I THURSDAY. ,MARCH 7, l»2» THE SPRINGFIELD NEWR PAGE THREE PARTY CELEBRATES FOUR BOYS PASS SCOUT SMALL FIRE BREAKS 83RD ANNIVERSARY TESTS ON SUNDAY HIKE IN LOCAL RESIDENCE TOWN AND VICINITY i A. It. G illette, u civil war veteran of Four boya, three of thorn boy scouts ; Halaey, hale and hearty, and »till bn.. and one a visitor on the hike, pa»»ed bued with the »plrtt of livin g and do­ hoy »rout tc-.t» last Saturday during ing, celebrated hie «3rd birthday at u a hike nxade by Troop No. 12 of the party given at the home of hl» nephew local boy scouts up to the top of Baldy Hurry G illette, of thia city, last Frl mountain. The hikers w ent up to the day night. top on this side and cam e back by Three of those present, Adlle Oll- the caves. The boys to pass the test lette, 7«, Albert G illette, 80. and A D. w ere: Donald Hawk, Wllford Bwlnd- G illette, 83, »pan a total of nearly all, Clayton Jones, all boy scouts and tw o centuries and half and all three Arland Schantol not a boy scout who m I I I I ,a r ,y the vital »park of Ilf.- J alao took the test. and energy A xoelal tim e nvax had I Her« from Dexter— Alfred llutlxr o f R e p le te r a t H o te l— A. J McQueln, Di<*ter, »pent Hu I unlay In thin city I o f Heil o r. and Mrs K. J. Neal, of ! Portland and Karl BrlxK«, O. T ullía, Qoee to Portland— W illiam lt n- boUKh made u trip to l*ortland laxt and K H ardesty all of Marcóla, were registered at the Hprlngfleld hotel dur Week-end. I lag the week end. New Sew Piter Arrive«—John Koehn To Work for 8. P. Company— Frank .t h e new xnw Died at the »noth Kelly Schneider, of Portland, ,wt»o has come mil arrived In ihe city Munday. to take thn place of N. C. Chrlxterixon Confined to Home— Clifford Wllxnn ae caahler at the local Southern P aci­ baa been cnnflneil to hie home durlnx fic atatloa arrived laxt Sunday and which wax followed by refreshm ent». th e week with the m easles. started In work Monday. H e re fro m W .n d lln » -M r s Ray Vlelte W ith R elatlpee— Mrx C. O. W ilson, who has bean blaltlng In Salem with relative» returned here last Saturday Mr. W ilson went to Leave« for Loe A ngelee— Mr« Molly Salem Saturday and returned with UH1I«,nx left last Saturday for Ix>a Mra. Wlleon Angelea where ehe will join her hue band. National Guard Prom otions—Corpar Cook was a Saturday vlaltor In Hprlng field from W endling al Ell Miller of the local national guard Home with W ife— Roy Taylor, who has been promoted to xergeant and work« at Aleeat has been spending I private 1st class. Richard Harpole, the week end with hlx wife In this city has been promoted to corporal. at the home of Mr. and Mr» Dtbblee 8. P. Em ploys Leaves— N C. Christ- Vlalle In M e d fo rd — M r« . A It Van enson, has been the caxhler nt Yalaah went to Medford Saturday to I the local Southern Pacific «tallen will vtelt iwlth hr. and Mrs R Van leave this week for W ashington, lie Valrah of that place. hax resigned hlx position with the railroad company. T o W o r k After lllnaee— A R| Ren "eney. who hax been III with the flu In s ta lls M a c h in e — I) r E u g e n e K ,-e | for the paat week returned to work n ler hax this week Inxlalled a new couple of day» ago at hie blacksm ith Myoxtut m achine, which lx a glavanlc ehop, or electric tnm hlne uxed for the treat­ Aualllary-Leglen to Pete S e o u l» — ment of chronic Inflnmatory condi­ The Auxiliary and l-egton will Join In tion« o f the joint« and the muscle». P t'ln x a feed and entertainm ent to M o v e to 8prlngfleld— Mr. and Mrx Tnm p 12 ,,f , he |„ ra , (K)y <>n Pern Crow, of Ixirane, moved to March 29 I Hprlngfleld the flrxt of the week where R e c o v e r in g fro m O p e r a tio n — W A ! they have taken up their residence al I.am bert, who wtix operated on at the Ih e D o n n e house on 10th and C xtre-ts. Eugene hospital Monday Is reported Mr. Crow will go to work with hlx brother-in-law Willlx Bertarh al the to he doing nicely. Springfield T ransfer company. Motor to Lancaster— Mr and Mrx Cocoanut Prom A cross the S ea —A Marlon Adam« and Mrx Rurah Adama motored Io Lancaster Munday and huge cocoanut from n curio «hop In spent Ihe dny there. one o f those strange and unspellable places In Ihe Hawaiian Islands wax Her« from Portland— Ruben Smith. presented ax a gift from Mrs F O <>t lAirllnd, sp en t Munday In town Crewel. Who Ix nn a trip to Honolulu visitin g with Mr. and Mrx. Trubert to Mr. and Mrs John Keteta o f this Hen demon. ( city laxt Monday. Spading Porks S1.2S $1.65 $1.90 1 1 ( 70c, $ 1.00, $1.15 Raken ........... 70c, $ 1 .1 5 , $ 1.40 Cultivators $4.5 0 Planet, Jr., Seeder and Cultivator ..... ..... $21.50 No. 4, Same as above, with 1 wheel. Cultivator, $ 1 8.00 MORTENSEN HOME A gift show er was given by friends of Dr. and Mrs. R P. Mortensen at their home here last Thursday n ig h t The evening was spent In playing gam es followed by refreshm ents. „ t fT esen t at the show er w ere the M essrs, and M esdames, M. B. Hnntly, W A. Taylor, Merle C asteel, Charles Jordan, W. I. H ouse. E. E. Pyne, A. C. Peddlcord. C. W Yarnell, A. J r, - . — - Schnetzky. R P Mortensen and Miss Mm Wm" n ^ n W o rth y Conductor H onored A luncheon wax given at the home of Mrs. C. 0 . W ilson on Emerald H eights Tuesday noon In honor of Mrs. W hite * the wortjiy condtie- ----- ->■« s grand r .n x w oryiy conauc- tor of the Eastern Star who was here V en- Hprlngfleld lodge Purchased at a Big Sacrifice in Price Enables Us to Save You D o llar* Everything M ust EXTRA SPECIALS! Friday-Saturday V •»AS W&ffiust clearthedecks TO THE FIRST 50 CUSTOM­ ERS EACH DAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. MAKING A PURCHASE OF $1.00 OR OVER WE ARE GOING TO MAKE A PRESENT OF A VALUABLE GIFT. SEE SAM­ PLES OF MERCHANDISE DISPLAYED IN OUR W IN­ DOWS. COME EARLY GET A Package Free! A Complete Close of all Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishings and Notions — and it must be done in hurry. We need the money to put in men’s wear that we are going to feature in this store. Closing Out McCall Patterns All of these Patterns are New and Late designs and they all go at ’/ 2 PRICE Imitation Alligator Ladies' Rain Coats, $10.75 Values. Closing Out P ric e ......... ..... ...................... S 5 7*5 Laureue Face Powder, 75c value. Closing Out Sale ’ 1>rk‘e ..................................... ............ 59 c Bulk Perfume, Values up to $1.50 per Ounce. Closing Out ............................ 65c 0z. Men's Work Socks, Black, Grey and and Tan, Slae P ric e ................... ......_..... ..... ..... . Men’s Colored Handkerchiefs, Blue and Red, Sale P ric e ......................... ...... .................. Men’s Work Shirts, Heavy Blue Chambray Sale Price ................................................ gg 3G Inch Duretta Cloth, 39c value. Closing Out »■_ q Sa,e Prlce................... ........ ............26c Yd. Toilet Water, 50c Value, Closing Out P ric e ........... 39 c Dress Ginghams, 25c Value, Plain, Stripes, andC heckl Closing Out Price ______ ________ __ ________ 18 C Rayons, 49c and 69c Values, Figured and Plain. Closing Out Price ................................. ................ 3 £ C and 4gc Silk Crepe, 98c Value. Good Patterns, Closing Out P ric e _____________ __ __ ___ ____ 69 C Jacquard Canton, 69c Value, Comes in Orchid, Cream, Pink, and Blue. Closing Out P ric e ......................... ........ 4 7 C All Silk Crepe DeChine, $1.89 Value. Big Range of Colore. Closing Out P ric e ............. ......... ............. ............ 3 j 25 Table Oil Cloth. 40c Value, Closing Out Sale Price, .... ¿9 c Brassieres, 79c Value, Closing Out P ric e .................. 59 C Brassieres, 29c Value, Closing Out P ric e __ ____ 19c Ladies’ Crepe Bloomers, 75c Values, Closing Out Sale Price _________ ______ ___ ____ ____ 55c Ladies' Silk Hose, $1.50 Value. Forem make, All the Wanted Colors. Closing Out P r ic e ................................. <£ J q q Children's Hosiery, All Colors, 25c to 35c Values, Closing Out Sale P ric e ...... .......... .................. ....... 19c Children’s Barenee Hose, Plain and Fancy Colors. Sells Regular at 59c. Closing Out Sale P ric e ................... 3 9 C Curtain Materials, 36 inches Wide. Ecru, White and Fancy Patterns, 30c Value, Closing Out Price ...___ ____ 19c Kirsch Curtain Rods, 45c Value, Guaranteed not to sag, Tarnish or Rust, Closing Out P ric e ................... . 25c Silk Crepe Dress Goods, 79c Value. Good Range of Colors. Closing Out Price ...................................... ......... . $3^ Bearnette Satins. 95c Values, Come in Green, Blue and Pink, Colslng Out P r ic e ......................... ................. 69 C Children’s Play Suits, Kute Kut. $1.39 Values Closing Out P ric e ------- ----------------- ------ --------- 89 C Talcum Powder, 25c Value. Closing Out P ric e ..... 15c White Indian Head, 361 nch Wide, Regular 35c Seller, Closing Out Sale P ric e ................................. ............ 27c L. L. Unbleached Muslin, 15c Value, Closing Out P ric e ............................. ......... ......... __ 5 ’/aC White Underwear, Check, Regular 59c value. Closing Out Price ................................. ..... ......... .... 39 C Ladles’ Combinations Suits, Bodice Top, Knee Length Regular 50c Values Closing Out Price ........... 39C Children’s Black Sateen Bloomers, Regular Price 50c Closing Out Price ................................. .................. 39 C One Lot Ladies’ Cloth Gloves. The Stetson make. Regular $1.00 value. Closing Out Price ............................. 69 C Plush Crepe Paper, all colors. Successor to Closing Out P ric e .............................................2 for 15c Solsette, 69e Velue, Comes In all the Wanted Shades. Closing Out Price ................................. ............... 39c Clingless Ponsree, ROe value. Colors, Green, Orchid Yellow 4th and Main St., Springfield Pink nnd Tan, Closing Out P ric e ......................... 3 J C Kennett’s INMAN’S iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiii The customer looked gloomy in­ deed. ? ”' Among Mrs. I. E ndl-, those present at the dinner were ’ Edwards, and M aster Joel those holding the higher offices In the J u 8t. Louis, Mar. 7 (A C )— One of the most am using stories arising front Prohibition Is that of the custom er In a speakeasy who ate thirteen sand« w iches In an effort to keep his friend, W alter Bernwell, the bartender, front arrest. A Prohibition agent, seein g the patron putting »2 on the counter, asked what he was buying wth It. ’Sandw iches.” he said. ’Two dollars worth of sandw iches?* asked the a g e n t Incredulous. "That's right,” the custom er said, "Pkn hungry.” The bartender plied up sandw iches on the bar, and the patron managed to eat thirteen. But anyw ay the Pro­ hibition agent produced a search war* rant, seized a quantity of liquor and arrested the bartended. A Complete Close Out of Inmans Dry Goods Stock , Spading Shovels SHOWER HELD AT BOY SCOUTS ENTER PLANES IN CONTEST Enroute to Colorado— Mrs. Harriet Auxman of Blue River, Is spending the Eight planes are on display In the week at the home of Mrs. C. I. Oor- window o f Ketela Drug Htore to mark rle before going to F*ueblo, Colorado, en trants In the boy scout airplane where she will visit with her sister. con test which has been sponsored by Mrs. N ellie Phillips. John K etels. T he rules of the contest are that In au g u ral Address B roadcasted — any member of either of the boy Pupil« at the Rrattaln school through scout troops In Mprlngfleld may enter the courtesy o f Wm Rh.xlenbough and the member making the best who Installed radio fa cilities at the plane wdll win a kodak, the second school Monday, were able to hear the best will win a fountain pen and the Inaugural address of President third will win a watch. T he Judges Hoover All grades of the school In the contest which will close next listened to the address. Munday have not yet been announced Breaks Arm— The little J year old R eturn to Medford— Mr. and Mra Joy W alker who have been spending • i.inghi.-r ,.r Mr „od Mm. Warren playing ut Ih,- homo I the week «ml ,i, home of Mr and 111;' " ■ " ' Mix W. F W alker returned home last of her parents nt Jasper fell and broke Saturday. her arm She wax brought to a local phyxlclan and the arm wax xet and Here from Portland— Mr. and Mrs then she wax taken hack to her par Roy W hite, of Portland, nnd Mr and ent's home. Mrx C. W. Martin and two children, Alm ost Get There— Mr. and Mrx. G of Turner. Oregon, are visitin g at the home of Mr. and Mrx. W. A. lownhert. H Turner alm ost ma le It to Tillamook I laxt Munday when they motored down H e r e from W endling— Ray Baker, that ¡way. T hey left here with hall o f W endling. wax In town Mnturday. good Intentions of m aking the trip Mr. n,iker works al one of the logging through, hut the fieldx were so green cnmpx in that section. Henry Carter, and (he scen ery xo Inviting on the nJxo of W endling. wax In town Satur­ way that before they knew It the day day. wax p assing and by the tim e they had reached within 18 m iles of that city Accident Victim Back to Work— the dny had flown and they decided Hugh JoUlff, who som e tim e ago they must be relu m in g home. Al­ sev erely Incerated one of his Angers though they did not succeed In reach­ In an accident with nn em ery ¡wheel ing the goal of their Journey, they re­ nt the Parker nnd Balor garage, has port n delightful trip with excellen t returned to work at that place this roads and exhlllrating spring-like scen ­ week. ery. X Spring Needs for the Garden A sm all fire broke out at the real dence of Mrs. Crritran on K e„ey boule­ vard last Sunday, but by the tim e Jexxe Hmltson with Ihe local Are truck arrived on the scene, the fire had been m ostly extinguished by a h astily sum monsd bucket brigade The first sup­ posedly was started from a chim ney spark. G iant A p petite P alls to Save B a rte n d e r 1000 Yards of the Very Latest Spring Dress Material to select from at prices t h a t s h o u l d interest everyone. Remember its a Complete Close Out of all Dry Goods and it must be done in a Hurry! KENNETTS