TH U R S D A Y . MARCH t -------------- THE SPR lN C raC U ) NEWS PAGE TOUR i «>•><» T H E SPRING F IE L D NEWS PACE FTV» STORE CLOSED THURSDAY and FRIDAY M ARCH 7 and 8, IN O R D ER TO G ET O U R LA R G E STOCK IN R EA D IN E SS FOR T H E CLOSING O U T SA L E SELLING OUT SALE BEGINS SATURDAY. Mar. 9 < *w i’- •'•$ $2.98 MEN S M ACKINAW S We are going to close out regu­ la r |2.00 cotton ribbed Union Suits at this big d isco u n t Thousands of dollars worth of new S p iin g Goods, that arrived before our decision to dispose o f this store, are included in this Sale at greatly reduced prices. Not in years, has there been such an opportunity for you. This broadside advertisem ent can scarcely acquaint you w ith the hundreds of m arvelous values you will find here. Everything m ust be disposed of, including fixtures. A few wool Mackinaws, sizes 36 and 38 only, th a t sold up to $12.50. The best garm ent fo r outdoor wear. M E N ’S SLICKERS $ 1 .4 9 N ot m any to sell a t this price. They are black, In long and me- dlum length, FINE TR IM M IN G BUTTONS a Dozen B e a u tifu l B uttons th a t were sold at 35c, 50c and some as high as 75c a dozen__________ A rt Silk T assels 3C each A ll kinds and colors, good fo r a tta ch ing to lamp cords and various a rt needle w o rk uses. Medium w eight, blue and grey mixed. Usually sell a t 35c. House Dresses 89c K ha ki color, sizes 12V« to 14. M en ’s K haki Pants $ 1 .6 9 W ell know n makes— staple m er­ chandise, sell re g ula rly up to $3.00. Cashmere Dress Socks 44 c F u ll line o f colors, heather, ox­ ford, black and natural. Have re-enforced heel and toe. Good asortm ent o f colors, nice variety o f m aterials and styles. Buy several a t this price— it w ill pay. Curtains 5 PIECE SET Pair o f ruffled Voile 2% yard C urtains w ith valance and tie backs. Trim m ed w ith printed Voile. 98c ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ + ■»■ •• <•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ M E N S SUMMER W E IG H T K N IT UNION SUITS S ho rt sleeves, ankle length g a r­ ments, sizes 32, 34, and 36 only B o y ’ U nion S u its 69c A thle tic, high grade Nainsook and ribbed garments. H eavy W ork Suspenders 39c Genuine President, excellent q u a lity w o rk Suspenders, strong fresh elastic. R aintest Pants $ 3 .9 5 W’a ter repellent, heavy pants, double knee. The price speaks fo r Itself. B oys’ Corduroy Long Pants $2.98 We s till have a good assortm ent to fit boys up to 16 years. You w ill never get them again at such a low price. H andkerchiefs 79c $ 1 .5 0 2 For ♦♦+♦+♦+♦♦♦+♦♦++♦++♦♦++♦♦♦♦ E X C E LLE N T Q U ALITY BLUE CHAM BRAY Work 4 9 Shirts c O ur fixtures are fo r sale— come In and see what you can use—■ S tock Is also offered In bulk. Anyone Interested in buying this w ell established store to con­ tin u e It w ill please see Mr. Allan K afoury. W om en ’s Fine H andkerchiefs didly made S hirts. . All Sizes. ♦+++♦♦♦+♦+♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦++♦++♦+♦ Bed Spreads Good assortm ent o f colors— Large size attractive, lustrous Rayon Spread. $1.98 FINE HOUSE FROCKS $ 1 .8 9 We recently received thia attractive lot of houae frocks; they were bought to sell at a higher price. They are fashioned of good wash materials In patterns and colors you will like. M en’s Dress Pants $ 4 .9 5 W ool serge, worsteds and striped wool flannels, very high class, tailored separate pants. Values In this lo t up to $10.00. Rayon Drapery 79c Yd. M EN’S HEAVY WOOL SOCKS 3 Pairs fo r S turdy 50c bundle wool socks. Supply your needs fo r futu re use a t th is cut price. 35c 98c nn^mninmimiinmtinoniBii D oubleB lankets A Note to the Public It is w ith sincere regret th a t I am compelled to leave Springfield. W ith the closing o f the year (1928) K afoury B rothersinaugurnted a new policy: namely, th a t th e ir stores w ill be u n ifo rm ly stocked, c a rryin g onlyWomen's Ready-to-W ear apparel, Dry Goods and Notions. Inasmuch as we carry a general line of merchandise in Springfield, it was decided to close out this store as the new m erchandising plans do not p erm it o f co ntin u in g it. To my friends and customers. I wish to say In all sincerity, th a t my stay in Springfield has been a source o f g reat pleasure, and I have always enjoyed serving you in our store and had looked forw a rd to remainIngjn business here fo r many years. You may be assured of receiving the same dependable service ifuring thfo closing-out sale, th a t is the ideal and high principle of the K afoury B ro th e rs’ Stores, and there must be satisfaction, even unto the last »ale. W ith deep appreciation fo r your support, and m any favors during the past, and hoping to greet you frequently while we are disposing o f th is stock :k, I am, Sincerely yours. ALLEN KAFOURY H u n dreds o f p a irs o f m en's a n d w om en 's and children s shoes going a t very iow p ric e s Linen, crepe and fine cotton in w h ite and colors. Childrens Scuffers 98c Checked Dress Goods 19c Yd. Tan leather, genuine Parucurd Soles, good for the oncoming summer, make wonderful outing footwear for the chil­ dren. At the time these were [»lined on salo we had sites 6 to 2. A few pieces o f 36 inch wide, serviceable dress m aterial, es­ pecially good fo r ch ild re n ’9 school dresses. Boys Good Shoes Street Frocks Here you w ill And a lo t o f shoes to meet the need o f boys -hut Instead o f paying $4.00 you can buy them at a big saving. VERY SPECIAL $ 4 .9 8 A wondeful o pp o rtun ity to buy a ttractive dresses at H a lf th e ir value— (No tw o alike.) $ 2 .6 9 W o m en ’s Shoes $ 1 .9 8 A good assortm ent of black and colored shoes. See them and serve yourself. Corduroy 59c Children’s Shoes 98c Miscellaneous lot o f C hildren's Shoes. Pick out stylea and sizes you want at this low price. Men’s Hi T op Shoes $ 7 .9 0 Limited lot—] ( Inch. an leather ahiMMi good for every type of service. We only have the following altee: 6. 10. 10^ and 11. Theae sh oe. actually told at 213 00 Women’s Rubbers 25c One lo t o f W omen’s S torm Rub­ bers going nt this low price. $ 3 .9 5 Knee length black rubber booth. Goodyear make. $ 2 .6 9 48c If you don’d wear over alee 4, thia la your grealeat opportunity to get a wonderful bargain. The lot Includea pumpa, ozfordH and tlea gome of which wild up to 210 00. Serve yourself You will find them on one of the counter«. One lo t o f high and low shoes a t this hargnln price. You can make selection, as they are dis­ played on one o f the counters. Women’s Hiking shoes W ool Coating $1-98 One group o f .Men's dress shoes, some in the lo t sold up to $5.50. .Make y o u r selection d uring the closing out sale. Last chance to get such a wonderful bargain in handsome tailored Suits, made o f fine wool materials. Some of the garm ents in this lot sold from $40.00 to $50.00. H u rry ! ! D. M. C. Cottons 7 c Three fo r 2 0 c Large assortm ent o f the well know n D.M.C. Crochet and E m ­ broidery T hread—some o f w hich sold a t 20c a ball, to be closed o u t a t this low price. R ayon Slips $ 1 .4 9 W o m en ’s R ayon N ight G ow ns $ 2 .6 9 Fine q uality, ca re fu lly made, Rayon Gowns In popular shades. A big saving in price— buy while these m ay be secured. R ayon Bloom ers FU LL CUT 98c A ll popular shades a very w on­ d erful q uality. You w ill wan more than one when you ex amine them. $ 2 .9 8 Here is a chance fo r those who w a n t to equip themselves w ith good o u tin g footw ear at a very low price. ■MMMMMMOM Childrens Summer Weight Fine white knit Union Suits Buy Now at 48c You w ill see the advantage o f laying in a supply of these fo r the girls. Womens Underwear EXTRA 98c Knee length and ankle length, fine guage K n it Union Suits— One o f the I Very Big Specials in O ur Close O ut Sale. Childrens % and % Length Cotton Hosiery Hosiery W IT H TU R N -O VE R TOP Sizes 6>/2 to 10 AN EXTR A BIG BARGAIN 18c pair, 6 pairs for 98c and 12. Black and Beige. pair Very fine Plain and Drop S titch Womens Pure Thread Silk Hose Late arrivals in S pring Hosiery— all the New shades, by purchasing several pairs. 98c pr. 3 PAIRS FOR $2.73 K A F O U R Y ’S M Corner 5th Black and Brown Womens Rayon Hose with pointed heels SPRING SHADES Make a snug saving and Main Sts. $2.69 Attractive colored border, heavy weight, cotton blankets, 60 by 80 Inches, double, better be prepared with extra bedding for summer guests, especially when you can buy at such a low price. pair 49c Rayon and Lisle— very sightly, service w e ig ht Hose— S elling them o u t at This Low Price. F o r m e r ly T h e FARM ERS EX C H A N G E Springfield, Oregon BOYS’ O VERALLS W aist and Bib styles, made o f best blue Denim, just like ‘ Dads’ F irs t q u a lity and best make. Ju n io r sizes, 1 to 1 0 ___ L arge r sizes, 11 to 1 6 _ M en’s Shirts 98c 79c 98c Good assortm ent o f broadcloth and Madras dress shirts, separ­ ate linen co lla r included w ith each. M E N ’S O VERALLS Boss o f the Road, H eadlight, Can’t B u st ’Em and other well know n brands. Special models fo r painters, plasterers carpen­ ters, farm ers, mechanics, Etc. A LL REDUCED! W ork Pants $ 1 .9 8 Staple striped, w ell tailored, cot- tonade Pants. MEN'S FLA N N E L S H IR TS 36-Inch O uting 16c Yd. Full yard wide o u tin g flannels in popular stripe patterns w ill be sold a t this g re a tly l reudeed price. Printed Crepes, Silks, Etc. 8 9 c Yd. Large assortm ent o f Georgettes, SatinB, Colored Pongees, F u ji Silks, etc. Values $1.25 marked down to close out. M en’s Dress Shirts $ 1 .9 8 $ 1 .3 9 Grey, green and k h a k i co lo r W o rk S hirts, all sizes, one and tw o pocket styles, closed and coat fro n t models. O ther grades displayed on counters a n d marked to sell out quickly. V ery fine g o lf shirts, w ith collar band, French cuffs, fine pearl b utto ns; a separate w h ite soft textu re co lla r included w ith each. Children’s Bloom ers 39c Womens Leatherette Top Coats Serviceable cotton crepe bloom ­ ers in p in k and peach. W om en ’s Crepe Bloom ers 69c 6 D ifferent Colors B aby Flannel 17c Yd. Good w eight, plain w hite Flan­ nelette. w ith lo fty nap. T h is ma­ te ria l is fo r m any purposes. 36-In. Cretonnes 4 9 c Yd. Heavy Q uality Good assortm ent o f colors in ­ cluding the new m odernistic patterns. M en’s Cap LARGE SIZES 98c One lo t o f Men’s excellent q u a li­ ty caps, only in sizes ?!■*, 7% and 7^*. No others in th is p a rtic u la r lot. Caps sold up to $2.50 w ill be closed out a t th is big cut price. S P E C IA L Boys and Girls Ribbed Sizes 9’/ 2, 10, 10'/2, general wear. B e a u tifu l Rayon Slips, h ig h ly lustrous, trim m ed w ith picot ruffles. 1 Womens Shoes , Women Shoes $18.00 V a ry desirable cu rtain goods fo r the d in in g room, kitchen, baih room , etc. F i s h e r m e n , Sportsmen and those who have use fo r a high to p Rubber Boot should avail themselves and buy d u rin g the closing o ut sale. Men’s Rubber Boots M en’s Dress Shoes $ 2 .9 8 Curtain M aterials 19c Yd. $ 5 .9 0 They have tan tojis and come In sizes 10l/ j to 13. It w ill pay you to buy fo r fu tu re use at th is price. Cord!’ ’" i” 33 in' b<": wide, sev­ er"’ , colors to choose from . 56 Inches plajd wool co at­ ing. C losin'” -it price gives you an unusual value. Hip Boots Children G aloshes $ 1 .4 9 M E N ’S F IN E S U I T S 2 pockets, trip le stitched, splen­ W om en’s and ch ildren’s cotton handkerchiefs, large assort­ ment. A ttra c tiv e pattern, dark, over­ drape m aterial. MERCHANTS TAKE NO TICE! 9c W ool-M ixed Socks 23c B oys Flannel Shirts 48c Stock to be Sold Out as Quickly as Possible At $ 3 .9 5 N arrow and wide wale corduroy in beat color«. M en’s Union Suits $ 1 .4 8 Kafoury’s Store at Springfield to be Discontinued Ajj ***> n f - Vnp- ;V. S' c* ■. n&«A_ M en’s Corduroy Pants QUITTING BUSINESS R ayon Fabrics 39c 36 inches wide Displayed on one o f o u r co un t­ ers you w ill see this a ttra ctive lustrous m aterial, good assort­ m ent o f spring shades, marked down fo r closing out sale. Dress Fabrics 49c A special lo t o f fine s ilk y m a ter­ ials th a t sold at a much higher price.________________________ L ingette Cloth 59c The genuine— in a good selec­ tio n o f colors. Silk M aterials 49c Closing o u t Blossom S ilk, V ic­ to ry S ilk and o th e r m aterials th a t sold a t a much higher price. Bed Blankets 9 8 c each Large single Bed Blankets, 68 by 80 inches, soft, fleecy cotton in staple colors. YOUNG M E N ’S SUITS At $ 5 .0 9 A few good looking, good qual­ ity Suits. Sizes 34 and 36. $6.90 Good washable cotton crepe bloomers in popular shades. Tsbls Linens Very a ttra ctive 64 inch bleached Table Damask. Regular $1.25. W om en ’s Night G owns 98c fin« T h is lo t o f gowns are made o f good q u a lity striped o utin g fla n ­ nel. B uy them d u rin g the clos­ in g out sale a t a g re atly reduced price. 89c Children's and Misses’ NEW PRINTED Sport H ose 49c Wash Goods 36 inches wide 29c Here is a w onderful value in Ra­ yon and fancy ribbed hose, de­ sirable fo r sport w ear and gen­ eral service, sizes 6y2 to 10. In New spring colors. Foys B ck Boys Suits $ 3 .9 5 B ea u tiful patterns and colorings One lo t o f B o y’s W ool K n icke r Suits, sizes up to age 15. These garm ents retailed up to $10.00. There are b ut 22 in the lot. Rain Coats For ages 6 to 14 Buy a t the “ Close O ut’’ Price. M en’s Shirts and D raw ers $ 1 .6 9 $2.83 W O M EN'S W ool mixed separate shirts and drawers, odd sizes, some of them sold up to $3.00 per g a r­ ment. They are o u t on the counters. Serve yourself. Silk Hosiery Black and Brown. You w ill w a n t several pairs when you see them M en’s Felt H ats S 1.98 - S2.9S 39c M en’s W ool Blazers $ 4 .9 5 We have made two lots of Men’s hats —good popular line for spring wear. You will never huy at such a low price again. They are out on the counter Serve yourself. One lo t o f a ll w ool Blazers— several styles and colors. Values up to $8.50. Starched Collars 14c 3 for 4 0 c Buy while you can at this price which Men’s Trench Coats $ 6 .9 0 Is a fraction of the actual wholesale value. Many people have these laund­ ered In the soft finish making a good collar for hot weather. W ater proof, w ind proof, w ell made garments, lig h t tan color, practical fo r all seasons. C oat’s Em broidery T hread 2c Boys sweaters $ 1 .3 9 One lo t )f Boys’ novelty pattern, coat st 'le Sweaters in lig h t shades. ■ One lot o f Coats’ W'ell knowTn colored E m broidery Threads in .•keina. (■M- SW' H B H