f THURSDAY. MARCH 7. 1929 PAGE SEVEN THB SPRINOFIBLD NEWS F IN A L N O TIC E VERY LA TEST Notice la hereby glvun that the un I derMlRii^l udxnlnlsltrator of the eatate of Zlba Denny, deceased, ba» tiled hlx Virginia Watson (featured In the i final report uml account and the Court of lame County, Oregon, haa collegiate musical comedy "Hello ] net the 30 day of March, 1929 at the Yourself') declares the evening frock i hour of 10 o'clock A. M. at the County Court Uinitu In the Court H ouho at may possess all the earmarks of the Kugene for Anal hearing thereon and latest bouffant models without being any obectlona should be filed or made pretentious—and proves It. on or before «aid time. Filmy flounces, the dipping back i P. J. BARTHOLOMEW, Admlnlatra line, fitted bodice and all are present J to r. WHITTEN SWAFFORD, Attorney. —yet here we find none of the grown- ] F. 2». M 7-14-21-28. upness that characterizes so many ] late evening gowns Instead there Is P o ll SALK—Carbon paper In large PAINTING and Kalsonilnmg In all Its N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S N o t ic e to c itE iH T o its youth and a certain sprightly simplici­ . N o tic e In h e re b y g iv e n th a t th e •b eets, 28x89 Inches, suitable for branches. Reduced Prices. Roy NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That ty In every line. C. n ilt v C o u rt of Lime C o u n ty , O regon, Koch. Call 12 5-J m aking tracings. The N ew s office Floyd L. Mourer has been appointed he a p p o in te d th e undersigned A II executor of the Last Will and Testa- : Just such a frock we’d like to re­ H e a d e x e c u to r o f th e w ill and estate B a s h fu l l i e " I suppose I'm th e m*-nt of W. P. Mourer, deceased, by commend for our own young daughter N O T IC E o f llo r u Head deceased, a m i a ll per the County Court of Lane County, Ore —If we had one. Ivory silk net forms w o rs t d a n c e r on th e flo o r to n ig h t." aoiin h a v in g c la im s a g a in s t «aid ■■slate All persons having claim« the flounced section;; Ivory flat crepe ( 'u n d id She tS ile n c e ) WHEREAS In chapter 127, general gon. w ill p re se n t m in i« d u ly v e rifie d to th e against said estate are required to ' II. He—"I suld I suppose I'm the laws of Oregon, enacted In 1919, It Is present them, with the proper vouch- : the bodice, while applique motifs are e x e c u to r at Ih e o ffic e o f W h itte n B » a fT ord . A tto r n e y , 201 T iffa n y B ld g , worst dancer on the fhsir tonight.'' I declared to be the duty of every per ers, within six months from the 7th I of palest yellow-beige outlined with son, firm, copartnership, company and E ugene, O re g o n , on o r b e fo re six Candid She "I heard you; I whs corporation owning, leasing, occupying day of February, 1929, to the said ex topaz brilliants. The flower spray Is months a f t e r lliln date ecutor at the law office of L. L. Ray possessing or having charge of or do­ In the Miner Building, Eugene, Ore In harmonizing tones of yellow; hose a Duled and first publlnhed February Just trying to think" deep Ivory with satin slippers in a minion over any land, place, building, 14 th, 1929 gon. N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S structure, whurf, pier or dock which Is A I I H E A D , E x e c u to r o f th e w ill pale topaz shade. L . L . R A Y . A tto r n e y for Estate. and estate o f D o ra Head, Dec'd. FLOYD L. MOURER, Executor of j N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N , T h a t Infested with ground squirrels and W H I T T E N S W A F F O R D , A tty , th e u n d e rs ig n e d , bus h y th e C o u n ty other noxious rodents or predatory the Last Will and Testament of W. F. Three Rules for Color Effects P 14 2128 M 7 14. C o u rt o f th e S la te o f O re g o n f o r th e | animals, or us soon as the presence of Mourer, deceased. In planning color combinations, the same shall come to this, their or P. 7 14-21-28: Mar.7. C o u n ty o f la tn e , been d u ly u p p o ln te il < SUM M O NS these rules will prove safe guards for Its knowledge, at once proceed and to IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE as A d m in is t r a t o r o f th e e s ta te o f . continue In good faith to exterminate three different effects: The farther 8 O M M O N 8 STATE OP OREGON POIl LANE F ra n k M V e rn o n , deceased a nd hus and destroy such rodents by poisoning, d u ly q u a lifie d as s u rh . apart the color values are the greater COUNTY A ll pe rso n s h a v in g c la im s a g a in s t trapping or other appropriate and ef­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE I the vivacity while If lighter gradations Alzlna Hastings Vs John K Hast. STATE OP OREGON FOR THE said e s ta te a re h e re b y n o tifie d to pres fective means; and Ingn, Defendant. are used the costume becomes more COUNTY OP LANE digger ground e n t th e sam e p ro p e r ly v e rifie d to me ( WHEREAS gray To John E H a u l Ingn. D e fe n d a n t ___ .Coiffure an Im portant D etail__ _ IN THE NAME OP THE STATE at th e o ffic e o f P ra n k A. D eP ua, th e ' squirrels (Cltellus douglasll) are nox­ James M. Blakeley, Jr., Plaintiff, VS. subtle A richer effect Is secured by Of three new bobbed coiffures you Bertha Blakeley, Defendant. Joining two deep tones. O P O R E G O N : You a re h e rb y required A tto r n e y fo r th e e sta te , at S p rin g fie ld , ious rodents In l.ane County, Oregon. To Bertha Blakeley, the above 1 may have your choice for evening— Now, therefore, all of such persons, to a p p e a r and a n s w e r th e c o m p la in t la m e C o u n ty , O reg o n , on o r b e fo re six and know you've the approval of three file d u g a ln a t yo u In th e ubove e n title d m o n th s fro m th e d a te o f th is n o tice . firms, copartnerships, corporations named defendant. IN THE NAME OP THE STATE I Spring Evening Wrsps are Flaring und cl d is b u rs e m e n ts In th is ac 1 In and to the real property described Florence ! hers of all of the Sunday school in the Complaint, Defendants. Thomas Crowley and L. Davis, De­ tlo n . u nd f o r th e f u r t h e r o rd e r o f th e I a nd ru n n in g th e n c e S o u th 40 feet classes as well as friends of me-r.bers Sergeant— "Are your shoes worn fendants, th e n c e E ll! I fit) fe e t, tip lic e N o r th 40 C o u rt fo r th e sn le o f th e p e rso n a l I To the Unknown Helts of Joseph are Invited to attend. It is especially To Thomas Crowley and L. Davis, out?" fe e t and th e n c e W e s t fill fo ld to th e p ro p e r ty o f th e d e fe n d a n t w h ic h has Bradford, Deceased, and also all other persons unknown claiming any right D e fe n d a n ts ; p la ce o f b e g in n in g , b e in g a p a rt o f been a tta c h e d hy th e p la in tiff. Rookie—"Worn out! Man. the bot­ urgid that all of the members attend. This Summons Is published once title or Interest In antf to the real L o t 1 In B lo c k 2 In C h e rry G ro v e A d ­ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE toms of mah shoes are so thin ah can each week for four successive weeks ' property described In the Complaint. OF OREGON: You. and each of you. d itio n Io E u g e n e , L a n e C o u n ty , O r gon. a nd fo r such o th e r and f u r t h e r r e ­ In the Springfield New«, a weekly I ----- Defendants: are hereby required to appear and step on a dime and tell whether It's KENSINGTON CLUB TO lie f as to th e C o u rt m a y be deem ed newspaper of general circulation pub- j IN THE NAME OP THE STATE answer the amended complaint filed heads or tails." MEET AT MORGAN HOMOE llshed In Lane County, Oregon, hy , OF OREGON. You are hereby required against you in the above entitled suit to he Just and e q u ita b le . T h is S u m m o n s is se rve d u p o n you order of the Honorable G. P. Skip i to appear and answer the Complaint ¡■within four weeks front the date of the^ My Bonnie hy p u b lic a tio n th e re o f once each w eek worth. Judge of the Circuit Court of filed against you In the above entitled first publication of this summons, and If The Kensigntcn club twill meet to­ f o r f o u r s u c c e s s iv e w eeks In th e Lane County. Oregon, which order ] Court and cause on or before six you fail to so appear and answer, the My Bonnie leaned over the gas tank morrow afternoon at the home of S p r in g fie ld N e w s h y o rd e r o f H o n . G. bears dnte the 13th day of February. | weeks from the date of the first pub­ plaintiffs will apply to the Court for The height of its contents to see; Mrs. A. J. Morgan as guests of Mes­ P. S k lp w o r th , Ju d g e o f sa id C o u rt, 1929. and the date of the first publl- 1 lication of this Summons, and if you the relief prayed for in the amended She lighted a match to assist her— m a d e a nd e n te re d Peb. 13, 1429. and cation of this Summons 1» February fnll so to appear and answer, for complaint to-wit: dames Morgan and Murphy. Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me. want thereof, the plu'ntlffs will applv th e fir s t p u b lic a tio n th e re o f b e in g 14. 1929 Thnt the description included In to the Court for the relief prayed for P O T T E R * K IN G , A tto r n e y s fo r m ad e on th e 14(b d a y o f Peb. 1929. that certain mortgage recorded at WKLI.8 * WELLS. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Residence nnd Post Office In their Complaint, herein, to-wlt: for Yage 195 in Book 75 of the Mortgage IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TH£ quent for taxes for the years 1922, a decree of this Court forever quieting Plaintiff. Residence and I*ost OfTIce Address Eugene, Lane County, Ore ] Records of Lane County, Oregon, be together with penalty, interest and STATE OF OREGON FOR the title of the plaintiffs In and to the amended so as to read as followB, to- Address, Eugene, Oregon. gon. ! costs thereon upon the real property LANE COUNTY premises described In the Complaint P. 14-21-28: M. 7-14, F. 14 21 28: M. 7 14, wlt: assessed to you. of which you are the herein, and described as follows, to- — The North half of fhe Northwest Viola B. Larsen, plaintiff, t Jane owner as appears of record, situated wlt : Griffiths Jones, or her unknown in said County and State and particu­ Quarter of Section 3, Township 16 lx>ts Numbered Twenty nine (29). South of Range 6 West of the Willam­ heirs. If deceased, also all other larly bounded and described as fol­ Thirty (30) nnd Thirty-one (31) of ette Meridian; and also the Southwest persons or parties unknown claim­ lows, to-wlt: Densmore's Plat of Lone County, Ore­ Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of ing any right title, estate, lien or An undivided one-half of Lots 1, 2, gon. nnd part of Lot, Thirty-two (32) Section 34, Township 15 South of. Interest In the real estate described 3 and 4. the west half of the southeast of said plat bounded as follows: Begin­ Range 6 West of the Willamette Meri­ herein, defendants. Offlee Phone 176-J Ree. Phone 176 M ning at the Northeast corner of said ] quarter and the southeast quarter of Rea. Phone 160 Plano Moving dian. according to the Government | the southeast quarter of Section 22; S U M M O N S IN Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. Ix>t Numbered Thirty-two (32) being survey thereof. the southwest quarter of the north­ FO R EC LO SU R E O F D E L IN Q U E N T SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER General Practice, Special Attention In the center of County Road at angle That the plaintiff have and recover west quarter; the nortlfwest quarter T A X C E R T IF IC A T E WILLIS BERT8CH, Prop. In boundary of the William Luckey to Obstetrics and Diseases To Jane Griffiths Jones, or her un­ of the southwest quarter; the south Judgment against the defendant. Donation Land Claim No. 52 In Town, O m C K AT SERVICE OARAGE of Children. heirs, if deceased, also all other half of the southwest quarter; the ship 18 South, Range 3. West of the Thomas Crowley, In the sum of known 111 Main Street First National Bank Building $860.00, together with Interest thereon persons or parties unknown claiming south half of the southeast quarter Willamette Meridian; thence fkiuther- Baeceeeor to Button Tranefer right, title, estate, lien or interest of Section 26; the northeast quarter; Springfield, Oregon ly along center of said Road nnd East at the rate of seven per cent per an­ any the real estate described herein, de­ the east half of the northwest quarter; line of said Ixit 774 feet; thence South num from and after the 7th day of In i the northeast quarter of the south­ 88 degrees 40 minutes West 593.7 feet, January, 1927; and the further sum of fendants: west quarter; the north half of the more or less, to the West line of said $150.00 as a reasonable attorney fee; IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF southeast quarter; and lots 1, 2, 3 and. OREGON, you are hereby notified that WM. G. HUGHES Ix>t No. 32; thence North 774 feet to nnd for her costs and disbursements Viola DR. W. N. DOW B. Larsen, the holder of Certifi­ ' 4 of Section 27, all In Township 16,. herein. Northwest corner thereof; thence FH tl AND AUTO INSURANCE D e n tis t That the mortgage above referred cate of Delinquency numbered 2493 . South, Range 12 West of the Willam­ North 88" 40' East 8.11 chains to place First National Bank Building NOTARY PUBLIC to be declared to be a first and Isued on the 29th day of January ette Meridian, In Lane County, Oregon. of beginning, containing 10.03 acres, Phone 43 8prtngfleld, Oregon You are further notified that said 1929, by the Tax Collector of the Offlee «1 containing In all 48.46 acres of land valid lien upon the real premises County of Lane, State of Oregon, for Viola B. Larsen has paid taxes on said above described, a n d a l l thereof Offlee hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. In Lane County, Oregon, and all being FIRST NATIONAL BANK the amount of One Hundred Ninety- premises for prior or subsequent Evenings by Appointment a part of said Donation Land Claim and that the same be foreclosed eight Springfield, Oregon 18-lOOths Dollars, the same ■ years with the rate of Interest on said No. 52. all In the County of Lane and In the manner provided by law, being and the amount then due and delin- ' am ounts as follawto: and that the said p r e m i s e s b e State of Oregon; sold by the Sheriff of Lane County, nnd further decreeing that the defend­ Oregon, T ax Receipt R ate of to satisfy p l a i n t i f f ' s ants have not, nor have either of DR. N. W. EMERY Year’s Tax Date Paid___________ No. Amount interest them, any right, title or Interest In Judgment, and t h a t p l a i n t i f f DENTIST nnd to the said premises or any part have and recover Judgment against 1923 Jan, 29, 1929 30552 $174.90 12% 1924 thereof. That the plaintiffs be de­ the defendant, Thomas Crowley, for (July 1, 1926 29920 115.06 12% Sutton Bid» Phone MW creed to bo the owners In fee simple any deficiency thereafter remaining (Jan. 29. 1929 31334 33.00 12% Residence Phone 168-M 1925 of the said premises, nnd that the de­ unpaid: and Feb. 21, 1927) 31328 12% 18.68 Feb. 21, 1927) fendants nnd each of them be forever 31329 12% That the defendants, and each of 7C.18 Springfield, Oregon barred from claiming any right, title them, and all persons claiming by, Feb. 21, 1927) 31330 39.70 12% other nnd further relief as to the Court through or under them or any of them, 1926 Jan. 29, 1929 31313 12% 156.20 Jan. 29, 1929 228 Main 8t. Residence 125 C St may seem equitable. 1927 30472 12% 107.27 be foreclosed and forever barred from This Summons Is published once any right, title or Interest In or to said General Law Practice 62 J 62 M Said Jane Griffiths Jones as the sive of the day of such service, or of each week for six successive weeks In real premises or any part thereof; the Springfield News, a weekly news and for such other nnd further relief owner of the legal title of the above the date of the first publication, and 1. M. PETERSON described property as the same ap­ defend this action or pay the amount paper of general circulation, publish as to the Court may seem equitable in Full Auto Equipment Attorney-at-I-aw pears of record, and each of the other due as above shown together with ed In Lane County, Oregon, hy order the premises. Lady Assistant UMy Hall Building of the Honorable J. W. Hamilton. Tills Summons Is published by persons above named are hereby fur­ costs against the land and the pre­ Judge of the Circuit Court of T.nne order of tho Hon. J. W. Hamilton, ther notified that Viola B. Larsen will mises above named. apply to the Circuit Court of the Coun­ Springfield, Ore. • All process an^- papers In this pro­ County, Oregon, which order bears Judge of the nbovo entitled Court. dnte the 20th dnv of Fob; uary, 1929. Date of first publication February ty and State aforesaid for a decree ceedings may be served upon the un­ and the first publication of this Sum 28. 1929; Date of last publication. foreclosing the lien against the pro­ dersigned residing within the State FRANK A. DE PUE perty above described and mentioned of Oregon at the address hereafter mons Is February " 1st, 1929. March 28, 1929. ATTORNEY AT LAW POTTER * KINO. Attorneys for 1MMEL & EVANS, Attorneys fo r in said certificate. And you are here­ mentioned. Date of first publication February Plaintiffs. Residence nnd Post Office Plaintiff. Residence and I’ostofflce Ad-, by summoned to appear within sixty NOTARY PUBLIC days after the service of this summons 21, 1929. JE W E L E R Address Eugene, Lane County, Ore­ dress, Eugene, Oregon. upon you, or of the dato of the first DONALD YOUNG, 860 Willamette gon. Sutton 8pringfleid, R ep a irin g a S p e c ia lty publication of this summons, oxclu- Street, Eugene, Oregon. P. 28. M. 7-14-21-28. P. 21-28. M. 7-14-2128. A. 4 Building Oregon S p rin g field , O regon F. 21-28: M. 7-14-21: | B U S IN E S S 1) I R E C T O R Y | Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors D. W, Roof