The matter of i Friday at the meeting of the State str.i. lio n s to in " tu t.- p ro ceed in g s g rav elin g It w as ta k e n up a t th e last ; H ighw ay cam m lsslo n In P o rtlan d for w ere given tin- city a tto rn e y by th e council m eeting. X66.066 to the Cochran Const uretlon council a t Its m eetin g M onday >ven- i - .... T I iono ro «dootw l w««ro’ Ow«ar f»l»d j d is h . <1|onji C o le . FrnnooH H o d tro . i h ’o r r ln a P«dor»*on, M »v M ow oh , C ln rn ft W n v n o r. T ii r l l l o H o lm a n Htid Mi«ur* Jno b o m b a rd . p t ( . , t Ion o f toa«do«rH f»»r th o tw o i»r »d»« -p h' I w'M doforrod to th» next m o e tltir of th«* board. A J. MORGAN RESIGN A NUM BER 10 08666029 All of th o t<*»<-h«»r» now h olding poMltlon* nt th<* local high Ht-hool w«*r<* I ro-x»W ‘ ‘ fty Wfiik t /M flH . .-■Si-atiimi George Hakictnan linked Canada and C uba by an unbroken airplane *na * ° l, r o l “ ’ r , v h o ld e rs a nd s in c e th a t tim e $1276 has been paid th e recorder. Some property hold era, however, have A J M organ, p rin c ip a l of tho local paid no attention to the notices and hitch Hchool. and M rs O ra H**m«*nwav, flight starting at Windsor. Ont., and against these foreclosure will be In­ p rin cip al of th«* B ra tta ln nrhool thl« reaching the tropical soil of Cub* in stituted. The cltv has advanced sev­ less than thirteen hour» H e w a* ac- w«««*k <»nt In th e ir roNltrnntlona to tho i eral thousand dollars Interest pay­ companied by Jam»» E Hayden, ( local Hchool board. T h ey won* re- j mechanic ment on these old Hens and the coun­ r r n l l v ro olo< t« d for th o <*ontlnr v«*nr. cil Is determined to liquidate and use Mrw H a m a n w a v h aa boon ion«*hlnft the money for street Improvement. In th o S pringfield arh o o la for f> yeaaa. SPR IN G FIELD DAY AT I P ro p e rty ow ners in S u n n y sid e a d ­ h av in g boon p rin c ip a l of th « Ju n io r dition ap p eared and com plaJned LOST CREEK SUCCESS; high and g rad e d o p n rtm an ta of th e MANY ENJOY O UTING a,w’ul ,h*‘ drainage ditches on Kelly L incoln school u n til th«* B ra tta ln s tre e t not tak in g th e w a te r off. The sch o o l wan built w hen Mho took o v er Thirty Springfield people were pre*- ent at Lost Ct-.-k ranch on the upper achool u n til tw o vijhih ag o w hen ho McKenzie Sunday to enjoy the winter spurt« It was a Springfield day at the wwa oloctod p rin cip al rench. The Lions club took 20 boy Hcouts to the ranch for an outing nd LINCOLN PUPILS a number of adults went with the boys PROGRAM LAUDED or cam' up during th« day. Although the snow has been melt- the p rlnu lpaln hip o f that wehool. M r. M organ wnw te a c h e r nt the hlirh T h e d elig h tfu l p ro g ram given by th e Ing rap id ly th e re w as still p len ty fo r p upils of th e L incoln school at th e | to b o g g an in g and sk iin g and th« hoys T e a c h e rs ’ In s titu te held h e re last S a t­ Som e of th e a d u lts u rd ay , receiv ed high p raise from cnun- had m uch fun who tack led sk lis w nt th ro u g h m any ty schniil su p e rin te n d e n t E J Moore, i lie ex p ressed h im self ns b ein g hig h ly co n to rtio n * an d ad d ed to th e m errl- m «nt of th e crow d p leased w ith th e p e rfo rm a n c e of th e little o n es and said th ey d eserv ed i T h e u p p e r M cK enzie a re a ha» been p o p u lar thl* w in te r an d ev ery w eek- sp ecial m ention. T h e pro g ram follow s: song, “G eorge ed h as seen larg e n u m b ers o f people at L ost C reek ran ch an d o th e r p laces W ash in g to n hv th e 2nd anil 3rd alo n g th e highw ay. T he ro ad Is open g ra d e s ; L incoln A cro stic hy 4th A; H uts Off. hv 2nd a n d 3rd g ra d e s ; so n g s , nnd In gohd < m dltio n , to L . o st _ C reek , . with the ezeeptlon of the last ■ 'W ashington's B irth d a y ’’ and “ R o ller ranch , . ... ... four m iles, w htch w hile p a ssa b le w ith- S k a tin g " by 4th A ; song. “B eaty Ro«s , out cltulns, ts wet and narrow. hy 2nd nnd 3rd ; song. "M aking of tho Ring" h y nth B; nnd song. "A rriv a l of BAPTIST CHURCH TO S p rin g " by f.th B. HAVE SUNDAY SERVICE -------- FISH LIBERATIO N ’The Add Test” will be the topic OBJECT OF M EETING HERE FRIDAY N IG H T for the morning service at the Baptist church Sundny morning nt 11 o'clock, A m eetin g will be held In th e local Bible school will meet at 16 a. m. "A C rip p le nt a K in g 's T a b le " will (Ih a m h e r of C o m m erce ro o m s tom or-1 ro w n ig h t nt S o'clock for th e p u r­ be th e to » ‘c for th e ev e n in g sy rn ten Iu n io r and S en io r B. Y P. V. pose of d iscu ssin g th e fish lib e ra tin g at 7:36 w ill h av e se rv ic e s at 8:30 p. m T h e re q u estio n . will be s p e d il « elections hv th e ch o ir lien Ito rrls. m em b er of th e s ta te at b o th m o rn in g nnd ev en in g serv ices, gam e co m m ission, will be p resen t to Bible stu d v an d p rn v e r serv ice will give a talk on th e m e rlls and denier- Its of th e p ro p o sitio n . H is talk will , be given T h ttrsd sv at :30. ta k e up th e problem of how, w hen nnd i w h ere to llb e rn te th e fish and w h ere to get them isicn l sp o rtsm e n feel confident th a t g re a t p o te n tia litie s fo r tills e n tire te r rito ry lav tn th e fish p o ssib ilities company of Portland. This was the largest contract awarded at the meet­ E N TE R TA IN E D FRIDAY ing. The new highway to be constructed The Kensington clnh of Springfield was entertained last Friday afternoon follow the present one out of at th e home of M rs . A . J. Morgan on Springfield about three miles to th* Willamette Heights, with Mrs. Dallas R’KK* Service station at which point Murphy as assistant hostess. 111 wil1 B>e present road and The afternoon was spent In sewing lake off east following in a direct and a game, followed by luncheon easterly route toward the foothills and &olos were given by Mrs Murphy and thence across to Cogswell Hill. Tha Mrs. Donald Young which were very npw road will cut out several right much enjoyed. angle curves. Construction will pro- Present were: Mcsdames C. E. Ken. bably start within the next few week*. Fencing Let yon John Henderer, W. C. Wright. S. Wright, W. N. Dow. J. Moore. C. E Contracts for fencing the rlght-of- »warts, Levi Neet. W. C. Rebhan, __ J. C. way’ where the new road Is being M< Murray^ Lum Anderson, and Miss widened on the stretch east of Spring- Edna Swarts Present as guests were: fleld and through those sections cut- Mesdames Walter Gosler. Osc»r Glad- ting through fields were awarded last dish. Edward L. Coffin. Donald Young. t° D. F. Joralmon and N. L. Bar- Laurence Moffitt, Ira Peterson, Dan ringer, both of West Springfield. The Crites. Larson Wright, Missea Hazel Prtce for setting the new fence waa 18 cents per rod and the price for re­ Murphy and Frances Hodges. setting the old fence was 26 cents per ---------------------------- Ing At lust month « meeting the city , K E N SIN G T O N C! U B attorney w.m in .tu rn e d to give warn- solutlon of this problem was turned ov‘‘r ,o ,he committee with P°wer act- sketch of Main street showing portion* needing repairs was submit- ted to the council and an estimate of approximately «3500 made by Stein brothers to do the work. Resurfacing Main street from Mill to Second and p a tc h in g al, holes w ere Included In MRS. HENDERER HOSTESS and 20 c e n ts w as ,h e P rice s e t for each new gate and anchor post. th e pa lm ate' TO NEEDLECRAFT CLUB Tha contract for furnishing 4060 S tre e t lig h ts w ere o rd ered in a t ' posts at 12 cents per post was award­ 10th and D s tre e ts and 10th and. E Mrs. John Henderer, Mrs N. W. ed to Mr. Russell, of Black Butte and stre e t* . Dow and Mrs. George Carson were The council voted to sell four lots hostesses to the Needlecraft club at Mr. Matlock of Veneta. The post are nn (.a s , M a,n s tr e e , , o W IIHam V asbv the home of Mrs. John Henderer to come from Pall Creek and Veneta. The Eugene Hardware company will for JSOO Thursday afternoon. A pleasant after- furnish between two end three thous­ An ordinance requirin'- gasoline non was spent in sewing which was and feet of woven wire at 30 cent* tanks to be buried four feet under followed by refreshments. p e r rod ground and prohibiting gasoline In , Present were: Mesdames Walter Nothing definite was decided re- Floyd William Dawson. larg.r quantities than a quatt from Gossler, ! gsrding the Forenoe highway at *he . . t , .... .J. Thompson. Clifford Wilson, O. H. Jar " '77.. ”* being kept In btiildlngv without a Der- ' ah _________ Friday meeting although, state en­ ... . . .. „ rett, Larson Wright. Allan Kafourv. tnlt. was p assed bv the council, gineer. Mr. Cline, said that at the May Floyd Westerfleld. E. Bf May. W. H. meeting of the state highway commis­ Pollard. W. N. Long Besides regular C u t* Gash io* Foot sion the matter of advertising for thl* members present were the following While going from her home to the guests: Mesdames Harry Whitney, : section will be taken up. It is hoped postoffice last Tuesday Katherine Oscar Gladdish, W. C. Rehhan, Levi by that time to have made satisfactory Hemenway stepped upon a broken Neet, Dallas Murphy and N. W. agreement* with the railroad com­ pany. hottie and cut a severe gash in her Emery, The proposed extension of the new foot. Miss Hemenway was walking1 Lowell-Oakridge section was discuss­ a lo n g th e ra ilro a d tra c k and had left LOCAL PEOPLE W ILL ed at the meeting and the matter h a s th e tra c k to get ro u n d som e m en w ho , ATTEND DEDICATION been taken under advisement by the w ere w orking th e re w hen she ste p p e d i highway men. on th e h o ttie. Bv th e tim e sh e had S e v e ra l S nrlngfield people p lan to Right-of-ways are being secured for re a c h e d th e postoffice an a la rm in g .. ... , „ , i ------------------- flow of blood w as Issuing from th e nH , ,h e d e d lc a t’®n of ,h “ V eteran « ’ th e c h a n e e s ln t He M cK enzie h ig h w ay w ound, so a local p hvslclan w as call ho!’l’l,a l ,0 h<>Id ln C ortland n ex t )n th e pOW(,r d am sectio n . A n o th er ed. M iss H em enxfttv is re p o rte d doing Mon,la>'' T hose w h° m ay froIn c h a n g e in th e old road in th is v icin ity h e re in clu d e: Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lar- ' will be a quarter of . a . mile . stretch . . . at n icely now “W hy Lane County Homes Should Be Built of _____________ W ood” __ The following article is one of a supply of wood there Is of course a BELAND FU N F P A I. HELD aeries In the Prize winning essay real need for conservation. HERE SAT. AFTERNOON Conservatlop as applied to a forest son. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Hunt’v, W. Vasbv, Mr. and Mrs. Morse, Mr. and Mrs. I,. J Sherman, and Mrs. Emma Olson. The Veteran's hospital is a new structure recently consturcted ln Port- land to take care of war veterans. I praise has been given to the ser- I vice rendered by the Veterans’ hos- | pital *here and a large enthusiastic ’ «fathering Is expected to witness the i dedication of the new home. Vida which will be necessary’ on ac­ count of the change In location of the new Gate Creek bridge. The new bridge will be constructed1 some dis­ tance down the creek from the pres­ ent one. Cascade Road Proposed A delegation from the Cascade high­ way association brought up before the state highway meeting the matter of contest sponsored by the 4-L Em­ — - means the harvesting and use of ripe the proposed new highway down the ployee Wood Promotion committee of The funeral of M s. Anna Beland. 1 east side of the Willamette valley. Al­ The stories were all trees. It does not mean preserving 73. who passed aw at her home on Springfield. rlttte n by stu d en t* in th e high an d I ‘ r e ’ * ,,n ," ,h e >’ »«“ “ ra lly die and fall. ready some highway has been con­ Motor route II last Thursday, was held Left alone, the old trees decay and BO O TH-KELLY HOLDS structed on the east side In Marlon grade srhools of the city and contain from the Walker-I’onle chapel here go to waste. Man steps In and sub­ county, and the delegation was ad­ ANNUAL ELECTION Important truths why we should sup Inst Saturday nt 2 p. m. with Rev. j stltutes use for decay and waste. vised to consult with Marion county port the lumber industry In Lane Fred Hornahuh officiating. Interment Wood, like any other crop should be R. A. Booth, Eugene, wag re-elected officials. county. was in the Iaxurel Hill cemetery. harvested when ripe. If It Is not cut vice-president of the Booth-Kelly Lum- Mr*. Beland was Born In England when It is ripe, It Is wasted when it ' her company and A. C. Dixon also of Hl-Y CLUB HOLDS Lane County Homes In 1856 nnd came to C an ad a In 1912. ‘W h y should he giving someone warmth and j Eugene was re-elected general mam PARTY FOR DADS About six months ago she came to this Should Be Built of comfort. | ager. R. E. Danaher, of Detroit, Michi- section and has llvod here since. She Wood.” As a building material wood Is light i gan, was re-elected president, "Dads’ Night” for the Hl-Y clnb ot Is survived hy her husband. Ixmls and durable, is also strong, and will I Other officers and directors elected this city was observed Tuesday night Beland. By MARY HADLEY la*t for many year*. It keeps the ¡follow: H. A. Dunbar, Eugene, secre- at the high school here with about 38 Sophomore warm air Inside In winter and outside tary-treasurer; Frank Buck, San Fran­ present. C H R IS TIA N CHURCH TO The early settlers of New England in summer. cisco; Walter F. Peacock, Pasadena; Frank R. Bouck, boys work seer» HAVE SUNDAY SERVICE depended upon the forests to furnish ■When ore or building stone Is taken E. B. Tanner, Portland; C. H. Davis. tary of the Eugene Y. M. C. A. and the material to build their homes, to from the ground It I* gone forever, Portland; and T. S. Brumby, Port­ Major Eckenson, of the Hobl airway« iMwronce Sunkler will give the ser­ shelter them from the cold' that flr*t but when a ripe tree ln the forest is land ; were elected directors. were speakers of the evening. Jack mon at the Christian church next Sun­ long winter and also to build stock­ cut a new one grows to take its place. Danner was toastmaster. day morning at 11 o'clock. Bible ades to protect them ftom the hostile Therefore, by using wood for building BIRTHDAY PARTY Among those present from here were school will meet nt 9:45 and the men's Indians. purposes, the minerals can be saved Oscar Gladdish, W. H. Pollard and W. AT CHASE GARDENS quartet will sing. In the men’s quar­ If It had not been for the abundance to be used where they are needed G. Hughes. Mr. Gladdish Is personal tet are: Laurence Moffitt, Dallas Mur. of wood, those first colonists would more. advisor of the club and Mr. Pollard A birthday party was held at the phy, Lawrence 8unltler and John never have survived. The Pacific coast has larger and bet­ and Mr. Hughes are also on the ad­ home of Eugene Chase ln his honor Robertson. In the evening n duet will The United States could not pos­ ter forests than anywhere In the he given hy Mr. and Mrs. Dallas sibly he the great nation It Is today If United States. Ijtne County has more Monday night. A pot-luck supper was visor* board. Murphy. standing timber than any other terrl- served and a general good time was It were not for the forests. NEW MAN TAKES OVER Onr forests have been used for tlry of Its size In the United States enjoyed. Present were: Mesdames and “A" S TR E E T SERVICE many years hut there sre now one ! or probably the world. Also, lumber- PASTIME POOL ROOM Messrs Charles Chase. Homar Chase, STATIO N ADDS U N IT hundred' thirty-five million acres of Ink Is Lane County’s chief industry Marvin Chase, Chester Chase, Everett C. A. Nott, of Yamhill, recently virgin forests. It seems almost 1m- and It Is this which will make the The A 8treet Service station haa posslhle that the United State could towns and cities of Lane county grow Chase. Miss Maude Chase, J. W. bought the fixtures and stock of the Chase, and Mrs. Lester Cyr. added a shop and wash and greasing become a woodless nation even If no mtd prosper. Pastime Pool Hall from Wm. Vasby rack unit, to the station. A building precaution were taken to safeguard If the people of a country do not and Is now opeiatlng the place. j use the material which Is near at hand P. T. A. W ILL M EET ON has recently been erected adjoining her forests. Mr. and Mrs. Nott are living ln Eu­ the station In which the new units The forests of the United States nnd which they want other people to FRJDAY AFTERNOON gene at the present time but plan on hnvo been housed. Ray Slump, recent­ have the greatest variety of useful buy, they will find that people of other moving to Springfield ln the near ly with Danner Motor company has species of wood In the world. There states will not use It. The Parent Teachers Association future. Mr. Nott was In the pool been employed ns machanlc. are more than one hundred species of Therefore, because It advertise* our will meet tomorrow afternoon at the room business at Yamhill. General repair work on nil makes of American forests trees In commercial own county nnd Industry, nnd because Brattaln school at 3 o’clock. The cars will he done In a new building use today. They Include mnnv kinds It Is the lowest priced, and most mothers of the 3rd and 4th grades will Son Bom— A baby hoy was born to Just, completed. A mechanic Irnlned of soft nnd hard woods—woods for beautiful building material that can he serve refreshments. These grades Mr. and Mr*. W. D. Morgan of Eugene In tho Ford factory will service the necessity and woods for luxury. ' found, we should bulM onr home* of are In Mrs. Hemenway's and Mrs. last Saturday. Mr*. Morgan 1* th* new Model A cafs. daughter of Virgil Moon of thia city. Although America has an am ple. wood. Basford’a room*.