T ry the H o m e P r in t S hop F ira t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW K N TY -8IX TII YKAIt NELSON Ï0 EXPAND BIG POULTRY FARM "The People's Pipar" A LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 7, 1929 SPRINGFIELD COGSWELL HILL ROAD BIDS TO BE SUBMITTED TOMORROW S.H.S. BASKET SEASON ENDS PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS LANE CO. SALARY BILL TEXT SUNDAY SERMON MADE LAW; EDUCATION AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH BOARD NAMED BY GOV. no SELL 0 0 ! STQHE The Lane county court has called Local Boy» Defeat Pleasant Hill j President Hoover’s Inaugural ad­ The I-ane county salary bill which for bills today for the consturctlon of dress will be the text of Rev 8. B. provides for substantial Increases In In the Last Game of fences on the «Idea of the right of way Childers sermon at the Christian the salarie» ot Lane county officials 15 Acres of Land Across Road for the new stretch of road to be built Series church next Sunday. The sermon will waH H||tned by the governor last week. Firm Plans to Concentrate on From White Leghorn Farm is between here und Cogswell Hill, and In the final game of one of the most comm‘'ne« al 11 °'c,O( k A duet According to the provisions of the bill Women's Wear and Drygoods Bought by Poultryman; Will | ,r,n*flpM »"<1 »«»«• Spring the porposed new highway down the Five Portland men, one man from selectivity and elimination which af­ made for surfacing approximately l fle,d h“" <’* ’PP*d I» « <«mes to Eu Ing the field because of dissatisfaction easy side of the valley. Represent a- , Medford, one from Canyon City, one with the volume of business or the fects a high standard of poultry. He five m iles of It j *pne hl*«. «-™>ng the best In the county, roads. The measure. Introduced by time during the sale of a buyer should has so Increased that Mr. Nelson has Mtween thr ral|road company and the 1 H r,TP" Springfield second place tn that day. Charles Poole. Inca, member of the Representative Edwin Potter and found It Imperative to greatly Increase bl„bwar department The proposed ,hp d,",r’c‘- While Eugene high has hanpen along. Mr. Kafourv states. He association and A. J. Perkins repres- Emmett Howard, both of Eugene, his flock and he plans on practically ro, d „„ pln(M, a)nnK fb„ | lost only one of Its scheduled games, savs he would much prefer to leave doubling them bringing the number that at places It ha- been found nee- “ h"" dr"W’“d several played outsWe entatlve of the local chamber of com- geeks to use certain general fund r e -! Snrinirfeld\rtth t h 7 r t « ^ t e t h « t a r t » Thl" -«rellent hoop re- merre win «ttpnd tbp cetpts for the purpose of oiling roads rBpabIe owner wbo would of poultry to 2500 cockerels and hens es.arv to ask the rlalroad company to , of ,h* ln Lane county. It Is proposed that ukp parP of tbp trade wb,pb b„ baen move hack in order to allow room for I cord for ,bp «Pam completes a 1 p D lu r iP .I C the money will come from a fund i POfn,ne. thlg location fOr the past the hlghwsv to pass It will he shown "Pr,,>" nt for football, b ase- , SCHOOL PRINCIPALS RECORD ATTENDANCE which Is being Increased annually by thirty year«, hv the l4,ne co,intv delegation that a ba" *nd bn"kp,hn" throughout the ARE RE-APPOINTED AT MARKS INSPECTION OF the government In lieu of taxes upon j past athletic year totaling 2« victories ( MEETING OF BOARD great snvlng can he made hy complet- | land emhraced In the Oregon-Callfor- ^ p -y^ i^ r^ iQ -y OHURCH TO NATIONAL GUARD UNIT Ing construction of thl* section this out of 30 games played. The record , ■ ■ — nia land grant. made by the Springfield basketball At a meeting of the school board year. If the stretch Is not completed, t HAVE SUNDAY SERVICE Approximately 75 persons witnessed I considerable money must he spent op team this year gives them a good held this week the present principals the annual Inspection of the head- ' P a rty H eld fo r Christensons “The Great Companion” will be the the old bridges which being only tem chance to make league A next season of the three local schools were re- quarters company 1st Battalion, 182nd porary will In the long run be wasted | A surprise party was held last night ln » P i l l a r situation this ■ appointed. Those appointed were: A. . . , __ . topic of Rev. C. J. Pike’s sermon at Infantry of the locul Natulonal guard year In that Springfield was too small J Morgan principal of the high school, at the home of Mrs Emma Olson Methodist church Sunday morning, money last Thursday night at the armory i for the team to be eligible for A lea Mrs Ora Reed Hemenway. principal honoring Mr. and Mrs. N. Christenson The cholr gongi "By Christ Ro­ here. C. A. Swart*, 1st Lieutenant of I gue and too large for them, to be of the Brattaln school and Laurence | who are leaving this week for Wash- ! by Berwald. Sunday school the company expressed himself as | COLLIER TO SPEAK AT eligible for B league. j Moffitt principal of the Lincoln , ington. Card» and refreshments were 1 wil meet at 9:45 and Junior church at pleased with the turnout. ¡features of the evening. Present were: 11 o’clock. TEACHERS INSTITUTE Coach Leonard Mayfield Is very [ school. ;1 much pleased by the record made by j Other routine business was taken Messrs and Mesdames Carl Olson, Major A. M Jones, of the 7th In­ Epworth League win meet at 8:3# A D Collier, director of the < H j hJg hfW)p squft(, an<1 up at the meeting. Members of the i Riley Snodgrass. Wm. Curtis. George fantry Vnncouvor barracks, iwns the and evening worship at 7:30 by Rev. Inspecting officer and the review In­ clubs In the county, will speak before . (nd|vWlla|ir and holds very little dis board Include; Roy Carleton, D. S. , Prochnow. D. Horton, Mr. and Mrs Pike, the topic being. “Expectant cluded Inspection of the men In full the teachers Institute to he held In crimination between the players. Beal, W. H. Pollard and the clerk Is Ernest, Mrs. Jacobson and Miss C hristians.” E vening sp ecia l m usic Jacobson The group at the party i , , , bp fcy fhe mlxe° played outstanding ball and were were Southern Pacific employers. Mr. jiwb)ch ,nclud(M JoIe p o , , ^ Mrg. Seriously III—Mrs. Olive Latin Is ( Christenson, who has been In the em- Sherman Potter, William Pol’srrf and for Inspection, which was followed hy teachers. especially good at basket shonttng be­ Inspection of radio and telephone ‘ ITngrnms will he given by members ing second only to Deeds, who al­ serlously III at the home of her daugh- ploy of the company here, resigned Paul Potter. this week. equipment. The rating results of the I of the 4-H clubs over K. O. R E. nt though he held’ the position of guard ter, Mrs. Mabie Oott. Inspection will not be known until ’’«•"after every Monday night, was high point man for the season. VISITORS ATTEND MEET after the Major has completed his This Is In pursuance of a policy which F. Squires played a remarkably good OF LOCAL EASTERN STAR tour over this territory and tabulated h»" b«*en P'*"»''d '”«• < ” «“ game on the floor and was especially his comparative results. The local Corvallis will give reports of the week- good on the defense, while Roof at Mrs. Minnie Wolf White, worthy company turned out 100 per cent for sctlvttles which will be followed hy center made a record In out jumplng grand conductress of the Eastern Star musical and reading selections hy the review. all of his opponents nd getting most from Portland, paid a visit to the local members of the various 4 H clubs of the tip-offs. To this much credit Following are the men In tho local Cascade chapter No. 155 last Tuesday. flooring than almost any other soft This night will be called farm night ' cBn hp Klvpn ff)r T,ctop|ng; private 1st class i Wood Is desirable for house-build­ C. E. Kenyon. tice Wheeler he' ’ the highest, score short of the first team brand. county. grade VI, Willard N. Case, William G. Following tbp dinner a regular meet- ing because: In the state for «• 'g'ng poultry. As- Prospects for a iwlnntng team next Cox (fith class), Richard K Harpole, 1. It Is a natural insulator against o f ,hp S»»r ’”•’«’- soclnted with Pv - ’Ice In the Judging year are good with all of the old string , <> Horace A Hucklns (class 6) Alfred W h y Lane County Homes heat and cold. This gives it a great ; Pre’plrt fTon’ Rl,'rpnp wprp’ Worthy team were his tw-’ ’’rothers. Nohle and j back but Roof, center, who will grndu- C. Townsend; private grade 7. Alvin advantage over the mineral building Mrs. Basil Beck. Mrs. Fred Should Be Built of I,ester. The team also made the high ate and probably leave. This leaves F. Cantrell. Lester M. Knouse, Nor­ materials and assures greater com- ] Gerot. Mrs. Dorothv Post, and Mrs. Wood.” est score among the tenimn at the i four of the old men back with the George Monroe. There were also man Louk. John Lynch, James Man- fort the year round. advantage of several years of playing vtslTors from Creswell. waring, Verrel McFarland, Freixmen By MARGARET DYER 2. Wood has beautiful natural text- | together behind them. W hile McMur­ Squires, Bert T om selh « ln s s I ) I I on M M IT T F F Q TO Eighth Grade ures, grains, and figures. Its color Is ' ray and Deeds are both seniors, it Is smrd Tomselh. Eugene Walker, and RATE COMMITTEES TO I-nne county has between fifty-ft re varied and pleasing. It may be easily N E FniFC R A FT Ot UR TO probable they will both he In school Harry Wilson. There are 25 men In HOLD MEET TOMORROW next venr, coach Mayfield says. and sixty billion feet of standing tim­ stained or painted thus affording MEET THIS AFTERNOON the company, Baseball season starts next Monday, ber which Is more than any other much variety of appearance from a A m eeting of the committees for the so the Jerseys and swentshlrts will be place of its size in America. This The needlecraft club will meet this single specie. different chambers of commerce put aside for the baseball uniform and region rnnks first in the huge stse of CHRISTIAN CHURCH 3. Wood Is plentiful and inexper»- afternoon at the home of Mrs. John throughout the sections nffected by Its trees. These’ forests are capable sire, and capahto of perpetual replace- Henderer as guests of Mesdames John , FETE NEW MEMBERS J,' Intermediate rales" will he held In caps. Lineups for the Springfield-Pleasant of reproducing themeetves and are ment hy natural processes through the Henderer, W. N. Dow, and George A social tlm e’l T T b e given the 71 | tomorrow to hear the report 1 doing so except where unfavorable mysterious laboratory of the leaf, Carson. The meeting will be devoted Hill game follow: new members who Joined the locul , of Mr. Ellis, a Salem attorney who ha Springfield _ Pleasant Hill factors are at work. The lumber In­ wherein sunlight works Its miracles. to sewtog and refreshments will be .... ............ ■Christian church during the Ross | ^ e n employed hy the chambers to g , McMurray f C. Baxter dustry employes seventy-one thousand 4. Compared to other materials, served. m eetings at a gathering to be held In , d«ta on the matter, and to take up F Squtre8 f Kelsey people In Oregon atone and the pay­ houses o f wood cost less for they are D. Baxter c the Christian church next Friday night business related to the matter. Roof Weather Warm on Top roll exceeds thirty million dollars. easily and quickly constructed. The chamber of commerce repres- E sqhlres Dilley Southern Pacific conductors report K Douglas Fir, the most popular of all 5. W e must build our own homes of Mt 7 o'clock. entatlves m et several weeks ago In Wallace the soft woods. Is used for the exter wood hecanse our development and balmy weather ln the high cascades ff • The Friend's class Is In charge of Roseburg to discuss this problem. Springfield subs iwtpre Lynch and lor o f a house. It Is light yet stiff and payretts depend upon thta Industry. with trickling rivulets from the huge the program iwhlch will be as follows: 8. Recent storms point out the snow hanks. However the snow is »election by the girl’s quartet; a read- which deals with the differential In Potter. Subs for Pleasant Hill, Hills strong, easy to work and holds nails b , n l.d „ ."'b hr h' ’ .h" " " "" ' » and Stuts. well. It Is used for siding, porch floor­ superiority of lumber. The materials still deep enough on the summit, the ing, doors and a great many other offering the least resistance were, con­ latest report placing the depth at 68 1x)ulsa McDowell; a xylophone solo by pared to port to port rates as between Library Gets Donations—Mrs. Fred parts of the Interior as well as the crete block, terra cotta tile, cast stone, inches. Ted Lenhart; a violin solo by Edward San Frnnclsco Portland and Seattle. Tho Interstate commerce commis­ Hinson of Springfield and1 Mrs. Van exterior, tt Is unusually serviceable metal frame, and flimsy wood con- rtlaspy and a harmonica solo by B. O. sion will m eet In Portland on March Bosktrk of Eugene, hnve made liberal and durable for exterior exposures. MOORE BABY FUNERAL sturctlon. ’ Smith. Another of the softwood trees In the Short talks will he made during the 18 to take matters of rate adjustment. donations of hooks to the library rec­ Large numbers of tourists that vtsit HELD HERE TUESDAY ently. Mrs. Van Bosklrk donated a Western Red Cedar. This cedar Is our locality each year will be Impress, 'evening by the following; Rev. 8. E. 8. P. Man Return»—Cnrl Olson, set of 42 volumes from various authors used for shingles because It makes a cd by the vast number of beautiful •Childers. F. O. Moshler, W. A. Taylor, The funeral of Emanual Lewi» Southern Pnclflc agent here, who rec Including Shakespeare, Irvin S. Cobb. roof, weather resisting nnd unmatched homes we will have If they are made Moore, who died March 3, at the home and Ka'therlno llem enwny. ently went east to Kansas, returned Henry Van Dyke, J. M. Barrfe and for Its durbnlllty and beauty. These of wood. After learning of the many of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl The books were slightly shingles may he stnlned In various advantages wooden structures have Moore, in Eugene, was held from the Has Birthday Party— Little Echo Tuesday. TTe wns accompanied on others. smoked nnd stnlned from water from colors making nn attractive roofing. they will build their own homes of Walker-Poole chapel here Tuesday his return by Mrs. Olson, who loft Bailey, small daughter of Mrs. Vlvlnn Bnlloy, entertnlned her little friends hero around the first of the yenr and tho efforts of a fire In which they had Cellar is also used for siding because wood. afternoon, with Rev. J. C. Pike offici­ at a birthday party Inst Saturday has been visiting relatives In the mid recently been. The hooks donated by It, Is even textured, uniform, and long The residents of Lane county should ating. Interment was held In the western states since. Mr. Olson re­ Mrs. Hinson consisted of 10 attractive lasting. build their homes of wood because w p Laurel Hill cemetery. afternoon. rod-hound volumes of "The World’s ports plensant weather In Kansas. W est Coast Hemlock Is also a popu­ have so much timber and so many Besides the parents of the Infant 100 Best Short Stories" complete. lar wood. Tt Is uniform ln texture, mills that we must have some market two brothers survive, Lyle and Harold. Builds O v e r F o r d — Lawrence Tlnppy" Anderson has built over a Standard Bearers Meet—The Stand non-reslnons, nnd tough yet It works for this lumber. This would Increase Ford car ho recently purchased Into a J ard Bearers, of the Methodist church, Mayor Departs — Mayor C. O. easily nnd has a beautiful grain. It Is the production of lumber and that Up After Sick Spell—D. B. SaltB- delivery car. Mr. Anderson la the , met yesterday afternoon for n hual-, Wilson, entrained for San Francisco free from shake and Is not brash and would give employemnt to more peo­ man made a trip down town yesterday proprietor of the Sorlvce Cleaners. j noss and social meeting. yestorday. splintery. It ts a hardar wood for ple. after a two week’s Illness. “W hy Lane County Homes Should Be Built of W ood”